I Dare You To Reject Me Mr Al...

By readingeclipse

214K 6.5K 752

After Casey Hugh's parents were brutally murdered by her own pack, she's had trust issues. She's been on the... More

I Dare You To Reject Me Mr. Alpha
Chapter 2:- Run
chapter 3:- Siblings
Chapter 4:- The wake up call
Chapter 5:- Do you have Cooties?
Chapter 6 Rude To Intrude
Chapter 8 Territory
Chapter 9 Red Fire Pack
Chapter 10 Prophecy
Chapter 11- Treaties And Connections
Chapter 12- The Silent Treatment
Chapter 13- Alone
Chapter 14:- Hot & Flustered
Chapter 15:- Disagreement
Chapter 16:- Possessive Jerk
Chapter 17:- Secrets
Chapter 18: Leaving
Chapter 19: Heat
Chapter 20: Instincts
Chapter 21: Selfish
Chapter 22: Traitor
Chapter 23:- Bipolar Couple
Chapter 24:- Escape
April 26th
Chapter 25:- Suspicion
Chapter 26- Transition
Chapter 27- Silver
Chapter 28- Transparency
Chapter 29- Sunflowers And Roses
Chapter 30- Remember
Chapter 31- Mate?
Chapter 32- She's Following Us
Chapter 33- Betrayal

Chapter 7 Caketastrophy

8.5K 254 22
By readingeclipse

Chapter 7:-



"Hello?" Josh's gruff voice spoke on the other side of the phone.

"What do you want?" I asked rather rudely, I could hear him clear his throat on the other side of the phone which he only did when he was nervous.

"Casey please, give the poor guy a chance" Josh said to me and I scowled at the phone.

"You know fine well why I can't Josh, I can't let anyone get hurt" I yelled at him, as the room door creaked open slightly and Colton walked in.

"Can't I get a little privacy?' I growled at Colton, but he ignored me and leaned against the wall.

"Why won't you leave?" I asked him raising an eyebrow, as I surveyed his reaction. He only shrugged and folded his arms around his chest.

"Casey your mate is willing to do anything for you. I know Colton would protect you with his life" Josh said and I sighed loudly, hoping Colton hadn't heard what Josh said.

"That's the thing, I don't want anyone to protect me with there life, I'm already in debt to my parents for doing it" I whisper yelled so Colton couldn't hear me.

He obviously could, because of his werewolf hearing, but I could see he was pretending to act oblivious to our conversation.

"Colton, why can't you leave for 5 minutes" I asked sweetly, but he shook his head.

"What ever you have to say, you can say it in front of me. I already don't like the fact, that your speaking to another man" he boomed, using his alpha tone.

Although I winced a little at the way he spoke to me, I played it cool and just scowled at him.

"He's basically my brother Colton, and he's found his mate, so nothing is going on between us" I said harshly as Colton sighed with exasperation.

"If he's your brother you wouldn't require privacy, you can say it while I hear it" he said giving me a loop sided smile and leaning against the wall.

I huffed out a breath, not knowing how to counter his argument.

"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes at him and tending back to the phone call.

"What were you sa-" I was cut off by the memory of the cakes still being in the oven.

"Oh shit!" I yelled into the phone as Josh's panicked voice replied with a

'What Happened?'

"I forgot to take the cakes out the oven" I yelled to him.

"But I've not done speaking to you" Josh muttered on the other side of the phone.

"I will call you back I promise, I just don't want Conner to get disappointed" I said.

"Who's Conner?" Josh asked skeptically, instead of answering I put the phone down and ran towards the kitchen to quickly take the cakes out of the oven.

Please don't be burnt.

Please don't be burnt.

Please don't be burnt.

I could hear Colton following at a steady pace behind me, his long strides were no match for my short ones.

I stood at a measly height of 5'3 almost 5'4 may I add. Whereas Colton towered in front of me at 6'2.

Why am I thinking about height, when there is a current caketrastrophy in my hands.

I began to rush into the kitchen and quickly put some oven mitts on my hands, dragging the cakes out the oven.

I looked at them, my expression defeated as the once soft, fluffy cakes, were now ash black.

"Conners going to be so disappointed" I muttered more to myself as Colton gave me a loop sided smile.

"You really think this is funny?" I asked Colton angrily.

"I'm going to have a disappointed 7 year old to deal with!" I grumbled, throwing the cakes in the bin.

I took the mitts off my hands and put them on the work top. I felt guilty to say the least.

Especially since Conner was so excited for these cakes.

"Calm down, I will just get someone to run down to the store and buy some. Conner won't even know the difference" Colton said walking towards me as I frowned at him.

"Look, he will know the difference because-" I was cut off by the sound of Conners voice down the hall.

"Luna, are the cakes done?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Conner I'm so-" I began but Colton cut in.

Is it interrupt Casey day?

"Sorry little man, I ate them when Casey was speaking to her friend on the phone" his eyes went from happiness to a full on scowl.

"I hate you Alpha Colton" Conner mumbled under his breath, I probably wouldn't have been able to hear it if it wasn't for my wolf hearing.

"Tell you what, I will take you for ice cream and we can buy cakes on the way home" Colton said ruffling Conners hair in the process.

"Only if Luna goes too" Conner said fixing his hair.

Even though I hate to admit it, I found it sweet that Colton covered for me, also the fact that Conner wanted me to go with them.

This could be the perfect escape plan.

"I'm sorry Conner but I can't let Casey go, we could always bring ice cream and cakes back with us so she can have some too" he said as I scowled.

Well there goes that plan.

"That's fine with me" Conner yelled running up the stairs to grab his jacket.

Although I was slightly disappointed that I wasn't allowed to go with them and may never get to see the outside world again, a smile still lingered on my lips at seeing how happy Conner was.

"Thanks for not letting me go with you and Conner. I really appreciate your trust in me" I said to Colton sarcastically, as I walked into the living room and sat on the sofa.

He followed in after me and leaned against the door as I began flicking through the channels.

"You tried to run away this morning and you expect me to trust you" Colton said sarcastically, as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Whatever" I mumbled, still flicking through the channels.

I finally settled for Teen Wolf which may I add is kinda ironic, since I am a teen wolf.

"What if I run away when your away?" I asked Colton as he raised his eyebrow at me.

I don't know what initiated me to ask such a dumb question, but once it was out my mouth there was no way to bring it back.

"I'm going to appoint 2 of my most trusted wolfs, to take care of you" Colton said as I huffed out in exaggeration.

"I'm not a child, I can take care of myself" I said throwing a look of disgust at him.

"You sure act like a child" he said sending a smirk as I clenched my teeth together.

"Daniel, Aaron!" Colton yelled after I didn't reply to his comment.

Two wolfs sauntered into the room bowing lightly to Colton. One was a tall blonde, with bright green eyes and a strong jaw line, he looked to be around 2 maybe 3 years older than me. The other seemed slightly younger, he had blonde hair with dark brown streaks running through and his eyes were the darkest shade of brown.

They were both bulky, but not too bulky that they looked odd. They seemed to look around the same age too, but the smaller one may be a year or 2 younger.

"Yes alpha" they both said in unison.

"Go to my office, I need to speak to both of use" Colton ordered and they both bowed again and left the room.

He turned around towards me and smirked at me as though he had just won this argument between us.

Time to bring out the big guns.

"They were both really attractive, I wouldn't mind licking some Ice cream off them" I said, faking interest when actually I felt disgusted just by the thought of doing that.

They had nothing on Colton.

I looked towards him as the smirk that was once lingering on his lips had now disappeared.

He walked towards me, as I dug further into the sofa to protect myself from him. I knew he wouldn't hurt me.

He leaned right towards my face, his breath fanning my lips.

"You are mine!" he said.

I felt a mix of emotions when he said those words. My wolf was happy that he wouldn't ever leave me but I was slightly annoyed that he was acting as though I was his property.

"Get away from me" I muttered, my eyes were shut tightly from the small distance between us.

"First say your mine" he said to me and I shook my head.

Although he had me in a trance there was no way in hell I was going to say I was his.

"If you don't say it, I'm going to mark you without your consent, so you know who you belong to" he said again leaning closer as my eyes shut tighter.

"Oh shit" someone shouted from the doorway, breaking me and Colton from our trance.

I tried to push him off, but he was too strong. Instead he huffed in annoyance and moved away.

I twisted around to see Lola standing at the door, a bowl of popcorn tightly grasped in her hands.

"Did I disturb something?" she asked, as I scoffed.

Only your brother trying to force me to say I was his.

"Thank god your here Lola, I was just about to ask you to come and keep Casey company while I quickly go to my office" Colton said walking towards the door and completely disregarding Lola's previous question.

"No problem" she said walking into the room and giving me crooked smile.

She actually thinks I want to stay, Well she better think again.

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