
By cooperfeld

166 4 0



166 4 0
By cooperfeld

It was a rainy evening in Los Angeles when Sam was busy changing channels while Cat was lying on the couch and staring at the ceiling with furrowed brows. Sam noticed Cat's seriousness so she began to speak.

"Hey, Cat, is something bothering you?" Sam asked after she turned off the TV and sat straight facing her roommate.

"Nothing. N-Nothing's bothering me." Cat replied with a sniff then sat Indian style in front of Sam. The blonde observed the redhead.

"I know that face well enough to know that somethings up. Cat, you can tell me. Trust me." Sam looked Cat straight in the eye. Blue eyes meeting brown ones, Cat could tell Sam's concerned. She sighed and placed both hands on her face.

"N-Nona texted me something about... about my parents." Sam could tell this is really serious since Cat hasn't opened up to her about her parents until now.

"What did she say?" Sam asked and put her hand on Cat's knee to assure her that she's there.

Looking into Sam's eyes, Cat said "She told me that when she asked for them to come and visit me sometime, they told her they can't- they won't."

Sam was surprised at how Cat's parents could be like, how they could leave their daughter alone and not plan on coming bacj to her.

"What's even worse is that they asked Nona to keep it a secret from me, to make me think that they will soon barge in through that door. They were lying to me, Sam, and it hurts knowing that my own parents doesn't love me." Cat was sobbing and tears were falling on Sam's hand that was on the smaller girl's knee.

"Darn it! I'm not good at comforting people." Sam thought. She pulled Cat to an awkward embrace that surprised Cat because she never thought Sam as a hugger. Cat tightened the hug which Sam noticed but she didn't let go.

"Don't you worry, kid. I'll be the one who'll protect and look after you. I'll keep you safe here. Trust me. I won't leave you ever." Sam let go of Cat and wiped her tears on her cheeks which made Cat smile and giggle. This made the blonde smile back. They just stared at each other for seconds until Cat leaned in and kissed Sam in the nose. Sam's eyed widened in amazement.

"Thanks, Sam. For being here." Cat hugged Sam and Sam hugged back.

They were happy in each other's arms.

Note: My first puckentine one-shot! I hope you guys liked it. :)

PS. You can send me some plot ideas so we all can live happily in this world. lol

Keep Calm and Ship Puckentine!

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