My Older Brothers Best Friend...

By PiaraSpink

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DISCONTINUED !!!!!!! "I came here to lie to you. Tonight, you will hear the biggest lie I'll ever tell." Laur... More

000 - Important Notes
001 - Introduction
002 - The Realization
003 - Laurene Zvahl
004 - Sasha Martinez
005 - First Encounter With The Shadow Knights
006 - I'm Sorry, Laurence
007 - Friendship = Confusion
008 - Hide Your Weakness
009 - Suspension
011 - Just Like We Used To
012 - Laurence's Car
013 - Choice 1: Prom
013 - Choice 2 : The Arcade
014 - The Ride Home
015 - A Suspicious Meet Up
016 - Their Side
017 - Petty Drama
018 - What if it's the end?
019 - Mutual Feelings
020 - Never Sure
021 - Interrupted
022 - The Lie
024 - Her First

010 - Yesterday's Difference

264 28 3
By PiaraSpink

≫ ──── ≪•◦ Y/N'S POV ◦•≫ ──── ≪

"Did you really kick Gene's crotch?" Asks a curious voice.

I feel someone tapping my shoulder from behind.

I look behind and it's a girl with dark skin and brown hair. Her hair seems to have parts that are lighter or darker than the other parts.

I raise and eyebrow as she asks, "So did you?" She asks with her eyes glittering with excitement.

"Yes?" I answer confusingly.

"Nobody had ever stood up to Gene before! After what he did, I can't imagine someone being brave enough to defend themselves." She says in a serious yet impressed tone.

"You're Y/N Ro'Meave, right?" She asks.

"Yeah that's me." I say with a nervous chuckle.


She hands out a hand for me to shake. I shake it and she leaves.

Garroth gives me a playful punch.

"Looks like my baby sister's reputation is alright." He says with a smile.

"I told you things would work out." Laurence says putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Haha yeah I guess you were right, Laurence." I say.

"I have to go to class now. I have an important project with Dante." Garroth says walking away and waving at Laurence and I.

Laurence: I told ya things would work out if you just did something about it.

Y/N: And you were right. It's just that it was Garroth who did something.

Laurence: Which is why you have to start standing up for yourself. I'm not saying don't depend on Garroth, I'm just saying that there will be times where you have nobody to rely on. Take care of yourself, kay?

Y/N: Alright. I won't avoid my problems anymore. I'll stand up just like how I stood up to Gene.

Laurence: Now that's my girl, Y/N.

He says smiling as I feel my cheeks flush pink.

I walk to class and say my goodbyes.

Damn what a day! Laurence was right. Things did work out. Looks like nobody will bully me anymore. Looks like the rest of my freshman year will be safe.

It's like the stars are finally aligning and I'll have the high school life of my dreams. I'll meet the friends I'll keep for life, I'll pursue hobbies and activities for my future, and I'll have fun.

≫ ──── ≪•◦ TIME SKIP ◦•≫ ──── ≪

As Garroth drives us home, Zane, Vylad and I talk and laugh all throughout the ride.

Us siblings have been quiet and distant recently. But now that our problem with dad has been solved and Gene won't bother me anymore, the Ro'Meave's are back to how they're meant to be. Seeing my brothers smile again was refreshing. It's like a cold bath after a hot summer day.

I came to school expecting some pain. I did get pain but in the end, things turned out fine because I stood up for myself. If I let them hurt me even more then things could've turned out worse. I'm just glad it's all over now.

We arrive home and Garroth unlocks the door. As we enter our house, something feels wrong. There's no dad.

The house looks amazingly different. Our couch has been replaced with a bouncy leather one, the floor is clear of beer bottles and cigarette butts, and the light bulbs are new and bright.

"What the hell is this?" Zane says.

He runs to the kitchen and quickly comes back.

"There's no beer in the fridge." He says with shock.

I run to dad's room and knock. Nobody answers.

"Dad?" I call.

Still no answer.

I open the door and his room looks like a five-star hotel room. It's looks amazing! No empty beer bottles, no ashtrays everywhere, no clothes on the floor. It's like the president owns this room!

I run back to my brothers in the living room.

"Dad's room looks SO clean! It's like this isn't dad's house!" I exclaim.

"Maybe the caretaker arrived?" Garroth suggests.

"Let's check upstairs. Maybe our rooms have changed too." Vylad says.

We all go up stairs and check our room. Our rooms haven't been touched. But a woman was standing in Garroth's room.

She seemed about 27 years old. She has sparkling blue eyes and brown hair which was tied into a tight bun. She wore a white blouse with a brown pencil skirt and carried a black purse. She was on her phone probably texting judging the way her fingers were moving.

"Who the hell are you?" Zane asked.

The strange woman looks at Zane a little startled.

"Your caretaker." She smiled. "Lydia Park. Your dad hired me to be your new caretaker. He said he texted you. Did you get a message?"

Garroth checks his phone. Dad did leave him a message.

We all look at Garroth's phone, curious to see what dad said.

It read "garroth. i hired lydia paark . im working in vancover as a bartender. im abt 2 leave for my flight. she wont disciplin u or force u 2 do anything. she will just make sure u dont get hurt, you dont be dumb, you eat, go to school, help around the house, etc. she will stay @ my room btw. garroth i wont be there to support u i will just send her money to pay for ur stuff. since she wont dicsipline u, u will disciplin ur siblings okay. you better take care of them and make sure they dont get in trouble. see you this summer, garroth."

Vylad laughs. "I bet he was drunk when he wrote that." He jokes.

"No. He'd type like that even if he wasn't drunk." Garroth says laughing.

"Hah! He doesn't even bother to text "I love you kids" or something." Zane says.

"So what are you doing here Ms. Park?" Garroth asks.

"Oh please just call me Lydia. I was just looking at your rooms, exploring your house, getting to know the place even more." She says in a casual tone.

"Did you notice the lights?"

"Yes they really changed our houses aesthetic. Our house feels bigger and happier." I answer.

"So Lydia, what will you do while we're gone." Vylad asks.

"Clean your rooms, cook meals, do groceries, run errands, pretty much do what parents would do." She says.

"Now let's go downstairs. I'd like to get to know you kids. Another part of my job is making sure you guys are occupied and productive." She says.

We walk to the living room and sit on the couches.

Garroth sits next to Lydia while I sit in between Zane and Vylad.

Lydia: Please, introduce yourselves.

Garroth: I'm Garroth. I'm sixteen and uhhh I'm the eldest. I drive my siblings to school everyday, sometimes I cook for them when dad doesn't get us takeout, I do the groceries with them since it's fun, and uhhh I do alright in school. Nothing really interesting about me..heh.

Lydia: Well what about you?

Y/N: I'm Y/N. I'm turning 15 in a month. I'm Zane's twin sister and the youngest. I guess I do alright in school. I have a few friends. Yeah that's me."

Zane: Well I'm Zane. Turning 15 in a month too since obviously Y/N and I were born on the same day. I like video games...Not much to say sooooo Vylad.

Vylad: I'm Vylad. I'm the second oldest AND the smartest. Since our dad didn't hire a tutor, he makes me teach them since I do well in school. I enjoy Shakespeare, poetry, literature, that sort of stuff.

We talk about ourselves for a while. I have to admit, Lydia seems pretty boring. She called our little talk a "meeting" and acted so formal which made things awkward. I won't complain though since she's ten times better than dad. Maybe we can finally have a mom.

After our talk, I went to my room and put on something comfy. I walk outside and sit on the grass of our front yard. I stare into the sunset and think.

When I woke up this morning, I expected the worst. I expected to loose all my friends. I expected bullying from the Shadow Knights. I expected a scolding from our dad. I expected a horrible day of crying. Instead my life went through a big improvement. My friends were on my side, the Shadow Knights wont bother me, our dad is in Vancouver earning well, and instead of crying, I was smiling.

As I sat down on the bench in front of my house, I closed my eyes and put on my headphones. I listen to my favourite artists album and let the music take over my body.

I feel my headphones come off my head.

"How's my happy midget doing?"

≫ ──── ≪•◦ AUTHORS NOTE ◦•≫ ──── ≪

Yes the introductions part was cheesy and dumb and stupid but you can always change how it goes in your mind. forgive me for my dumb writing.

P.S: I know I published this a bit too early but I'm so excited to show you guys chapter 13 AGHHH you'll love it because it's adorable. Thanks bye

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