Our Little Secret

By GirlsWithGoals

109K 4K 812

Hate each other in public , but make love to one another in private. How long will this continue until there... More

T W O .
T H R E E .
F O U R .
F I V E .
S I X .
I Just Had A Heart Attack
Another King .
S E V E N .
E I G H T .
The Wait Is Over ‼️
N I N E .
Rest Up 🕊💙
These Viewwssssss
T E N .
E L E V E N .
Lets Have A Chat 🤔
Happy Birthday Typhoon 🌪.
Chresanto Story Book 2
First Chap Is Up .
R.I.P. King Shooter

O N E .

13.5K 367 77
By GirlsWithGoals


" Bitch I know you not still sleep ?! We got a birthday party to go to and you slacking!"

I groaned hearing my older sister Kayara coming in my room going straight for my closet. I sat up and yawned and rubbed my eyes.

"My alarm didn't go off ." I mumbled going into the bathroom to pee.

"Yeah yeah knowing you I just know you hit the snooze." I chuckled because she was probably right but I was so tired I don't even remember.

"And you know the whole crew gonna be at your dinner." I furrowed my eyebrows finishing my business and washing my hands . I poked my head out the bathroom and glanced at her while she pulled out what I think is my outfit for tonight.

"And by whole crew you mean.." she avoided eye contact with me. I looked side to side. I know this chick heard me.

"K who's gonna be there ?" She smiled then looked at me.

"Clarence, Shooter , Bully , Dave, Ameerah-"

"Hold up hold up ...who invited David?" She rolled her eyes.

"I honestly don't understand why you hate him so much ."

"Who invited him?"

"He wanted to come , don't be so mean Taz ." I sucked my teeth.

"There's always a method to his madness." She waved me off taking out the heels I'm gonna wear.

"Im serious K ." She just laughed not even replying to that.

"Hurry up buttercup let's move ." She said leaving my outfit out while I went to take a shower.

We pulled up to the hotel that we were having dinner at and made our way inside. My plan for my birthday was to spend a few days away from work with my people. I feel like it was something that we all deserve especially since we have worked so hard. As soon as we got out my phone vibrated with a text .

🤐: I can't wait to see what you got on 🤤, Happy Birthday again btw .

I smiled shaking my head catching Kayara's attention.

"Who got you smiling? You been smiling all day."

"Damn I can't smile ?" She put her hands up in surrender.

"This has a reason behind it tho..." she replied implying that she wanted the tea. But that's something I don't plan on spilling. We made it to the room we were staying in and set our stuff down for a minute.

"Yeah yeah . Hey take a picture of me?" She nodded pulling out her phone. We stepped out to the balcony and my ears perked with interest when I heard familiar voices .

"Ayo Taz!" I heard a deep voice call me . I leaned over the balcony to see the guys just getting out of their cars. My eyes landed on Clarence who was the one who said my name.

"It's a real ones birthday!" He shouted and everyone laughed at his outburst.

"He's obviously tryna get us kicked out ." Kayara groaned followed by a smile. My eyes landed on David who was getting his bag out the trunk , he then turned to look up and I looked away. I then positioned myself as Kayara got ready to take the picture.

"Now do my a favor and don't commit murder to go to jail on your birthday." My Head went back a little as I laughed and I heard the sound of her camera.

"You dead wrong."

"Hey you a got a pretty smile , it had to be natural not forced."

"Lemme see it ."


"See I told you ." I was finna say something when I heard someone walk in. My head turned and smiled once I seen my other best friend Ameerah walk in smiling apologetically.

"I tried to make it to the house before y'all left but my boss was tripping." She said before placing her things down.

"Girl it's fine I'm just glad you're here ." I said before we hugged and then she hugged K.

"But fuck all that we finna have fun tonight and get our backs blown out and get high and -"

"We are I don't know about Taz ." K said laughing and I looked at her .

"Girl ."

"I'm just saying, it's been what ..three years since -"

"I get it , but trust me I'm good over here ."

"Lemme find out you got a vibrator ." Ameerah snickered at K's comment and I gasped before laughing myself.

"Bitch you out of pocket ."

"A vibrator is the only type of sex you'll get ." A voice called out and I immediately rolled my eyes. Who gave this nigga a key ?

"Come on we just got here , don't start you two ." K said getting on to us like she's our parent. I glanced over at David and sized him up .

"I'm just sayin, she knows I'm right ." I scoffed at his comment.

"Trust me luv, I don't need one and that's facts. " he made a face.

"Fingers don't count either." I squinted my eyes and I heard Ameerah tryin not to laugh.

"Just because you spend your lonely nights pleasing yourself does not mean I do the same . Do me a favor and stop before I embarrass you ." He looked at me and a smirk grew. He looked me up and down quick .

"Happy birthday ." He said before getting on his phone. I mugged him before being pulled to the side by K.

"You said you would be nice ." She whined and I looked at her crazy.

"I'm not holding my tongue if he come in blazing at me suh ."

"I swear y'all two should just get married." I snorted .

"Yeah that's not gonna happen." The other guys walked in and Clarence automatically threw his arms up smiling at us .

"Mi familia ." He said before huggin me and then hugging K for a little longer.

"Damn girl you smell good ." She giggled and pulled away from him.

" Cut it out ." I smiled at the two . They've been crazy about each other for two years. Clarence was lucky enough to find my sister while they attended the same college. They've been inseparable ever since.

"Well we about to head downstairs to the bar before we go to dinner." He said staring into her eyes .

"Oh great . Birthday girl you coming? "

"Yeah I'm finna go to the bathroom first y'all go head ." Before they could reply I strutted my way to the bathroom and closed the door. I did my business and washed my hands and then I heard my phone vibrate on the counter. I glanced and seen I had another message.

🤐: Open the door.

I fixed myself before I opened the door and seen him standing there leaning on the frame.

"I'm sorry for what I said."

"I thought you were going with everyone else ?" I said disregarding his apology then he straightened up and pulled me to him.

"I needed a taste before I go ." I seen his eyes lowered as he licked his lips. And that look alone made her jump. I smirked .

"Ohh So you missed me ?" He chuckled before picking me up and laid me down on the bed.

"Like you didn't miss me ." I playfully rolled my eyes and he kneeled down and I felt his strong hands under my dress taking off my underwear. I lifted my body up as he slid em off . He left kisses on my inner thighs making me squirm .

"You're such a tease." I said before yelping as his nibbled on my skin.

"Let's see how far we can go this time ." And the last thing I seen was his head going deep into my treasure before my eyes started rolling to the back of my head.

This is gonna be a long night..


Wheeew fresh out the gate and into something in the first chapter 😂. I was gonna do the housekeeping in Harlem but I think this is a better idea. I feel like I'm a little rusty but I Hope you guys enjoyed it. 💛


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