Daddy's hustle

By libra_babey

29.8K 1.2K 229

I just want my kids to know that I'm trying More



4K 101 14
By libra_babey

Nicki POV

"Madison! Stop what you're doing right now" I said sternly

She looked at me then got off of Mason's back she crawled towards her toys and played with them

Let me introduce myself I'm Onika Maraj I'm 21 years old and I'm a mother of two disobedient  1 year old twins I live in this small apartment at the moment I'm studying to become a psychologist their dad "Monster" is really supportive and he does all in his power to make sure that me and the kids have everything we need even though we're no longer together

I closed my laptop and went to the living room I picked up Mason and checked his diaper

"You hungry baby boy?" I asked

I put him down and he walked to Madison I sat down and watched them I can't get any work done with these two it's about 09:30 in the morning and I'm already tired Meek came downstairs in a good mood

"Morning baby mama" he said kissing my cheek

"Da da da da" Madison said with her hands up

He picked up both Mason and Madison

"My seeds, y'all behaving?" He kissed their foreheads

"Why you in such a good mood?" I asked folding my arms

"After last night's heist we're gonna be millionaires baby" he said with a smirk

"Okay when you leaving?"

"Why you want me to leave? You got a nigga coming over here?"

"No I wanna get some work done so I was hoping you'd look after the twins"

"Yeah that's cool but first make a plate for daddy" he said sitting down

I dished up for him then gave him his plate I watched him as he ate

"So how long are you gonna be here for?" I asked side eyeing him

"Until the cops lay down for a bit"


"You tryna get rid of me?" He asked

"No" I answered

"Ard if you say so" 

"Da da" Mason said watching him as he bit into his sausage

"Wassup lil man?" He asked kissing his forehead

Thing about the twins is that Madison took my skin colour and looks like me and Mason took Meek's colour and looks exactly like him so they are black and white

Madison's head was on Meek's lap just laying there looking around and Mason starring at his dad as he ate

"Da da" he said again

"Boy you know you ain't supposed to have this, go ask ya momma first"

"Just give them a piece Meek they look hungry" I said

He gave each of them a piece

"Ya daughter left her whole freakin' saliva on my hand like I'm supposed to eat that shit" he said looking serious

"She's also yo daughter stop being dramatic"

Madison got down and came over to me she tapped my leg I picked her up and she laid her head on my chest I rubbed her back in circles my baby's tired

"Why the hell she sleeping? We just woke up" he asked

"You just woke up, Madison woke me up at 6 am wanting to play"

"Damn where was she rushing off to?"

I shrugged

"Boy you gon' be bored ya partner in crime is sleeping" he said to Mason

Mason looked at Madison then at me

"She's asleep baby boy, you wanna sleep too?" He looked at me then put all his focus back to Meek


"You wanna go out tonight?" Alicia asked

"No I have work to do" I said

"Girl Meek will look after the kids after all it's his kids too" Moesha said

"I know but I have an assignment which is due tomorrow and I haven't started" I explained

"Is this how you gon' be ditching us once you a qualified psychologist?" Alicia asked

"No I'll make time for y'all I promise"

"You better cause we know where you live" Moesha threatened

"Okay thank you Mo for the threat" 

"It's my pleasure, bye girl we're gonna be fishing for some dick tonight" she said with her tongue out

"Bye hoes" I closed the door behind them and went back to my schoolwork 

After an hour I heard Madison screaming at the top of her lungs I left everything and rushed to their bedroom

"What's wrong?" I asked Meek

"It's just a nightmare" he said calmly

"Okay" I nodded standing at the door

"Go back to ya work, I got this" he said

I nodded and went back

Meek may be a bad person but he's a good father and I thank God for him cause a lotta young black men don't care about their kids or what they eat they are just sperm donors

After a long time of studying and tryna finish my assignment Meek came to the kitchen

"You almost done?" He asked


"You want me to make coffee for you?"

"Yeah I'd like that"

He switched on the kettle I closed my laptop and books and went to put them in the living room I went back and sat on my chair he handed me my cup of coffee and sat across me

"You know I'm proud of you" he said smiling

"You tell me that almost every single day"

"I want you to know that I'm proud that my kids got a mother like whose fine, smart, independent and beautiful"

I smiled when he said that he starred at me while smirking I smiled and starred back

"Why you starring at me like that?"

"Is it rude to look at my beautiful baby mama?" He asked

"Yes, very rude"

"Girl stop tripping you know you love getting daddy's attention" he said

He sounds like a jerk

"Don't you have friends to annoy?"

"Well I do but they both sleeping so I've decided to chill with my bestie"

"I ain't ya bestie" I said with a frown

"You are, you understand me"

He said coming closer to me

Here comes trouble

I nodded he leaned over me and kissed me he knows damn well that he's my weakness

"Cute ass" he said as he kissed me again

Excuse any errors

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