WWE Ships Preferences

By MichelleShw717

61.8K 1.1K 434

This is a WWE Ships Preferences. More

WWE Couples
How They Meet
How They Hang Out
He Asks Her Out
First Date
He Asks Her To Be His Girlfriend
Moving In Together
Favourite Bands
Favourite Classic Rock Song
Favourite Disney Song
Favourite Animated Movie
Favourite Cartoon
Favourite Comic Book Character
Favourite Action Movie
Favourite Horror Movie
Her Favourite Picture Of Him
His Favourite Picture Of Her
Their Pets
Pictures Of Them
Her Best Friend
His Best Friend
Her Ex-Boyfriend
His Ex-Girlfriend
Her Enemy
His Enemy
Happy Valentines Day!
Reaction To Valentines Gifts
Couple Photoshoot
First People They Tell
The Bridesmaids
The Groomsmen
The Dresses & Suits
Wedding Theme/Venue
She Walks Down The Aisle (His P.O.V)
She Walks Down The Aisle (Her P.O.V)
Wedding Cake
Wedding Song
She Tells Him
His Reaction
The Gender Of The Baby
Baby Kicks For The First Time
Shopping For The Baby
The Baby's Room
Water Breaks
In Labour
First Time Holding The Baby
Baby's Name
Couple T-Shirt
Couple Hoodie (Front)
Couple Hoodie (Back)
Baby & The Pets
Baby's First Word
Putting Baby To Sleep
Baby Has Fun With Mom/Dad
Dean & Becky-''We're Back!''
First Birthday
Birthday Cake
Birthday Gift
Funny/Cute Moments
What The Child Does At The Arena
What He Says During Her Photoshoot
His Favourite Pic Of Her Photoshoot
He/She Has To Leave On Tour
What The Child Wears/Carries While They're Away
He/She Comes Home From Tour
His Storyline With Her Enemy
Her Storyline With His Enemy
He Saves Her From His Enemy
She Saves Him In Front Of Her Enemy
How They Win Their Tag Match
Picture He Takes During Her Photoshoot
Picture She Takes During His Photoshoot
He/She Accompanies Him/Her To The Ring
His Favourite Pic Of Her & Her Best Friend
Her Favourite Pic Of Him & His Best Friend
Couples Photoshoot
She Wins Women's Championship
He Wins WWE Championship
She Loses Women's Championship
He Loses WWE Championship
She Helps Him Win A Match
He Helps Her Win A Match
Couples Beanies & Mugs
Couples Baseball Jerseys (His)
Couples Baseball Jerseys (Hers)
What They Hear Before Their Match
She's At Ringside During His Match
He's At Ringside During Her Match
Table For 3 Couples (P1)
Table For 3 Couples (P2)
Table For 3 Couples (P3)
Table For 3 Couples (P4)
Table For 3 Couples (P5)
Table For 3 Couples (P6)
Couples Photoshoot
In The Ring (Added 1 New Couple)
He Takes A Pic Of Her Backstage
She Takes A Pic Of Him Backstage
Her Favourite Thing About Him
His Favourite Thing About Her
She Loves Hearing Him Say....
He Loves Hearing Her Say....
The Name Of Their Talk Show
Their Favourite WWE Talk Show
Their Favourite WWE Network Show
Her & Her Pokemon
Him & His Pokemon
Photos (P1)
Photos (P2)
Photos (P3)
Photos (P4)
Photos (P5)
Photos (P6)
Photos (P7)
Photos (P8)
Photos (P9)
Photos (P10)
Photos (P11)
Photos (P12)
Photos (P13)
Photos (P14)
Photos (P15)
Photos (P16)
Photos (P17)
Photos (P18)
Couple Photoshoot!

Haunted Cabin!

399 8 12
By MichelleShw717

This was requested by Neebysingh.
I hope you like it!

Dean & Becky
Dean & Becky were sitting by the fireplace eating marshmallows when they heard footsteps upstairs.

Dean-''That's weird. No one is up there.''

Becky-''Should we check it out?''


They got up and went upstairs. They saw a little girl sitting on the floor with her back towards them.


The girl was humming.

Becky-''Where did you come from?''

The girl stood up and faced them.

Becky-''Oh my...''

The girl's eyes were completely black and she smiled at them.

Girl-''Do you wanna play?''

Becky-''Oh, hell no.''

The girl lifted up off the floor and was floating in the air.

Girl-''I wanna play with you!!''

Dean-''Run, Becky!''

Dean and Becky ran downstairs and out of the cabin as they heard the girl giggling.

Seth & AJ Lee
Seth walked into the bedroom and found a doll sitting on the bed. Seth picked it up and put it on the chair in the room.

AJ-''This cabin is so cool.''

AJ said as she walked into the bedroom.

AJ-''Cute doll.''

Seth looked down and saw the doll sitting on the bed again.


AJ-''What's wrong?''

Seth-''I put that doll on the chair a second ago.''

The doll laughed! Seth & AJ got a fright but then they realised that some dolls do speak and laugh.

Doll-''Seth Rollins!''

Seth-''What the hell?''

Doll-''AJ Lee!''

AJ-''Seth, what is happening?''

They backed away from the doll as it looked up at them.

Doll-''Let's burn it down!''

Then they saw that the doll had a box of matches in it's hand.

Seth-''AJ, run!''

The doll started laughing as they ran downstairs and out of the cabin.

Roman & Natalya
Natalya was in the bathroom brushing her hair when she heard Roman call her.


Natalya walked out into the bedroom but Roman wasn't there.


Roman walked into the bedroom.

Natalya-''Did you call me?''

Roman-''No. I was downstairs.''

Natalya-''I could've sworn I heard you call me.''

Roman-''You probably just heard the wind making noise.''

Then they heard a voice say ''Roman''.

Natalya-''What was that?''

Then there was loud banging on the walls of the room and Natalya grabbed Roman's arm.

Roman-''What the hell?''

They heard a voice say ''We're coming for you!''.

Natalya-''Let's go!''

Roman & Natalya ran downstairs and out of the cabin.

Styles & Sasha
Styles was in the bathroom washing his hands when he looked up in the mirror. A piece of his hair was being held up but no one was there.


Styles rushed out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.


Styles-''Something was holding my hair up but no one was behind me!''

Sasha laughed.

Sasha-''You and your hair. You're just tired and now you're seeing things.''

Then Sasha felt a hand run through her hair. Sasha jumped on the bed and ran behind Styles.

Styles-''What is it?''

Sasha-''Something touched me!''

The bedroom mirror misted up and two words formed on it. It said ''Get Out''.

Styles-''What the hell?''

The mirror shattered and the pieces went flying all over the room. Styles and Sasha ran out of the room and out of the cabin.

Finn & Ember
Ember walked upstairs and saw a rocking chair at the top of the stairs.

Ember-''Why is it standing here?''

Ember moved the chair over and walked into the bedroom. When she turned, the chair was standing in the bedroom doorway.


Finn walked upstairs & moved the chair back.

Finn-''Did you put the chair here?''

Ember-''No. I moved it over there and then it....moved here.''

Finn-''By itself?''

Ember-''I'm not sure.''

Finn smiled and kissed Ember.

Finn-''It's alright. You probably just....''

Then they saw the rocking chair standing next to them!


The chair started rocking by itself. Then they heard a crackling laughter of an old women.

Ember-''Let's go!''

Finn and Ember ran downstairs and out of the cabin.

Dolph & Liv
Dolph turned over in bed and realised Liv wasn't there.


Dolph looked up and saw Liv floating in mid air! He grabbed her hand and she fell onto the bed and woke up.

Liv-''What happened?''

Dolph-''You don't remember floating in the air?''

Liv-''I was what?''

Then all the other items in the room lifted up and started floating around. Dolph & Liv got out of bed and ran out the room. Dolph closed the door and they heard all the stuff crash against the door.

Liv-''Let's get out of here!''

They ran out of the cabin.

Miz & Alexa
Miz & Alexa were laying in bed when they heard creaking noises.

Alexa-''What was that?''

Miz-''It's an old cabin, Star. It's gonna makes noises.''

Then the bed started shaking uncontrollably!

Alexa-''What's happening?!''

Miz-''Get off the bed!''

Then the bed lifted up into the air and they jumped off the bed and went to the door as the bed flew against the wall!

Miz-''What the hell?''

The bed lifted up again.

Miz-''Run, Alexa!''

They ran out of the room and the bed hit the wall by the doorway of the room. They ran out of the cabin.

Elias & Bayley
Bayley was woken up by Elias playing his guitar.

Bayley-''Elias! It's the middle of the night!''

Bayley sat up in bed only to see that Elias was fast asleep next to her.


Bayley could still hear the guitar playing. She looked over and saw Elias' guitar floating in mid air playing by itself!

Bayley-''Elias! Wake up!''

Elias sat up and saw his guitar floating in the air.

Elias-''What the hell is going on?''

Bayley-''I don't know.''

Then the guitar went crashing into the wall! Then the lamps on the nightstand went crashing against the wall which made them get out of bed.

Elias-''Let's go, Bayley!''

Elias and Bayley ran downstairs and dodged everything else that was being thrown around as they ran out of the cabin.

Randy & Sonya
Randy walked into the bedroom and saw Sonya looking out the window with her back facing him.

Randy-''You ok, Sonya?''

Randy rubbed her shoulders but she didn't answer him. Then the bathroom door opened and Sonya walked out and Randy looked at her in complete shock.

Sonya-''Randy, who is she?''

Randy backed away from the woman he was standing behind and Sonya walked up next to him.

Randy-''Who are you?''

The woman turned around and her eyes were completely black. She let out an ear piercing scream and stormed towards them!

Randy-''Move, Sonya!''

They ran downstairs and out of the cabin.

Bray & Sarah
Bray & Sarah were sitting on the couch.

Sarah-''I'll be right back.''

Sarah got up and was gonna go upstairs. But then she saw a teenage girl standing at the top of the stairs with her back towards Sarah.


Then the girl bent over backwards and started crawling downstairs upside down!


Bray rushed over to Sarah and he saw the girl too.

Sarah-''What the hell is that?!''

The girl started laughing.

Sarah-''Let's go!''

Sarah & Bray ran out of the cabin.

Punk & Brie
Punk & Brie walked into the kitchen area and all the knives were standing upright on the counter.

Punk-''How is that even possible?''

Brie-''I have no clue.''

Then the knives all fell on their sides.

Brie-''Ok. Super creepy.''

Then the knives started shaking and flew across the room and into the wall.

Punk-''Brie, I think we should go.''

Punk & Brie ran into the living room as the kitchen chairs flew towards them!


Punk pulled Brie out of the way before a chair could hit her. They ran out of the cabin.

Kevin & Nikki
Nikki was laying in bed when she felt Kevin's arm wrap around her. Nikki smiled but when she opened her eyes, another man was staring at her!


Nikki screamed and jumped out of bed which woke Kevin up.

Kevin-''What's wrong?''

Nikki-''T-There was another m-man in our bed!''

Kevin-''No one is here, sweetheart.''

Nikki-''He was right there!''

Kevin-''Maybe it was a bad dream.''

Nikki-''I wasn't dreaming!''

Kevin-''Nikki, I....''

Kevin paused when he saw a man appear behind Nikki. Nikki could see by Kevin's expression that something was behind her.

Kevin-''Nikki, don't move.''

Nikki turned and the man screamed in her face. Kevin grabbed Nikki and they ran downstairs and out of the cabin.

Sami & Naomi
Sami was sitting on the couch when the rocking chair next to him started rocking on its own. But as soon as Sami looked at it, it would stop.


Naomi came downstairs and sat down next to Sami.

Naomi-''What's up?''

Sami-''That chair is moving on its own.''

Naomi-''It's probably just the breeze causing it to move.''

Sami-''All the windows are closed.''

The rocking chair started rocking again.

Naomi-''I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation for...''

Naomi paused when the chair started rocking very fast!


They stood up and the chair turned to face them. Then they heard a voice say ''You shouldn't be here!''.

Naomi-''Oh, hell no!''

The chair flew towards them. They ducked and ran out of the cabin.

Daniel & Charlotte
Daniel & Charlotte were in bed when the blankets got pulled off of them.

Charlotte-''What just happened?''

Daniel-''I'll get it.''

Daniel crawled to the edge of the bed, grabbed the blanket and pulled it up but it was caught on something.

Daniel-''I think it's stuck.''

Then Charlotte crawled over to help him. When they pulled, they saw two hands pulling on the blanket on the other end.


They let go and the blanket got pulled under the bed.

Charlotte-''What the hell is that?!''

Then the bed started shaking and Daniel & Charlotte immediately jumped off the bed and ran to the bedroom door.

Daniel-''Who's there?!''

They saw two hands reach out from under the bed and a voice said ''Come here!''.


They ran downstairs and out of the cabin.

Cena & Paige
Cena walked into the bedroom and Paige covered his eyes from behind and said ''Guess who?''.

Cena-''My darling, Paige.''

Cena felt Paige remove her hands but then Cena saw Paige walk out of the bathroom on the other side of the room.

Paige-''Who are you talking to?''

Cena looked around.

Cena-''Weren't you just behind me?''

Paige-''No. Why?''

Cena-''Someone covered my eyes and said ''Guess who?'' and I thought it was you.''


Cena-''It even sounded like you.''

Paige-''Oh, I see what you're doing. You're trying to scare me!''


Paige-''Nice try. But it's gonna take a lot more than....''

Paige paused when she saw a woman step out from behind Cena.


Paige couldn't even speak as she pointed making Cena turn and he saw a woman with black eyes smiling at them.

Cena-''What the hell?''

Paige grabbed onto Cena. The woman let out an evil laugh and stormed towards them! They ran out of the room, ran downstairs and out of the cabin.

Bobby & Renee
Bobby & Renee woke up to loud scratching noises.

Renee-''What is that?''

Bobby-''It must be tree branches scratching the cabin outside.''

Bobby put the light on. They saw scratches on the walls and they followed it all the way to the ceiling.

Bobby-''Oh my....''

They saw a woman scratching the ceiling with her back towards them.


Then the woman's head turned a complete 180 and smiled at them.


They immediately ran out of the bedroom, ran downstairs and out of the cabin.

Braun & Asuka
Braun & Asuka were sitting on the couch when the lights started flickering.

Braun-''It's an old cabin. The lights will probably flicker every now and then.''

When the lights stopped flickering, Asuka was suddenly lifted up and started floating in the air.


Braun tried to grab Asuka but she was too high. Then Asuka got thrown towards the wall.


Asuka stopped herself by putting her feet up against the wall. Then she got thrown across the room again but Braun jumped and grabbed her!

Braun-''You ok, Asuka?''

Asuka-''I think so!''

Then all the furniture started moving around and tables got turned over. They ran out of the cabin.

Kane & Ruby
Kane & Ruby were in bed. Then Ruby suddenly got pulled out of bed and she landed on the floor!


Kane got up and helped Ruby to her feet.

Kane-''Are you ok?''

Ruby-''I think so. What happened?''


Then Ruby got pulled down again and started being pulled under the bed!


Kane grabbed Ruby's hands and pulled Ruby out from under the bed and into his arms.

Kane-''Are you alright?!''

Ruby-''Oh, no. Look!''

They looked down and saw hand marks on Ruby's ankles. Then they saw two hands reach out from under the bed towards them.


Kane-''Come on, let's go!''

They ran downstairs and out of the cabin.

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