Bloody moon/ Yoongi FF

By kOokiewithSpRite

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"Nerd" Jungkook said "They look ugly as always," Namjoon said I looked at the girls we didn't care and conti... More



902 22 17
By kOokiewithSpRite

(A/N= Hello friends! Media is *deep breath* STAN LOONA FOR CLEAR SKIN AND GOOD GRADES. Yeah, enjoy the episodee!)

"I hate clingy couples," Luna said. I wrote that at the back of my mind. 'She doesn't like to be clingy.' I may need these tips when we get married.

~Luna P.O.V.~
"I just realised, we haven't been to the school in a few weeks," Jin said. The others nodded in agreement.
"Do we really need to go to school anyway? Luna doesn't go!" Jungkook said.
"You don't go to school?" Namjoon asked.
"I don't. We came to your school for a mission since the mission is over, we don't need to go to school anymore." I said
"What was your mission?" Hoseok asked.
"It was to protect your school from the Black Skull. We killed their leader so the mission is technically ove-" I was about to say that the mission was over but my phone started buzzing. I took it out of my pocket, it was Yeri. Oh, right. I didn't tell her nor Jihyo what happened. They must be worried. I opened the call.

Y=Yeri L=Luna
Y= Luna, how are you? Rose told me what happened. How are you feeling?
L= I'm feeling a lot better actually. Thanks for asking.
Y= I really don't know what to say. Just know that we are all here if you want to talk.
L= Thanks Yeri.
Y= I really hate to talk about work right now but boss doesn't approve our mission.
L= Why?! We killed their leader!
Y= I know right but our mission was to protect the school and since people know that Bloody Moon attends there, the school is in even bigger danger.
L= I-
Y= You really need to come.
L= Alright, I'm on my way.
Y= Thank you, Luna. We're in the boss' office.

I turned off the call and looked at the seven curious faces waiting for me to tell what Yeri told me.
"Jin, can you let me off? I need to go to my company." I said
" Why? Did something happened?" Jimin asked.
"Yes kinda, I'll tell you about it later," I said
"I'll drop you-" Yoongi said but i cut him.
"No need, I'll take a tax-"
"That wasn't a question," Yoongi said in which his members looked at him with a proud face.
"O-okay sure," I said, Jin stopped the car. I was about to step out of the van but Yoongi hold my hand and dragged me out. As if I would need help getting out of a car but sure it was cute. Not to mention, his hand is... smol. He started running but didn't let my hand go. After a few minutes of running, he stopped and pointed at a car.
"That's mine." He said proudly.
"Really?! Why is your car far away from your house?" I asked.
"Our company is near here." He said and opened the car.
"Oh, okay." We both got inside. He started driving.

"14 minutes." He mumbled
"What?" I asked.
"14 minutes to tell you everything." He turned to me. "Luna look-"
"Yah! Why are you looking at me?! Look at the road, you coward! You're driving. I'm not dying today!"
"Anyway" He turned back to the road. "You know I like you." He said. Wow. That was really out of nowhere. How do i respond?
"I do. You told me a long time ago."
"Well, I still do and I know that you just got out of a relationship. I really didn't want to be a guy that takes advantage of a broken heart but listen to me."
"I really like you. I know that you don't but i want you to think about it. I'm definitely not asking for a reply, I also know how hard it is for you. I just wanted to let you know how i feel abbot you."
"Look, Yoongs. I didn't even properly break up with Lisa yet. I-I don't know what to say. J- just give me some time."
"I know, don't stress yourself. Its competitors okay if you want to stay friends. I definitely don't want to lose you as a friend as i tried to become more than friends." He pointed at the window, showing that we arrived at the company.
"I- I will see you at the BTS house?" I asked. He nodded and smiled. I got out of the car and waved as he left my sight. Oh my freaking the shitting the shat God. Yoongi really likes me, shit. Do i like him? Am i okay with Jennie and Lisa? Do i still want to be with Lisa? Oh, boy... We'll see i guess. I walked inside and went to the boss' office. I entered the office, all my members were sitting on the couch in front of our boss. It felt really good to see Tzuyu again. Both Lisa and Jennie had really red and swollen eyes.

~Flashback (Yesterday, night) Jihyo P.O.V.~

"UGHHHHHWIJXWI" Lisa shouted as she cried one more time.
"HOW?! HOW CAN WE DO THIS TO LUNAAGH" Jennie joined Lisa's crying shouts. They were crying and shouting for the past three hours. I turned to Yeri, Tzuyu and Rose who were watching them with me from the edge of the room. I looked at them with a 'wtf is happening to our gang?!?!!' look, in which they responded. We all jumped as Jennie screamed.
"no! You kill me!"

~Present Luna P.O.V.~

I sat down at the edge of the couch, next to Tzuyu. I turned to our boss.
"What happened?" I asked with a poker face.
"I can not approve of the mission, the school is still in danger. We need you to go back to school." Boss said.
"But- okay," I said
"What?!" Jihyo shouted.
"Luna!" Yeri said
"That easy?! You hated that school..." Rose said. True, I hate that school. Why am I so ready to go back? Is it because of Yoong- NO! It's not. I like him as a friend. Nothing else. I like Lisa, wait. No, i can't like Lisa. She cheated on me. Yeah, she's with Jennie. Yoongi did look cute today whne we were acting like a couple to gain time. No! I don't like him.
"I just feel bad for the students. They are in danger because of us." I said.
"Amazing!" Boss shouted. "You can go back to school next week." We all bowed and left the office. i was walking towards Tzuyu since I didn't have a chance to greet her but Lisa shouted.
"Luna!" I slowly turned to her.

Hello people!
Thanks for reading.

Happy sixth anniversary with BTS!!

See you next Wednesday! Love you🌙🌼🌻.

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