Everything Isn't What It Seems

By funnyshoney18

361 15 0

Luna Cross was the only blood daughter of Kien Cross, a vampire hunter, and Ruby, a normal woman. Luna takes... More

New Boundries
Helping Him
Another Rival

The New Kids

72 2 0
By funnyshoney18

      I remember the dark snowy night. I was laying on the couch while my dad was in the kitchen making us warm tea when I sensed him, "vampire," I whispered. Then a knock,"I got it, dad!" I yelled in.
    "Luna, be careful it's a-"
   "I know," I said.
     I opened the door to see Kaname Kuran, a pureblood standing at the door,"Can I help you, Lord Kaname?" I asked.
    "May we come in? I'd like to speak to your father," he said.
     "Yes," I side stepped so the tall handsome, as they all are, vampire could enter the house,"dad, it's for you!" I yelled.
    "Who is it?" He asked as he walked in,"oh, Lord Kaname."
    "Can we talk?" Kaname asked.
     "Of course. Luna, help the little one to some pudding."
      I grabbed the human girl Kaname had with him some pudding, helped her on the couch and grabbed a blanket for her. I didn't hear any of the conversation going on in the kitchen. Once they walked into the living room I moved from my spot beside the girl and stood beside my dad.
   "She has no idea how to use a spoon," I sighed.
     "You'll have to help her, Luna. I'm going to be raising her as my own now. Will you help me? You're so mature for your age, I'll need you now more then ever," he smiled.
   "I did want a sister," I smiled.
     The girl reached up and touched Kaname's fangs, "vampire," she whispered.
     "I should go. Thank you, Kien. Goodnight, Luna," Kaname said then left.
       Dad named the girl Yuki and adopted her. I helped her learn schooling, taught her house hold chores, how to dress, the essentials. Kaname came and visited Yuki and bit, I always kept my distance from him. Even if he was sweet to Yuki and my dad trusted him he was still a vampire.
      After 6 years, when Yuki and I were now 10 years old, she was progressing very well. Dad left us alone quite a bit while he went on hunts, though Yuki didn't know that. One stormy night dad came home with a boy,"Luna, Yuki, this is Zero Kiryu. His family was killed by a bad vampire. I want you too be nice to him and help him clean up. I'll be back soon," dad said then left.
     Yuki walked up to Zero and asked,"May I touch you?" When he didn't answer she moved her hands up to move our dad's coat and Zero smacked her hands away.
      I rushed in front of Yuki between her and Zero,"You don't touch her like that!" I bit. He looked into my eyes and his widened,"I'll help him, Yuki. Go start some tea," I told her. She left to do what I told her too,"I'll lead you to the bathroom so you can clean up. Follow me," I said, he nodded and followed behind me.
     I dropped the coat and saw he had no shirt,"you must've been cold, stupid dad," I shook my head. I grabbed a cloth and helped clean the blood from his neck.
   'Good, he's not hurt, but why does he feel like a vampire?' I thought to myself, then it dawned on me.
   "You were bit by a pureblood!" I said.
    "You're a hunter too?" He asked.
    "Not yet, dad should be training me before long," I said.
   "Oh," was all he said.
      "Anyway, the tub is full of hot water. Bathe. When you're done put these on," I said and stepped out.
     Dad wasn't back yet when I left the bathroom, so I helped Yuki to bed and sat at the kitchen table until he did get home like I always do.
   "Where is he?" Dad asked when he walked into the kitchen.
    "Bathroom. Dad?"
    "He was bitten by a pureblood. I can smell her on him," I said.
    "I had half hoped you wouldn't be a hunter. That it would've gone away by now, I suppose I should start your training soon," he sighed.
    "You'd be my master? Will they let you even though you're my dad?"
     "It's already been cleared with the President of the Hunter's Association. He agreed to allow it. I'll also be helping a little with Zero and Yuki maybe," he said.
    "I see. When do we start?" I asked.
    "You and I tomorrow," he smiled.
     "Okay, well sounds like Zero is done. Should I show him to his room?" I asked.
     "Please, then get some sleep yourself. You'll need it," he smiled again.
     "I will," I smiled, kissed my dad's cheek, then left to show zero to his room.
      Zero got settled in pretty good and before long was even training with dad,who is now retired and the headmaster for Cross Academy, and I.

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