An Alian's Pet

By Mcat1124

230K 3.7K 390

human rule, human create and humans distroy. But what happends when Clover discovers shes not in control of h... More



8.7K 150 17
By Mcat1124

Clover POV

"Eren I just want to go home"
"I know but we have to stay strong"
"I don't want to live the rest of my life here"
"I know but everything with be ok"
"Ok Eren I......"
"What, what is it?"
"Eren" I said looking at him
"I just got my period"
"Shit we don't have anything we can use do we"
I started hearing footsteps down the hall and I clung to Eren for dear life.
"It's ok Clover"
The creature opens the door and starts walking toward us. It stoped and looked at me. I just looked back. I scooted back a little witch was a mistake. The creatures eyes widened in what looked like fear and I looked down. Shit there's a puddle of blood from my period. My face turned pure red and hid behind Eren. The creature hurried out of the room.

Carlo POV

I quickly grabbed the pets carrier box and headed back to the room. Shit what's wrong with sky. I herd that females can bleed but I what if somethings wrong. I walked back into the room and saw sky clinging onto Pinto.
Come here sky it's ok"
They both stared at me normally I would just watch them but nows not the time for that.
"Come here girl I'm not gonna hurt you" I reached out my hand and extending a finger to show I mean no harm. Pinto placed his hand on my finger to stop it from going any further. His small hand was so warm.
"See I'm not gonna hurt you" I then smile softly. Sky looks at Pinto then reaches her hand out to my finger. Her hand was so small and warm. She looked at me with the most innocent eyes. I slowly moved my hand closer to Sky. She didn't move but kept her hand on my finger. Once my hand was close enough I quickly scooped her up and put her in the box. Pinto starting yipping at me and I hear more yipping from Sky in the box. As much as they want to be together I need to her Sky to the vet. I exit the room and close the door. I grab my jacket and car keys and head out. I got into the car and put Sky on the passenger seat. I hope she's ok I mean that's a lot of blood. I started driving to the vets office. It not to far from my house. As I was driving I hear Sky making sounds. It sounds like she's crying but now is not the time to stop and see. Not long after I arrived at the vet office. I parked and took Sky inside still in her box.
"Hello how can I help you" the receptionist said.
"Hello, my name is Carlo Smith and I'm here for someone to check on my pet Sky. She's bleeding and it's a lot of blood"
"Alright Mr. Smith dr. Blue will be right with you"
"Thank you so much" I walked and sat down on a chair. I looked through the peep hole in the box to see Sky in a corner sitting in a puddle of blood. She wasn't crying witch is good but she just sat there legs to her chest and her head between them.
"Carlo Smith"
"Here" I get up and walked toward dr. Blue. He guided us into the examination room.
"What seems to be the problem"
"Well my pet female is bleeding, I heard they bleed but she's bleeding a lot and I'm worried about her"
"Well let me take a look"
Dr. Blue opened the box and picked up Sky. Sky looked like she was in pain. She didn't move.
"Why is she not moving"
"It seems the bleeding is causing her pain"
"Is that bad?! Will she die?!"
"No she won't die because in the wild females get the same pain if and when they bleed. It just hurts it's not life threatening"
"Oh ok good"
He put sky on the table the bitten of her fuzzy was soaked in blood.
"Wow she is bleeding a lot. I can put something in her to stop the bleeding or we can fix her so it won't happen again. Where you playing on breeding her"
"I don't know I was thinking she might mate with her partner but I'm not going to force her"
"Then why don't we wait a while before fixing her is that's the direction you want to go"
"Ok that sounds fair"
"In a few days come back so I can remove the stuffing otherwise she can get an infection"
"Yes I'll make a follow up appointment on the way out"
"Very good, Now just to let you know she will yip and try to get away. Females and males don't like to have there genitals looked at or touched. She will really get mad when I insert the stuffing don't be alarmed she will be fine"
"Ok I understand"
I watched as Dr. Blue started to take Sky's bottom fuzz off, he was right she yiped and squirmed around trying to stop him. I felt really bad for Sky but I didn't want her to keep bleeding so this had to happen. He finally got her bottoms off she was covered in blood. I watched as he cleaned her. He grabbed the stuffing and was preparing to insert it. He held her down but she yipped loader than before almost sounded like she was dying. I wanted to stop him but she needed this. He quickly inserted the stuffing. Once he was Don't he put on new fuzz and put her in a new blood free box. Sky lay motionless in the new box.
"She will be fine she's just sleepy from yipping and moving trying to push me away"
"Oh well she will sleep good when we get home"
"Ya I bet she will"
I took Sky and left, I stopped and made an appointment. It was a peaceful drive home until I got inside and entered the pets room. Pinto rushed to me trying to grab the box out of my hand. I was about to take Sky out and Luther on the bed when I realized her bed had a puddle of blood on it. I set the box down and changed her bed. When I turned around I saw Pinto rewatching through one of the holes trying to reach Sky. I showed him away so I could open the box. Sky was still laying motionless inside. I carefully picked her up and placed her on her bed. Once I took my hands away Pinto raised to her side making sure she was ok. Well I should let them be for now. I picked up the box and left the room.

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