The Curse Of Power

By Sereena1246

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This is the Normal Life of Brianna Waters and Dimitrius Wetmore. Age 15 was the year, or people say, but they... More

Chapter 1 The Curse Of Power
Chapter 2 The Curse of Power
Chapter 3 The Curse of Power
Chapter 4 The Curse of Power
Chapter 5 The Curse of Power
Chapter 6 The Curse of Power
Chapter 7 The Curse of Power
Chapter 8 The Curse of Power
Chapter 9 The Curse of Power
Chapter 10 The Curse of Power
Chapter 11 The Curse of Power
Chapter 12 The Curse of Power
Chapter 13 The Curse of Power
Chapter 14 The Curse of Power
Chapter 15 The Curse of Power
Chapter 16 The Curse of Power
Chapter 17 The Curse of Power
Chapter 18 The Curse of Power
Chapter 19 The Curse of Power
Chapter 20 The Curse of Power
Chapter 21 The Curse of Power
Chapter 22 The Curse of Power
Chapter 23 The Curse of Power
Chapter 24 The Curse of Power
Chapter 25 The Curse of Power
Chapter 26 The Curse of Power
Chapter 27 The Curse of Power
Chapter 28 The Curse of Power
Chapter 29 The Curse of Power
Chapter 30 The Curse of Power
Chapter 31 The Curse of Power
Author Note:
Immortality: Chapter One
Immortality: Chapter Two
Immortality: Chapter Four
Immortality: Chapter Five
Immortality: Chapter Six:
Immortality: Chapter Seven
Immortality: Chapter Eight
Immortality: Chapter Nine
Immortality: Chapter Ten:
Immortality Chapter Eleven:
Immortality Chapter Twelve:
Immortality Chapter Thirteen:
Immortality Chapter Fourteen
Immortality Chapter Fifteen:
Author's Note

Immortality: Chapter Three

47 1 2
By Sereena1246

We headed down the hallway. Garnet was on my right and Mikayla was on my left. I started straight ahead. Why didn’t she tell me these things? Why did I have to find this out by another Immortal and not my Guardian? Why is she leaving me? I don’t know what I do without her. She helps me kill all of the Dark Angels. Garnet pushed open a door and went to the bed and sat down.

“Okay, lets start with the aging system. Angel of Time mentioned in our conditions that we don’t age and you must have forgotten that we actually did, but it takes 10 human years for us to age 1 year. So you said you been like this for 15 years that makes you 16 and a half now. So you were chosen at a young age to become Immortal, so you actually age until your 18 so in another 15 years you would stop aging and then you get more powerful in strengths and speed. Understand so far?” Garnet asked. I nodded my head.

“On your 10th year your Guardian, if they live for that long, has to leave because you got so much experience that you actually smarter then them because you have matured and gotten very powerful, but sadly since Dark Angels are getting stronger and faster, the Angels wont last that long. Mine lasted 2 years for me, then I found another Immortal and we worked together ever since. I’ll let you meet her sometime this week,” I nodded my head again. Mikayla stayed silent throughout this whole conversation.

“How old are you Garnet?” I asked.

“25” he said smugly. That means he be like that for 250 years. my eyes widened. That’s a long time in one body. I would stay young for my whole life now. No husband, no children, no growing old, I can’t even go to college and not look like a freak.

“Whoa, I never seen that happen before” Garnet said, looking at me strangely.

“Seen what?” I asked.

He opened his mouth to respond, but Mikayla beat him to it, “Nothing, it was nothing. he probably saw something else” She’s hiding something. I know she is, but I’ll find out later. I narrowed my eyes, telling her that I will find out what’s she’s hiding.

“Everyone head to the auditorium, we have some announcement. Everyone to the auditorium” someone said over the intercom. Garnet got up, “Let’s go, the announcement is probably about you two, so it probably be best if your there” we nodded and followed Garnet to the auditorium. We were one of the last people to enter the auditorium, from across the room I see my old friends narrowing their eyes on to me, or at least in my direction. I turned to look at who they could be staring at and see Garnet staring them back with narrow eyes. Now I’m confused. I look at Mikayla and she shrugged. Garnet grabbed my hand and started to lead me to the front of the auditorium. I grabbed for Mikayla and dragged her with me. When we got to the front Mr. Walter told us to wait there while he went on to the stage to say his announcement, “Ladies and gentlemen. We have two new comers in our community. Please welcome Veronica Fletcher and Mikayla Saunders. Garnet leads us up onto the stage and immediately left us standing there uncomfortably.

“Miss Fletcher will be in the Advance classes while Miss Saunders would be in the Academic levels,” Mr. Walter spoke. Whispers began to spread around the auditorium. I shifted my weight. Someone shouted, “They can’t fight! We saw them already in battle mode!” I’m guessing that was someone I knew. I sighed and shifted my weight again. This is very uncomfortable.

“Would you like to demonstrate your skills ladies?” Mr. Walter asked.

“Might as well,” Mikayla said. I nodded.

“Garnet Matthew and Melanie Hanks please come up,” Mr. Walter demanded. When they reached the stage Mr. Walter backed up to give us some room.

“Miss Fletcher, since I would be putting you in advance level you would fight Mr. Matthews and Miss Saunders you would be fighting Miss Hanks” we both nodded.

“Miss Fletcher you may go first” I gulped since I learned the older you get for being Immortal the stronger you are, I’m a bit afraid to fight Garnet. Garnet was smirking. I put on a blank face. He mouthed, “no Immortal speed” before he charged at me. I dodged at the last minute and swiped his feet from under him. He landed on the ground.

“Nice” he said and jumped to his feet. We stand their looking for any weakness. This was annoying the crowd. He knew how to hide his weaknesses, great that’s just perfect. Garnet sent a punch to my face, which I block with my arm, before he could pull away I pulled his arm closer to me and sent a kick to the stomach, I took the advantage and flipped him. He landed with a thud on the ground. He recovered quickly, well no duh it takes a lot to hurt an Immortal. I jumped when he went to knock my feet from underneath me, but he still caught me and I fell back. He came at me and pinned me to the floor. He was much stronger then I thought he would and I tried to get out of his grip, but he would budge. I turned my head to see his arm really close to my face so I opened my mouth and bit into his arm, he let go immediately and I took that chance and punched him in the face then I kneed him in the stomach, that got him off of me. I rolled over and stood up. He was inspecting his arm, “Did you just bit me?” he asked completely shock.

“Yea, but I have to say, I tasted better” I smirked. He laughed. He stood up and offers his hand. I

looked at it then at him, “you think I’m that stupid?”

“I hope you were,” he threw his other fist to my face that I dodge once again. I stepped on his foot and threw a punch upward; he went stumbled backwards and actually fallen off the stage. There was gasping coming from the crowd and they all stood up to see if he was okay. I went to the edge to see Garnet getting up.

“Nice hit. Damn I didn’t see that coming” he got back up onto the stage easily and with so much grace. I couldn’t do that.

“I say we demonstrated a lot. I’m surrendering before either of us get too hurt,” I said.

“Way to ruin the fun Ronnie” Garnet smirked. I narrowed my eyes. Daring he to do whatever he was thinking

“Miss Fletcher is right, the fight is over and Miss Fletcher would be going into Advance classes. Miss Saunders it’s your turn” I got off the stage while Mikayla went back on. I winked at her when she passed and she smiled. There fight lasted longer then ours because they were pretty much equal.

“Melanie is an Angel as well, that’s why their taking so long” Garnet whispered into my ear. I jumped since I wasn’t expecting that.

“You need to be more observant if you want to survive this world because if I were to be a Dark Angel, you be dead right now” Garnet whispered again.

“Thanks for the tip”

“Pretty girls like you need tips” I turned to look at him. He held a smirk and his eye glowed with excitement. I scoffed at him. He smile grew.

“Have you ever thought about dating and love since you died?” he asked in my ear.

“No. I won’t betrayed him like that” I knew Garnet knew whom I was talking.

“Soon he would be dead, Bree. You need to move on. That’s your weakness and anyone would see that and take advantage of it”

“Why you doing this to me? I just met you,” I whispered to him.

“I’m only helping you,” he wrapped his arms around my waist. I jumped and tried to get out of his grip, but he wouldn’t budge. I turned around and started slapping him on the chest. A very hard and smooth chest I might add.

“Let go of me,” I hissed. He lead down and put his head on my shoulder. I looked behind him to see Austin with an angered pain expression on his face and he was staring right at me. This asshole knew he was staring at me. Damn it.

“Get off of me” I shoved at his chest, but him being about 200 year older then me, I was weak against him. I kneed him in the balls and that made him loose his grip on me. It wasn’t much, but I managed to get out of his iron grip. I was about to slap him when he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him again.

“That hurt, but too bad I’m not human too hurt me that badly” he whispered in my ear. I looked behind him to see a furious Austin coming towards us.

“Let go Garnet or I swear to god I will―”

“Hurt me? Unlikely. I’m older then you. You should treat your elders with respect”

“If you keep acting like this, I will never give you respect” I hissed.

“Is there a problem here?” Austin asked.


“No” we both answered at the same time. I glared at him. He glared back.

“Come with me Bree,” Austin said. He grabbed my hand and started to pull me away.

“Ronnie” I corrected him.

“What?” he asked confused.

“You called me Bree, but that’s not my name. It’s Veronica, but I prefer Ronnie” I mumbled. Warm feelings started to tingle around my body. I knew it wasn’t because of the temperature. It’s because he was holding my hand again. It’s so grown and muscular and it still covers my whole hand. A small smile appeared on to my lips. He turned around to look at me and lifted his hand to my cheek, “Sorry, but you just look so much like her and act like her. It’s like you are her, but that’s impossible” he dropped his hand.

“Why is it impossible?” I asked innocently.

“Because she passed away 15 years ago” sadness filed his features.

“You miss her don’t you? She meant a lot to you I’m guessing.” I guessed, well I knew, but I have to act like I don’t and it pains me to see him so depressed. He nodded. He grabbed my hand and started to drag me away again. I turned to the stage to see Mr. Walter giving me a warning look. I nodded and shrugged. He dipped his head down and put the microphone back to his lips.

“That’s enough, now that is all for today, return to you’re duties” Mikayla hopped off the stage. There was a bruise on her cheek, but other then that she looked fine. She headed to where I was.

“I’m tired,” she said

“I’ll take you ladies back to your room. You had a long day” Austin said and started to walk off. He was still holding my hand so I got dragged behind. Mikayla grabbed my hand and we followed Austin to our room. When we got there, Austin left to let us be and that’s when Mikayla started to lecture me.

“You can’t do that Ron, it’s dangerous” Mikayla started.

“It wasn’t my fault, Garnet started to harass me and since he is a lot stronger than me, I couldn’t get away. Austin saw that and broke us apart and started to dragged me away and he just never let go of my hand” I rushed my words. She nodded and started to yawn.

“It’s been a long day. Let’s get to sleep and worry about Garnet tomorrow” I agree and got ready for bed.

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