Astronomy Love (Male Reader X...


12.8K 187 65

This would be my first time making some kind of lovey dovey relationship thing between two characters. I don'... Еще

The start of progression
Morning Routine
Sleepy Morning
Lunch Talk
Romantic Hypothesis
Not Safe For Lab (SMUT)

Vapor Lesson in stars

1.2K 21 4

Me and Entrapta had been working on dissecting multiple First One's tech shards for hours with little to no progress. I was upset of course that we had not gotten any process done with the research, but I had a feeling Entrapta was more dissatisfied by this than I was. Her enormous purple twin tails of hair were shaking furiously with discomfort. This was weird because Entrapta was not one to show anger in any situation I've seen her in so far. 

"Ok." I started saying. "That didn't work either. What else could we do to find out how these things work? Maybe we should try a different angle to look at this." I was wondering what to do to continue progress. Entrapta lifted up her welders mask to show a upset face, relative to a toddler kind of. Then she showed her teeth clenched. "AAHH!" She yelled. She flipped the stationary table we were using with her strong prehensile hair and started running with her hair to the other side of the room. "MALARKY! MALARKY! MALARKY!" She wasn't one for cursing much. "WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING?! LOG. DAY 127! SAME DAY AS EARLIER! The First One's shard has DECIDED TO NOT SHOW IT'S SECRETS TO ME AT ALL! AAAHHH!" She sat in her hair with her hair in a chair shape with her arms and legs criss crossed while being powdy in the face aggressively. I was off put by her anger but she was rather cute when stumped I had just now learned. 

I walked over to her to try and comfort her. "Hey buddy. You ok?" I said. She responded. "Oooh, Thomas, this is just so frustrating!" Her hair was shaking. "As a scientist I know that failure is a part of succeeding in a theory or any other science project... BUT THIS IS RIDICULOUS!! It's been months since I've started this and I thought your help as my partner would make the progress smoother. But it hasn't." Her arms were now hanging from her body as if her bones were a jelly based structure. I knew as her partner and her friend that I needed to comfort her and make her feel better. Luckily I knew how to talk her down and what to do. "Clearly you're upset." "No duh." She replied. I continued. "I know you're frustrated, I am too, but you need to keep your cool. I know you're really peeved, so it'll take some time to relax, but I think we should just take a break from all this First One's stuff." She turned her face to me as she was elevated by her hair. "Take a break?" She said. "We can't just take a break. We have to keep going. I have to keep going. It's what I'm supposed to do as a scientist." I replied with "And as a scientist, you need to relax if you want to continue with this, and I know how to make you feel better." She said back "Is it a motivating speech? Just don't even try." "No. We should go to Mystacor. Glimmer told me that it has a steam grotto, and it seems really nice to sit in warm water for however long we want." Entrapta gave it a thought and asked "Are you sure?" "Yes I'm sure." "Ok, I'll give it a shot." I smiled at her agreement. 

It was 2:00 in the afternoon and we decided to go to Mystacor. Me and Entrapta met up with Glimmer's aunt Castaspella and we were showed where the grotto is. I went to the boys changing room and got into proper attire. I was fine with the shorts I was given but I didn't like the shirt that was just straps. I don't like showing my chest in public, but luckily I brought a swim shirt in my satchel that I brought just incase I or Entrapta needed something. I walked into the grotto, it was very steamy with multiple tubs made of smooth rock and full of water. I was waiting for Entrapta to show up and was wondering if she would enjoy this experience. She really needs this I think. Experience something that's not science and just relax. 

"Thomas! Are you done changing yet!" I heard Entrapta yell from a distance for me. "I'm in the steam room Entrapta!" I yelled back to her. She replied "Oh. Coming!" I could hear the echo of her feet coming towards me. "I'm here. I'm here. I didn't know if you would take long. Appears I was wrong." Entrapta was wearing a similar pair of light blue shorts and was wearing a light blue chest piece of cloth that was across her chest and one part was going over her left shoulder. Both her legs and arms were exposed which I had never seen before until today. She was also noticeably short which you would forget because she normally walks around with her hair. Very cute. "So, we just, get in these tubs of water and get positive stimuli from them?" She made it sound like an experiment. "I can tell you're still in a mood. Lets just get in the tub. Trust me, It'll be great. And by the way, you look good in what you're wearing." "Thanks." She blushed a little. I got in the tub first, the water was nice and hot. Inside the tub was a ledge to sit on and the water went above my stomach. Entrapta used her twin tails to lower herself into the tub. As her body started to drop in she made a sound that sounded as if she was satisfied, and she was. Because she was shorter the water went over her stomach and to her breast. "Ahhh. That feels amazing!" "Told ya." I replied. "So is this all we do? Just sit and relax." She asked. "Yes. That's all we have to do." I answered. 

We sat in the tub for at least five minutes now and Entrapta seemed to be enjoying herself. I'm awfully glad to have made her happy. She was so relaxed just sitting there. She also looked rather adorable. Did I just think that? Wonder why. 

"Hey Entrapta." I wanted to ask her something. "Yes Thomas." "Can I ask you a question?" "Sure. I know plenty of things. Mostly tech stuff, but still." "Great. I was wondering why ever since I got here to this planet why there isn't any star for Etheria to orbit around. Why is that?" "Orbit? What are you going on about." What am I going on about? Does she not know what orbit means? "Orbit. You know. Circle around a body of mass because of it's strong gravity." "No... I don't. Could you explain it?" "Sure." How could she not know about planets orbiting stars? That doesn't make sense. Although, her planet doesn't have a star to orbit, so that's likely why she, and most likely other people, don't know about gravitational pull. "Assuming you know about gravity, stars are so big that their gravity is strong enough to hold planets in it's orbit and the planets in their orbit will spin around them. My own planet circles a star and is just in the right spot that it won't burn up or freeze over." "Fascinating." Entrapta replied. "What about the burn up and freeze over part. What do you mean by that?" Cleary I would have to give a lesson of astronomy to Entrapta. 

I told her much about planets and what their gravitational pull does relative to them, that moons pull on the oceans with their gravity, and that planets can support life if they are in the right spot close enough to the star it's orbiting. I talked so much about space in the general term that I forgot my question. I told her a bunch of stuff about space and how gravity plays a role in creation. The longer we talked (or I talked & she asked questions) the closer she scooted towards me in interest of the topic. I hadn't notice until I wrapped up talking about gravity. "That was amazing." She said it in a low tone as if I just did a magic trick with my hands. "There's so much stuff beyond Etheria that I didn't know about. So stellar!" Her magenta eyes were sparkling so much that her eyes them self might as well be stars in her galaxy skull. That sounded weird, but I know what I mean. Then I noticed how close she was to me. Our thighs touching, with hers being soft. I blushed a bit. "Um, Entrapta. You're bit close." "Oh," She blushed too. "Are you uncomfortable?" "No no. Just thought I'd mention it incase you didn't realize." This didn't actually make me uncomfortable but I thought she didn't realize and would want to know. 

Wait. I feel something. I wondered on this feeling. My groin felt itchy. And I felt something extending. Then I realized what it was and closed my legs together quickly but none noticeably. Why did I feel, dare I say, aroused. Yeah I'm next to a girl but did I feel that way towards Entrapta or was it just my biology that made it happen. Just don't think about it and it'll be fine. It was still hard down there. 

After almost an hour we got out of the tub. Entrapta spoke. "You were right Thomas! That made me relaxed and get all my bad nerves out. Good to know you're my lab partner." "I glad you enjoyed it. And if you ever feel bad again we can just come here. I don't think Castaspella would mind." As I got out of the tub after Entrapta I tried to hide that I had gone stiff in the groin area. Good thing she hadn't noticed and I was able to get to the boys changing room, get back in my normal clothes and go flaccid. 

As we left I noticed Entrapta wasn't wearing her gloves like normally. I offered to carry her gloves in my satchel and she gave me them. Her hands were small and just the cutest pair of hands I've seen. Thomas, quit thinking about Entrapta's body! 


Hope you enjoyed the steam in this story. Almost 2000 words. Amazing. 

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