The Hood Way

By NlmbNeek

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Real gutta bitches real plugs and connections. ๐Ÿ”Œ ๐ŸคŸ๐Ÿฝ More



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By NlmbNeek

When I woke up my feet was hurting so bad from all that dancing. I had to get ready to get my day started, cause daddy said to Meet him at the trap. Boy he working our ass already.

When we pulled up the the trap it was quiet as usual. When I got out the car I heard a something. Sounded like somebody stepping on a branch or just walking through the woods type shit. Untun this is not that. I put my hand on my gun ready to let some shit off.

"You hear that.?" I whispered to Dana, somewhat looking around. "Hear what bitch?" She said loud as fuck. "Shhh." I said rolling my eyes. She dumb I'm obviously whispering for a reason. I don't want whoever it is to know that we onto them if this is even what I think it is. Somebody ran from behind all the trees and started shooting at us. Dana tried to shoot back but I pulled her down to the ground with me behind the car. "Ight now start shooting." I said.

We couldn't tell who it was at all or if they was even a boy or girl because it was so many bushes.

They ran away so we ran into the trap. "What the fuck y'all ain't hear muthafuckas out there shooting at us." I said mad as fuck. It was so many people in here, including my people's and not one muhthafucka came out there to see what was going on.

"That was the final test. You passed it baby." Carlos said giving me a kiss. "Test? We did our final test last night." I said confused. "You thought you did sweetie. We couldn't tell you about it cause we have to see if youre always prepared and ready." My dad said. I nodded my head taking in what they was saying.

"Well somebody owe me some money cause I'm out of breath." Dana said making me laugh. She was so serious. My dad handed us some money and i put it in my purse.

"Ight is that all we was here for?" Dana asked. She be ready to get up through. "No not at all. Y'all got a mission." My daddy said. "What type of mission?" I asked. "It's simple. I'm sure y'all know Beno aka Benjamin because he goes to y'all school. I just need one of y'all to get him to meet up somewhere tomorrow night and it's done." My dad said. I like these type if missions. They're so simple considering the fact that niggas nowadays are so thirsty.

"Welp dana theres a mission for you. The whole school know about mr and Carlos." I said. It was true. Everybody knew that me and Carlos belonged yo each other. Damn near the whole school ship us. They be posting us on them pages and shit. We even got posted on theshaderoomteens before, because of Carlos of course. Everybody know his ass.

Dana rolled her eyes and signed. "Ugghh that boy get on my nerves. Something off bout that nigga." She said. "It's a 20k pay considering what we'll receive once we have him." My dad said. Dana mood changed up real quick. "Ight period." Dana said fast as hell.

**The next day**

Dana pov

It's fourth period and I still can't find this nigga to try to talk to him. I know I will see him 7th period because we got the same lunch and 8th because we share that class but I'm just trying to get this shit over with. That nigga a drug dealer as he says but he sure do remind me of that nigga radio off that one movie.

I went to fourth period and just sat there because we was learning precalculus and i had already learned the subject we was on back in Dayton.

"Dana." I heard somebody call my name. I ignored them because I didn't recognize there voice and I knew facts I didn't know that many people in this school, especially not in this period. "DANA." The person yelled. "What?" I snapped turning behind me to see this lil ugly boy. "Can I get yo number?" He asked. I raised my eye brow at him. The fuck. "First of all how do you even know my name." I said weirded the fuck out.

"Why wouldn't I know my future wife name." He said. I looked at him like he was stupid. Literally. "Boy gone with all that weird ass shit." I said turning back around to my desk. This is most definitely not that. That's why I hate going to new schools muthafuckas always trying to be extra friendly. "Can I get yo number or what?" He asked. I turned around and smirked. "Nah I'm trying to fuck with Beno." I said playing it off. I knew that everybody was listening somebody was gonna go back and tell him what I said and that's exactly what I wanted. "ight bet bitch." Dude said. I snapped my neck real quick.

"Watch yo mouth before I shoot you in yo face." I said. "Girl bye you flexing hard as hell. You don't even own a gun." He said. I laughed and turned towards him lifting my shirt up showing my Nina. "Like I said watch yo mouth." I said turning back around popping in my head phones. These muthafuckas might not know about me yet but they will soon.

After a couple more minutes the bell rung. I was just walking around in the hallway the whole time looking for Vonnie or somebody but I couldn't find none of them. The 2nd bell went off signaling that I was late for class. I didn't give a fuck tho. " Aye." I heard somebody yell. I turned around to see Beno. I smiled. Geeking ass boy.

"Wassup?" I asked. "I heard you was trying to fuck with me." He said. "I might be " I said giving him that look that every nigga would die for. "Shit then wassup with it Shord." He said. "What you doing today?" I asked him. "Shit probably go by pops trap to check on some shit. Nothing major. Why wassup?" He asked. That's why niggas be getting robbed and killed. Always trying to tell about what they do.

"You trying to go to that drive in later?" I asked. "yeah fasho. What they playing?" He asked. "The new men in Black." I said. "Fasho." He replied. We exchanged numbers and then I went to the gym because I knew the teacher wasn't gonna let me in.

**Later on that night

We was sitting at the movie and this nigga just keeps on talking. "So what u wanna be when u older?" He asked. " My own type of Entrepreneur." I smirked. "Period that sounds good." He said. I just nodded focusing back on the movie. This movie need to hurry up and be over so I can get the fuck away from his annoying black, Jo from Madea looking ass.

After what seemed like forever the movie was finally over. I was happy as fuck. I don't like these type of missions if it's gonna have annoying niggas like him.

I was currently walking him back to his car, because I wanted to watch the movie In my brand new infinity. "So when can we go on another date?" He asked just as somebody came up and put a bag over his head. I started screaming to play it off. "Get off of him. " I said over and over again. "Please let him go. Who are y'all." I continues to scream.

To play it off even more, D put a bag over my head too. I started kicking and screaming. "Let me go." I yelled. "Yo let her go. Y'all can take me but let her go bruh she ain't got nothing to do with this type of business." He said. Little did he know....

This chapter short but that's because I already have 19 planned meaning that it might be done by tonight or tomorrow so yeah.


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