The Bad Boy Has Secrets

By ItsMoreThanWords

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*Some people bring out the worst in you, Some people bring out the best in you* I watched as his lips moved... More

Chapter One- Your Body Says Different.
Chapter Two- Its Not A Threat Its A Promise.
Character Profiles
Chapter 3-Ditching With The Bad Boy.
Chapter 4- True Colours, Fights and Suspension.
Chapter 5- The Unexpected.
Chapter 6- He's My Bad Boy.
Chapter 7- I'll Make You A Deal.
Chapter 8- Four Days.
Chapter 9- Everything's Going To Be Fine.
Chapter 10- Where Are You?
Chapter 11-You Have No Idea.
Chapter 12- I Need You.
Chapter 13- More Than Ever.
Chapter 14-Lets Fight.
Chapter 15-This Needs To End Now.
Chapter 16-Its Not Your Fault.
Chapter 17-Mistakes.
Author's Note-
Chapter 18-Dont Get Mad Get Even.
Chapter 20- Is This The Happy Ending?
Chapter 21- Graduation Day.

Chapter 19- Choices and Consequences.

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By ItsMoreThanWords

The Bad Boys Has Secrets-

Chapter 19- Choices and Consequences.

I woke up groaning to the sun shining in the bedroom through the curtains, I looked over to see Jace's side empty. I couldn't help but pout a little, what is it with him being gone?

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, going back to bed sounded really nice right now but we had school. I knew I could take the day off since my principle said I didn't have to come to school, but I didn't want to be so far behind that I was stressed, not to mention I'll have to take time off when the triplets are born. So I didn't want to be to far behind, so I knew deep down that I had to get up. "Beautiful, you awake?"

I smiled and opened my eyes when I heard Jace's voice. He was holding a tray which made me curious as to what was on it. "What you holding?" I asked yawning.

"I made you pancakes" He smiled putting the tray down in front of me.

"Thank you" I said smiling. I passed him a plate and put a pancake on it for him, kissing his cheek afterwards. I grabbed the other plate and placed a pancake on my plate before digging in. "That's actually really nice" I said after swallowing the last bit. "Did you have help?" I asked cheekily.

"Oi cheeky" He said laughing. "No I made them by myself" He sounded so proud, and he really should be proud, they were delicious. "So are you wanting to go to school today?"

"Yeah" I nodded. "I don't want to get to far behind" I said.

"Yeah I understand. So go shower and I'll go wash up"

I nodded and got up heading into the bathroom. "Jace" I said.

"Yeah Charlie?"

"Can you pick out some clothes please?" I asked through the bathroom door.

"Yeah babe"

I mumbled a thank you before jumping in the shower. I must've been in there a while, since Jace knocked on the door. "Cherry bomb"

"Yeah?" I answered turning off the hot water.

"You need to get out the shower now, because we're going to be late otherwise"

"I'm done" I said as I jumped out and wrapped my towel around myself. I brushed my teeth and then quickly walked out the bathroom. I saw Jace led on the bed with his back towards me, he was on his phone doing what I don't know but I remembered I still hadn't told him about Ethan. "Oh I have to tell you something" I said causing him to turn his head towards me.

"Okay?" He said sitting up.

"Turn around and let me get dressed first"

"Seriously Charlie, I've seen you naked enough times" Jace said, my cheeks began to feel hot.

"Just turn around" I said to him, my voice demanding. Jace groaned but agreed and turned around. I quickly slipped on the grey sweats and the other sized black t-shirt he picked out. "Okay now you can turn around" I said as I slipped in my shoes.

"Okay, so now what do you want to tell me?" Jace asked as I sat on the bed.

"Don't be mad" I said looking at him.

"Now I'm officially worried, what happened?"

"You know I was speaking to some guy on the phone in Vegas when you heard me tell him about telling you about the pregnancy?" I asked hoping he'd remember.

"Yeah, Ethan right?"

"Yeah well I think Ethan's the one leaking the information" I said looking down.


"I met him as soon as I left you, he's off in general and he was the only one I told that I was going to Vegas" I said looking up slightly. "I never told him why, but he's the only one that knew I was going to Vegas and that my parents were left alone" I said, a tear rolled down my cheek. "I'm so sorry Jace"

"Hey come here" Jace said and pulled me up, wrapping me in a hug. "Don't you dare blame yourself, it wasn't your fault. We can't change the past, so don't blame yourself. You hear me, baby it wasn't yourbfault at all and I can promise you if he leaked the information that got your parents killed, and put you in this pain then I promise you with all of my heart that he will pay" I looked up at Jace to see his eyes filled with something that I didn't know what it was. His voice held determination and seriousness.

"Okay" I nodded my head.

"So wipe your tears and put your beautiful smile on your beautiful face" Jace said wiping my tears.

I couldn't help but smile at what he said. "Thank you" I said.

"And she smiles" He winked leaning in kissing me. I of course kissed him back smiling into the kiss. "I can't wait for our triplets to arrive and see what a great mother you are"

"There going to end up turning out like you" I said laughing.

"Hey you didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with me" Jace smirked. "Especially not when you slept with me"

"Shut up" I said my cheeks heating up.

"Aw sweetheart your blushing" Jace teased.

"Let's go bad boy" I said walking away.


The entire way to school was filled with laughs and smiles. He gave me butterfly's and made my breath hitched in my throat, but I loved every second I spent with him. He was my bad boy and I was his cherry bomb, and nothing would change that. "Ooh I have ideas on names" I said biting my lip.

"Okay, you going to tell me?" He asked curiously.

I whispered the names to him and he smiled. "Do you like them?" I asked.

"I love them" Jace said smiling.

"Really?" I asked squealing.

"Yes really" he said smiling.

"Okay good, then we officially have everything needed for these beautiful triplets" I said smiling.

We pulled up into school parking lot and Jace pulled up into his usual parking space. He got out and rushed out to my side helping me out. "Thanks" I said as he pulled me up.

"You sure your okay?" Jace asked shutting the car door.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I said. The bell went off "Why don't you go find Cleo and Liv, I'm going to go to the bathroom" I said.

"You sure your okay? Because we can go home if you want"

"Im fine I promise" I smiled, kissed him and walked off finding the bathroom.

Once I got to the girls bathroom I leaned against the counter looking at myself in the mirror. I was really struggling without my mum, I felt like I had nobody to talk too. I pulled my phone out and rang Cleo. "Hello?"

"Cleo, has Jace found you yet?" I asked, my voice breaking.

"No, I haven't seen him. Are you guys in school?" She asked.

"Yeah, I told him to look for you and Liv"

"What's wrong? You not going into labour are you?" Her voice sounded so excited.

"No" I said into the phone. "I miss my mum and my dad" I said. I noticed a small tear roll down my cheek.

"Where are you? I'll come get you, we can talk"

"The girls bathroom, by English" I said.

The line went dead and I stood there waiting. I was a 17 year old girl who only has the same people around me, who save my life every time I need them too. Unfortunately when it came to being pregnant none of them were helpful, they'd never done it. Sure Blake and that might have seen there mum give birth to the next one and the next one, but when it came to a 17 year old girl being pregnant they had no idea. I needed my mum, I needed her love, her maturity and I needed her reassurance and I couldn't have any of it. The bathroom door opened and Cleo's face appeared. "You okay?" She asked coming over to me.

"I'm scared Cleo, I'm so scared" I said sobbing.

"Scared of Prescott?" She asked rubbing my back as I held onto her tightly.

"Everything, scared if him, scared of giving birth everything" I said. "I need my mum"

"I know baby" she said "I didn't realise you were scared to give birth, it's going to be okay your'll have Jace there with you and we're all be outside waiting for you"

"I know and I appreciate it, but none of you are my mum"

"Nobody's going to replace her Charlie, but her and you dads memory doesn't have to die. You can talk about them all the time, tell your kids and Esme all the wonderful stories about your parents. Like how they saved you, and if I could go to heaven and thank them for saving you and keeping you in this world then I would. Jace and Liv and everyone else would be by my side, your an amazing person and Esme is so lucky to have you to take care of her. When this is all over we can go back to living life and be happy" She smiled.

I nodded. "I don't think I can do this Cleo, I'm too young to give birth" I said. "I don't want too"

"I know, but Jace will be right by your side I promsie"

I nodded. "Come on we're late for English" she said pulling me out the bathroom. I took a couple of deep breaths and wiped my tears before we entered English.

"Ah it's nice to finally see you both Charlotte, Chloe please take your seats" Mr Milford said. For some reason he wasn't on a bad mood, and I sure as hell wasn't going to complain that he was happy for once.

"Sorry we're late sir" I said sitting down at the back next to Jace.

"It's fine" He said and went back to telling the class what he was telling them before me and Cleo interrupted.

"Cherry bomb"

"Bad boy" I said looking at him.

"Where were you? I was worried"

"Sorry I needed to talk to Cleo" I said with a small smile. "I didn't mean to worry you"

"It's okay, so do you want to tell me what you were talking about?"

"Just girly things" I said.


"Just girly things, stop worrying and do some work" I smiled at him grabbing his hand.

Half way through English I got two texts, one was from Cleo and one was from Ethan.

I opened Cleo's first.

Cleo- Does Jace know your scared?

I sent one back to her. 'no he doesn't' and then checked Ethan's.

Ethan- I'm assuming you've figured it out, well were be there in an hour. I'd either start running or evacuate your school.

"Jace" I whispered. "We got to get everyone outta here, now" I said.


"He's coming, he's coming and he's going to be here in an hour" I said serious.

"How do you know?"

"Ethan just text me, it's definitley Ethan" I said. I pulled up my pictures and clicked on one I took of Ethan. I shown Jace my phone and watched as his face went red.

"This is who you've been hanging out with?" He asked. "Charlie, that's Ethan Prescott. Mr Prescott's nephew"

Can someone say Oh My Cheeseballs.

"Your not even joking are you?" I asked serious.

"I wish. Okay we have to get everyone outta here" Jace stood up and took of out the class. Mr Milford assumed he needs the bathroom so he didn't bother saying anything, and just went back to teaching the class.

Suddenly I heard the fire alarm go off and I began groaning from the sound, I really hated that noise. Me, Cleo and Liv hid from the rest of the class and we pulled out our phones calling everyone. I called Blake, Tyler, and Dylan. While Cleo called Jesse and Nick, Liv called Ben and Jace called Malakai, Luke and Shawn.

Once we were sure the school was cleared I checked the time to see we had a few minutes until Mr Prescott and his men were going to be here. "Guys you need to be high on alert, there are so many ways in and out of this school that they could come from any direction" Jace said.

We were getting guns and knives ready. "Okay everyone got there weapons ready?" Blake asked.

everyone replied with a yeah. "Hold on" I said as I grabbed one of the belts pushing loads of knives into pockets and a spare gun in the other. I wrapped it around my hips loosely, ready when I hekd the gun in my hand. "Okay now we're good" I said. Everyone was staring at me like I was mad when the side door opened and in walked one of Prescott's men walked in. I took out one of the knives and threw it, hitting him with it.

"Holy shit" Blake said.

"Are we safe around you?" Tyler asked.

"Not if you annoy me" I teased. "I, totally joking, yes your safe with me" I said laughing.

"That's my girl" Jace said kissing my cheek. "Okay we need to limit the exits they can come in"

"Okay well there's four floors" I said. "So if Nick, Malakai and Tyler go to the third floor and take out any guys that floor. Luke, Shawn, Dylan can take the fourth. Jesse, Ben, Liv and Cleo can take second, and me, Blake and Jace can take this floor"

"Yeah alright" Malakai said and took of with Nick and Tyler. Everyone else nodded, wished us good luck and took off.

"Keep covered at all times" Jace said to me.

"Yes I know" I said.

"I'm going to keep you and the triplets safe"

"I love you" I said to Jace.

"I love you too" he said.

"You guys ready?" Blake asked.

"No, but we don't have a choice" I said.

"I really don't think she should be here" Blake said.

"He's right Charlie" Jace said.


Jace's P.O.V>

"He's right Charlie" I said. I didn't want her to go because I wanted to protect her, but I knew by getting her to go that she would be safer. I knew Mr Prescott's first move would be to get Charlie. "Baby, go hide"

"I don't want to leave you" She whined.

"Baby, just please go hide in the bathroom and don't come out till I tell you okay"

She nodded and went to hide in the bathrooms. Me and Blake stood in the middle of the hallway and watched as the entrance door opened. Mr Prescott, Ethan and a few of his men. No doubt the rest were set out on the other floors. "Ah Jace Hunter" Mr Prescott said. "I assume you remember my nephew"

"He was pretty easy to forget" I said. Suddenly bullets began flying around and could be heard anywhere and everywhere. "I thought you were more manly than shooting me" I said to them.

Suddenly I was tackled to the ground by Ethan and another guy. "Have fun with my nephew, I've got to go find a certain firecracker who's hiding" Mr Prescott said and walked past me.

"Don't you dare touch her" I said as loudly as I could, Ethan's hand was wrapped around my throat gripping it tightly. I could slowly feel my breath begin to shorten. "Get off me" I said and punched Ethan. He grabbed my head and slammed it against the floor a few times. I could feel the blood gushing down my head but refused to let go, I had to get out and help Charlie.

"She's going to die Jace, just like you and your friends and family" Ethan said smirking.

"Stay away from her" I growled. I closed my eyes and whispered I love you, I knew my time was coming but I hoped Charlie and everyone would be okay. I felt my head slammed against the floor again and my vision went blurry.

"Jace" I heard Charlie's voice, but it didn't sound normal it sound frightened. My eyes shot open and I struggled against Ethan's grip.

"Look at your girlfriend pretty boy" Ethan said grabbing my shirt and pulling me up.

"Baby" I said looking at her, her eyes looked scared. "Remember what I told you, straighter?" I asked.

She nodded her head and in the blink of an eye, Ethan let go.


Charlie's P.O.V>

"Baby" Jace said, I was sure my voice and my face told how I felt, frightened. "Remember what I told you, straighter?" He asked. I nodded my head, whipped out the gun and shot Ethan in the arm. If you blinked you would have missed it. Ethan let out a loud groan, and began cursing. Jace grabbed Mr Prescott and began hitting him and I walked over to Ethan.

"Mr Prescott" I spoke softly. He looked up at me. "This is payback for my parents" I said and shot Ethan again, only this time it was in the leg.

Jace and Mr Prescott began hitting each other, Blake finally came over and managed to split Jace and Mr Prescott up. "Guys" I said quickly.

"What?" They both said.

"My water just broke" I said. Jace looked down and then back up. Worry passed through his face quickly.

"Oh crap" he said. "Your water just broke, Blake call an ambulance" he said quickly rushing over to me. "It's okay, just breath" he said.

"Hurry" I said breathing heavily. "Someone needs to get the others" I said.

"Is this really happening?" Blake asked looking sick.

"Yes it's really happening, don't just stand there you stupid fool go find Cleo and Liv!" I yelled loudly, pain took over.

"It's okay cherry bomb just breath" Jace said holding my hand.

"No it's not okay, I need an ambulance now" I said. I wasn't trying to be rude but whatever it was I was feeling hurt. A pain passed every few minutes for a few seconds, causing me to groan loudly. "It hurts" I said.

"I know baby, it's okay the ambulance is going to be here soon"

"Make it come faster Jace" I groaned. "This is all your fault"

"How is it my fault?" He asked.

"I didn't climb on top of myself you stupid fool!" I shouted.

The ambulance finally arrived and took me and Jace away to the hospital, the rest of the guys were following in the car. We were the ambulance, I was squeezing Jace's hand tightly cursing under my breath. "This is all your fault" I said. The hospital came into view and the ambulance stopped, the ambulance guys pulled me out on the stretcher into the building. The next contraction came and I let out a scream. "I hate you so much Jace Hunter" I said.

Before I knew it I was in a blue and white hospital gown. I had wires connected to me and two belts connected to my stomach to monitor the babies heart beats. I didn't care how I looked right now, I was in to much pain to care and I honestly blamed Jace right this moment. I knew it wasn't just his fault, it takes two to tango but I was just blaming him for this. Jace was rubbing my back gently, whispering sweet words to me but all I could think about was the pain. Suddenly the door flew open and everyone piled in. "Sorry to disturb you, but we didn't want to miss the birth of our niece and nephews" Blake said.

Suddenly laughter erupted and I looked over to see Jesse and Ben laughing. "I swear if one more laugh comes out of your mouths, I will shove something the size of a watermelon up your ass" I growled.

"Never mess with a pregnant women" Jesse mumbled.

Jace started laughing and my head snapped to him. "Do you think this is funny dumb ass?"

"Not at all babe" he said. I could see the smirk tugging at his lips.

"I love you Jace, but I won't hesitate to kill you" I said glaring at him.

He leaned in and kissed me. "I would dream of making you angry" he said.

"I want my mum" I said. "Everything hurts Jace" I groaned.

"I'm sorry baby, but just think soon you would have brought beautiful triplets into the world. Just hold on" Jace said. "I'm right here" he intertwined our hands and kissed my hand.

Jace spent the next few minutes soothing me with words and kisses. It didn't make the pain go away but it did help in the situation that I didn't feel so alone in all this. Another contraction came and I groaned loudly. "Oh god Jace, I seriously hate you for putting me through this" I said. He stood up and wrapped my arms around his waist, I buried my head in his chest and cried a little.


We had been in the hospital for eleven hours when the doctor came back in. "Okay Charlotte, it's time to push"

Soon we would be meeting our little boys and our baby girl, I was excited for that part but I was dreading the pushing them out part. "Okay start pushing in 5,4,3,2,1" I pushed when he said one. I was enveloped in a hug and I could hear Jace whispering words to me. I gave one big push and heard a loud crying sound.

I looked up to see one of the nurses holding one of the babies. I couldn't help but feel a little bit of happiness. "Okay the next one" The doctor said. As soon as he said one again I pushed, the same sound of a loud crying baby came from down the bed and I felt like I coukdnt take anymore.

"I can't do anymore" I groaned.

"Come on baby, only one more" Jace said rubbing my back. "Come on baby your strong, it's just one more"

I gave a loud push and cried out in pain when I pushed. The loud crying came again and before I knew I must've passed out because I don't remember anything after the last push.

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