I'll Get You Out Of The Gutter

By CaramelLove2014

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Olivia is a disadvantaged seventeen year old girl. She's jumped years of school due to her intelligence and i... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22

Part 6

169 11 4
By CaramelLove2014

When i got home guess who was angry at me for being late! No concern at all went towards the tear stains on my face! I have actually fooled my mother into thinking that school finished at 4:30 when actually last lesson ends at three! I usually use this hour and a half to do work in the library or just walk incredibly slow with Crysti nattering about every which subject under the sun.

On my way home i'd walked extra slow to enjoy the peace and relax myself because i know i'll be backed up all evening. Unbelievably, it was already ten to four when i'd just started walking home. My school is on the upper class side of town so it takes quite a while to get home on foot.

I am standing in the hallway, Mum and Max are in the living room watching TV. I can hear Libby and Lexi from the hallway, they're upstairs having a conversation about barbies. I quickly run up the stairs and throw my bag and folders into my small bedroom, so i can go and say hi to them. My mums boyfriend picks them up after school because our finishing times clash. Well, our supposed finishing times. I have to say though, i don't trust him with my little sisters especially when he always gives me weird long stares!

I quietly open their bedroom door,  they get scared when things are bashing around. Loud bangs usually mean that my mum and her boyfriend are having yet another argument! It happens most night times waking them up from there sleep, so i always sneak into there room and read to them to block out the noise.

"Hey you two!" A smile spread on my cheeks. Their eye's widen when they see my face. In unison they stand and run to hug me. Lexi squishes her head into my chest and spoke.

"Hey Livy!!" Libby just squeezed my arm quickly because Lexi was taking up all the space. Then she looked at me with her big curious eyes.

"How was your day? Does crazy Crysti keep you from doing your school work?" 

"Haha! No Lib. Even though Crysti is a little crazy, we don't have many lessons together. Only free periods and Art & Design" Lexi stopped hugging me and joined in on the conversation.

"Art & Design is my favourite lesson!" Her excitement was way cute like Smiths face when he taunts. Shame he did a jerky thing.

"Last week we made pictures out of pasta! I wanted to put mine on my bedroom wall but mummy said no" Sadly her excitement and big smile faded into a little frown.

Seeing little children's glassed over eyes and pouty frowns is a disturbing image to have to witness all the time. Not being able to make them as happy as they should be makes me hate myself ultimately. Even if it isn't my fault, it's still painful to see! I have tried to talk and encourage my mother several times failing every one! Each conversation ends with her shouting in my face, telling me that i am pushing my luck and if i don't shut up. I will be thrown out the front door with all my belongings. Libby sat down on the heart shaped rug and begun colouring-in a kitten picture, her tummy started rumbling and she looked up at me.

"Liv. When's dinner time?"

"Soon Libby. But first i've got to go out and buy it. Are you two gonna stay upstairs and play until i get back?" In unison they replied.

"Yeah!" Then Lexi spoke up. "Libby wants give all her dolly's a bath and then dress them up all nice. It's gonna take ages!"

I smile at how adorable they are, even though there mother hardly recognizes there existence. I get up and kiss them each on the head ruffling there pigtails.

"Kay. I'll try and be as quick as possible. See you soon! and don't flood the house!" 

"We promise we won't! Bye!" Lexi replied for both of them because Libby is engrossed in her colouring.

I close theyr'e bedroom door, back up and quietly jog down the stairs. I walk into the kitchen to get some money from the food jar. I put most of the money in the food jar and my mum's boyfriend puts the rest in. It's started getting really chilly out at night, i have a feeling this is gonna be a tough winter. I don't own a coat, so i just wrap a pashmina around my neck and continue straight out the door and down the street. The living room door is closed but you can see the flashing from the television through the front window.

Running all the way to the shop, when i get there my hands and cheeks are bright red from the cold. And it's supposed to still be autumn!  I can't do anything with my fingers until they warm, but the supermarket isn't any warmer than outside, i suppose they have to keep the room at a certain temperature for the food. I think i'm just gonna buy something that's yummy, but also cooks really quickly. I grab a  metal basket from the pile, because we probably need toiletries or cleaning stuff as well! I speed walk down each aisle scanning the products for ideas as fast as i can, then i got to the fresh pastries aisle. Looking side to side trying to pick up an idea of what would be a quick meal.

There is a loud slap behind me, echoing down the aisle. Twisting my body, i find a tall slim man in a large coat with his back to me who seems to have dropped a fresh pizza upside down on the floor. Hmmm pizza? Pizza sounds good, both yummy and quick! Plus Lib and Lex are completely addicted to the stuff! I head towards the pizza fridge, the man whispering curses and clenching his fingers into fist shapes in front of his torso in anger. So, i thought i'd try and cheer him up because i also always happen to have bad luck in supermarkets! I've dropped or broken so many things i've lost count!

"Bad day? It's either that or you just dropped the last pizza which happens to be your favourite"

"Ha! second option. It sounds like you know the feeling.....Olivia?" The tall guy stops staring at the splattered pizza on the ground and snaps his neck towards where i am standing.

Mr Smith!? Jesus! Can't i get a break? I'm actually oblivious at how or why i just can't seem to avoid this guy! After what happened in class he is the last person i want to see right now! Damn! Awkward much? He is looking at me confused.


"I said, I thought it was you! Recognised your voice"

I move my head to the side and whispered.

"Creepy" He clears his throat and looks around awkwardly.

"Soooooo, what brings you here?"

"Shopping. You don't go to a supermarket for a evening stroll"

I am hating how every sentence that comes out of my sounds stroppy, moody and rude!

"Are you okay? You seem moody. Oh wait! Period right?"

"Excuse me!..Just...Er.. You shouldn't....No!!! That's rude! I just don't think i'll ever be able to feel relaxed around you anymore now that i know you know all about me" He just nodded and looked at the ceiling.

"Sorry, i agree! That was rude wasn't it?" I just limply nod and snif. "I've upset you, should i go?"

"No. It's fine, plus you need to find a janitor to clean up your pizza"

"Ah! Ha-ha. Almost forgot!" Almost like magic a sales assistant came around the corner whipping down the aisle. Smith steps out leftwards to talk to the lady.

"Excuse me hun. Could you possibly get a cleaner down here? There's pizza on the floor" Her eyes search the floor for the pizza. When she'd seen it she looked back up to Smith and nodded.

"Yeah sure. I'll notify the cleaner that he is needed. And thank-you, most people don't bother telling a member of staff and then accidents happen. You can continue with your shopping now"

She smiled and then walked down the other half of the aisle eventually slipping into a backdoor. I step behind smith and pick up two large pepperonni's, putting them in to my empty basket. 

"I'm sorry, i have to go my sisters are waiting for me" Turning to walk a way.

"Wait! Do you want a lift back? It's freezing outside and i've noticed that you never have more than one layer on"

"No. I'm fine. I can barely feel the cold and i don't mean to sound rude or anything, but i don't really want to be around you right now"

Turning again, i put one leg forward to start walking when something heavy is flung over my back. A large black trench coat, it's his. Now i am the one with the confused look when i turnt toward Smithfor an explanation.

"Don't argue! Just take it and return it when you've gotten yourself a coat! I'm worried about you, i don't need to be worried about your health on top of that. I'm sorry about earlier, but you could of just stayed and allowed me to explain!" He took a few steps forward, picked something off of the shelf i am standing near, smiled and then walked ahead of me disappearing around the corner.

I lay my basket on the floor so i can put my arms in his coat. His heavenley cologne masked the air around me, the coat itself is gigantic on my slim frame, the arms reaching my mid thighs. It's a thick black cotton coat, like the ones inspectors and detectives wear except this is a shorter version. I tie the belt as tight as i can and roll up the sleeves to my elbows. I am sweetened by his gratitude and thoughtfulness, but i'd never admit that to him. Maybe my comment about chivalry was wrong?

After that i whizz around the giant shop, making sure to pick up some shampoo and conditioner for myself. I don't want to buy too much stuff though, i need to be able to carry it and walk fast! Reaching the checkout, i pick up two more items before joining the queue, a bar of chocolate each for Lib and Lex. There is only one person in front of me so it was my turn to go before i knew it. I had to be quick, so i just turned the basket upside down on the mill earning me an annoyed glare from the checkout lady.

Oh Tough! I rush down to the bagging area because she'd already started putting my items through the system, quite roughly actually. This lady seems seriously unhappy and sad for some reason. Even if your unhappy you should try to smile as much as possible to release endorphins. I hadn't even finished bagging when she gave me my total.

"And that's £20.19" Uh-Oh.

 Being in a rush, i'd only grabbed a twenty pound note from the jar!

"Urmm. Haha, I only have a twenty. Could i maybe pay it next time? or start a tab?" I made sure to smile as wide as possible. She just tilted her head to the side and looked at me disapprovingly. I would really love to know what she's saying about me in her head right now.

"Sorry. This is a large superstore! Not a corner shop! You have to pay the whole total or put an item back" I huff, people are really staring now!

I quickly check my jacket and bum pockets, hoping that a twenty pence piece would miraculously appear at some point. Whilst on the ground checking my shoe i hear a clang on the bagging area surface. The surface is metal so it was quite loud! I peer my eyes over the edge of the cubicle and saw a  fifty pence piece in the middle reflecting the light off the ceiling. Hold on, she helped me? I jump up into a standing position to thank the lady through and through and to promise her that it won't happen again.

"Oh my god thankyou!!!! I prom......"

"It weren't me" She folded her arm to her chest and pointed at something behind her shoulder.

About 200 yards away Smith was walking towards the shop door with a trolley full of groceries. Again? Are you effing joking! I'm getting annoyed now! The coat is already too much! When will he understand that i don't want sympathy? I can handle my own problems! The checkout lady closed the till and gave me my receipt and thirty pence change, before moving on to the next person. I thought i'd give her a bit of advice.

"By the way, a little tip! Smile! It might make you feel better!" She opened her mouth to reply but i just pick up my shopping bags and storm off towards the shop doors. Maybe i shouldn't of judged her, i don't know her life her problems, but you should never take it out on someone you don't even know! I will definitely be placing a fifty pence piece on Smiths desk when i have my next history lesson on Thursday. God! I sound so ungrateful and stubborn!






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