Going through Hell and back T...

By BenDrowned941

109 6 2

A girl named Anna who's struggles to get through the school day, each day is a battle. What's wrong, she's sm... More

Having the talk
Panic at Rue 21
Lets Talk about girls
When secrets are spilled
Just trying to have our first date here!
This is why we don't use ace wrap for every thing!
Secrets spilled even more
Meeting the family
Good team Bad team
Wont help us fine! we'll help ourselves
The Letters

Double date double trouble

5 0 0
By BenDrowned941

*warning harsh language ahead*

3r pov: Tanner, Cameron, Angel, and Drew were having  a double at a nice little restaurant. Tanner just had on a grey sweat shirt, black long jacket, ripped jeans, and vans. Cameron a hoodie, coat, jeans and green tennis shoes. Angel wore a grey, black and white striped sweater, Drew's varsity jacket, and jeans with his combat boots. Drew wore a long sleeve blue nirvana shirt, jeans, and black converse. They seated themselves at a table and looked through the menu. They wanted to go out to take a brake from the daily harassment, and evidence collecting. 

They'd got an email from the principal after only two days of giving him the tapes, his response was better than the one before and didn't actually recall emailing anyone's parents. Apparently it was the wrong principal it was the vice principal Mr Vargas emailed, they found this our after checking who the email was sent to. Still the reaction from the Vice principal wasn't a good one, the head principal was on board with their plan. 'I'm sorry that you kids aren't being treated fairly and this behavior shouldn't be tolerated. My colleague's response was unprofessional I deeply apologize for this, and would like to discuss these events when school is in session." 

 It was a Saturday in January and the weather can be pretty crazy this time of year. The group was happy to hear that the problems were gonna be dealt with. When the waiter comes he says in a cheery tone. "Hello gentlemen my name is Calli I'll be your server, what could I start you four off to drink?" Tanner got a sprite, Angel got a water, Cameron got a coke, and Drew got sweet tea. The waiter write down the orders and leaves, Tanner was extremely happy. "what is it Tanner?" "I pass!" He squealed lightly, Tanner had struggled to pass and a boy for a while. The sweat shirts he wore would do a good job at hiding his breast, and he tided his hair up. It was just nice being called 'young man or gentlemen' or any male pronouns'. It made him happy as a hippo in nice cool water. Cameron chuckled and slung his arm around the ex-track runner's shoulder and leaned against them. 

*harsh language*

While the teen are eating, Drew kissed Angel's cheek for a corny joke. The teens continued showing affection towards each other, having their meal, and talking until. A group of teen girls walked over folding their arms and looking down on the boys."Hi ladies is their something you need?"Drew asked kindly and the girls frowned, "yeah get out!"the leader barked. The boys jumped a little at her response. "why?" Drew asked back "You four are disgusting, and you're making me and my friends sick just looking at you guys." Tanner placed his folded arms over his chest. "Okay and we should leave because we're dating? Wow haven't heard that a billions times now. Sorry sister not getting up, now leave us alone."  "Did you hear what I said f*g?! I said leave!" Tanner stood up and looked her dead in the eyes Cameron sat directly in between the two. "And I said we're not leave, now get that through your over hair sprayed head, leave and take your fake tan right along with you." He says with a bit of sass, the girl gasped and punch Tanner dead in the nose. "Ah the freak attacked me!" She shrieked while Tanner held his nose and his ground, Cameron was now angry, but someone beat him to personally escorting the girls out. 

"Uh ladies you're coming with me" A man says behind them, he wore a police officer uniform and had a few of his buddies next to him. "what do you mean officer?!" The girl asked "You can't just assault someone because they're gay, they did nothing to you." "Ugh why not they're just a bunch of f***ts, they deserve to burn in hell." "Sure thing miss and you deserve a gold metal for braking this gentlemen's nose because; a group of boys are just having a date." She was handcuffed and walked out of the restroom. 

The boys ended up leaving early and going to Tanner's, and his parents were mad. "Honey what the hell happened?!" His mom asked "I got punched in the nose because a group of girls tried to kick us out." Mrs Lupin got the hint "The cops escorted them out" Drew added, Tanner sat on the sofa while Mrs Lupin grabs a rag. Holding it against his bloody nose, the teen was taking to the doctor to get it checked. It was a small break nothing awful but he did have to wear bandages on his nose, and take pain meds.

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