Lovely ||Krii7y||

Oleh Diallina

92.3K 4.9K 1.6K

Isn't it Lovely All alone Heart made of glass My mind of stone Tear me to pieces Skin to bone Hello... welco... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57? Epilogue?!

Chapter 32

1.1K 76 31
Oleh Diallina

Chapter 32

Smii7y sat bored in his room as he looked through his phone. It was going to be a slow week for him as his friends would most likely not make an appearance and if they do it's only for a short while. Smii7y knew Christmas was coming up as well and he would spend another year alone.

'It's not like I haven't done that before,' Smii7y thought.

But this year could be different; he has John now and he could visit and John would most likely let him stay. His heart skipped again and he shook his head. There was no point in trying to figure out why he keeps doing that. It's not like he actually has feelings for John...

'He's just a prize to be won,' Smii7y thought as he heard a soft knock on the door.

"Hey Smitty," Craig said as he popped into his room.

"Craig you're surprisingly here early... and alone," Smii7y said from his bed.

"Oh yeah I wanted to talk with you before everyone else comes," Craig said as he closed the door behind him.

"What is there to talk about," Smii7y said.

"It's about... John," Craig said rubbing the back of his head.

"This is the first time you actually wanna talk about him," Smii7y said intrigued about what Craig had to offer.

"Just that his dad came home so John might be hmmm a little bit... different," Craig said trying to figure the right words to say.

"Different how," Smii7y said.

"He might seemed a bit more depressed his father isn't the most caring of people," Craig said.

"You want me to try and cheer him up," Smii7y said.

"I think you may have a good influence on him but don't tell anyone this I don't want them to know I talked to you about this," Craig said.

"Alright," Smii7y said.

He wasn't even planning on telling anyone anything. They didn't need to know what he and John did when the sky turned dark. It was something he hoped he could keep to himself. He knew John wouldn't tell them anything either since he didn't know that they knew Smii7y. Smii7y got up from the bed and stretched. It was about time he go visit John, curious about what Craig was talking about.

"I'll be back," Smii7y said to the lonesome Craig.

"I probably won't be here when you come back I just needed some time away from home," Craig said as he mindlessly changed the channels on the tv.

Smii7y rolled his eyes and left. Was his place a sanctuary for people who needed to get away or something. When he stepped outside a fresh blanket of snow covered the area. Smii7y blew out a breath and smiled when a puff of smoke left his mouth. He went to his car making sure his wheels had snow chains on them. He didn't need to die in a car accident anytime soon. He checked his car to see if he had the license plate covered before getting in. The car came to life and Smii7y drove off.

"Look what you made me do, I'm with somebody new, ooh, baby, baby, I'm dancing with a stranger," Smii7y said as the song came on the radio.

Smii7y doesn't usually have the radio on, most preferably he would listen to the music he has on his phone, but when he does its usually on some random pop station. He never cared long enough to figure out who the radio hosts were or what station he was on. As long as there was a good song he could sing to it wouldn't matter what station he was on. He parked in the blindspot and got out of his cars. He snuck his way in and climbed to the top to the balcony.

He wondered if people could see him climbing but he shrugged it off knowing it was late. He noticed that John's room was completely dark. He wouldn't even know John was in there if he didn't notice that there was a small light coming from John's bed. Smii7y opened the door lightly hearing the door creak.

"Go away Smii7y," he heard John muffle out as there was a pillow thrown towards his direction.

"You need to get better at welcoming people," Smii7y said picking up the pillow from the floor.

Smii7y walked over to John and frowned at what he saw. John was wrapped up in his blanket staring blankly at his phone, that kept lighting up with notifications. He could tell John hadn't really moved from his spot as there was a half eaten plate from the looks of it. He wondered what happened to John to make him go happy one day to depressed the next.

"Leave me alone," John mumbled, which sounded pathetic to Smii7y.

"You know I never will," Smii7y said as he took John's phone, "now come on tell me what's wrong."

""You wouldn't understand," John mumbled.

"Try me," Smii7y said rubbing soothing circles on John's back.

"My father came home today... its usually isn't so bad but I feel like my mother is out to get me. She's told my dad all of the bad things I've done wrong and that's all he ever sees in me. I try my hardest to show I am capable of anything but it's never enough for him," John explained.

Smii7y winced, knowing exactly what John was going through. His own father and mother popping into his head as he shook it.

'There was no point in thinking about that anymore,' Smii7y thought as he moved on to massaging John's back.

"Life will get better... you need to eat you only ate like half," Smii7y said looking at the salad.

"Half," John snorted then said, "more like none of it."

"You're telling me they let you eat like this," Smii7y said looking at the poor excuse of a salad salad with disdain.

"Only thing my mother would let me eat when she's mad at me," John mumbled.

"Tomorrow I'm bringing you some real food alright," Smii7y said.

"Please do," John said then moaned out when Smii7y got into a particularly knotted spot.

"You have the hands of an angel," John said as Smii7y kept massaging.

"I used to do this for Fitz all the time whenever he was stressed out," Smii7y said undoing the knots he felt.

Smii7y watched as John slowly relaxed under his hands. It wasn't a complete lie when he said he used to do it for Fitz. Fitz was the one who did it for him whenever he felt like the world was against him. He just learned from him so he could make Fitz feel good. Smii7y wondered if it was time to let John know everything, but his thoughts were caught off when he heard a soft snore coming from him.

'Only John could ever ruin this moment," Smii7y thought as he placed a kiss on John's lips.

Smii7y slowly helped John lean back against his bed as he looked towards John's phone. He grabbed John's thumb and unlocked it. Smii7y was aimlessly looking at his phone trying to harmless peak when he reached messages. He found his number and had to stifle a laugh when he saw it was MilkBag.

He looked through John's for a couple more minutes before locking it and putting it to the charger. He got up and saw a piece of paper on John's dresser. He saw that it was an invitation to the gala or whatever. He saw that it was supposed to start at 7. He smirked and looked back towards the sleeping figure.

'Maybe I should attend,' Smii7y thought as he left.

Okay so I'm at my niece's graduation when I remembered what day it was. I also made some changes to the chapter you probably wouldn't have noticed as no one has seen it but me. Both John and Smii7y both seem very ooc but I think you guys don't mind right lol

Thank you for the support as always

With lots of love 💛

Brofish 👊🐟

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