Book of Shadows

By NyxShadowhawk

24.3K 212 71

So you want to learn magic? This is a manual of magic in which I have compiled all the basic information I'v... More

Hecate's Welcome
The Witch's Circle
How to Become a Witch
A List of Magical Practices
"Types" of Witches
How to Become a Witch
Magical Theory
Shadow Work
Your Altar and Tools
Casting Circles and Writing Spells
Sympathetic Magic
Magical Symbols
Planetary Correspondences
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Correspondences: Essential Oils *updated*
Correspondences: Magical Crystals *updated*
Correspondences: Herb/Resin Symbolism and Uses *updated*
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Tree Lore
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Correspondences: Chakras
Kabbalistic (Sephiroth) Correspondences
The Art of Candle Magick
Your Spirit Animal
Spell Bags
Sigil Magic
How to Charge Sigils
The Major Arcana
Dream Divination
Magical Alphabets
Rune Casting
Your Pantheon
The Dark Gods
Triple Goddesses
Trance Techniques
Invocation 101
Evocation 101
How to Create Entities
Pentacle -- Witch's Star
Your Cauldron
Moon Water
A Dictionary of Alchemical Imagery
Drawing Down the Moon
Hecate's Moon Ritual
Hecate's Banishing Ritual
Hecate's Samhain Ritual
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Sabbats: The Wheel of the Year

259 1 5
By NyxShadowhawk

The Wiccan Wheel of the Year has eight major holidays, called Sabbats. Four of the eight Sabbats, the "greater Sabbats" (Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, and Lammas), are Celtic. The other four (Yule, Ostara, Litha, and Mabon) are the solstices and equinoxes, called the "lesser Sabbats." For a more detailed overview of the Sabbats, go here:

Samhain (Oct. 31st-Nov. 1st): I've joked that Samhain is the only Pagan rite still celebrated by the general community in America and parts of Europe. Samhain (sah-win or sow-en) is Gaelic for "summer's end," and is the day the rest of the world decides to acknowledge and honor the dark side of life, and those that have died. It is the Wiccan new year, the time when the Veil between worlds is as thin as it could possibly be. So, naturally, the spirits of the dead can cross through the Veil to the land of the living to visit their loved ones. But if the spirits can go to our world on Samhain, why can't we go to theirs? Samhain rites:

Yule (Winter Solstice): A celebration of the remaining light through the darkness of the Winter Solstice. This holiday was originally an Anglo-Saxon celebration held in honor of Odin. In British lore, The Holly King and Oak King battle, and the Oak King wins. The days lengthen again. Aspects of Yule have made their way into Christmas. Yule rites:

Imbolc/Candlemas (February 2): "Groundhog day", right? This Sabbat celebrates the Celtic Goddess of Fire, Brigit. The Crone becomes the Maiden. The fire of the sun is rekindled. Imbolc rites:

Ostara (Spring Equinox): Celebration of flowers, life, and the coming of Spring. The Goddess has become the Maiden. The God and Goddess begin courting. (Ostara is the name given to the Sabbat by Gardnerian Wicca, but Ostara is actually the name of a Germanic goddess of April. Her other name is Eostre, "Easter."). Ostara rites:

Beltane (April 30th-May 1st): One of my favorites! This is the most joyous celebration of the Wheel. Growing up, I never understood why "May Day" was even on the calendar, and now it is ON the calendar! Beltane is a fire festival, and what people think of when they think of witches dancing naked around bonfires. It's a celebration of the God and Goddess finally consummate their union. Beltane is celebrated with bonfires, maypole dances, oat cakes, and other fun stuff. In ancient Ireland, people would drive their cattle between the bonfires to bless them, and it was believed that if you leaped over the bonfire, you could make a wish. This is another one of those days when the Veil between worlds is thin. In Germany, April 30th was called Walpurgisnacht and was believed to be a night when witches would gather and hold revels. Beltane rites:

Litha (Summer Solstice): The light has fully returned, and now the days will get shorter again. The Holly King and Oak King battle again, and this time the Holly King wins. The Veil remains thin, and you may see fairies around midsummer!. Litha rites:

Lammas (July 31st-August 1st): Lammas is the English version of the Irish festival Lughnasadh, dedicated to the Irish god of light, Lugh. It is a celebration of the grain harvest before winter sets in. Harry Potter's birthday is on Lammas Eve (and that's a coincidence). Lammas rites:

Mabon (Autumn Equinox): The next harvest festival; the Wiccan version of Thanksgiving for those of you who are American. The days are equal before getting shorter. Meditate on an apple cut in half to reveal the pentagram in the center. The Goddess is becoming the Crone. We honor the Dark Goddess. Mabon rites:

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