THE GUARDIAN 彡 the society

By fathercoups

196K 6.6K 1.4K

❝If none of you want to listen, then be my guest, but it won't be my fault when you're missing a leg.❞ ──── ... More



7.1K 264 64
By fathercoups

"I'LL COME WITH." Charlotte raised her hand as Luke mentioned a plan about a search party with Grizz.

The morning came and there was still no parents, no calls back, or anything. Cassandra suggested that she'll go out to Greenwich for help but Harry took the chance and brought Grizz, Luke, and Clark with him. They came back with conflicted expressions, so a few others came along to see what the deal was.

Valerie's face had turned pale when she noticed that there was no way out. She was feisty and had a big mouth, but she got scared easily.

"What do you mean you'll come with?" Luke questioned, furrowing his eyebrows as Charlotte stood up from her spot on the curb. She dusted her pants off.

"I mean that I'll join you and Grizz on your search. We need to figure out what the fuck is going on."

"You're not going," Helena shook her head.

"And why not?" Charlotte raised an eyebrow.

"I don't want to be separated from you," Helena frowned, her eyes showing worry.

"I'll be back—"

"No," Kyla spoke up. She looked at Charlotte and then at Cassandra, "I know Cass is the leader figure around here but people listen to you when they don't want to listen to Cass. You're the only person that everyone doesn't want to cross."

"That makes me sound like a bad guy," Charlotte blinked.

"That's a good thing," Xavier said, shrugging.

"How the hell is that a go—"

"Kyla's right, you stay here with me so we can figure out this problem together." Cassandra nodded in agreement.

"But there's only a few people that are brave enough to go out there and—"

"I'll go," Miles blurted out, making Charlotte look over at him. "I've been studying to become an environmentalist, so I would probably be more help in those forests than you, Char."

Charlotte narrowed her eyes at him, "I can see the fear behind your eyes, Miles."

He shook his head, "There's no time to be scared. I will go with the boys and you will stay here and keep everyone in line."

Charlotte pursed her lips as Harry sighed out. "I'm going home, I'm hungry."

Charlotte watched him with sharp eyes as Allie called him out. "You're leaving?"

"Well yeah, I got a home with a refrigerator with food in it, and I'm gonna eat it."

"You can't just leave," Cassandra exclaimed.

Harry threw his hand out, "Well, what are we supposed to do instead?"

"We have to figure out what is happening to us."

"You're not student council president anymore." Harry muttered, slightly glaring at Cassandra.

Kyla rolled her eyes at Harry.

"God, you really need to get over that!" Cassandra groaned.

"Whatever," Harry shook his head and looked over at Kelly, "You coming Kel?"

Kelly shook her head and declined, making Charlotte glance at her friends. Something must've happened between the couple. Valerie shrugged slightly.

"Jesus Christ, just get in the car."

"Leave her alone, man." Will defended Kelly, which made Harry raise his voice.

"Hey, fuck off Will!"

Charlotte moved to step in front of Harry, to cover Will. "What are you still doing here, Harry?"

Harry furrowed his eyebrows at the Chinese girl, "What?"

Charlotte kept her face calm and her eyes blank, "You said you had a refrigerator at home with food in it and that you were going to go and eat it. What are you still doing here?"


"Then just go. We're all freaking out about the situation here and you starting a fight doesn't help anything. If you won't help with finding solutions then just go home and eat your fucking food."

Harry clenched his jaw and sent one last glance at Kelly before getting into his car and leaving the bridge. Charlotte glanced back at Will who sent her a small, appreciative nod. She simply sighed and turned back around to face everyone who was already watching her.

"See? Even Harry listens to you." Kyla pointed out.

Gordie nodded, "You're a good leader,"

Charlotte shook her head, "I'm not a leader."

"But you're good at it," Valerie complimented.

"No I'm not,"

A frown appeared on Helena's face as she watched her cousin glare at Valerie for saying she was a good leader. Miles noticed and pursed his lips. Charlotte was hiding something.

"But you just—" Allie started but Charlotte gave her a look.

"I'm just good at being a bitch, that's what it is."

Cassandra frowned, "That's not being a bitch, Char. You just make orders and people actually listen—"

Charlotte shook her head, "People listen because they're afraid of me."

"We're not afraid," Grizz spoke up, his eyes following Charlotte as she clenched her jaw, "We just respect you."

Xavier hummed in agreement, "We need a leader around here,"

"And that's why we have Cass," Charlotte nodded over to Cassandra who was standing beside her.

"Yeah but I'll need you by my side—"

Charlotte cut Cassandra off, "When you need someone to give people a good scare, then I'll be here, but to lead for our people? There's no way in hell that I'm doing that."

"Why are you so persistent on not being a leader? We're just saying—" Allie started but Helena quickly cut her off.

"Guys, that's enough," Helena firmly said, "Charlotte isn't comfortable with this topic."

Charlotte sent Helena a relieved look before looking at everyone. "I'm sorry for being rude, I just don't like to be called a leader. I'll help Cassandra with making orders but never call me a leader, okay?"

Everyone slowly nodded while exchanging confused glances.

Everyone dismissed the scene on the bridge with Charlotte and moved on. Miles, Grizz, Luke, and a few others had left to the forests to search for anything while the others stayed back.

It was a little past evening and Cassandra had now gathered everyone into the church for a talk. Charlotte's friends noticed the sudden change in Charlotte's attitude as she was distracted the entire day by her thoughts. When they asked her what the matter was, she would wave it away and told them she was fine.

But they knew she wasn't fine. Miles had told them how he suspected something must've happened with Charlotte, and that Helena knew about it.

Kyla suggested to ask Helena about it soon but they decided to give Charlotte some space first. Kyla, Valerie, and Xavier were worried, but they just watched their best friend from afar.

"..Tails." Cassandra announced with pursed lips as she stared down Harry. Charlotte blinked from her train of thought and looked back at the two rivals. She was mentally drained to step in at the moment.


Charlotte's eyebrows raised as she watched Cassandra continue to flip the coin. Charlotte's eyes then narrowed when Cassandra continued to call out tails.

"Flip it again,"

Valerie slowly stared to raise in her seat, her lips going dry. Her three friends glanced at her; they knew that Valerie was big on superstitions.

"Tails.." Cassandra whispered before gulping. She shakily went to go flip it again, while everyone listened with worried eyes.

She flipped it once more, making Charlotte hold in her breath. When she heard Cassandra say 'Heads', she released the breath she was holding. Charlotte shook her head and rubbed at her face.

"I need a nap," Charlotte whispered as Harry and Cassandra went back at it again. Xavier looked over at Charlotte and placed a hand on her thigh, lightly squeezing it.

"You okay?" He whispered to her.

She nodded, "Just tired from everything's that's happening,"

"What are we gonna do? Fight over food? That's fucking crazy," Will exclaimed, catching Charlotte's and Xavier's attention.

Harry looked over at Will, "That's because you have nothing," He looked over at other people, "And some of us have things that others want. Like houses, right Will? Or girlfriends."

Charlotte slowly opened her closed eyes to look at Harry. She knew he was selfish but hearing the way he was talking to Will sickened her.

Kyla stood up, "How fucking selfish can you be, Harry?"

Harry looked over at Kyla, "What? They're my stuff, Kyla, my property. Why should I let others take my stuff?"

"If you haven't noticed, Harry, we have no idea where we are and no clue on what's happening to us. You're really going to be a dick about who gets to live in your fucking mansion?" Valerie cut in, her eyebrows furrowed.

Harry raised an eyebrow at Valerie, "Don't you live next to Will? Outside of town?"

Valerie glared at him, "And what about it you asshole?"

Harry made eye contact with Charlotte who was staring him down intensely, which quickly made him look at Will. "Look, you can live wherever you want, just not with me."

Allie turned to Will, "You can stay with us."

"I'm not gonna listen to this anymore—"

Cassandra began to follow Harry, "Harry, this has nothing to—"

Charlotte, who was dozing off, jumped in her seat when she heard a loud bang. Everyone let out screams and dove for cover as the sound of a bullet firing echoed in the church.

Xavier grabbed Charlotte and brought her to the ground, covering her with his body. Charlotte was now fully awake, all of her tiredness escaping from her. Her eyes were wide open, as she looked around for who had the gun.

When her eyes caught onto Campbell, she glared at him and removed Xavier's arms off of her. He tried to grab her but she gave him a look, making him hesitantly stop.

"Well, fuck this," Campbell uttered, "Harry's right. No one elected you king, cousin,"

Charlotte watched silently as Campbell moved toward Cassandra, who had her hands slightly up. Everyone gasped as Campbell held the gun up and aimed it straight at Cassandra. Allie tried to move in front of her sister but Cassandra put her behind her.

"So much for sleeping,"

Campbell turned his head to see Charlotte walking over nonchalantly. She moved to stand in front of Campbell, where the gun was a feet away from her head.

Helena made a move to go to Charlotte but Clark grabbed her by the arm.

"Let me go," She whispered harshly.

"I can't."

She looked back at him but he simply shook his head. He remembered the promise he made with Charlotte a few hours ago, along with Luke, Grizz, and Jason.

"Why did you gather us here, Char?" Luke asked, watching his girlfriend's cousin eat chips.

Grizz watched her carefully. After the scene at the bridge, he was curious as to why Charlotte was so defensive.

"We're all close friends, and you guys are strong," Charlotte started. "Look, I'm just gonna get straight to the point. We don't know where the fuck we are and half of the people in our town are fucked in the head."

They waited for Charlotte to continue.

"I want you four to promise me that you will not let anything happen to Helena, even if something is happening to me. Make sure she is safe."

"What are you talking about, Char? And what about the whole 'half the town is fucked in the head' shit?" Clark questioned, clearly confused as he squinted his eyes at her.

Charlotte took a sip from her plastic water bottle. "I can already see it. People are going to go batshit crazy and fight for food since there's no control around here, and someone is eventually going to snap and guess who's going to try and stop them, me. I know Helena will go nuts but just, just promise me you'll prevent her from getting hurt."

"Char— Grizz started, a frown on his face.

Charlotte shook her head, "No time to be all sentimental now, just promise me, okay?"

"We'll protect you too, Char." Luke said.

She shook her head, "I'm capable of protecting myself. Unlike Helena,"


"Please. I don't even know if my parents are alive. She's the only family I have left."

The four guys exchanged glances before nodding. "Of course."

Charlotte made them physically pinky promise them which they laughed at but they knew that Charlotte was dead serious about this promise, so they swore to follow it.

Campbell cocked his head to side as he watched Charlotte eye the gun.

"Look, we obviously need a king around here or mad people like you go crazy and do stupid shit."

"I thought you were against being a leader?" Campbell questioned, referring to the incident on the bridge.

Charlotte shrugged, "Never said it was gonna be me."

"Char!" Kyla whispered-shouted but Xavier and Valerie prevented her from moving anywhere.

Charlotte leaned forward so the gun was resting between her eyes. She stared straight at Campbell, her eyes not wavering one bit.

Campbell was taken aback but he regained his posture and smirked, "Everyone knew you had no fear, but now you're just fucking psychotic."

Charlotte smiled, "Must have learned from you, Campbell."

Campbell's smirk slightly faltered.

Charlotte yawned, "Anyway, I'm fucking tired and this whole 'oh look I have a gun, pew pew' shit is annoying, and especially shooting in a church, so why don't we just get it done and over with?"

"Get what done and over with?" Campbell questioned, a glint in his eyes.

"There has to be a reason why you wanted to show off your cool gun, so shoot me."

Campbell stayed quiet as Charlotte continued to keep strong eye contact with Campbell. She seemed to not be scared one bit, and it slightly frightened some people to see that Charlotte actually no fear.

"Fucking shoot me Campbell, I'm waiting."

Everyone held in their breaths as Campbell watched Charlotte. Finally, he snickered and put down the gun. Xavier let out a sigh of relief as Campbell laughed.

"I don't wanna shoot you."

Charlotte nodded, "Yeah, I know."

Campbell teasingly pouted, "You knew?"

Charlotte shrugged and leaned against the pew. A light smile was on her face, "I know when you're bluffing, Campbell."

Campbell smirked, "I've always liked your fire personality, Char."

Charlotte chuckled through her nose, "Glad I'm likeable."

"Anyway, I just wanted to get everyone's attention. This meeting's obviously over." Campbell started to announce as a hand grabbed Charlotte's wrist. She looked over to see Helena on the verge of tears.

Charlotte smiled softly as her cousin wrapped her arms around her.

"You're so stupid, you know that?" Helena whispered as she buried her face into Charlotte's shoulder.

Charlotte wrapped her arms around Helena and smiled at Clark, who gave her a nod and a relieved smile.

"I know."

author's note

since the season ended so fast, i'm trying to expand the scenes and add more details into the story. i'm not going to type word for word for each scene and dialogue, because i want to show more with my character(s) and the story. so if anything is off or different, it's because i'm trying to add my own little twist to it. to make it have more flavour than just copying each episode, word for word, scene by scene.

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