Spiders Mark [discontinued]

By luna_renn

4.7K 93 116

Jade Rose lived a peaceful life with his family. There was only one danger and that was they lived on the out... More

bank robbery
The beginning
Dying star
Unusual snow
Snow fall
Speacial surprise
On the other side
A talk before the trip
forever fall
Following the trail
Even more complicated
The day (volume 1 end)
Best friends
Another escape
defeated by cookie
The dance
Golden Rose
field trip
the first day
All aboard
ice cream problem
A Grimm situation
An Experience (volume 2 end)
a new gem
start of the Festival
Winter is coming
a bird came to visit
crime decrease
the return
A single choice
beginning of the end
A slow destruction
A blinding white end
Without a doubt in the world! (Volume 3 end)
A big reunion
Back in action
Moving on
A hard encounter
What're you doing here?
Taking things apart
Oniyuri Pt.1
Oniyuri Pt.2
The Rose curse (Volume 4 end)
Back in the saddle again
A very random set of events

Beacon pt.2

149 3 2
By luna_renn

It was now night time and everyone was in the ballroom. Jade and jaune were actually sitting together but Jade actually didn't pack anything and just had normal clothes and nothing else, not even a sleeping bag.

Jaune: so how do you plan on sleeping today? 

Jade: probably passing out....also did your pajamas have to be, so.....childish?

Jaune: I...I have nothing to say to that.

He puts his finger and looks at the ground.

Jade: well I'll be right back. Gotta call someone real quick.

He gets up and runs up the stairs and looks around after making sure the coast was clear he puts on his suit.

Mina: good night?

Jade: call ruby for me?

Mina: you got it!

After a bit of ringing, Ruby picks up the phone.

Ruby: Hello? Jade what do you want?

Jade: so you know how you woke me up and then I jumped out a window?

Ruby: yeah? Oh fuck, I'll be right there. Do you need a sleeping bag?

Jade: yeah, and a change of clothes.

Ruby: gotcha. Meet me on the roof of the ballroom.

Jade: alright.

The call ends and Mina marks a vent that will lead to the roof.


Jade kicks the vent off and got on the roof. He sees a thing flying towards him so he zooms in on it. It was ruby in her bleeding edge suit flying towards him.

Jade: okay, I have to swing everywhere while she gets to fly? Okay...

He just nods and crosses his arms as she hovers while taking the rolled up sleeping back off her shoulder. She tosses it to him and he catches it.

Ruby: oh yeah. The clothes.

She tosses him a black tracksuit and he catches it.

Ruby: also did you tell them about who your actual mother is?

Jade: I mean when you look like the guy version of one of them, it's kinda hard not too.

Ruby: so you did tell them?

Jade: yes. Well, I told ruby not yang. Most of them should be sleeping by now soooo.

He literally unwraps the sleeping bag on the roof and lays down in it.

Ruby: I think you just hit peek laziness levels. Well since I have to be here tomorrow, I'm just gonna....

She pulls out another sleeping bag and lands on the building and her armor retracted back into her reactor. She unrolls it and puts it down close to Sento but for some reason, she made the letter L and then she laid down.

Ruby: good night.

Jade: good night.

He literally slept in his suit because it had a heater and it was SLIGHTLY cold out.


Both jade and ruby awoke at the same time both rising like the living dead.

Ruby/jade: yes.

They both get up and ruby pulls out some sort of spray. Jade's suit goes into his web shooters and he changes into the tracksuit. Ruby sprays herself and this spray makes you and your clothes make you smell like flowers which he never understood how it worked. it even cleans clothes!

Ruby: ready for today?

She looks at her watch and sees that have almost an hour before they need to get to beacon cliff.

Ruby: never mind! We're sleeping or another hour!

Jade: I can get behind that.

They both face plant into their sleeping bags once more and they lay there.


Both arise once again and Ruby looks at her watch.

Ruby: okay this time we really do go. We're flying there also.

Both of their suits come on and ruby grabs jade by the arm and starts flying away.


Ruby touched down and both of them stand next to ozpin and the Huntress. Jade's suit comes off and he goes to stand on one of the circles.

Ruby: How's it been, Glynda?

Glynda: perfectly fine so far ruby.

Ruby: great to hear. Now which one of us is giving instructions?

Ozpin: I am. I am the headmaster after all.

The students make their way out to the teachers and most of them stare at ruby who was extremely out of place.

Ozpin: ...

(Author: who cares about the rules? Let's just hop right into it!!)

People start getting launched off and Jade gets thrown. He sees no other way of getting down safely except for using his webs. He shoots a line at a tree branch and spins around it until he is a crouching spider on the branch.

He stands up and jumps down the forest floor.

He quickly slips on his old mask and Mina marks the temple for him.

Jade: thank you! This would have been way harder without you.

Mina: your also the furthest person away from the temple-

Jade: Mina? Minnnaaa?

Ruby: Hello, little bother!

Jade: oh....

Ruby: as you may have noticed I've token away Mina from you momentarily. Complete this initiation and I'll put her back on.

He takes off the mask and puts it back in his pocket.

Jade: well things just got a whole lot more difficult....perfect.

He says in a sarcastic tone as he already remembers which direction to head in. He starts running.

He makes quick work of most Grimm either a crazy strong punch or a hidden blade to the face. That was the case until he ends up fighting a king taijitu.

He jumped around it as the second head swung around and he just barely dodged and jumped off the head. The first head was then bombarded with bullets as some ninja guy starts running around the thing. Jade jumped onto the white head and reels back his fist. He brings it down and the punch slams down onto Grimm. It makes a gust of wind and kills the snakehead.

Ninja guy kicked off a tree and stabbed his guns into the eyes of the snake. With it being blinded jade jumped on it and stabbed his Blades all the way into its face killing it.

The two let out a sigh of relief and high five.

???: lie Ren.

Jade: Jade Rose.

Ren: it's nice to meet you Jade.

Jade: same to you.

He looks behind Ren to see a girl holding a hammer who looks really, like extremely sad.

Jade: do you know her?

Ren: huh?

He turns around to see the girl as well.

Ren: Nora.

Jade immediately knows what's happening and turns around.

Jade: wow, taking out that snake sure was tough work. Time to go and find a partner.

Ren: are you sure you want to do this?

Jade: Yup. Now, get a move on you two.

He smiles as he starts walking away from the two.

Nora: thank you!

He continues to smile and waves goodbye then runs off into the forest.

Nora: he was nice.

Nora nods with a smile.

Ren: there was something about him that made him seem familiar? I just can't put my finger on it?


Jade was sprinting through the forest until he got an Ursa claw to the chest. He was flung back and broke a tree. He gets up and looks the Ursa in the face.

He manually switches to electric webs and shoots enough to stun it. He runs up to it and spin kicks it, after that he spun again and put his hidden blade through its face.

Sento: sheesh, I don't even know if I'm going the right way anymore...

He keeps on running and then he finally sees it the temple only for all of the pieces to be gone.

Sento: no way...how did this happen? How was I so slow!?

He stares in disappointment for a few minutes.

He comes back to his senses as he starts running back to beacon cliff only he must have taken a wrong turn somewhere since he was now in the middle of a team fight between a deathstalker and a few other people.


He grows a huge smile as he jumps from the sky with his suit gloves covering his hands. His fist connects with the death stalkers head stunning it possibly even knocking it out. He flips off of it as it goes limp and lands in front of Pyrrha.

Jade: pyhrra?!

Pyrrha: hello!

Nora zooms up to his face making him back up.

Nora: how strong are you! That punch was crazy!

Jaune: not the time!

The Grimm wakes up and swats jaune way. Ren runs forward and shoots as Pyrrha swipes at the Grimm. Nora shoots grenades then Pyrrha throws her javelin right into the eye of the Grimm. It swings around and Ren loses grip and gets thrown against a wall.

It was still stunned from the head injury earlier and was swaying. Jaune sees the tail dangling open for attacking.

Jaune: Pyrrha! The tail!

She looks forward and tosses her shield and it cuts the tail off. The stinger gets stuck in its head as the Grimm gets angry.

Jaune: Nora! Hammer to Jade!

She tosses him magnhild and he jumps off of Pyrrha shield. He hits a flip in the air and slams the stinger into the Grimm cratering I with an explosion from magnhild as well it throws everyone forward and destroyed the bridge. They all stand up triumphant....except for Ren who just face plants into the ground,

Jade stands up and places the hammer part of magnhild on the ground.

Jade: this thing is awesome! I wish I could do something like this? Hmm, I can! HEY NORA!

Nora: YEAH?



She gives a thumbs up and he gives one back as they both know their going to be great friends.

Pyrrha: your right next to each other? Do you have to yell?

Jade: no, not really.

Nora walks over and gets magnhild from Jade.

Jade: now, how is everyone else doing?

He looks over to see his sister running up the side of a cliff with a nevermore in her scythe.


She completely decapitated the nevermore as everyone stared at her in awe.

Jaune: your sister surely is, uh, something else.


Jade was standing next to the exit of the amphitheater waiting for the team forming to be finished.

Ozpin: Blake Belladonna. Ruby Rose. Weiss Schnee. Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY. Led by... Ruby Rose!

Yang immediately jumps on ruby with a hug.

Yang: I'm so proud of you!

Weiss looks surprised.

Ruby: wait? What about Jade? I didn't see him this entire time?

Ozpin: I'm sorry to say but he didn't pass the initiation. He never collected a chess piece or ever found a partner.

Ruby and yang look down defeat knowing they can't do anything to help his situation.

Weiss: well, he was nice. But he didn't pass and we have to leave it at that.

Blake didn't even know him so she didn't really care.

Ozpin: you girls should be in for a surprise when you get to your dorm room.

He smirks and takes a sip of his mug.


Jade was swinging in the city from night patrol and was completely sore from a fight with the rhino. He gets a call from ruby in his visor.

Mina: answer?

Jade: do I wanna die young? Of course answer.

Ruby: where are you?!

Jade: in the city? Why?

Ruby: why aren't you at beacon?!

Jade: I didn't pass initiation?

Ruby: oh my- Mina add ozpin to the call.

From the shock of multiple people, he almost hits a wall but saved himself by jumping off it and zipping to a rooftop.

Ozpin: we were supposed to meet after the team selection. Your A.I, Mina, was supposed to tell you?

Mina: I was still disabled in his suit. I was only reactivated an hour ago.

Ozpin: there was only one person who could activate and disable you. Ruby, did you forget to turn Mina back on?

She doesn't say anything.

Ozpin: of course, but meet me in my office we have something to discuss.

Jade: will do sir.

Both of the calls end.

Mina: you the last bullhead for tonight will be leaving in 4 minutes so unless you want to swing to beacon, you might wanna hurry up.


Ozpin: how could you possibly forget something like that ruby?

Ruby: It comes from my mother.

Ozpin: don't blame genetics now. Take a seat and we'll wait for your brother to appear....hopefully sometime soon. These girls aren't going to wait forever.

Ruby: my bad.

After a few more minutes and a lot of spins in a chair, Jade arrives in his tracksuit gasping for breath.

Jade: I am...here!

He stands up straight and stops gasping with one last big breath.

Jade: what did I need to be here for?

Ozpin: your team. That's what you're here for.

He raises a brow as he knew he didn't pass initiation.

Ruby: and before you ask any questions, do you really think the headmaster of beacon would let go of Spider-Man because of some stupid rules?

Jade: when you put it that way, it really does make sense.

Ozpin: I'm making you a part of team RWBY. I'm sure you're familiar with two of them since you are related and Weiss Schnee. Blake Belladonna is a mysterious one though. Speaking of team RWBY here they come now.

Jade turns around to see the girls exiting the elevator.

Yang: Jade? You're here?!

Her and Ruby jump on him and he lets himself be tackled by them. After 20 seconds of smothering they get up and look at ozpin and ruby.

Ruby: who is that?

(Author: I see my error and when ruby(the first ruby you met) speaks when both of them are present she will have the name sister instead of ruby to avoid confusion.)

Sister: I am basically jade's mother or sister. Well, he was adopted into my family but- oh yeah you already know. He's your brother and I'm basically another sister.

Ruby: a new brother and sister in like two days?! That's awesome!

Yang: Ruby you're a little too trusting of this.

Weiss: you literally just jumped on him with a hug....

Yang just does a shushing motion to Weiss which she rolls her eyes at and crosses her arms.

Yang: do you have any actual proof of being related to us?

She just points to Jade.

Sister: him.

Yang just shakes her head.

Yang: any other proof?

She knew it would come to this so she pulled out her scroll and a holographic screen came up with their family tree.

Sister: here is our family tree. It even has Raven on it or, as you would call her, your mother.

Ruby: it even has Qrow!

Yang steps forward and looks at the screen.

Sister: you can move and tap on people for more information.

Yang taps on Jade and looks at his information.

Yang: you passed that early?!

Sister: me and him and really smart. We have our own secrets some bigger than others.

Jade: will you shut up!

She just smirks and shrugs smugly. They all pass it off as he threw up in the 6th grade or something. Even Ozpin laughed a bit too.

Yang: so you really are...

Sister: related to you. Yada, yada go to your dorms rooms. It's sleep time.

Ozpin: oh, yes. Welcome to team RWBY, Jade.

Weiss: he's on our team? Why?

Ozpin: because he had some previous relationship with you. It only makes sense to put him on your team.

Sister: he had two sisters and he knows Weiss. Blake your a mystery.

Blake: fair enough.

The tree goes away and she puts her scroll in her pocket.

Sister: get a move on you five. You've got a big day tomorrow.


The five were walking through beacon's hallways.

Yang: I was wondering why there was five beds instead of four.

Jade: truth be told I really don't need a bed, the floor is comfortable.

Weiss: or you could sleep in a bed like a normal person.

He just shrugs.

Ruby: so what's your semblance?

He freezes at the question.

Jade: it's uhhh, super strength?

He continues walking but everyone stops.

Jade: what?

Weiss: the room....it's right here.

She points to the door as everyone else walks in.

Jade: ah, thanks.

She walks in and he goes in after her and closes the door.


Yang: HE DID!

The entire group even blake runs over to watch the fight. Jade just walks over the last bed on the left and lays down.

Yang: aren't you interested?!

She looks over to Jade who was laid out on his bed.

Jade: I'm good. I'm glad you all like him though.

He rolls over on his side and falls asleep. After they finished with the fight, they talked about it and eventually fell asleep as well.

End of chapter 7 volume 1

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