New Girl in 21

By Dreamforlovatox

674 35 8

Demi Lovato is the new girl in apartment 21. She moved to New York from California to go to the college she's... More

New Girl in 21
Chapter 2- Naked
Chapter 3- I Chose You

Chapter 1- New Girl

222 7 1
By Dreamforlovatox

The sky brightened as the plane lowered closer and closer to the ground. The skyscrapers rising higher and higher the closer the plane lowered towards the ground. Finally, the wheels of the plane touched the ground and it rode the ground until it completely stopped. The pilot said something important over the intercom but the ear buds in her ears blocked out the sound. She stared out the window and watched the workers grab everyone's bags. A small smile grew on her face. Her headphones fell out of her ears when she jumped back as some old lady tapped on her left shoulder. She turned her head towards the lady and quickly apologized. She grabbed her single bag and threw it over her shoulder. She gave a small smile at the lady and made her way out of the plane. Taking the steps one by one even though she wants to jump with joy and run around the world right now. Once she was finally off the plane, she took off into the building. When she was finally inside she walked into food court the and went up the the Starbucks counter. She ordered a vanilla cappuccino and started her way out of the airport. The first thing that caught her eye was a tall building with glass windows. It was about fifty stories. The windows on the first five stories were covered with plastic, so she couldn't see inside, but she could hear a woman scream with excitement. Probably from a raise.

She continued down the street, not being able to control her excitement. She looked around at the tall skyscrapers and glass buildings. The air was filled with excitement. To her left there was a park with children playing and parents pushing their children on swings. To her right there was a large crowd of people trying to get where they're going. She internally groaned as she realized that's where she was headed. Down fifth street onto main street. New York University. Her new college. This is where she's going to start her new life. New York City. This is where all her dreams are going to come true.

You're probably wondering who "she," or "her," is. Her name is Demi Lovato. She's twenty and she wanted to go to college. That's why she came to New York. Her friends back home, in California, said she was crazy for traveling all the way across the country just to go to some "fancy," college. But she didn't care, she wasn't going to let their words stop her from succeeding in life just because they're not going to college. She doesn't want to flip burgers or serve food to people her whole life like they are. No, she wants to do something amazing. She wants to be known for something.

Nothing was going to stop her. Well, that's what she thought.

Demi made her way over to the large crowd of people but stopped and took a deep breath. Everywhere there was kids screaming, parents groaning, teenagers kissing, and business people shuffling their way around everyone trying to get to their jobs. Even though her annoyance level was high nothing could wipe the smile off of her face. She continued her way through the crowd but was quickly pushed away by a tall man carrying a suitcase. He glared down on her and she quickly backed away, frightened. Demi sighed and tried walking around the crowd but the farther out she went, the bigger the crowd was. Finally, she decided to call for a taxi. Even though her apartment is just two streets away.

Demi climbed in the backseat of the yellow car and just sat there smiling at the driver. He was a young man, brown short hair and a face eating smile. "Where to?" he asked. Demi stuttered for a second before coming to her senses. "Main street," she said softly and looked out the window. He started to drive but she was trying to calm her nerves. The butterflies in her stomach only grew the closer she got to her new apartment. When the man stopped driving she looked at him puzzled. He chuckled at her reaction. Outside the car was the fanciest apartment she has ever seen. It was more like a hotel than an apartment. Demi raised her eyebrows at him and he shook his head. "Is this Venberry?" she asked and he nodded. "Okay well let me get my cash," she said while fumbling with everything in her purse trying to grab her money. "Don't worry about it," he smirked at her. "Please-," she was cut off by him. "Just go," he said. Demi smiled at him and grabbed the door handle. "Thanks," she said.

Demi stood there staring at the front of the apartment. The smile on her face faded and her nerves were returning. Suddenly she felt someone bump into her and she dropped the coffee she was holding. A gasp left her lips and the woman who bumped into her grimaced. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry," Demi picked up her coffee cup. "Watch where you're going," the girl snapped. Demi scoffed and got a good look at the girl. The girl has light brown hair that fell effortlessly down her back, black eyes, thin eyebrows, full lips and tan skin with high cheekbones. "You're the one who bumped into me," Demi snapped. The brunette looked down at her white blouse with a brown stain from the coffee. Her eyes widened and a low growl left her lips. "I'm so sorry," Demi apologized again and reached into her purse to grab a napkin. She tried handing the napkin to the other girl but the brunette pushed it away from her. Demi frowned and stuffed it back inside her purse. "Maybe you shouldn't just stand there. It's a busy city, you know?" the brunette tried to calm herself down, but she just couldn't. Demi nodded and noticed the other girl's eyes traveling up and down her body. She suddenly felt insecure. Before Demi could excuse herself the other girl started walking down the street. Demi shrugged and headed into the building before she could get herself into anymore trouble.

When she stepped inside the building her jaw dropped. It was the fanciest thing she's ever seen, and it's only an apartment. There was a front desk to the right of her. To the left there was elevators and straight ahead there was a beautiful, looks like glass, winding staircase. The elevators had a beautiful gold framing on them. On the inside of the elevator there's red walls with gold handles. Demi headed to the front desk and rang the small bell sitting right on top. "Hello?" Demi said. A young woman came to the desk with a book in her hand. "Yes?" she said. Demi paused for a moment. "I need keys to my apartment," Demi said. The lady nodded and sat down at the computer. "Demi Lovato, right?" Demi nodded and smiled a bit. "Okay. Room 21, level two," she said and handed Demi a key with a keychain on it. "Thank you," Demi said and was about to stand up but the lady said something that made her stop. "There's a lesbian who lives there," she said with a tone of disgust.

Demi knew she had roommates but she didn't know who they were. She's never met them before. But she wanted too. She doesn't judge people. She doesn't care if there's a "lesbian." So why did the lady at the front desk?

"So?" Demi giggled and shrugged her shoulders. "Oh. You're one of them," the lady said. Demi furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean?" she asked. "Nevermind. They're probably waiting for you," Demi nodded and left the front desk without saying anything. She clicked the up button on the elevator and waited for the doors to open. It only took one long minute for the doors to open. Demi grew impatient but sighed with relief when they did. She stepped inside as a old man stepped out. They both smiled at each other. Though Demi's smile stayed on her face, the old mans disappeared when Demi was out of his sight.

Demi leaned against the gold railing when she felt the elevator start to move. It always tickled her stomach when the elevator started to move. Once it stopped moving she pushed herself off of the railing and stood in front of the door. A few seconds later they opened and she squealed with excitement as she ran through the doors. The hallways had a light blue and white striped wallpaper, which Demi hated. She found it ugly, along with the carpet. But everything else was fine. She walked down the hallway looking for her door. When she finally found it she froze. As many times as she tried to move she just couldn't. She tried to bring her hand up to knock on the door but she couldn't. She groaned and slid down the wall while she put her face in her hands. She heard someone clear their throat and her head snapped up to see who it is. There were three boys her age standing there with smiles on their faces, except for the one in the very back. "Um," Demi stood up quickly and patted off her pants. "Who are you?" they all asked in unison. She just stared at them, until one of them laughed. She quickly snapped out of it and tried to smile at them. "I'm Demi," she stuck out her hand. The boy in front grinned at her and shook her hand. "I'm Matt. Matt Wintergreen," he smirked. He has black, spiky hair, an earring in his left ear, tattoos up and down his arms. His skin is tanned, it shows off his dark, brown eyes. And right above his beautiful brown eyes are dark, thick eyebrows that touch up his thin face. Demi's jaw dropped when she had a good look at him. "It's not nice to stare," he chuckled. Demi snapped her jaw shut and she straightened her posture. Matt stepped away and one of the other boys stepped forward. "I'm Trevor," he flipped his hair and smacked his lips. Demi nodded slowly and a smile crept its way to her lips. "And that's Kevin," Trevor pointed back at the last boy there. He has blue eyes, black, short, messy hair. He has a mustache and little hairs on his chin. Trevor has brown messy, spiky hair, bright, blue eyes and he's about 5'8".

Kevin rolled his eyes at Demi and slumped against the wall. "Please tell me you're not the new roommate they're talking about," he growled. Demi forced herself not to frown and she nodded head. "Yeah, I am," she looked at the ground. Matt smiled at her and grabbed her arm. "They'll be happy to see you. You know, if you ever knock on the door," Demi smiled at him. "Except for Chloe, she's not too happy to have another roommate," Matt explained and knocked on the door for Demi. A few seconds later a girl with blonde hair answered the door. Her hair's split down the middle. She has hazel eyes, and pale skin. Demi found her honestly gorgeous.

The girl's jaw dropped when she saw Demi. "Oh my god," she squealed. Demi looked at her confused but the girl grabbed her arm and pulled her inside. "You're Demi?" she asked. "That's me," Demi nervously laughed.

Inside the apartment was a brown couch against a wall, a flat screen TV in front of the couch. The floors are wood and the walls are white. To the right there's the kitchen. It has white cabinets and a back stove. To the left there's a hallway with other rooms.

The girl sat down on the brown couch and pulled Demi down next to her. The girl stuck out her hand. "I'm Alex. Alex O'Connor," she grinned proudly. "I'm Demi. Demi Lovato," Demi giggled. Demi looked around the apartment. She loved it. There was enough room for her and her stuff. She looked over to the other side of the couch and noticed another couch. Except this one is black leather. She gazed at it with wide eyes. "Do you like it?" Alex looked Demi in the eyes waiting for her to answer. "I love it," Demi said. "Do you want to see your room?" Alex said. "Sure," Demi stood up and waited a few seconds until the blonde stood up. "I love your pink hair," Alex ran her hands through Demi's bright pink hair. "But you shaved it?" Alex looked at her confused. "Yeah. I just wanted to try something different," Demi said. Alex nodded and took Demi down the hallway. Demi followed close behind her. "And this is your room," Alex grinned and opened the far back door. Demi gasped when she saw the inside of the room. "Wow," she looked inside amazed.

The queen sized bed had white covers draping over the top. The pillows were white and fluffy. The walls were white and spotless while the floors were hardwood. The sun shone through the white curtains and it landed on the bed. The room was spotless.

"You like it?" Alex chuckled at Demi's reaction. Demi stood there at the door, afraid to mess anything up. "Why haven't you used this room? And yes I like it!" Demi said. "We did use it for our last roommate but she moved out," Alex said. "Oh," Demi said as she put her bag on the bed. "Is that all you have?" Alex asked, surprised. "Yeah. I have to go shopping soon before I start college," Alex grabbed her shoulders. "When are you starting?" "Monday," Demi said. "That's in four days. Good luck," Alex let go of Demi. "We can go shopping tomorrow if you want. Chloe should be back in like an hour. You can put your stuff away," Alex said and watched Demi nod before closing the door.

Demi sighed to herself and sat down on the perfectly made bed. She still can't believe she's here. In New York. None of this feels real to her. She stood back up and unzipped her backpack. She pulled out some shirts and pants, along with some socks and undergarments. She took them into her closet. Inside her closet was about ten feet of walking space and a dresser in the far back. She hung up the clothes she has and threw her undergarments into a drawer.

There was a knock on the bedroom door and Demi stopped putting her clothes away to answer the door. She walked over to the door and slowly turned the handle, not knowing who was at the door. When she opened the door she was relieved to see Alex standing there. Alex had a small smile on her face and she pulled Demi out of room. "Chloe's here and she's going to interview you," Alex said. "Why's she going to interview me when I already live here?" Demi asked, slightly confused. "She's picky," Alex said and turned to look at Demi when Demi replied, "So if she doesn't like me she's going to kick me out?" "Probably. But she'll like you," Alex said and continued to pull Demi to the living room. When they finally finished walking down the hallway they were in the living room. A small gasp left Demi's lips when she saw who "Chloe" is. Chloe smirked at Demi. "Um," Demi's cheeks turned a bright pink and she looked at the floor. "I'm sorry, do you two know each other?" Alex asked. confused. "No. I ran into her earlier and she spilt her coffee on me. I thought I recognized your pink hair," Chloe said, amused. "Yeah. And about that, I'm sorry," Demi whispered. "It's fine," Chloe said and forced herself to roll her eyes and act annoyed. "Oh. Well I guess you can interview her now before this gets any more awkward," Alex said and forced Demi to sit on the couch. Demi glared at Alex and she mouthed an "I'm sorry," to Demi.

"Okay. To get started I am going to ask you, do you sing or play any instruments?" "I sing and play the piano and guitar," Demi smiled. Chloe groaned but deep down she knows she could tolerate Demi and anything she does. "Does that bother you?" Demi asked, frowning slightly. For a moment Chloe thought about softening up to Demi but she wouldn't allow it, so she went cold again. "Yes," Chloe snapped. "I won't sing or play when you're here if it bothers you." Chloe nodded. "Do you have any pets with you or are you going to bringing any animals in here?" Chloe lifted her head to look at Demi and once they made eye contact she looked away quickly. "No," Demi answered simply. "What kind of music do you listen to?" "Pop, rock, and a little country," Demi said. Chloe nodded and forced herself to not smile. "Okay. I'm bored so that's enough but if you mess anything up, you're out," Chloe growled. Demi smiled and nodded. "Thank you."

Demi woke up to the sound of laughing and the tv blaring heavy metal music. Demi groaned and put her pillow over her ears. A few seconds later it became too much and Demi threw the covers off of her body and stomped into the living room. Matt, Trevor, and Kevin were sitting on the couch eating some type of burritos and banging their heads to the music. Demi rolled her eyes and walked over to the wall that the stereo was plugged into and she yanked on the cord. "Hey," Kevin shouted. Matt slapped his arm and looked at Demi. "Good morning," he said with a goofy grin on his face. Kevin and Trevor rolled their eyes. "Good morning," Demi shyly waved at the three boys. "Sorry to wake you," Matt said. Demi shook her head. "No, it's fine. I needed to get up anyways," Demi said and looked around the now quiet apartment. "What're you guys doing here? Don't you like live right across the hall?" "We stay here a lot," Trevor said. "We practically live here," he continued. "Where's Alex and Chloe?" "They went shopping," Kevin said. "Now can you plug that back in?" he snapped. Demi widened her eyes and plugged the cord back into the wall before he got any angrier. Matt stood up with his half eaten burrito and walked into the kitchen. Demi followed him. "What's up with Kevin?" Demi whispered. "He hates girls," Matt shrugged and put his plate into the dishwasher. "Is he..." "Gay?" Demi nodded. "Yeah. So is Trevor. They're kinda a thing," Matt trailed off. "Oh!" Demi laughed. "Woops," she rubbed the back of her neck. Matt chuckled. "Are you hungry?" Matt asked and Demi nodded. "I was just going to walk around the block to the coffee shop though," Demi said and pulled her hair into a ponytail. "Oh. Can I come?" Matt leaned against the counter and flexed. Demi's breath hitched in her throat and she nodded. "Y-Yeah, sure," she cleared her throat and regained her posture. Once she turned around, Matt smirked and his eyes traveled down her body.

Demi closed her bedroom door and leaned back on her hands. A smile forming on her face. She knew he flexed on purpose, she saw it on his face. She also knew that he was watching her when she was leaving the room. She couldn't see him, but she just knew. Demi ran into her closet and picked out a Paramore shirt along with a simple pair of jeans. She grabbed her black converse and slipped them on. Once she was ready she took a deep breath and walked back out to the living room. Chloe and Alex were putting groceries away and when they heard Demi step out they both looked at her. "Hi," Demi waved at them. Alex waved back and for a second she saw Chloe smile at her but a moment later and she rolled her eyes. Matt came into the apartment looking hotter than before. A bright pink krept onto Demi's cheeks and she looked away from everyone. She heard Chloe, "Really Matt? The new girl?" Demi's head snapped over to her and she glared at the brunette. "What do you mean Chloe?" Matt tried playing innocent. "You know what I mean. Why can't you be gay like your friends?" Chloe complained. Demi stifled a laugh. "Why can't you be straight? Because damn," he slapped Chloe's ass. Chloe yelped and she smacked Matt's shoulder. "Stop!" she laughed.

Demi's eyes widened when she heard Matt say she was gay. She honestly though Alex was the gay one the lady at the front desk was talking about. Someone snapped Demi out of her thoughts. "Demi come on," Matt laughed and shook Demi's arm. Demi smiled slightly and nodded. "Bye guys," Matt said and shut the apartment door. "Sorry about them," Matt said. "Does Chloe hate me?" Demi said softly. Matt smirked. "No. If anything, she thinks your hot as hell and she's angry about it," Demi looked up to look at the older boy. "Really?" "Yeah. That's why their last roommate moved out. She was homophobic and she didn't know any of them were gay," Matt looked at Demi's empty hand and suddenly had the urge to grab it. "That's so funny," Demi laughed. "I hate homophobic people," Demi said. "So do I. I can't stand them. Like, love is love," he said. Demi nodded. "How long has Kevin and Trevor been together?" "Two years." Demi smiled. "Wow, that's a long time. I haven't had a boyfriend for like a year. My last relationship was a mess. It lasted a month and I swear he was the biggest jerk on this planet," Demi growled. Matt shook his head. "What did he do?" "Cheated on me. The whole time we were dating and I didn't even know. The night we broke up he smacked me and called me a slut," Demi whispered. "He hit you?" Matt stopped walking. "Yeah. It didn't hurt though. I kicked him in his balls," Demi giggled. "Good. He deserved it. Did you make him cry?" Demi laughed and as cheesy as it sounds, Matt's heart melted at the sound. "Actually I did," Demi covered her face with her hands for a second but uncovered it so she could see. They turned the corner on the empty street and found the coffee shop ten feet away. Demi started to run to the small deserted shop and Matt ran after her. They both started laughing. Demi opened the door first and Matt was right behind her. When they opened the door the bell rung and a girl came to the counter. "What can I get for you two today?" They both walked up to the counter and looked at the menu. "Can I get a caramel frappuccino and a chocolate chip muffin?" The girl nodded. "What can I get you Matt?" the girl asked with a smirk on her face. Demi raised her eyebrows. Is she trying to make Demi jealous? "I'll have the same as her," he said. "Not your usual?" she asked. "I come in here like once a month Sam. I don't have a usual," he rolled his eyes and seemed annoyed with her. She huffed. "Fine." "Sam I know you like me but I don't like you okay? We're not in highschool anymore. Move on," he said and gave her the money and gave Demi her food and her coffee cup. Sam looked shock for a moment but eventually got over it. "Whatever. Look girl, he will break your heart so whatever you do don't even think about flirting with him," she snapped and went back to the breakroom. Demi took a bite of her muffin to keep herself from laughing. Matt shook his head. "I only broke up with her because she was crazy," he admitted. "I didn't mean to break her heart," Demi and Matt sat down at a small table. "I honestly have no intentions on flirting with you anyways," Demi lied. "Are you sure?" Matt smirked to hide the hurt evident on his face. "Me and you a couple?" Demi awkwardly laughed. "That'd be so weird. We like just met and shit," Demi avoided eye contact with him. Matt's smile faded but he could tell she didn't mean that. But she was right. They did just meet. He wants to get to know her first. "I mean, wouldn't it?" Demi slowly looked up to him. "I don't think it would be," he said softly. Demi blushed and looked down at her coffee cup. Suddenly the door flung open. Demi jumped in her seat and Matt gasped. "Matt," Kevin stomped over to him. "Yes?" Matt rolled his eyes. "We planned on going to the mall today. What do you think you're doing?" He put his hands on his hips and pursed his lips at Demi. Demi looked out the window and saw Chloe, Alex, and Trevor leaning against a black jeep. "Oh yeah. I forgot. Sorry?" Demi stood up and threw her food away. "Demi do you want to come?" Demi looked at Kevin and saw the annoyed look on his face. "No.. I have things I should be doing today," Demi said quietly. "But Alex invited you, didn't she?" "Yeah but I'll just go shopping some other time," Demi said and rushed out of the coffee shop. Matt went after her and on his way out he shouted to Alex, Chloe, and Trevor, "I'm staying home this time."

Matt caught up to Demi and when he reached her, he grabbed her arm lightly. "You okay?" he said. Demi smiled at him. "Yeah, I just feel like I'm getting in the way," Demi said. "You're not though," he said and grabbed Demi's hand. "Thanks," she grinned at him. Matt sighed and slowly let go of her hand but she grabbed his again. "Will Kevin always be like that?" Demi asked quietly as they reached the apartment. "Yeah, but don't let him bother you," Matt opened the door for Demi and his hand slipped from hers but they shrugged it off. Demi stepped inside the building and something caught her eye. A person. When she realized who it was she gasped and grabbed Matt's arm and pulled him back outside. "Are you okay?" he asked worried. Demi shook her head and pointed toward the door. "My dad," Demi choked out. He looked inside the glass window. "Did you run away or something? Why're you freaking out?" He searched her frightened eyes. "My dad hates me. He's going to make me come home or hit me or something," she cried. Matt grabbed her hand once more and forced her inside. "He won't do anything. Especially with me here," Matt whispered in her ear.

Demi looked at her dad and they made eye contact. He stormed over to his daughter and yanked her arm away from Matt's. He glared at Matt. "Hi dad," she whispered. "Hello Demetria," he said. "What're you doing here?" "I can't come see my daughter before she starts college?" "You haven't tried to contact me for like four years. You want something, so just tell me what you want," Demi snapped. Matt leaned against the wall away from them and listened to their conversation. "I want you to come back home," he faked a smile. Demi rolled her eyes. There's something about him that makes Matt want to punch him. Maybe it's the fact that he doesn't like his own daughter and yet he feels the need to force her to do things.

"Well I'm not going home. I'm going to college here and you can't make me do anything," Demi stared into her fathers eyes. A flash of anger showed in his dark eyes and for a second she was terrified. She could of swore he was going to hit her, right here in front of everyone in the lobby. She wanted to run away and coward away from him but she couldn't. She didn't want to seem weak. "You didn't tell anyone you were leaving until you were on the plane," he said. "Why would I even tell you? What're you doing talking to mom?" Demi said with her eyebrows raised. "That is none of your business," Patrick said. "Yes it is. You left us, you have no right," Demi growled. "I left you because I was hurting you and your sisters and Dianna. I deserve another chance," Patrick said. "You deserve another chance?" Demi bitterly laughed. "Just go back home. I don't want you here. I am not going back home," Demi pushed past him and walked over to the elevators. "Demi wait!" Patrick shouted but Demi ignored him. She felt a her hand being grabbed and she knew it was Matt's without even looking at him. She knew how perfectly their hands fit together, like a puzzle piece. With her free hand she wiped away the tears that fell freely down her rosy cheeks. The elevator doors opened and once they were inside she sank down to the floor and put her head in her small hands. "Demi don't cry," Matt said softly and lifted her chin. "It's okay. He left and I doubt he'll come back. Please don't cry," Matt said and searched Demi's broken eyes for an answer but her eyes were emotionless. "Demi?" he said and started getting worried. Suddenly he saw her eyes flicker to his lips and his heart raced with excitement. Her lips parted and a small smile grew on Matt's face. He closed his eyes and instantly he felt her soft lips on his. His heart jumped out of his chest and he swears he felt electricity.

Demi felt the same electricity he felt. She couldn't believe she just kissed him. But it felt to good to pull away. Her heart was thumping and her hands had a slight shake to them but she felt... she felt like everything was going to be okay. Even though nothing was okay at the moment, she just knew that Matt would make things easier for her. And if he messed things up, she knew she had to just let it go because this is her new life. And she's stuck with him for he lives ten feet away from her.


Yay! I really wanted to post something because I missed writing on Wattpad. I have been working on this story for a while now and i'm just now posting it. I hope this story does really good because I think it's going to be my best story yet. Please share and vote. Ily guys thank you :)

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