Their Secret (A One Directio...

By Crzy1DPatterson

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Meet Avan she is your average 16 year old. But when she wins a contest to spend a week with her favorite boy... More

Their Secret (A One Direction Story)
Chapter 1 We Have A Winner
Chapter 2 Leaving and Arriving
Chapter 3 Hi I'm Avan!
Chapter 4 Strange
Chapter 6: Campfire's, Marshmellow's, and Kisses
Chapter 7: Chaos?
Chapter 8: Running from a Fight: Coward.
Chapter 9: Help Me Harry...............
Chapter 10: Jefferson/Louis?
Chapter 11: Did JeLouis Win...Or.....Lose?
Chapter 12: This Isn't Happening.......... The End :))

Chapter 5 Deja Vu

7K 84 6
By Crzy1DPatterson

Heyy guys sorry its so short but I kinda wanted to give you guys something to read not that interesting but the next chapter will be better promise!!!!!!!!!


Crzy1DPatterson xxo


When we got back to the Lake House Harry helped me find the first aid kit and helped doctor my finger.

"There you go." Harry said with a smile.

"Thanks, Don't we need to put like a bandage on it or something?" I asked just looking at the clear ointment he applied ever so gently onto my finger.

"Not on burns it holds the heat in and makes it worse." he replied picking up all the first aid supplies and putting them back in the box.

"Well I think it's time for lunch don't you?" I asked walking to the fridge. I made a ham sandwitch as Harry just stood there looking at me. "What's wrong aren't you hungry?" I asked him.

He was looking at me in a funny way then put his right hand on the island where he was standing. "Um no I'm fine." he said. That's when I saw it Harry turned around to face away from me dropping to his knees moaning.

"Oh My Harry!! Are you okay?" I asked rushing over to aid him.

"Um, yea I'm Fine" he says covering his face with his right hand. But it was too late I already saw it.

"Harry your... eyes...." I said slowly standing up. Before he covered his face I saw his eyes they were red... blood red.

Harry stood up holding his stomach he was sweating. "I need to go talk to Liam." he said racing out of the kitchen. I was still hungry so I finished making my sandwitch then ate it before making my way into the living room. Zayn was sitting on the couch.

"Heyy Zayn?" I said before walking around the the front of the couch to sit by him.

"Hello babe!" he said cheerfully.

"Um, well me and Harry were in the kitchen and I was making a sandwitch when he fell down onto his knees. Well when I went to help him...... I swear his eyes were red." I said looking at Zayn.

"Oh that's not weird at all." Zayn replied.

"Do you think I'm crazy?" I asked looking at him.

"Truthfully..... Yes." he said. I just stared at him when he started to laugh. "I was only joking!" he said between laughs.

"Oh.." I said as I couldn't help myself his laugh was contagious.

"Well we haven't done anything fun since you got here. How about we go gather wood to have a camp fire tonight to surprise the boys." Zayn suggested after our giggle fit.

"Of Course!" I said jumping up ready to help. We made our way outside to the front porch and down the stairs and turned left to make our way into the woods. The woods rounded from the left of the house from Twenty foot from the water in the lake all the way around it into the back yard then down the gravel drive.

The fire place was in the middle of the back yard with pine stumps around it to sit on. Zayn and I agreed to keep close to the Lake House so that we wouldn't get lost. In about twenty minutes we both had armfuls of sticks and kindle.

We made our way to the fire place laughing and making jokes. We were almost to the treeling when I heard a stick break in the distance and snapped my head to the right as I stopped to listen.

"Did you hear that?" I asked Zayn.

"Yea, Do you think it's a bear?" he asked.

"Do bears live in Florida?" I questioned him.

"Beats me I'm from England." he said as we both just brushed it off continuing to the fire place. When we got there we both threw our wood and kindling beside the fire place as we both began to stack it carefully kindle first, then the tiny sticks then the big ones.

"You know I only know how to do this because and Englishman taught me." I said to Zayn looking at me.

"Really? Who?" he asked as he quit stacking the wood.

"Bear Grylls." I said laughing.

"Oh your talking about the guy with the TV show umm..." He started snapping his fingers looking up at the sky. "Called Man vs Wild right?" he asked.

"Yea, I like his show alot." I admitted as I finished stacking the wood.

"I think we need more wood." Zayn stated standing up then slapping his hands together brushing off the dirt and pine needles stuck to them.

"Nah it's perfect." I stated examining our work. The pile wasn't completely perfect, to be honest it was kind've lop-sided and sloppy looking but who cares it's fixing to be set on fire.

"I guess we should go get the guys' now yes?" I asked Zayn.

"Yea we finished rite on time the sun is setting!" he said excitedly pointing in the direction of the lake. We watched the sun set together as we sat down on the same log beside the fire that was facing the lake.

"It's beautiful......" I whispered.

"I've seen better.." Zayn said. It took me a minute to realize he made a joke and I playfully punched him in the arm.

"Not funny we were having a moment." I said laughing at his reaction to me hitting him he was holding his left arm with and Ouch That Hurt look on his face.

"Stop laughing it isn't funny!" he said giggling.

At that moment Harry and Niall came bursting through the back door. Harry was Holding Niall by the left shoulder of his jacket as though Niall were in trouble, Whilst shouting at him,

"Niall are you fucking INSANE?!" Harry shouted at Niall on the back porch. "This is the last time I cover for your ass you clean up the fucking mess I-" Harry's eyes landed on me and Zayn.

Zayn turned were he was facing me and took my hand and looked into my eyes and started to sing softly.....

Hush Hush my darling,

All is fine.

I bid you now a fair well night,

Now sleep till sunrise.

Hush Hush Hush,

Avan my darling all is fine.

Now I bid you a fair night,

I command my Avan to sleep till sunrise.

(Okay laugh if you want but it was all I could come up with and its lame and cliche' i know but i tried my best that is all that matters :)


"I've seen better.." Zayn said. It took me a minute to realize he made a joke and I playfully punched him in the arm.

"Not funny we were having a moment." I said laughing at his reaction to me hitting him he was holding his left arm with and Ouch That Hurt look on his face.

"Stop laughing it isn't funny!" he said giggling. I started to giggle as well but then I had a feeling that I've done this before.

"Wow Deja' Vu'' I said looking at him. He was looking at me.

"I hate when that happens!" he shouted. "Well let's go get the boys!" he said grabbing my hand and leading me at a fast pace to the front door.


"Did you hear that?" I asked Zayn.

"Niall are you fucking Insane!" I heard Harry shout before we entered the house.

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