Warhammer 40k: Gate

By Shadow_trooper

96.5K 1.1K 840

I own neither Warhammer 40k or the characters of the Gate anime More

The Gate Appears
Recon (Part.1)
Recon (P.2)
Recon (P.3)
Refugees (P.2)
Build up to The battle
The other world (P.1)
The other world (p.2)
The other world (p.3)

Italica (P.2)

3.1K 55 30
By Shadow_trooper

Pina was doused in water, waking her from a dream.

"The enemy, are they're here?" She asked, panicked.

"We're not entirely sure what's going on out there, you may want to take a look."Grey said.

Pina was dressed in her armor, and reached the gate. Though a small slot, she saw a metal box moving forward.

"What the hell is that?" Pina asked.

"What's that carriage armored with?" Hemilton asked.

"Is that, iron." Pina said, scared.

"Identity yourselves, if you are not our enemy, come out into the open now." Norma commanded.

Lelei stepped out first, then Tuka stepped out and finally Rory Manmar got out and rubbed his neck, popping it as he walked forward.

"That staff of her's the Lindon wizards use those. An elf? If they know how to combine their powers it could be a serious problem. Is that?! Rory Mercury!?" Pina said.

"Rory the reaper, defiantly not good." Grey commented.

"I saw her doing her rituals a few weeks ago." Pina said.

"Why would an apostle of Emroy choose to join a band of brigands." Grey asked

"Well, it wouldn't really surprise me much."

"What?" Grey asked, confused.

"The gods have seem to do things with absolute whimsy at times." Pina said.

"I wouldn't say that around the oracle if I was you." Grey said.

"Of course, but even the gods can be damn fools." Pina commented.

Manmar had climbed out and joined the girls, unnoticed by the 3 watchers.

"Oh holy hell Imdid not just hear that." Grey said, standing up.

"What are we going to do, they're on their way?" Hemilton asked, as Pina shut the slit in the door.

Pina turned, seeing the militia standing behind her.

"If these bandits already have Rory on their side, then we need to consider the city is as good as lost."

"That being said, we don't know if they are our enemy." Pina said, as the group neared the gate.

"What do we do?" Pina asked herself, scared.

A knock came on the door, scaring the 3 knights.

"Ok, this group is not our adversary, we certainly want the, to join us." Pina said, grabbing the bar on the door, and forcing the door open.

"Welcome to Italica friends." Pina said.

The Princess was met by 3 surprised looks, looking down, she saw Manmar passed out, helmet on the ground. Pina looked in fear as he twitched slightly.

"Did, I uhhhh, that was my fault." Pina said

Getting a nod from all 3 of the girls.

"What is wrong with you! What person shoves a door open without looking!? Even dwarves are more careful than that! What are you? Some kind of goblin?" Tuka yelled, dumping water on Manmar's face.

Manmar slowly woke up, only to be met by Rory.

"Hello there. You're not dead yet are you?" She asked, holding his face in her lap.

He simply sat up and looked around.

"Ok, I'm in the city." Manmar said.

"Lieutenant, are you there?" Voxer said.

"Yeah I'm here, you don't need to send in Gallos, or Esmerelda." Manmar said.

"About time, is it good to move in?" She asked.

"Give me a few more minutes. I need to look around." Manmar said.

"Yes sir." She said.

"Ok, who's in charge here?" Manmar asked, standing up.

There was a silence, as all eyes went towards Pina.

"Everyone, you are in the presence of her majesty! The third princess, Pina co lada. Show some respect!" Hemilton explained.

"The Princess?" Lelei asked.

"Pina Co lada?" Manmar said, confused.

"This is the fortified city of Italica, where the Tuscalian and Abrion ways come together, making it vital to trade. This city and the surrounding areas were governed by the family of count Formal for generations. The count took I'll recently and passed away, leaving a political power struggle between his daughters, the oldest were married into other families, but there was a custody battle. They had a third sister, Mewy, she happen to be the only legitimate successor of the Formal family." Pina explained.

"Looks like that happens here as well." Manmar said, rubbing his head.

"Manmar, did you understand what she said." Lelei asked, surprised.

"A little, I'm picking it up, for some reason. I prey to god I'm not a psycker, and hope it's just luck that this luck activated when the door hit me." Manmar said.

"Then, the empire decided to attack the gate, all noble were asked to send soldiers to join the empire to fight. In the end, few came back. Public order is nearly non-existent, it's controllable. The Mistress of the Formal fiefdom is on the other side of this door. She is Princess Mewy." Pina said, opening the door.

Manmar had what he had imagined, a woman in a fancy golden dress, with large hair, and more make up than most women in a hive. Instead, he saw a girl, in a pink dress, with her hair down, and little make up.

"She's the Princess?" He asked.

"If I remember, she will be 11 this year." Lelei said.

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