The Virtual World [AH OT6]

By FoulLily

3.2K 104 18

Gavin gets this new console and can't wait to try it out, little does he know, it'll change his life for the... More

Chapter 1 - The Beginning
Chapter 3 - The Creature
Chapter 4 - Gavin's Companion
Chapter 5 - Homeless
Chapter 6 - His Boys

Chapter 2 - Welcome to Achievement Hunter

639 23 1
By FoulLily

Gavin pulled back the bow, releasing it and hitting the charging boar right inbetween it's eyes, killing it instantly.

He was so far in the second section of the veild, which Gavin proudly fought his way to. He was so far level 5 and was happy with his slow, but steady growth. He was now at the gate to section 3 of the first feild.

In the first feild there were 5 sections, each more difficult than the other. At the end was a boss, and after you beat that, you are heading straight to the second feild with different monsters, villages, arena's and everything. Along with better items to buy the further you get.

As Gavin goes through the gate he gets another tiny diamond shaped gem that appears in his hand, 3-1 inside like it was trapped inside the gem. "Another transport gem," Gavin said to himself as he put the tiny gem into his inventory bag.

"It's starting to fill up, going to need a new one" Gavin thought as he walked through the grassy feild, bow in hand as he looked out for any creatures.

As Gavin was passing by what looked like a fallen stone structure he heard fighting. He looked over and noticed what looked like a dragon's tail dissapearing behind the little hill the stones were on.

Out of pure curiosity, he made his way over to the hill. As he got closer he saw the dragon fighting, it's health above it's head slowly draining. He also heard players fighting it, definitely more than one.

He hid behind one of the stones, peeking around it to take a look. Five in total, fighting this, what looked to be level 25 dragon. Gavin didn't even know such powerful monsters were in a low leveled area like this.

He wondered what level the others were in. They wore weird clothing, at least it seems to be weird. One wore a bear like hood with yellow pants and bandages around his ankles to under his knees.

Another a suit that looked to be something from Halo, Master Cheif maybe? He wondered if the helmet could be taken off as it was on right now. Another guy wore a hooded, long green shirt that reached down to his knees with weird white patterns on it. He had red pants and blue biker boots, and a pair of black goggles with dark enough lenses that you couldn't see his eyes.

The last two were the most interesting to Gavin. One wore a simple tux, with from what he could see a rose in the right pocket, but a cape was also attached, the fabric on the inside a rose red colour. The last guy wore a black button up vest, with a white dress shirt under it, but what was weird was he wore a kilt with knee socks too.

Gavin held his breath as he watched the five fight and how they did so. The bear and the tux guys both fought with swords, the guy with the bear outfit weilding two instead of one. The kilt man was a magic weilder, and it was fun to watch. The guy with goggles weilded a gaint axe, and it surprised Gavin he could swing that thing around at all. The last guy, dressed in a master cheif outfit seemed to be the leader, giving out orders to the others who follow instantly. He had a large, golden gun with what looked like a retracting scope.

Gav watched them fight with extreme presision and team work it was almost terrifying. Who were these guys? Why were they here, they looked to be at such a higher level than what their fighting. It didn't take long till the dragon fell, the body desintergrating it many pixels and the guys picked up the rewards, but there was a problem.

Where's the guy in a bear costume?

"Who the fuck are you?" Gavin froze as he felt a sword pressed against his throat. He knew this game was realistic, but this was terrifying. He turned his head a little to get a look at the guy. He doesn't look very menacing, but he sounds it. He had curly redish brown hair and freckles which made his face look young. "Answer me!"

The sword was pressed further against Gavin's neck and Gav could feel the blood start to trickle down his neck. "I-I...m-my names..G-Gavin..." He heard the lad chuckle.

"What a dumb accent, hey Geoff!" the lad yelled and that got the attention of the guy with a gun, which was now strapped against his back. "I got some kid over here!"

Gavin looked around at the guys who were all staring at him, how can this be so terrifying? It's just a game. The guy Gavin now knew as Geoff took his helmet off and looked nothing like Gavin thought he would.

He had a weird mustache that was curled at the ends, along with a tired looking face and short black hair. "Bring him here Michael," Geoff said and Gavin watched as his helmet went up in pixels in the mans hand.

Michael nodded and grabbed the back of Gavin's vest, pulling him up with him and walked over to the other four. He shoved Gavin into the middle of the circle that the five made, and Gavin didn't dare stand from his kneeling position.

It was silent for a while before the man in a kilt burst out laughing, "he's such a low level!" He had a really deep voice that sent shivers down Gavin's spine, but he didn't know why.

"Shut the fuck up Ryan, this is feild one, of course he's a low level." Michael growled, Ryan just huffing in response.

"So what do we do with him?" The tux lad asked, he seemed just as young as Michael.

"Isn't it obvious Ray? We kill him. Why would this guy be any different than the others?" Ryan responded.

"I think he should join us." The guy with the goggles said, who now had his goggles risen ontop of his head.

"What the fuck Jack, have you gone fucking insane!?" Michael yelled, "he's a fucking weakling!"

"We don't have an archer on our team, why not?" Jack fought back, but not raising his voice, instead just smiling like it was a joke.

"He has a point," Geoff said, hand on his chin like he was thinking. "We could use an archer, but he's weak."

"I can train!" Gavin didn't know why he spoke up, he kept his eyes on the ground, just listening until now. He didn't want to die, not this soon, and it felt so real, like his life was actually in danger.

They all turned their attention to Gavin, and Michael was the first to speak, "who the fuck said you could speak!?" Gavin whimpered a little and shrunk down in his sitting position.

"Michael, don't be an asshole," Jack said as he put his hand on the lads shoulder and walked over to Gavin, kneelding down beside him with a smile. "You know your going to have to train hard."

Gavin nervously nods, but relaxes under Jack's soft gaze, he seems to be the nicest. "I-I can...i just..."

Jack chuckles, "I know the feeling, I was in your place when I met Geoff. It's really realistic huh?" Gavin nods and gives a nervous smile. Jack stands and holds his hand out to Gav, Gav taking it and allowing Jack to help him stand. The two then face Geoff. "So?"

Geoff looks Gavin over then gives a smile with a chuckle, "alright then kid, as long as you prove you can hold your own, you can join us."

Geoff then looks around and points to what looks like a weird elephant, walrus hybrid thing. He points to it, "kill it. By yourself."

Gavin looked at the creature. It was level 10, he couldn't kill that, not on his own. He looked at Geoff with pleading eyes but the man just glared at him, raising a brow. He had to, to become part of them, he had to.

Nervously he made his way over to the monster, looking back at the guys every now and then the closer he got to the creature. Then while he was looking back at the guys he heard the creature whail like an elephant and when he turned around it was charging at him.

He took out his bow, willing his shaking to stop and drew it back, shooting it between the creatures eyes. It hit it's mark, but it only lost a quater of it's health.

Just as it was about to charge him, he jumped out of the way, only losing a little of his health. He rolled and stood again just as the beast started charging. He pulled his bow back and hit it in they eye. That got it to lose it's balance and fall with a cry.

It was now down half it's health, he didn't have far, just a few more.

The beast got up and charged once again. Gavin pulled his bow back and missed, hitting the monster's tusk, breaking the arrow. The next thing he knew, he was flying through the air, hitting thr ground hard and knocking the breath out of him.

He stood up and watching as his health fell down to 37/146, he has to kill this thing before it kills him.

He shakily got up and drew his bow, body almost giving way with the little strength he now had. He aimed the bow poorly, but the creature was coming he didn't have time, so he shot.

It got the beast in the eye and it stopped, only a few feet from Gav. He looked up at the frozen beast and smiled as it's health fell down to zero and it disapeared into pixels.

Gavin then found a hand on his shoulder and when he looked back, Ryan was there, handing him a healing potion with Gavin greedily took and drank, restoring all his health.

Geoff then stood in front of him, Gavin looking up at the leader and standing. Geoff offered out his hand, which Gavin took and shook it with a smile. "What's your name kid?"


"Well Gavin, welcome to Achievement Hunter."

Yay more introduction chapters xP, I think this is the last one though :3

Hope you liked, love you guys :D

If you have any idea's I'd love to hear them :3

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