Life of a queer in care ❤️

By amygirl3002

3.6K 176 27

This is a story about a teenager who was put into foster care when she came out . She's faced some struggles... More

I'm a ....lesbian
Did she over hear?
She didn't even say 'bye'
I Thought I Let It Behind
I Have A Girlfriend
Tim yelling again !
New roomate !
Double date ??
Maddies first day at school Pt 1
Maddies First Day At School Pt2
The Warehouse
The Next Day

The bushes

32 1 2
By amygirl3002

* a few weeks later *

( conversion between Maddie and Rita )

M- Rita .... can i please meet up with one of my friends from school and go shopping or something on Friday after school

R- mmmmmmm sure if you will be back by 9:30 , whats his or her name ?

M- thank you so much , her name is Jamie

R- no bother just make sure your back by then or Tim will cause war and you will be killed

M- im sure ill be well home before then

Maddie walks upstairs to her room to tell the girls

M - hey guys , guess what !

L&N- what !

M- she said i can meet up with Jamie after school on Friday

N- yay that's good

L- ya better then staying here , just make sure your back in time

N- ya cause we don't you on the wrong side of Tim

M - yup trust me ill be back well before then

*Friday last period*

** Maddies P.O.V**

'omg i can't wait for the bell to ring , to get out of here and let the fun begin' i said to Jamie

'same , can't wait to go shopping ' she whispered trying not to get in trouble

'how much did you bring ?' i asked

' 50 euro hopefully i won't spend it all , what about yourself ? ' she laughed

'same i have 45 euro , hahhaaha ' i said


' yesssss lets goo Jamie !' i said legging it out the door

'whooohooo omg you swear it's the holidays or something hahahahahhah' she laughed

Jamie and I walked out of the school building and, headed down the road to go to town . The only thing is that our school is in the country side and they is loads of bushes and it gets creepy when it's dark out. Luckily it's bright out so nothing will happen . It's about a 10 minute walk to the bus stop .

*at bus stop*

( rustling in the bushes )

'OMG , Jamie did you hear that ?' I whispered

'hear what ? , i heard nothing ' she said shocked looking around

( rustling in the bushes again )

' OMG , you better heard that and if not you better get your ears checked '

'OMG, what the fuck was that ? '

' i don't know , maybe its just a bird '

'Maddie im scared , theres nothing to be seen not even a car , and when is the bus meant to be hear ?' she said as she grabbed my arm

' like 5 minutes away ... stop your going to make me scared ' i said shaking



' relax its just my phone , Leah sent me a snap , lets snap her back ' i said

'ok make sure you put you location one the snap cause i want to know we are still waiting for the bus whiles shes at home probaly relaxing with Nicole '

' ok sure now smile ' i said trying to find the right angle

'perfect '

'annndd send ' i said

Out of nowhere 3 men come out of the bushes and grabs us , one man has Jamie another me and the other on the phone yelling at someone . Their hands placed over our mouths making it hard for us to scream for help . The fella puts his phone back in his pocket and pulls out a load of rope , don't even know how it fit in his pocket . i can see a car coming in the distance , Jamie and I try out hardest to wave , shout or even move in any way .

' fuck take them into the bushes and keep them quiet !' the phone guy said

'yes sir ' the 2 others replied

They grabbed us even tighter and dragged us into the bushes , i pretend to trip and the fella lets go , i get the chance to yell HELP . But he picked me up instantly and gives me a slap across the face .

'Don't you dare , try and do something like that again and that goes for you too ' he said pointing his finger at us

'you're so fucking slow Jim , how could you let her go like that ' the other guy said angrily

' it wasn't my fault she tripped ' he said with a puss on his face

'no it was my fault Jim , cop the fuck one and pay more attention ' he said sarcastically

'okayy i will ' Jim said

'Don't know how you even got the job' he said under his breathe '

' SHUT THE FUCK UP , YOU'RE WORSE THEN KIDS ! and here tie them up now before i lose it more ' the 3rd fella shouted , and threw rope at the 2nd guy

'yes sir , sorry sir' the both said

They begin to tie us up, both of my hands were tied together . Omg my circulation was gone , i felt as if my hands were going to fall off . They pushes us to the ground and Jim lied across us so we couldn't move . We started to yell cause our mouths were free .

' HELP ...........HELP PLEASE ....HELP !!!!!' we yelled at the top of our lungs

' SHUT UP !!' one guy said

'Did you find them yet ?' Jim asked

'Does it look like i found them ' he replied

'hurry on !' Jim said

'Found them .. now girls shut the fuck up cause if you yell again or try and run away he will kill you , literally ' The fella said

One of the guys put a gag in each of our mouths and put duck tape over it . Now we definitely couldn't yell or move ... great . what are they going to do to us ? will they kill us ? will they let us go ? . A white van pulls up , the back door slides open the guys lift us up off the ground and drag us into the back of the van . At this point i begin to think , im going to die , this is the end for Jamie and I , we wont see our friends and she won't see her family again, boi i hate school but i wish i was there right now . They pushes us on top of a dirty cold mattress and said lie there quietly . The door slid closed and we began to drive away . Jamie and I did what we were told to do , we sat there in the dark and silence just hoping for a miracle . I prayed and prayed for one . We hear this shuffling and foot steps , they was getting closer . 2 of the guys comes over to us and sits beside us . They begin to touch us . I tried to move away but i couldn't , i couldn't move i was helpless , i just had to sit there and let him to touch me . You hear about these stories on the news but you never think it's going to happened to you . It's happening to me , and Jamie . We can't help ourselves , we can't try and stop it , stop this pain , the physical pain from them touching us , the pain of not knowing whats going on, of what might happen , i really think they are going to drive us somewhere , rape us , torture us and kill us , our bodies will never be found , everyone will worry , police will spend years wasting their time , cause they won't be able to find us .

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