The Twilight Princess (Kingdo...

By OtakuGirlInAnimeland

21.2K 444 69

Washed up on the shores of Destiny Island, an amnesiac young girl seeks to find out where she came from and w... More

🖤Ch.1: Dive Into the Station of Awakening🖤
🖤Ch.2: A New Life with New Friends on Destiny Island🖤
☀️🌙Dawn's Personals🌕🌠
🖤Ch.3: Bustin' Up on a Beach of Memories🖤
🖤Ch.4: Another World Lost to the Darkness🖤
🖤Ch.5: Waking Up in Traverse Town🖤
🖤Ch.6: Powers Practice! Meeting a Cousin!🖤
🖤Ch.7: The Heartless Have Come! Forming a Team!🖤
🖤Ch.8: Meeting Some Masters of Magic! Reasoning For Visions!🖤
🖤Ch.9: Down the Rabbit Hole🖤
🖤Ch.10: Disrupting a Trial🖤
🖤Ch.11: Locating the Evidence🖤
🖤Ch.12: Searching for Alice! Finding Trouble!🖤
🖤Ch.13: Coliseum of Heroes🖤
🖤Ch.14: Zeroes to Heroes! A God's Tricks!🖤
🖤Ch.15: The Stoic Swordsman🖤
🖤Ch.16: Hades' Schemes Come to Light🖤
🖤Ch.18: Gettin' Wild🖤
🖤Ch.19: Danger's No Stranger🖤
🖤Ch.20: Meeting the Son of Man and Ape🖤
🖤Ch.21: Rumble in the Jungle🖤
🖤Ch.22: Divide and Conquer🖤
🖤Ch.23: The Invisible Adversary🖤
🖤Ch.24: Return to Traverse Town🖤
🖤Ch.25: A Friendly Face?🖤
🖤Ch.26: Missing Reports & Rematches!🖤
💛Olympus Coliseum Special Pt. I - Phil Cup💛
🖤Ch.27: Agrabah Days🖤

🖤Ch.17: Defeating the Guardian of the Underworld🖤

494 12 1
By OtakuGirlInAnimeland

(Play 'Olympus Coliseum')

Sora, Donald, Goofy and Stitch have re-entered the safety of the Lobby with Phil. The Dalmatian puppies also left the stands to hide in the Coliseum waiting area the very moment the three-headed gargantuan dog showed up.

"Whew, that was close!" The satyr sighs in relief.

But the spiky haired teen notices their group is one short. "Wait! Where's Dawn?!"

"Oh, no! Don't tell me we left her behind with that monster!" Goofy panics.

Just before the group can dread over the state of their missing friend, their cause for alarm suddenly races through the arena entrance and rejoins them in the vestibule, panting and huffing.

"Dawn!" They all cry out relieved.

"Hey..." She pants. "Sorry for worrying you...but I couldn't just leave this guy behind..." She relinquishes her hold on the unconscious male and lays him on his back in a corner, propping his sword against the wall with respect.

"Is he alright?" Donald asks.

"Nothing broken, miraculously." Dawn responds, looking over the young man. "Still breathing. But it looks like he's just unconscious."

"Hey, kid! How're you able to get him away from Cerberus?" Phil questions, approaching the teenage girl.

"I just...waited for the right moment when it wasn't looking, grabbed him and got the heck out of dodge." Dawn tells half the story, obstinate about keeping her darker abilities a secret to protect both herself and her friends. "Was that massive hound what I think it was?"

"That was Cerberus, guardian of the Underworld. Herc should be able to handle him. But then again, maybe not...This doesn't look good. I hope Herc's okay. I wish I could go in!"

Dawn turns to face Sora. "We have to go back and help." She urges. "He's out there risking his life to stop that thing!"

Sora nods in agreement. "Yeah. The least we can do is back him up."

The Keyblade wielders and their allies head for the arena entrance but Phil calls out to them, stopping them in their tracks.

"Whoa, hey! Kids, you're not entering the arena, are ya?" The satyr asks, questioning the group's sanity. "This ain't some match! This is for real!"

"We're not afraid." Sora remarks. "You can decide if we're hero material or not when we're done."

Phil is reluctant to let them go but is even more reluctant to let Hercules face the giant three-headed dog on his own. "Alright. Careful, kids!"

(End 'Olympus Coliseum')

Everyone hurries back into the Arena just in time to find the muscular hero backed into a corner by Cerberus.

But the beast's ears twitch and straighten up at the sound of the group coming towards him. All three of his heads whip over their shoulder to glower and growl at those who dared interrupt his hunt.

While the two parties ready themselves for the fight ahead, Hercules makes his escape unseen and Phil stands in the stands of the Arena to bear witness.

"Kids, I got two words of advice for you: Attack!"

Wanting to correct the man-goat on his numbering, Dawn objects against doing so, finding that she and her friends have a much, much bigger problem at hand than the satyr's ability to count right.

(Play 'Squirming Evil')

"Here he comes!" Dawn exclaims, warningly.

The fight against the Cerberus was an even more difficult mission than fighting against the stoic swordsman.

Not only could the Cerberus breathe Fireballs and Dark Breath, but also has a powerful Bite and a very strong amount of durability.

It snaps its fangs left and right, ready to tear into whatever it gets into its maw of sharp teeth.

Goofy's shield provides excellent protection from incoming Bites, while allowing Donald to cast his spells and giving Stitch enough elbow room to provide cover fire.

At times, the three-headed dog spews a dark, murky substance from its mouths which causes puddles of darkness to pop up randomly around them before turning into pillars to dish out more damaging attacks. This attack of the giant hound's couldn't be confronted or blocked, only dodged, so staying mobile and watching where you step is key to staying alive.

Cerberus' Fireballs can be easily deflected with a well-timed block from a Keyblade.

The middle head was the one that causes the most trouble, so everyone sticks with taking on the two outer heads.

After several failed attempts to Bite, Cerberus stands on his hind legs and roars in the air. Letting his body fall back to the ground, his front paws create a massive shockwave.

Dawn summons her Darkness Chains, coiling them around the beast's right neck and swings herself onto his back before letting loose some powerful Thunder magic.

But the girl's victory is short lived when Cerberus shakes Dawn's Links to Darkness from around its right head's neck taking them into his fangs and yanking her off his head, swinging her around like a ragdoll before sending her crashing into the far wall of the arena.


The young girl can just barely hear her friends' worried cries and Phil's shouts over the ringing in her ears. The speed in which she was thrown caused a crater to form in the wall where she crashed.

Forcing her eyes open, she can make out blurry, blue, black and white objects moving hysterically around to her face. She blinks away the blurriness to reveal blue blur to be Stitch and the white-black ones to be Dylan and Dolly.

The alien experiment has been removing piece of marble rubble off the girl's beaten form.

"Dawn-alright?" He asks.

"You just got thrown around and chucked into a wall! No way she's alright! Where's the break? Do you feel a break?" Dylan begins panicking, looking over Dawn for any sign of injury.

"No." Dawn replies just as quick.

"Sometimes you can't tell because fluid is rushing to the area. Now, any rushing fluids?"


"Are you woozy?"


"How many fingers am I holding up?" He holds up both his paws in her face.

"I'm fine." Dawn continues to insist.

"Answer the finger question!"


"No! See, something's wrong with you! I have one, two..." He begins to count each of his fingers. "Three, four, five, six, seven, eight. That's all I have? Oh, she's okay."

"Yeah. . .Yeah, I'm alright." Dawn reassures her furry companions as she pushes herself off the ground and tries to throw off the dizziness she's feeling in her head.

The very second she finds herself upright, the ground beneath her feet begins to tremble furiously and suddenly something attacks her from behind, knocking her to the ground again.

Rolling over to look behind her she spots two odd-looking creatures.

One is a small, bulky, light purple Ankylosaurus-like creature with a lavender stomach, chest and patches around his eyes, a bulky body and legs, a huge flat tail with a triangular shaped portion at the end, a round face with a wide mouth with two of his bottom teeth sticking out, a large reddish-brown round nose, large black eyes, small, short pointed ears, a single horn on his head, tiny dark purple round spikes down his back and a darker purple marking in the middle of his back that reaches all the way to his tail.

The other is a large purple, muscular, beastly Tasmanian devil-like creature with a violet stomach, chest, ear insides and spots around his eyes, bulky legs and torso, four strong gorilla-like arms with three fingers on each paw, a blue oval spot on each elbow, short ears, hardly any neck, a wide mouth, a round nose and black eyes.

Immediately, Dawn's Alien Experiment Bracer's holographic screen pops online.

::Warning: Experiments 513 & 601 activated::

::Primary functions: Geological destructions/Hand-to-hand combat::

"Cousins!" Stitch exclaims.

"Yeah. . ." Dawn trails off noticing the dark auras surrounding the two experiments and a dull, lifeless stare in their eyes. "But it looks like they're not gonna let us pass by and go back to helping our friends. We may have to fight them."

"And how exactly do we plan to do that?" Dolly barks, questioningly.

"Well, when we met Sparky, we acted on his weakness. These guys are probably no different."

"Alright, find their weakness, extort it, and then turn them good. Hope you make it easier to accomplish than make it sound." Dylan remarks.


Dawn and Stitch clash with the two experiments, the former taking on the smaller quadruped one and the latter taking on the four-armed, muscular one.

The smaller one's special ability is being able to cause earthquakes with just a thump of his tail while the large one is extremely adept in physical combat.

If caught on the ground while the light purple one slams its tail, anyone within its range is stunned for a few moments. But those moments are precious to the alien experiment as its body is adept at moving during these rough ground shakes and is able to attack those caught in it.

With the larger one, it has superhuman strength and the skills of a pro wrestler and kickboxing, is extremely fast, and can spin into a tornado.

Like Stitch, the two experiments have the ability to curl into a ball for more mobility and evasiveness. However, the smaller one doesn't have the ability to jump high like his four-armed cousin.

Dylan and Dolly decide to use this against it. Attacking with their rocket-board, never allowing them to be caught on the ground.

Dawn joins in, leaping around constantly, not giving her opponent a chance to stun her in a quake and dishes out attacks while in midair.

Stitch switches up his normal approach and lets his own opponent do most of the fighting, tiring itself out in the process.

And once their adversaries are too tired to move, the quartet goes in for the final strike, knocking them out.

(End 'Squirming Evil')

At their victory, Dawn and Stitch hi-five. "Yeah!"

"Now let's fix these two up." She approaches the two unconscious experiments, placing her left hand atop their heads, expelling the Corrupted Darkness that was placed within them.

Once dispelled of the Darkness, the two alien experiments begin to come around, their eyes showing gleams of life.

"Cousin!" Stitch greets.

"Welcome back. The two of you aren't going to keep on hitting us anymore, right?" Dawn asks.

The two shake their heads and begin speaking in their mother alien language, trying to convey something to the teen girl. Stitch was happy to translate.

"Blue-fire-man-found-taaksi. Forced-cousins-baaheth jihadi-for-him."

"Hades." Dawn growls. The experiments nod in confirmation.

"Cousins-help-find-more-cousins. Cousins-also-help-Dawn."

Dawn smiles. "Well, welcome to the family."

Dawn, Dylan, Dolly, Stitch and her new alien experiment allies rejoin Sora and the others.

"Dawn!" They call out to her, seeing her approach them looking beaten and bruised.

"Are you okay?" Donald asks.

"We were worried!" Goofy says.

"I'm glad you're alright." Sora wraps his arms around her in a hug, mindful of her injuries. Over her shoulder, he then takes note of the newly present companions following next to Stitch. "Who're your new friends?"

Dawn chuckles. "Sora, Donald, Goofy. . ." She places herself between the two new experiments. Her left hand rubs against the small, light purple alien's head. "Meet Richter. . ." She then pats the taller, four-fisted one. ". . .And Kixx. Richter, Kixx. These are my friends Sora, Donald and Goofy, along with your cousin Stitch and my other friends, Dolly and Dylan."

Dawn's new and old friends exchange greetings.

The monochrome haired girl then notices Phil and Hercules in the marble grandstands waving them over.

💍Obtained Inferno Band💍

🔵Experiment 513 (Richter) has been added to your party & Experiment Roster🔵

🔵Experiment 601 (Kixx) has been added to your party & Experiment Roster🔵


(Play 'Olympus Coliseum')

Once all the chaos had died down and Ceberus was defeated, I called on Dylan and Dolly to gather their siblings so I could send them back to Traverse Town. It wasn't all that hard as they were already gathered in the Lobby of the coliseum. After saying their "see you soons" and "be home before you know its" and sharing a puppy pile moment with Dylan and Dolly, to which they welcome Sora and I into, the puppies are ready to be sent on their way. But not before giving us a few thank-you gifts. Though only few, the items ranged from healing replenishers like a Mega-Potion to synthesis materials like a Mythril and Mythril Shard. They had even managed to collect an Engine Gummi Block and a magical accessory called Shiva's Belt that can decrease damage from ice attacks, while enhancing magic and summoning power. Though, Donald was the one who lucked out the most. I don't know how the pups came across such a thing, but they did. A magical staff that deals more physical damage but slightly decreases Magic use called the Violetta.

Another sketch is included in the journal entry. An orange handle with a purple and bright blue striped pommel and a purple and bright blue tip that fans outward. The head consists of a large, bright blue ring with an orange hexagon in its center, each of its six sides sporting a short, orange rod that goes through the ring and holds it in place, with the bottom rod connecting to the tip.

I even let Da Vinci keep the sketchbook so her artist's inspirations could be put to paper.

Now back in the Lobby, Dawn joins Sora, Donald, Goofy, Stitch, Dylan and Dolly to stand before Phil who now stands atop a marble pedestal with Hercules at his side.

"Thus, I hereby dub thee junior heroes, and confer upon thee full rights and privileges to participate in the games." The satyr reads off a scroll of paper. "Further—"

"Hey! What d'ya mean 'junior heroes'?" Donald protests, offended.

"You three rookies don't understand what it takes to be a true hero." Phil remarks. "Your girlfriend and her little fuzzballs there are an exception. They show promise."

"What? Girlfriend?!" Sora and Dawn echo, greatly denying the satyr's last remark, causing everyone around them to chuckle at the two teen's embarrassed reactions.

"So, what does it take?" Goofy wonders aloud, after the laughter dies down.

"Well, that's just something you'll have to find out for yourself." Hercules answers knowingly. "Just the way I did."

"No problem." Sora responds cockily. "We'll start by proving ourselves in the games."

"Sora, I don't think that's the only way to prove yourself a hero." Dawn disagrees. "And besides, I don't think there's gonna be any games for a while. Not with all the damage Cerberus, Richter and Kixx did to the arena. I say we use this time wisely and strengthen ourselves."

"She's right. Gotta clean up the mess from that little bout of yours." The satyr confirms.

This bad news doesn't deter the male Keyblade wielder's mood. "Okay, we'll be back."

The group waves them off before taking their leave.

"I can't believe that squirt actually beat Cerberus." Phil comments as the odd group leaves.

Hercules then leans in closer to Phil to whisper something. "Just between us, I'd already worn Cerberus down by the time the little guy jumped in."

Sora and Dawn were the last one's out the doors when Hercules told the satyr this.

"My lips are sealed."

"But I owe a big thanks to Dawn." The hero adds. "It was incredible, Phil. She actually yelled-down Cerberus in order to rescue an opponent that tried so hard to defeat her. It was because of her that I was able to go all out against Cerberus."

"Like I said, the girl's got promise." The satyr then walks over to a familiar, proudly hung tapestry. "Just like another little pipsqueak we knew back in the day." Phil sighs. "Where did you disappear off to, kid?"

"Do you really think Dawn can somehow find her, Phil?"

"Something tells me that kid ain't gonna stop searching till she finds answers. And the little astrofengiá is at the center of those answers."

"Y'know, Dawn reminds me a lot of her." Hercules says.

"She does, doesn't she?" Phil nods in agreement. "But the little one could've used more of this girl's assertiveness. She was much too soft."

🖤Obtained Hero License🖤


Exiting the Coliseum, the group is greeted by the sight of the mysterious blond swordsman, up and about, sitting on the stone steps leading to the doorway of the World's exit.

"Hey, are you all right?" Sora asks cautiously.

The man looks up. "Yeah. . ."

"So, what made you decide to go along with a backstabber like Hades anyway?" Dawn questions curiously.

The man hung his head. "I'm looking for someone. Hades promised to help. I tried to exploit the power of darkness, but it backfired." He pushes himself from his sitting position to stand. "I fell into darkness, and couldn't find the light."

The man's words cause Dawn's heart to throb and she feels the sudden urge to cry. But she holds herself back. Vivid images flicker past her eyes, but they come and go so fast she can't make anything of it. Her mind is telling her that she can't recall ever having experienced something like the swordsman says he just went through, but her heart says that she has. Or, at the very least, knew someone who did.

"You'll find it." Dawn tells him. "We're searching, too."

"For your light?"

Dawn and Sora nod in unison.

"I never really had much besides what's in this bag and my friends. Without them, I wouldn't know how to go on." The girl continues. "I know the feeling of losing something. . .or someone. I hope you find whatever or whoever you're looking for."

"Don't lose sight of it." The blond walks pass the two teens, but not without dropping something into Sora and Dawn's hands as he departs.

"How about a rematch sometime? Fair and square, no dark powers involved." Sora challenges lightly.

"I think I'll pass." The stranger replies, flicking the spiky strands of hair that hang in his face.

"Then could we at least have our one-time opponent's name? Considering you did try to kill us." Dawn remarks, grinning.

The stranger chuckles softly and turns to look over his shoulder. ". . .Cloud." 

And with that he stalks off to who-knows-where.

Sora & Dawn learned Sonic Blade

🖤Dawn obtained Comet Compass🖤


Night has fallen over the World of Olympus Coliseum. But a certain fiery-headed god is still up and at 'em.

"He's strong, he's kind. He's always there for you. And he's handsome to boot. He's perfect." Hades mutters, his anger slowly beginning to show as he uses his powers to create a small-scale living personage of the greatest pain in his toga: Hercules. "Perfect. Perfectly infuriating!" The inanimate effigy goes up in blue flames. "He makes me crazy!" The god of the Underworld bursts into a pillar of red flames, signifying his rise in temper.

The god begins panting heavily as his short burst is out of his system. "Wait a minute. What are you worried about? All the pieces are in place. Relax." He assures himself. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Here's what you do. Let Hercules train the kids. In the next games, I'll take care of them all."

Hades then senses a newcomer appear out of nowhere behind him. It was the female, black-horned headdress, long, tattered black robe-wearing leader of the band of Corrupted Darkness wielding villains that have been watching the Keyblade wielders.

"Who invited you to this party? Stay out of this. This is my show." Hades remarks.

"As you wish. Fight to your heart's content." The woman replies surreptitiously.

Hades nods along with the woman's conception that this was his World and she had no say in how he ran things, but quickly catches the double meaning in her words just as she disappears into the darkness.


Main Outfit | Wonderland Style | [Olympus Coliseum Style]

Keyblade: Nightfall Guardian

Obtained: Eclipse Necklace | Seeker Bands of Light & Darkness | Links to Light & Darkness | Sketchbook | Journal | Pencil Holder | Walkman | Utility Belt with Pouches | Experiment Containment Bracer | Spacial Pack | Experiment Database Laptop | Spellbook | Heartless Research Journal | Experiment "Cousins" Journal | Comet Compass

Special Items: Dalmatian Family Photo


Smish - I understand/got it/understood

Taaksi - Capsule

Baaheth jihadi – Fight

astrofengiá - starlight (Greek)

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