Spiders Mark [discontinued]

By luna_renn

4.7K 93 116

Jade Rose lived a peaceful life with his family. There was only one danger and that was they lived on the out... More

bank robbery
The beginning
Beacon pt.2
Dying star
Snow fall
Speacial surprise
On the other side
A talk before the trip
forever fall
Following the trail
Even more complicated
The day (volume 1 end)
Best friends
Another escape
defeated by cookie
The dance
Golden Rose
field trip
the first day
All aboard
ice cream problem
A Grimm situation
An Experience (volume 2 end)
a new gem
start of the Festival
Winter is coming
a bird came to visit
crime decrease
the return
A single choice
beginning of the end
A slow destruction
A blinding white end
Without a doubt in the world! (Volume 3 end)
A big reunion
Back in action
Moving on
A hard encounter
What're you doing here?
Taking things apart
Oniyuri Pt.1
Oniyuri Pt.2
The Rose curse (Volume 4 end)
Back in the saddle again
A very random set of events

Unusual snow

109 1 3
By luna_renn

Jade: heya, Weiss.

He runs up behind her and she slowly turns around.

Weiss: yes? Oh, you finally got a male uniform.  

Jade: umm, hmm. Pants!

Weiss: okay then.

She begins to walk away. He leans left slightly.

Jade: you know, I really enjoy your singing.

Weiss: hmm, on a scale of one to ten?

Jade: 15.

Weiss: that's not what I was asking....at all...but I do appreciate the comment.

She gives a small smile and turned around, walking away she gave a glance at him before rounding the corner. He immediately gasped for air as he was holding his breath.

Jade: why did I do that?!

Ruby: you should have gone in for the kill!

Grown-up Ruby pops up and puts jade into a headlock which he struggled to get out of. When he finally did he fixed his hair and stared his sister down.

Ruby: you could always tell her your Spider-Man. I bet she'll be all over you.

Jade: I'd like to get a girl without flexing my spider muscles.

Ruby: well, good luck with that. Your starting to look like your into your sisters....that was a joke.

Jade: it wasn't funny.

They just look at each other for a few seconds.

Jade: anyway! I have no idea on how to get Weiss...she's so much better than...well, normal me.

Ruby: cheer up little brother. You'll figure it out. Also, be prepared for that field trip tomorrow, I'll be leading it so don't embarrass me.

Jade: who could I embarrass you in front of? You don't have friends?

Ruby: fair enough.

She nods a few times.

Yang: did I hear girlfriend troubles?

Yang popped around the corner looking like she was floating.

Jade: what the hell.

Ruby: no cursing!

She smacks him on the back of the head.

Jade: stop hitting me, woman!

Ruby: never!

Yang: okay then.

She walks over to them and breaks them up.

Yang: now what was this about getting with Weiss?

Ruby: he's in love with her and has no idea on how to talk to her.

He just leans against the wall and listens to the girls speak.

Yang: I'm sure she likes you back. Probably. Maybe. Actually, I really don't know.

Ruby: she seems interested but I don't really know for sure.


Weiss: I have no idea if he likes me!

She was pacing around her empty dorm room.

Weiss: I mean there is the chance he does? He cute, smart, strong, and he has a great voice...oh I really do love that idiot.

She facepalms and sits down on her bed.

Weiss: I'm not asking first...I need to find out his preference! Yes! Perfect plan! .....how do I do it. Flat out asking would give me away. Asking Yang would probably tell him, Ruby is the same. AH, HA! Ruby!

She runs out of the dorm room.


Grown-up Ruby was waiting for her next patient to find her.

Ruby: she should be here anytime now.

Weiss then runs around the corner.

Weiss: Ruby! I need to ask you a question.

She nods as Weiss walks over.

Weiss: what's jade's favorite snack!

Ruby: you really needed me for that? It's chocolate chip cookies. His favorite store is in Vale I can give it to you if you want to get some for him.

Weiss: what! Of course not! Why would I do that?

Ruby: and there's the tsundere. See ya around snowflake.

Weiss walks off and Ruby sent her the store name through a text.


Jade was swinging around Vale. He comes to a halt as he sees Weiss walking down the street.

Mina: ooooh! Stalking, I like it!

Jade: it's not stalking, it's....observation.

Mina: that's what the all say yandere.

Jade: did you just take a picture?!

He looks toward his chest and hands.

Mina: maybe. But eyes on the prize dumb dumb.

He looks back up and zoomed his lenses to be able to see Weiss.

Jade: where's she going?

Mina: remember when you helped her move all that dust? I think she might be thanking you.

Jade: oh cool! Wait, ice queen, thanking someone?

Before he could say much else the vulture swoops down and picks him up.


Vulture: the spider doesn't kill!

Jade: well this old spider! The one that ain't afraid to kill someone!

He activated both dying stars and punched vulture right in the face disorienting him. He flips around and stands on him as they were falling. He sends punch after punch, with every one exploding right in the vulture's face.

He jumps off the already probably, maybe dead guy and he crashed into an ally. Jade landed on the rooftop and web zipped over to the other side. He sees Weiss leave the shop and swung over to the roof but stepped on a bird and fell downwards. He shoots web and it attached to the rooftop, he stops just before Weiss's face and she jumps back. He was hanging upside down as she just stares at him.

Weiss: hello?

Mina: might as well say hello as Spider-Man.

He drops down and stands up straight.

Jade: Hello, Weiss.

Weiss: how do you know my- never mind.

She stops herself from asking that extremely dumb question.

Jade: what's with the bag?

Weiss: it's just a gift for a special friend. I mean normal friend!

Mina: your heart rate is going up.

Jade: Oh, well I'll leave you to it.

He was about to swing away until Weiss called out for him.

Jade: yeah, yup?

Weiss: can I get a picture?

Jade: of course, I'll hold it.

She gets out her scroll and he quickly takes the photo. She smiles and says "I gotta send this to them."

Weiss then sends the picture to two people and jade's scroll vibrates. They both stare at his thigh.

Weiss: do-

He does a two-finger salute and swings away.

Mina: doing anything else would have been better than just, straight up swinging away.

Jade: maybe? I don't really care if she finds out.

He jumps down into an ally and his suit come off and into web shooters. He was now in some black jeans and a black sweater with his normal combat boots. He walks out the ally and starts walking in the direction Weiss should be walking.


Jade: Hey! Weiss!

Her head pops up and she looks over jade who was jogging over to her.

Jade: how's it been?

Weiss: not bad so far, but...I have something to give you.

Jade puts his hand on his chest.

Jade: ice queen?! Is that even you? Or an imposter!

Weiss?: of course I'm me you dunce!!

Jade: hmm, are you sure?

Weiss?: yes! I'm me! Your such an idiot...

She sits down on a bench. He chuckled and continued to stand in front of her.

Jade: Okay, okay. You had something for me?

Weiss unfolds her arms surprised.

Weiss: yeah, it's nothing special just some cookies.

Jade: my favorite snack! Where!

She pulls out the bag and Jade sits right next to her and takes the bag. She looks at the sky as snow started to fall.

Jade: that doesn't make any sense? It's supposed to be like fall?

Weiss: Well, that surely is unusual? Extremely unusual.

She just shrugs as Jade chomps down on a cookie.

Jade: oohhhh, so good! Are these from Lilac bakery? That's my favorite shop. I haven't been there in a while, how did you know?

Weiss: Ruby told me.

She accidentally said the truth.

Jade: you were interested in me? Aw, thank ya, snow angel.

A snowflake lands on the tip of her nose.

Weiss: I love the snow.

Jade: aren't you left-handed?

Weiss: yes, actually. Not many people notice that.

He looks up at the sky but immediately regrets it as a snowflake lands in his eyes.

Jade: okay! That was a bad idea! I'm also left-handed! Agggchh. My eyes!

Weiss giggles.

Weiss: ya think.

Jade: oh yeah! thanks.

Weiss: for what?

Her face was full of confusion.

Jade: for being yourself around me. When the others are around your always trying to be the best. It's nice to see you chill out, no pun intended.

Weiss: what? I can be chill!

Jade: sure you can.

He gives her a little pat on the head which earned him a little "hmph" from Weiss which made his heart melt. Both instead of activating their aura to fend off the cold just scoot a bit closer to each other.

Weiss: so....never mind.

She looks down and he throws his arm over her making her blush.

Jade: would you look at that? Looks like I've melted the ice queen's heart.

Weiss: okay, get off me. Just because of that.

He laughs and takes his arm off her.

He then heard a kid yelling. Well, they both did.

Weiss: what was that?

They both pop out of their love modes and activated their aura for the cold.

Weiss: let's go...

End of chapter 11 volume 1

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