broken love. ➳ j.jk

By heartphiliau

110K 3.1K 578

[COMPLETED] [English is not my first language, I'm sorry if there are any grammatical error.] You are the onl... More

32 ~ Final ~
~ Bonus One ~
~ Bonus Two ~
~ Bonus Three ~


2.2K 70 10
By heartphiliau


I was waiting at the table while Jackson withdrew our orders at the counter. We decided to go out for a coffee, try to relaunch our relationship.

《Here is your macchiato ~》he puts the mug with the hot drink in front of me. Sitting on the chair next to me.

We started talking about this and that, updating ourselves on the last things that happened, until we were interrupted by a scream, making us turn with wide eyes towards the noise resource.

《OOOH MY GAAAHD Y / N!》 I saw two girls, in school uniform, run happily towards us.

《Hi! You're y / n right?》

《Uhm yes?》

《Can you make us an autograph?》 the two looked at each other enthusiastically.

《An autograph? From me?》I was staring at them confused and in shock.

《Yes please! We love your cover!》they put their hands together, pleading.

《My cover? Really!?》
I kept feeling more and more incredulous at this whole situation.

Jackson stared at me with a huge smile. The two girls gave me a marker with their notebooks, on which to sign.

I picked them up, staring at it. I don't have a signature! How do you make a signature? I looked at Jackson, hoping for some help, but he just gave me a "fighting" sign and that's it. Really helpful.

I asked the name of those two girls, their names were Hwasa and Chaerin, I decided to sign with my name with a cute message for them, trying to make it look pretty, at least. I returned the notebooks and markers to the two girls.

They smiled at me happily 《thank you! We look forward to your debut! They bowed to me.

《Thanks to you, girls.》 I reciprocate the bow. They go away hopping happily.

I sit back in the chair, looking lost in the void, take a sip of my coffee and look at Jackson.

《What just happened?》

《My dear friend, this is becoming famous.》 He said, crossing his arms, he was smiling like an cute idiot.

《Wow ...》 it was a strange feeling. Difficult to describe. Does this mean being recognized on the street for the first time?


When we returned from the cafe, Jackson insisted on going to practice. As we were walking towards the practice room, I noticed Jackson jumping from time to time. He seemed very happy.

When we enter the practice room I look for the light switch. As soon as I turn around after turning it on I hear a burst, confetti flying through the air and lots of applause and shouting.

What is going on?

I saw a good part of the BigHit staff, some trainees, and Jackson looked at me with a huge smile. There was a band over them, with:

"Congratulations for your first million".

What the hell should that mean? Million of what?

I feel like I'm a mass of stupidity and confusion 《what's going on?》

《Y / n! Your cover ~》 Jackson hopped back to me all cheerful.

《My cover?》

《Yeah your cover!》he says enthusiastically.

《... my cover.》 I still didn't understand.

Jackson snorts laughing 《you're so slow.》 He puts his arm around my shoulders
《YOUR COVER HAS REACHED A MILLION VISUALIZATIONS!》he shouted happy in my ear with his arms in the air.

I take a moment to record what I just heard. I blink my eyes a couple of times. Maybe I misunderstood.

My  .  Cover  .   Reached . What?

Everyone starts to celebrate, someone brought drinks and food.
In a moment the practice room became a party. Everyone came up to me to congratulate and compliment me.

I look around at the group of people who joined together to give me this surprise, I felt my heart warming up and filling with gratitude.

The tears fill my eyes.
《Jackson ... did you organize this?》
His smile did not disappear from his lips 《maybe...》 he says, shrugging his shoulders with a fake dumb expression.

I hugged him, tightly. I felt his body stiffen. As I pulled away I noticed a slight blush on his cheeks.
Only now I noticed that some staff members had small video cameras that recorded everything.

With my eyes on every face who was present, I hoped one of those faces was his. I was hoping even if I knew he would never come here. Not even Namjoon was there.

Immediately afterwards a lady walks towards me. I know her, she's one of BigHit's investors. The only woman among all those men hungry for money and power.

She is known for keeping up with everyone, no one makes fun of her, she is a lioness in this field. She is a persuasive, strong and determined woman. She has a lot of power in company decisions.

Her nick nam  is "Golden Leo", she is Lee Hyolyn.

《Hello, Y / n.》 Smiles slightly 《can I have the honor of talking to you?》


All Jungkook's Hyungs were joined together in the living room, sitting on the sofas, after a day of work and training, in which Jungkook had not come.

《We can no longer leave Jungkook like that.》Jin's worried gaze was watching everyone else.

Jungkook had continued to ignore everyone, avoiding any discussion with his Hyungs. They did not understand was happening to him. But they could not continue like this.

He kept going to those clandestine fighting meetings. It was the only way he had to not think and feel. And after that, he danced all night, drinking from time to time.

He was totally letting himself go.

Jimin and Taehyung could no longer bear this behavior on the part of the Maknae.

They decided to tell what they knew to others. Everything that Jungkook told them.

They began to tell from how he approached Y / n, how their relationship became deep, falling in love. And how she had already hurt him. But they didn't know what happened next, but they were sure she was the reason why he behaved like this.

Once they finish telling, they all remain open-mouthed. Their maknae suffered for love. A rarity, he had never fallen in love like that.

《So it's for a girl? Who?》

《She is ... Y / n, the trainee.》 says Jimin in a low voice.

《What?》 Namjoon's voice thundered into the room.

He didn't think it could be her. He felt slightly guilty, since he had worked with her, without knowing all this.

《Isn't she the trainee with whom you recorded a cover?》 Hoseok asked, looking at Namjoon. He nods, looking down.

Namjoon understood a little more why she had chosen the song Amnesia.

Something was happening. But what? Namjoon tried to think about it. But first they had to understand why Jungkook always came home late, battered and bruised and wounded in the face.

《Someone needs to follow him.》 Says Jin.

They decided that Namjoon, Taehyung and Jimjn would go to follow him. Since they knew that Jungkook only came out of his room at night, when everyone had already gone to sleep, they were all awake, pretending to have gone to sleep.

As soon as they heard his door open, they got up, they were ready to go. They waited until he left the house, and immediately afterwards they went out too.

They followed him at a good distance, without risking that he would notice.

He walked for quite a while, entering streets and tunnels in the middle of the city buildings. Until he arrived in front of a huge building.

《It looks like a night club ...》 Namjoon whispers to the two.

They wait outside, until Jungkook gets inside. The three try to camouflage themselves, hiding their faces, and enter.

Namjoon was right. It was a night club. The three are stunned by the loud music, the smell of alcohol and more.

They didn't know where to go, they had lost Jungkook. They didn't know how to move. Why did Jungkook come to this place?

The three boys decide to split up to look for him, and to hear themselves through messages once they found him.


I slipped into the crowd among all the people who thought of nothing but dancing. My eyes went around, looking at every person who looked like Jungkook.

I keep looking until I see him at the bar, drinking. Before telling the others I decide to watch him from afar, I wanted to see what he did.

He gets up from the stool, and starts walking towards a quieter part of the club, in the back. Until he enters a door.

I follow him, immediately entering the door too. And what comes before me immediatly freezes my blood.

A room all cemented, the lighting was faint. I heard screams, the smell of blood mixed with sweat. A huge ring in the middle, and two people fighting each other. They were badly reduced.

I see Jungkook at the foot of the ring, like everyone else, looking at the discount with huge eyes. He had a weird look, it scared me.

Jungkook watched with admiration as the two men kicked and punched each other in the face, sometimes the sanuge shot from their wounds, staining the floor.

It was a macabre scene. I didn't want to believe that Jungkook was spending the nights here. It wasn't like him.

The fight between the two ends. They take away the person he had lost, he had lost consciousness. People kept making noise, urging them to make another fight.

Two other men enter the ring cleaning all the blood quickly, and prepare everything, from what I can deduce, for another fight.

And that moment, my heart loses a beat. Jungkook goes up to the ring with a man.

Do you want to fight?

I hear the sound of a bell, and they begin to fight. Fiercely, like the two who had preceded them.

The scene is horror for me. It hurts my heart to see Jungkook in this state. I can't let Taehyung and Jimin see this scene.

I leave this place, returning from where the disco is. I stop in front of the entrance to send a message to the two, but I am interrupted.

《Hyung, did you find him?》Jimin and Taehyung were in front of me, sweating and out of breath, looking for Jungkook without pausing for a moment.

《N-no.》 I didn't sound very convincing, in fact the two look at me with a furrowed brow.

《Hyung ... what's inside that room?》 Jimin points to the room where they absolutely shouldn't enter.

I am silent for a moment 《let's go away. 》I take the two by the shoulders and tried to push them away from here.

《Is he in there? Is Jungkook in there?》 He asks impatiently, mixed with a hint of hope in his voice.

Noticing my reaction they walk briskly towards the door, I tried to stop them from entering, but I failed. I chase them inside.

《I didn't want you to see it ...》

I remain in place as soon as they see Jungkook. He was always in the ring, but the scene was more macabre than before. He was full of blood in his hands, he was mercilessly hitting his opponent.

After a while I realize that Taehyung was filming everything 《Tae, what are you doing?》Jimin asked him.

《We need proof, to show the others.》he answers without taking his eyes off the screen.

As soon as he finishes filming a couple of minutes, we leave. On the way back we are all silent, none knew what to say.

Taehyung kept watching the video he had shot. Still staying in silence.

As soon as we arrive at the dormitory we are joined by everyone, although it was late at night they were all awake, waiting for us.

《Did you find him?》

《Where does he go?》

《What does he do?》

Their questions come out like waterfalls straight in the face. Impatient to find out what we had to say, we all go into the living room, sitting on the sofa.

As an older brother of the three, it's probably better if I talk.

I start the speech with a simple sentence 《he needs us.》 I look all in the eyes, one by one.

I explain to them what we saw, until Taehyung shows the video he had made. I look away, I couldn't see that scene again.

I see it, the pain in their eyes as they watch the video. The same pain I felt when I saw it live.

《It's not possible ...》 Jin had a broken voice.

《Why is he self destructive like this?》 Hoseok was genuinely confused.

When my gaze turns to Yoongi's, I feel that maybe we were wrong to show them everything.

Yoongi seemed anything but calm. His jaw clenched, and he breathed like a bull ready to launch his horn against the torero.

Yoongi hates when there are situations like these between us. He can't stand when one of us doesn't talk, and he's been holding himself for too long.

And at that very moment, the door opens. I close my eyes cursing the timing.
Yoongi's gaze flicked toward the door.

As soon as Jungkook enters the salon he is surprised to see everyone gathered there. He looks at us all, standing still, his eyes shining.

Yoongi gets up and takes enormous steps towards him, I don't know what he was going to do, but they didn't look good.

Before arriving in front of him he loads his fist and strikes him straight in the jaw, Jungkook backs away a little because of the blow. But he doesn't react at first.

《Jungkook! Get yourself together!》 Yoongi growled at him. Holding the fists of tight hands.

Although it may have seemed a bad thing on Yoongi's part, it's his way of showing his concern. He's suffering for the maknae, and it's his only way to make him understand.

Jungkook holds his hand where he was hit, and starts to giggle 《Hit me harder, Hyung.》
An arrogant smile formed on his lips when he saw that Yoongi didn't move, shocked by his reply.

He started walking, hitting Yoongi's shoulder, returning to his room. I approached Yoongi, putting a hand on his shoulder.

《We can't solve it alone.》 I tighten my grip on his shoulder.

《It's all the fault of that Y / n.》 Taehyung growled angrily. He got up abruptly, making us all turn, he walked fast out like lightning from the dormitory with enormous strides.

We all look confused, and we decide to follow him.

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