By xminimoesx

6.5K 106 10


8 (JUN UNB/U - kiss)
9 (DAY6 JAE)


311 4 0
By xminimoesx

'Student Gala'



The man standing behind me fell down kneeling holding his chest while grunts of pain espcaped his lips. Me, not being able to move a muscle just started at the man holding the gun that he now pointed to my my head.

"It won't hurt," he said softly trying to somehow make me relax about the situation even though he's fully aware that there's a gun pointing to my head.

"I'll take your pain away in just one second, there's no need to be afraid. You'll be happy up there and be reunited with your friends." I closed my eyes holding my stomach as i felt the bullet hitting me like a truck.

"But after all i'd rather see you suffer." He smirked and pulled the trigger again, i wasn't sure if i got shot again but when i opened my eyes he was laying right in front of me.

Looking up and i saw the police holding him to the floor while handcuffing him, when they where done they left the room another officer stayed with us.

I saw few emergency nurses standing in the hallway helping the other people.

"Hello, Miss are you alive?" He said gently and flashed his light in my eyes to see if i would react.

"Yess please help him." I said holding my stomach to not show him my pain while i grabbed Yeonjun's hand.
"Please stay with me,
i love you."

I could feel his grip tightening when his eyes looked at me.

"I'll always be with you,"

His grip was loosening and i coul see he was struggling to speak his last words.

"Please stay with me Yeonjun. We'll make him pay for this please i need you to stay awake."

I cupped his cheeks and trying to keep myself together.

"No matter where you go i'll be there to." His eyes fluttered shut and didn't open again.

"Yeonjun!? No please! Yeonjun! Jun please wake up!" I was shaking his shoulder like crary while the nurses rushed in to help him.

"Miss please calm down you won't survive if you keep being so angry, this will increase your bloodlos." She calmed me down and escorted both Yeonjun and i to the ambulance and then straight to the hospital.

I don't really remember going to the hospital and i haven't seen Yeonjun either...

"How long will it take before she wakes up again?" My mother asked the doctor and he looked hastened to tell her something.

"Maybe you should sit down for a second." He suggested and it made my mother even more worried then she already was but she sat down trying to prepare for what was coming next.

"So the bullet has been removed and she'll only have a minor scar, but she had a negative reaction to one of the antibiotics and it made her heartbeat slowdown until she was fully unconscious. Now we immediately started cpr and got her heartbeat to a normal pace again." He took a quick breath.

"But now due to the allergic reaction her body got into a coma and i could last for a few days but we check up on her every hour." He tried to comfort her and rubbed her shoulder.

"I'm very sorry we'll do our best." He stood next to my bed and checked the parameters.

"Thank you docter." My mom said as he was ready to leave the room, with a slight nod he closed the door behind him.

My mother broke down in tears,

it has been the third time that she came to the hospital this year. The first time was for her mother, she had to get her kidneystones removed but the operation ended horribly.

Well there's no need to get into detail about that.

And the second time was when my older brother got into a car accident, they rushed him to the emergency room but there was nothing they could do for him anymore.

So i am the only person my mother has left of her family. So if she would loses me she wouldn't be able to handle it...

It has been 3 months since this all happened.

The guy who shot me is sent to jail, Yeonjun has recovered from his wound.

"Today was fun at school, i literally learned how to make a stink bom during science. Well we didn't try it out officially but the professor swears that it works. Oh, even more fun news studentgala is around the corner and i'll be the one organization it. We will use all your good ideas and you'll be honored and remember by everyone."

Yeonjun sat on my bed holding my hand smiling slightly as he spoke to me.

But his smile faded and was replaced by a sad snif and slightly teary eyes.

"I hope you'll be awake by then, i would love to do the opening dance with you instead of Xiajo. Please wake up soon i miss my best friend." He whipped his tears away and kissed my forehead.

"Yeonjun, i thought you had to go to dinner with your parents." My mom said while walking up to him and he instantly gave her a hug.

"I had to be there at 6pm but it's already 6:47pm, they know i always stay longer when i am with Y/n. I miss her so much." He broke down in my mother's arms again.

"It's oke, she'll wake up soon. But Y/n wants us to be happy for her, oke? Can you please try that?" She whipped his tears away and he slightly nodded.

"I should go now, thank you." Yeonjun bowed and closed the door leaving my mother alone with me in the room like every night.

She sat on the bed beside me stroking my hair and smiling at me.

"I hope you'll marry that kid one day, have two really beautiful kids one boys and one girl. And you will probably live in a big house in a valm neighborhood where people will bqq outside in the summer and organize little family competition that will go on for generations. I hope to see this come true sweetheart." My mother got of the bed and sat on the sofa reading hee book before she fell asleep...

Another week went by and there we're no changes of results.

"Her results have been the same but are brain monitor can pick up signs of consciousness so that might mean there is some improvement." The doctor told my mother about my results.

"Be sure to report if you see any movement." He said while walking towards the door. "I will thank you docter." He nodded and closed the door behind him.

"Did you hear that sweetie? You're getting better. I knew you would keep fighting. Take your time sweetheart." She left the room to get some fresh air because she's been at the hospital the hole day instead of at her work so she had to inform her boss about my condition.

"No don't shoot him-
i love you-"

Yeonjun had finished school and rushed to the hospital to see me like he did every single day.

He opened the door and froze on the spot when he saw me, i looked at him with a smile omd my face as the conversation between my mom and i stopped.

"I'll give you a moment to explain everything to him." My mother stroked my hair and left the room but before she did she whispered something to Yeonjun, he just nodded at what she said and closed the door.

He walked in a slow pace towards the bed and wasn't saying anything.

"Come here." I sat up and patted the empty space beside me. He sat down and held my hand as i rested my head on his shoulder.

"I've missed you so much." I said but he still didn't say anything it felt like something was bothering him, but i couldn't bring myself to ask him anything.

He started crying and i felt so bad for him, i can't imagine what i would be like to wait for someone to wake up after three months.

"I'm so sorry." I said and pulled him into a hug he cried even more when i did that. "Hey it's oke, let it all out, you'll feel much better afterwards."

"And thank you Yeonjun for never giving up on me, always keeping me up to date with the latest news. Thanks to you it felt like i was awake and witnessing everything that happend these past months. I couldn't be more great full to have friend like you." I released the hug and he looked at me with a huge smile on his face.

He whipped his tears from his peachy cheeks then he cupped my cheeks grabbing my attention.

"I've missed you so much and for a slight second it felt like you would never wake up again but now that you're awake we have alot to discuss about the studentgala. Or we could do something else if you'd like." I looked at him we stared at each other his eyes shifting between my eyes and my lips.

I chuckled and looked down. "Yeonjun do you remember what i told you last time we saw each other?" I was kinda curious to see if he would have remembered my 'confession'.

"Let me think you said 'Please stay with me Yeonjun' or something like that." He mocked my tone and shook my shoulders the same way i shook his.

I kinda felt disappointed but i mean i can tell him again.

"Yeah that's right." He stood up from the bed grabbing a notepad out of his backpack and sat next to me again.

"Anyway, these are the ideas you had and this is what the the gym will look like." He showed me a few pictures of the gym and it looked perfect.

"Waw Junie it looks just like i wanted it to be. It is perfect I'm proud of you." I patted his back.

"Thank you i did it for you but one more thing. Are you coming to the Gala and if you are i would love for you to be my date and partner for the opening dance." He smiled widely.

"I would love to be your date but we will have to see what the doctor says. I'll let you know, don't you have to be at dinner with Xiajo and the gang?" I stares at the wall where the big clock hang.

"No, i'll see them tomorrow you're more important." He smiled and we ended up eating take away pizza and chatting all night my mom was with us to of course...

It was the day of the StudentGala and Yeonjun came to see me before he left.

"It's sad that we can't go together i was really looking forward to it. Now i have to dance with Xiajo but i'll just think that it is you." He smiled sitting on the coffee table right in front of me while i lazily layed on the couch.

"I know but promise you'll have fun for me to." I pouted my lips and opened my arms for a hug he hugged me back and kissed my cheek.

"I'll miss you bye~" He said while getting up and walking to the door.

"I'll miss you too, have fun bye~" I yelled before i heard the door close...

"Are you people ready for the best night of the year!?" Yeonjun yelled into the microphone and everyone cheered.

He gave a quick honor speech to thank everyone for their help and support. "And lastly i want to thank the person who inspired this year's StudentGala, she made this possible without even being here. She faught for us for three months straight and now fully conscious she still didn't get the chance to attend this year's ball but i would love for everyone to take the little peace of paper and write down something you want most in live. Then turn it over and write your name then put it in the box. We will then pick one person to win the grand surprise. Y/n will be our judge so be creative. Even though she isn't here she'll still be with us. Thank you everyone and enjoy the opening dance."

He got of the stage and was ready to start the dance with 'Xiajo'.

She was wearing a white galagown with a slightly see through vail covering her face.

The music started and they danced to the ritem of the song slowly pacing around the dance floor.

"Xiajo why does it look like you can't remember the dance." Yeonjun felt confused because they practiced for at least 3 full days.

"I'm sorry~" She whispered when the music came to an end. Everyone joined on the dancefloor as the dj played new songs.

Yeonjun let go of Xiajo's body and stared walking towards the bar for some non alcoholic beverage to get through the night and to get away from Xiajo but she followed him.

"Yeonjun!" She yeld, he turned around a little startled by the voice calling for him. He immediately speed walked towards her slowly taking off her vail revealing another face.

"Y/n?" The confusion struck in but was soon replaced by a smile of relief.

"I told you i wasn't gonna come but i couldn't leave you here all on your own so we planned the little switch beforehand." I smiled widely as I held both of his hands.

"Yeah this sure is a surprise." He looked at his feet while rubbing the back of this neck.

"Let's have some fun tonight, Oke? I really need this." He looked back up at me giving me a thin smile.

We danced for a while before it was time to reveal the 'Galacouple' it's like the king and queen of prom but better.

"So everybody listen up. It is finally there the moment we have all been waiting or at least I was so I won't let you wait any longer. Please show us the four female candidates." Xiajo spoke in the microphone and the spotlights shined on the four finalist's.

"First, Kang Mina.
Second, Song Heirin.
Third, Lee Xiajo.
And lastly, Y/F/N." I saw a spotlight flashing towards me and heard people whispering things but I didn't pay any attention to that.

"Female contestants please make your way to the stage." We did as we where told and stood there on stage in one row. She then proceeded to call out the male contestants.

"First we have mister handsome with a small face, Bae Jinyoung.
Second is, Han Jisung.
Third our one and only Aussie, Mister Lee Felix.
And lastly we have the truest fried in the whole universe my lovely Choi Yeonjun. Please come forward and stand on the other side of the stage now that we know the contestants. It's up to you guys to diside who wins this years 'StudentGalaCouple Vacation'." Xiajo excitedly continues to explain the rules to win.

"So if everyone would please take out your phone and go to the school app you will see the voting panel and you can vote for your favorte couple there. All you have to do is click on a girl and then on a boy they will then form a couple and the couple with the most votes wins. I wish you good luck you'll have one minute to finish your vote and you can vote 3 times. Start voting...
NOW!" I saw everyone ticking and swiping on there phone I just hope I get a match with Yeonjun but he'all probably match with Xiajo.

But lest not get our hopes up, there's still a slight chance we'll be together.

Deep into my thoughts I didn't even realize the voting was over.

"So you have all had your minute to change the world, now let's see what the end scores are." The screen behind us let up and showed the scores with no names.

"The couple who ended last with 35points is...
Kang Mina and Han Jisung. Good job you guys.
After that we have 68 Points this couple is
Bad Jinyoung and Song Haerin, you did great.
The moment of truth is here the first and second have only 22points difference.

The two remaining couples our,
Lee Felix and Y/F/N,
Lee Xiajo and Choi Yeonjun."

There go's the vacation I wanted with Jun but it's fine, he'll have fun with Xiajo.

"The couple who will go for a week to London, that will be remember for the rest of the year. They won with a good amount of point only 173 point! Can you believe it!?
The winning couple is..."

"Lee Felix and Y/F/N! Congratulations you to and I hope you'll enjoy the rest of your night please give us a little speech." Xiajo stood back from the microphone, Felix came towards me wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me towards the microphone.

"Thank you very much people for shipping me with this beautyful lady i am truly honored but there's something you should know. You see I don't think Y/n would enjoy going to London with me i think she'd rather go with-" Felix didn't have time to say anything else, I cupped his mouth and pulled him away from the mic.

"Oh sweetheart you're so funny. Thank you everyone for voting for us I really appreciate it!" Finishing the sentence for him i stormed of the stage pulling Felix with me so we could speak in private.

"Are you crazy?! Why would you expose me in front of everyone especially Jun." My voice was loud whisper because even though we're alone there could be someone listening.

"Uh, First of all why are you whisper shouting there's literally no one here and secondly didn't you tell him your in love with him?" He looked a little confused but i couldn't blame him for that.

"yes I did but he forgot." I looked down at my feet in disappointed, Felix held both of my shoulders.

"Hey well just tell him again." Easy for him to say he probably doesn't even know what it feels like to confess to someone.

"No I can't its not that easy." He lifted my chin up staring right into my eyes trying to figure out what i was feeling.

"Why not?" He blurred out as if i was just being over dramatic.

"Because he doesn't me." Well i finally got that off my chest.

"Y/N please how could he not like you?" Felix let go of my shoulders and shook his head.

"Yes that's a good question." Jun eavesdropped on our conversation.

"I'll let you two talk and after your done i could talk to Xiajo about the little vacation. Maybe i can convince her to let Yeonjun go with you." Felix was about to walk away but i held him back.

AREN'T YOU GOING WITH ME?" He smiled widely at me confused and maybe slightly irritated face.

"No, i don't think i can handel being in another country for a week with you." Felix smirked. Oh my this guy...

"HEY!" I slapped the back of his head playfully obviously, i get what he's doing right now.

"No, offense but i have enough just seeing you at school." Ruffeling my hair he was about to leave before i reached up to kiss his cheek.

"Thank you." I whispered, with flashing me one last Felix took his leave.

"So tell me what's up?" Jun asked standing right in front of me.

"Do you like someone as more than just a friend?" I blurred slightly hoping he doesn't.

"Are you crazy, i don't do that." He said it clearly but i still didn't believe one hundred percent.

"Are you sure?" He suddenly cupped my cheek and had a slight smile on his face.

"Yes i'm one hundred percent sure trust me. And even if i would like someone as more than just a friend, it can't work cause that would mean i had to break our friendship and i don't want to do that." I smiled back at him my heart was going crazy, he always knows what to say and when to say it. He hugged me tightly and i did to.

"Why did i have to fall in love with you." I blurred out under my breath, i mentally facepalmed.

"I don't know but would it help if i said i fell in love with you a long time ago to?" Jun confessed to me, for the first time. Did i hear that right?

"You love me?" I was taken a back because i never thought he would do this. "I always have and always will." We smiled at each other as we heard are favorite song playing in the background.

"Come on let's have some fun." He whispered.



Word count: 3532
pages: 50

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