Nala And Mazi (Lying Next To...

Autorstwa BreeMochaa

13 1 0

Nala and Mazi seem like the perfect couple, until both of their secrets are revealed. Więcej

Nala And Mazi (Part 1)

13 1 0
Autorstwa BreeMochaa

"This is the last time I'm doing this Nate." I said as I checked the bullets in my gun, for what had to be the 10th time.

"Aw, don't tell me your going soft on me Peanut" he chuckled.

"I'm not playing Nate! I need to be on the straight and narrow. I start school in two weeks and I- "

"Well don't forget what helped you pay for school! And good luck telling Dad you want out."

I inhaled deeply and looked out the window. He grabbed my hand and turned my face towrads him.

"Little sister, I don't want you in this shit as much as you don't want to be in it, but you agreed to this shit. We told you the consequences."

I tried with everything in me to stop the tears from rolling down my face. I quickly wiped them.

"Let's just get this over with. I have a date tonight." I said, as I straightened myself up and opened the car door.

"Aye, if it makes you feel better, I'll talk to dad tonight alright. I promise."

I smiled, we pulled our mask down, and we quietly and carefully proceeded to the back of the house.

See my dad was what you consider a "drug lord". Out of his 10 kids I was the only girl and of course the youngest. My mother was his 7th baby mother and the only one he married. After they divorced, when I was 6, she took me and my older sister, Jada, to North Carolina with her to start over and get the hell away from my "no good" dad. Life was normal, I graduated top of my class and I planned on doing the same thing when I got to college. Nala Denise Itayoh; top nurse of her class, and my mother worked her butt off to make sure it happened. She didn't let me or my sister work, and the discussion of us working would turn into a full-blown argument. She wasn't having it! But being the most successful traveling nurse in North Carolina, she wasn't stressing about funds. Before I was 14 I'd been to 10 different states and swam in 3 of the 5 oceans. You could say we were blessed.

But one day, May 25, 2014 to be exact, my world ended, and I seen it coming. My mom was going to New York. She said she was tired of flying and she'd rather drive. My sister and I fought and fought with her on this one. We couldn't understand why she wanted to drive 8 hours when she could of just flew for 30 minutes. But she was head strong on her decision. Me and my sister were both tied up with school and work stuff that week so we tried to get her to postpone it so one of us could drive with her but, she said it was an urgent call. So, she left us. We could finally breath when she got there, and she seemed to be enjoying New York. I was up late the last night of her trip. I couldn't rest until she got back. I looked over at my sister sleeping peacefully with her school books in her lap, and chuckled. "What the hell have we gotten ourselves into?" My phone ringing startled me. I tried to answer it before Jada woke up but I was too late. She was up and she was pissed.

"Hello?" I answered the phone annoyed myself, noticing what time it was and, noticing it was an unknown number.

"Is this Ms.Itayoh"

I could tell whoever on the other end of the phone didn't call to give me good news. Something in my soul shifted and my stomach got tight, I thought I would throw up. Tears started streaming down my eyes before she could even continue. I heard Jada screaming at me "what is it, what's going on Peanut? Who the hell is it?". She finally ended up snatching the phone and I guess she received the last end of the news. ".... with a semi-truck. She didn't make it. I'm so sorry". We cried for what seemed like 8 hours straight. Until my Auntie Suzie showed up....

"Jada, I'm not moving with her. The bitch is evil" I said pacing the floor, shaking my head. The funeral was a week ago and the shit still didn't seem real. I was a zombie. My school work went to shit. I couldn't sleep. My nightmares got worse.

"Nala, we don't have a damn choice. Where the hell else are, you going to go? With one of your little boyfriends?"

"Unlike you, Jada, I have a father!" I scolded her.

"Yo daddy aint shit Nala! He not about to take care of no grown ass woman. At least Auntie Suzie said she'll help us with school."

"She's helping because she has too! It's in mommy's fucking will Jada, will you wake the fuck up! I AM NOT STAYING WITH HER! Ill happily take my money and move to New Orleans with my dad- "

"Fine call his ass. Call him right now and see what he says."

I hesitated, honestly I didn't know what he would say. I didn't even know if he knew. He didn't even come to the funeral!

"CALL HIM!" Jada yelled.

"Fine!" I called his number and turned my back.

"Speaker phone Nala." Jada said as she glared at me.

"Hello?" A male voice said from the other end of the phone.

"Daddy..." My voice cracked and a tear rolled down my face.

"Baby Girl. I was wondering when you would call...."

I almost jumped out my damn skin.

"Huh!" I said startled.

"Shh! I said are you ready? Peanut I can't have you zoning out now man- "He whispered.

"I'm ready, I'm ready." I whispered back. I creped behind him with my glock drawn.

"You sure as hell better be." He kicked the door in. "Everybody in this bitch get on the floor."

The 5 people in the room froze like they seen a ghost. Nate busted one in the air and those feigns scattered on the floor like roaches.

"Put yall mother fucking heads down and shut the fuck up." I said. Following the plan, I took the place of Nate as he creped behind a wall beside the stairway.

"Man what the fuck is going- "

"Where's the money?" Nate pressed his gun to Draco's head.

"Man aint no money in this spot man." Draco laughed.

"You must think I'm fucking playing." He shot Draco in the foot. Draco dropped to his knees and begin spilling the beans.

"Get yo dumb ass up nigga." Nate barked.

"You shot me in my foot! -"

"If you want to keep your life I suggest you get up, nigga!"

Draco limped upstairs and Nate followed closely behind, gun drawn. See we've been sitting outside of this house since this morning, making sure we knew who went in and who came out. When we were sure, very sure, that there were only 6 people in the house, 5 feigns and Draco, it was a go. Draco, Dramond Corbon Daniels Jr., was one of my dad's distributors. He's been working with my dad for about 9 years now. My dad showed him the game before my dad was even the king pin. Draco knew the rules, the ins and outs, the law of respect, fear and getting money, and he was taught all of that by my father, Izanagi Willie Itayoh.

When my grandmother moved herself from the Philippines to the states, she met and married my granddad, who was full bread Nigerian. Soon after my dad and his 5 siblings were born, my granddad was murdered, from what we believe was a hate crime. My grandmother passed away soon after from natural causes and that left my dad and his brothers on the streets and, They, together built an empire that's been strong since the 70's. My father met Draco's dad when they were kids. He was never a part of the game and never wanted his son in it either, but when Draco's father was caught in a random shoot-out, he lost his life and Draco lost his home. So, of course my father took him in. Being around the environment of drugs and hoes, Draco was more than influenced, he wanted in. And he got exactly what he wanted. No, my father wasn't a saint, but if you wanted to make some money, he was the go to guy. And he had Draco sitting right beside him everywhere he went, like a son of his own. That's why it was personal that my dad get back all the money he stole from him, and eventually have someone kill his ass too.

I was holding shit down downstairs. Making sure nobody moved, no questions were asked, and more importantly my brother was safe upstairs from anyone down here. When I seen him coming back down the stairs with a large trash bag, I knew it was time to dip. Guns still drawn he moved in front of me, guarding my front while I carefully eased my way back to the back of the house. I was almost to the door when-

"You thought shit was sweet bitch" Draco limped up with a gun drawn ready to shoot.

Before I could think I spun around and let 3 rounds go. Draco fell on the ground with a thud and I stood there stuck. What did I do? I looked over and seen a older black lady scream out bloody fucking murder. Her eyes were a hazel green, the most beautiful eyes ive ever seen. She leaped up and tried to run out of the window closest to her. She didn't get half way out the window before Nate put 1 in her back and one in the back of her head. I punched him in the back.

"LETS GO!" I said. We made it safely to the car with the money, and drove off. I broke down.

"I'm done with this shit Nate! Nobody was supposed to die! She could've had kids- "

"That bitch was a junky and she was trying to get away! And Draco has that shit coming to him anyway. Now shut the fuck up with all that crying shit before I tell Dad. You knew the consequences Nala! You knew!" He yelled.

"I killed him Nate... I killed him" I sobbed into my hands.

"You better pull it together Nala... You got a date tonight." He said nonchalant.

"Nala!" He said. When he said my name, I could always hear a hint of his Nigerian accent.

"Huh? Shit, I'm sorry Mazi." I took a deep breath and drank some of my wine.

"You straight? Your mind been somewhere else all night love. You were zoned all the way out at the restaurant too" He squatted in front of me and undid the clasp on my heels, and started rubbing my feet.

"I'm okay, I just... today sucked" I laid my head back on his couch and breathed in deeply as he went to work on my feet. This man's hands were magic.

"Is it something you want to talk about" He looked up at me with his dark eyes, while kissing my feet. I couldn't help but smile.

"Well now I'm distracted." I smirked as I wiggled my toes. "And I don't really want to talk about it right now. I'm done being rude. You have my full attention" I gave him a sexy smile. He was at my thighs now, kissing and massaging them. He knew just what to do and where to touch.

"Oh really? Because I was starting to think you wasn't into a nigga no more." He returned the smile. And kissed my inner thigh.

"Boy were you wrong." I moaned as he slid his hand under my dress.

Mazi, Akoni Maziere Anoka, is one of the finest niggas I think I ever fucked with. I met him a few months back at the, you're not going to believe this, the library. Corny as hell, right? I was stressed the hell out going over my notes for school and here comes this fine chocolate brotha. Dark chocolate, smooth skin. He stood about 6'2, thick jet black hair with waves. Full lips, gorgeous white teeth, dark brown eyes and I could see those muscles through his fitted white tee. I don't think he seen me at first, but I'm sure he could feel me staring at him like he was a piece of meat. He did a sort of a double take at me, as I tried to act natural like I wasn't staring at him. He smiled and walked over to me. When he spoke to me in that Nigerian accent, I knew I had to have him. We talked about my schooling, politics, current events and mostly about me until the library closed. When he told me goodbye, the way he said my name, my goodness, that's probably why he has his hands up my dress right now.

He slid the straps of my silk red dress down and began kissing my shoulders and collar bone. He made his way up to my neck and began sucking and licking on it slowly, but slightly aggressive. Biting it just hard enough to make an electric shock shoot down my back, my legs and up to my pussy, which was already soaked from his fingers rubbing on my clit. He took one of my breast in his mouth and began to flick his tongue across my nipple, making me squirm and moan uncontrollably. I yanked the dress over my head, and wrapped my arms and legs around him. In the kneeling position, he was in, from rubbing my feet, he hoisted me up in the air. He grabbed the back of my neck with one hand and kissed me passionately. "Stay up." He whispered in my ear, as he used his hands to unzip his pants, pull a condom from his wallet and slip it on without missing a beat. He lifted me up a little higher and slowly slid himself inside me. I threw my head back and let out a long moan. This is everything I needed. He bounced me up and down as I moved my hips to his rhythm, moaning and biting his neck. I'll have to apologize for the scratches on his back later. He sat me down on the couch, and before he could make his next move, I yanked his arm to where he plopped down on the couch and I straddled him. I whipped my hair back as I lowered myself on him, rolling my hips in a circular motion. He was losing his mind. I rolled my hips faster and faster grinding and bouncing until even I couldn't take anymore. He gripped my ass, as I wrapped my arms around his neck, and began thrusting upwards inside me. I could feel him getting harder inside me, he was about to nut. And that did it for me. I squeezed my legs around him and let out a loud moan, somewhat a scream. "Fuuuuccckkkk" He moaned in my ear as he came. I collapsed on his chest, and he buried his face in my hair and neck.

"You're definitely explaining what happened today. Where did that come from." He said between breaths. I laughed and snuggled closer to him, him still inside me.

"Okay." I said almost in a whisper.

"Let's get cleaned up first, my love"

"Wait a minute, my legs don't work yet." We both burst out in laughter.

As I was drying off in the mirror and putting on one of his jerseys, he snuck up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I almost hopped out of my skin.

"Have you lost your mind!" I yelled at him, flicking him in his forehead.

He chuckled. "No, but I want to know what's on yours." He said looking at our reflection in the mirror.

I took a deep breath.

"It's ok if you not ready to talk about it love. I'm just concerned-"

"No, No. Its Okay." I tried to find the words, well the best lie to make up. I couldn't tell my new boyfriend I'm the daughter of a king pin and me and my brother just killed two people today.

"My family are idiots. They've just been stressing me out. And school. Trying to prepare for that and study all my notes. I mean its 2 weeks away, I'm cramming. I'm just not prepared like I was last time and they're not helping me with all of this stress and- "

"Baby, baby, baby" He turned me around to face him. "You'll be fine. You are prepared, just got to get out of your own head." He kissed my forehead. "I've seen what you can do. And I don't know if I'll be much help but I can help you go over some of those hundreds of flash cards you got." He smiled.

I couldn't contain my smile. "You always know what to say." I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Besides, I believe everybody family bat shit crazy anyway." We both laughed.

I looked up at him and squinted my eyes.

"What?" He said giving me the same look.

"We always talk about my family, but I know nothing about yours."

He looked up like he was thinking about something. "Okay, this is true. What do you want to know?"

"Everything!" I said as my eyes got big like a kid on Christmas. He laughed.

"Okay. My dad is still back in Nigeria. I have 3 other siblings there too. Me and my mom moved back here when I was 12, when her and my dad got a divorce. My siblings are my dad's children, not my mothers. I have an older sister, a younger sister and brother a year younger than me, twins. My dad doesn't want anything to do with my mother and me, because we left. And we feel the same way." He kissed my forehead. "Anything else?"

"Well... do you have any more family here? It's just you and your mom?" I asked, maybe a little more concerned than I should be.

"Yeah just us." He shrugged.

"Well, I'd love to meet her one day. If she's making men that look like this, I know she's gorgeous" I smiled and nudged him. The look on his face changed when I said that. "Did I say something? I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I mean I don't have to meet her now- "

"No, no," He chuckled. "It's not that."

"Then, what it is?"

"My mom's been on drugs for the past 10 years. She in the streets bad. I try to keep up with her, I really do but..." I can see the emotion behind his eyes. "Sometimes she good. She goes to rehab and be fine for about a month, and then she back on that bullshit."

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't know. We don't have to talk about this- "

He smiled. "Nah we should. I'm sure she would love you. Tell you what." He stepped back and grabbed my hands. "She should be in rehab now; I'll get in touch with her and we can set up a whole lil dinner thang" he said with a big goofy smile on his face. I couldn't contain my excitement.


"Yes really. Wait hold up." He ran to the dresser and grabbed his phone. He scrolled for a minute and turned it towards me. "This is my lady" He said with a big Kool-Aid smile.

I laughed and looked at the phone. Those hazel green eyes. My heart sank. "Mazi, this is your mom?"

"Yeah" He said smiling at his phone, until he looked at me.

All the color drained from my face and I ran into the bathroom and threw up. Mazi was bamming on the door asking me am I ok. Once I was done throwing up, I balled myself in the corner and sobbed uncontrollably. I tried my best to be quiet so he couldn't hear me.

"Nala. Nala, baby you ok? What the fuck is going on?"

"Pull it together Nala" I said to myself. I couldn't get myself off the floor. I couldn't think. I can't be here!

"Baby you got to tell me what's wrong."

How the fuck am I supposed to tell him we killed his mother!

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