Treat || BANGLYZ

By Luvstory1245

16.2K 1.4K 35

Synopsis; College was tiring, they say. But they didn't say from the personal perspective. **no matter how... More

Confusing Cake (p a r t 1)
Perfect Pair (pa r t 1)
Blank Boy (p a r t 1)
Marry to you (p a r t 1)
Fangirl problems (p a r t 1)
Hardship 101; hot roommate (p a r t 1)
Bouquet of dandelions (p a r t 1)
Confusing Cake ( p a r t 2)
Perfect Pair (p a r t 2)
Blank boy ( p a r t 2)
Marry to you ( p a r t 2)
Fangirl problems (p a r t 2)
Hardship 101: hot roommate (p a r t 2)
Bouquet of dandelions ( p a r t 2)
Confusing Cake ( p a r t 3)
Perfect Pair (p a r t 3)
Blank Boy ( p a r t 3)
Marry to you ( p a r t 3)
Fangirl problems ( p a r t 3)
Hardship 101: hot roommate ( p a r t 3)
Bouquet of dandelions ( p a r t 3)
Confusing cake ( p a r t 4)
Perfect Pair ( p a r t 4)
Blank boy ( p a r t 4)
Marry to you ( p a r t 4)
Fangirl problems ( p a r t 4)
Hardship 101: hot roommate ( p a r t 4)
Bouquet of dandelions ( p a r t 4)
Confusing Cake ( p a r t 5)
Perfect Pair ( p a r t 5)
Blank Boy ( p a r t 5)
Marry to you ( p a r t 5)
Fangirl problems ( p a r t 5)
Hardship 101: hot roommate ( p a r t 5)
Bouquet of dandelions (p a r t 5)
Confusing Cake (p a r t 6)
Perfect Pair (p a r t 6)
Blank Boy (p a r t 6)
Marry to you (part 6)
Fangirl problems (p a r t 6)
Hardship 101: hot roommate (part 6)
Bouquet of dandelions (part 6)
Confusing cake (p a r t 7)
Perfect Pair (p a r t 7)
Blank Boy ( p a r t 7)
Fangirl problems (L A S T)
Hardship 101: hot roommate (L A S T)
Bouquet of Dandelions (p a r t 7)
Confusing cake (L A S T)

Marry to you (L A S T)

159 16 0
By Luvstory1245

Hoseok's hands tremble with anxiety as his legs tapped on the ground uncontrollably. His breathing becomes short in every minute. Making reality checks of his condition. 


He starts to huff out his breathing in hopes it stabilises.

"HYUNG!" Hoseok jolt out of surprise to find his friends looking at him with playful grin on their face. 

"The groom's too nervous? Relax." Namjoon said as he pats the lad's shoulder. 

"Yeah, you look like you're about to faint any second." Jin said as he look around the room. Hoseok could only give them a faint smile. "Of course I'll be nervous, I'll be spending my whole life with someone as amazing as her." Hoseok sighs when he remember about last week. 

"I still can't believe it..." 

It was a week before their wedding, on a Saturday. It was only on that faithful day did Hoseok was given the permission to meet Mijoo. After that awkward sort-of-kind-of date, Mijoo used her 'you-can't-see-the-bride' card. It worked, of course since both of their parents are ardent fan of traditions. 

The Jung and Lee decided to held a dinner one night. After the hearty dinner and a few exchange of words between the to-be groom and bride, they decided to have a dessert. 

It was at the kitchen and Hoseok sends signals to the madame of  both household. Respecting their privacy, the madame decided to leave the kitchen. Mijoo, on the other hand, is immerse cutting the fruits that she didn't notice that the two ladies have long left the kitchen. When she did, she knew it was too late to run, by then. 

"Hey." Hoseok starts off as he helps Mijoo putting the fruits inside the plate. "Oh, hey. You good?" 

"Good." The kitchen went quietly and you could only listen to the sound of knife working. 

"Mijoo, I..." 

"Oh, I better put the desserts first." Mijoo grabs the plate hastily, which Hosoek notice immediately. When Mijoo is about to leave, Hoseok grabs her arm. Halting her in her steps. 

"We need to talk." Hoseok slowly removes the plate from Mijoo's hands. "And I think dessert can wait..." Mijoo bug out and is about to protest when Hoseok gives her the pleading eyes. Defeated, Mijoo turns her body towards Hoseok. Hoseok sighs and starts to construct his words. carefully. 

"Mijoo, I am really sorry for last time. I spaced out of most of the time and instead of apologising to you like a man, I cower and took a huge step back. I spent the time, figuring about us. Mostly about you." Mijoo looks up. "I just want your happiness, Mijoo. If you grew uncomfortable because you have to marry some you don't love, I understand you want to back off even if its now." 

"What?" Mijoo tilt her head. "Are you suggesting that I like someone else?" Hoseok shrugs. "Maybe, probably, I don't know...." Hoseok paused before gripping the sheer confidence to look at the maiden's eyes. "Do you?" 

Mijoo close their distance as her eyes sets on him. "I do."  Mijoo stops right in front of him, their breathing could be easily heard by each other as their closeness was closer than before. 

"Is he someone I know?" Hoseok asks with a glint of hope. Hoping that she would give a name that he knew. Mijoo nods her head. "His name is..." Mijoo  close their distance and whispers at his ear. 

"J-hope." Hoseok inspect Mijoo's face. Trying to find hint of playfulness, but could only see sincerity. Hoseok scoff. "Aish, you make me suspense without a reason." Mijoo giggles as she see her best friend's reaction. 

"But are you speaking the truth?" Mijoo nods her head eagerly. Hoseok close their distance before hugging the lady. His arms wrapped around her waist tightly and his chin set on her shoulder. 

"Thank you." 

"For what?" 

"For liking me back. You do know that I like you too, right?"  Mijoo nods her head as her eyes glint with happiness. 

"I, Jung Hoseok promised to cherish Lee Mijoo. For better or for worse. In sickness and in health. For poorer or for richer. With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty, as I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way into darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine." 

The crowd cheered as the couple kiss on the altar. 

Hoseok leans his forehead to Mijoo's after the breath-taking kiss. "I'm grateful that I get to be marry to you." 

"Me too." 

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