Saved (Calamity x Male Reader)

By Rinorules

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A girl chosen for battle. A boy abandoning his world. Some would say fate bound these two together. Time will... More

Chapter 1 - The Blonde
Chapter 2 - The Rift
Chapter 3 - The New Guy
Chapter 4 - Selection
Chapter 5 - The Search
Chapter 6 - The Battle Begins
Chapter 7 - Reunion
Chapter 8 - Life and Death
Chapter 9 - Betrayal
Chapter 10 - New Faces
Chapter 11 - Help
Chapter 12 - Arrival
Chapter 13 - Darkness
Chapter 14 - Gone
Chapter 15 - Discovery
Chapter 16 - Training
Chapter 17 - Loose Ends
Chapter 18 - Return
Chapter 19 - Truth
Chapter 20 - Dream
Chapter 21 - Escape
Chapter 22 - A New Age
Chapter 23 - Confession
Chapter 24 - A Prophecy
Chapter 26 - New Hope
Chapter 27 - Preparations
Chapter 28 - Countdown
Chapter 29 - Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 30 - The Clock Strikes Twelve
Chapter 31 - The Siege (Part 1)
Chapter 32 - The Siege (Part 2)

Chapter 25 - Aftermath

919 15 13
By Rinorules

(Calamity's POV)

"I love you Calamity"

"I love you too (Y/N)"

His words echoed in my head throughout the night whilst I slept peacefully with him.  My arms wrapping around his abdomen, while one arm of his slipped around my waist.  The walk home that night remained peaceful, and surprisingly no cube monsters blocked our path back home.  We walked, hand in hand, to the cabin with huge smiles on our faces.  The memory of the waterfall fresh in our minds, and the feeling of each other in our arms lingering.

~~~A Few Hours Earlier~~~

The door to the cabin creaked open to welcome us back, the gushing breeze flushing out the familiar musty smell of the old wood.  We crossed the threshold, entering as completely different people than a mere hour before.

Yes, it's corny, but it was true.

"Would you like anything?  Food?  Something to drink?" (Y/N) asks

I open my mouth to respond but am cut off by a yawn, forcing my eyes shut.  I open them up to get hit with a wave of grogginess, fatigue slowly taking over my exhausted body.

Where did this come from?

"N- No I'm good.  I'm just exhausted right now," I stutter

He follows up with a similar yawn, rubbing his sunken eyes

"Me too, we should get some rest," He responds, flashing a caring smile


We take a peak around the house, everyone remaining quietly sleeping.  Nobody had come, and nobody had left since we returned hours ago.  The mattress we had shared for the last two weeks remained empty, almost beckoning us to climb in and rest.  We trudged our way over, stopping on opposite sides and glancing at each other.

There was a sense of hesitation in the air and a hint of awkwardness

We slept together essentially for weeks at this point, what is so different now?  We're not doing anything... um... you know, t h a t.  We just confessed for God's sake.

We shuffle out feet awkwardly, neither of us making the move.

"I'll... go get an extra blanket.  It's a little colder now than before," (Y/N) stated, swiftly moving away to head to the supply closet.

I sigh at his sudden excursion but took the chance to settle in before he came back.  I pulled the covers and crept underneath them.  After a moment I laid my head on the pillow, staring up at the ceiling.  I then noticed something missing and felt the top of my head, only to be met with my own hair.

Aw man, I left my hat out there.  Oh well, it's not that important anyway.

I laid in silence for a few moments, and for the first time that night I was alone with my own thoughts.

He really did feel the same, and I was here thinking it was my heart being desperate

I smile into the sky, reflecting the moment we shared, the words he spoke, and his warmth when we embraced.

If I could go back and live it again, I would do it in a heartbeat.  Even if it was only 30 minutes ago.

The creaking of his footsteps alerted me of his return, but my gaze remained up, thoughts still clouding my mind.

He's the reason I'm still here, and if it wasn't for... Deadfire.

I sigh again, his sacrifice still a haunting movie in my mind.  It won't be easy to recover from losing him since we just lost Mom and Dad as well.

If only we got to see them one last time together, but I guess he can finally catch up with them in the clouds

I feel a stray tear slowly descend my cheek, but my circling mind prevented me from wiping it away.

He's going to see you aren't the strong woman you portrayed at this rate.  You're stronger than this, you're not a fraud.

I'm snapped from my dwelling by the feeling of (Y/N)'s arm sliding under the back of my neck, his hand grasping my right shoulder in support.  I glance to my left and am met with (Y/N)'s concerned expression.  I realize the reason for his concern and go to wipe the tear, but before I could move he raised his left arm, slowly running his finger down my cheek to wipe it away for me.

"Everything is going to be ok Calamity, I won't let anything happen to you, take my word for it," He caressed, showing a sympathetic smile.

I chuckle, turning my body onto my side to face him completely

"I know, I'm just still grasping the situation.  It won't be easy by any means, but I'm sure it will work out one way or another," I reply, feeling comforted by his presence

"As long as the moon rises and continues to shine, there will always be a light in the dark.  Let us promise each other to be the light we needed to continue on when things seem hopeless,"

"I promise, with all my heart (Y/N),"

"Then it's sealed," He finishes

We slowly close it on each other, sharing a gentle kiss.  We part our lips, looking into his eyes, a new glimpse of passion reflecting off his pupils.

"I love you Calamity" He whispers

"I love you too (Y/N)" I respond

I wrap my arms around his abdomen and plant my head onto his chest.  He slips his arm down around my waist and rested his head gently on mine.  We stared off in silence for a few moments, but soon enough we slowly gave in to the Sandman and fell into a nice slumber.

~~~ The Next Morning ~~~

His words danced in my mind throughout the night, but as time progressed, a new voice began to slip into my head.

"I saw Calamity storm out last night, and (Y/N) came in looking for her,"

The feminine voice seemed familiar, but my sleeping brain couldn't think straight

"Who do you think made the first move?"

"I'm not sure, but this is pure gold, I need to record this,"

"Oh yeah, and what will you do with it?"

"Nothing... yet.  One day we'll look back and title it 'First night together'"

That had to be Cuddles for sure, Drift told stories of her obsession with him and Brite's first encounter and when they first started dating.

"Good job, you woke them up,"

"Don't care, still filming it,"

I flutter my eyes over slightly, but only to confirm I was somewhat awake.  I was still resting my head on (Y/N)'s chest, for we barely stirred in the night.  I feel his arm rub my side to signal he was stirring too, then his chest moved as he bent over my ear.

"They're all staring at us, and Cuddles in recording us.  If you want I can tell them to leave us be," He whispered to me

I chuckle at the thought, finding their sudden fascination with us comical.  Then an idea sparked in my mind.

"No, it's fine... but," I grin, knowing what I was about to pull "Let's really give them something to record,"

"Oh?  Like wh- *Hmph*" I grabbed the front of his shirt and pull him into another kiss, but this time more passionate than the night before.  He freezes a moment from shock, but soon enough melts into the kiss.

My action brought upon expected reactions from the spectators.  Cuddles squealed in shipping language as she giddily recorded.  Rex snorted a bit, trying to suppress his laughter from (Y/N)'s reaction.  Flapjackie let out a singular "Awww" while Drift let out a small chuckle, but remained relatively quiet.

After a few moments, our lips began to move in unison again, and we barely paused for air.  What was originally my idea for a fast move to gain a reaction turned into a small makeout session.  Soon enough the spectators began to feel a sense of awkwardness with their position.

"Ahem" Rex coughed

(Y/N) and I break apart, panting for air.  Soon enough we cracked up together due to the realization of what we did.  We glance over to the group of 4 waiting at the head of the mattress.  Drift had his arm in a makeshift cast made by Flapjackie the night before but is resting for further treatment.  Cuddles clicked her phone to finish recording and archive the video.  Rex glanced at us both but seemed to look at (Y/N), giving him a subtle wink.

Ok woah there buddy slow your roll

Flapjackie stood awkwardly for a moment before turning to some of the remaining patients who began to stir as well.  The morning was off to a great start already, to say the least.

"Soooo" Rex began

"WHO MADE THE FIRST MOVE?!" Cuddles screeched, her inner DeviantArt coming out

Rex facepalmed as (Y/N) and I sat there dying of laughter.  I was honestly so cute to see her get all worked up in other couples until she goes to far of course.  However, she didn't share in the humor of the atmosphere, as she grew more impatient by the second.


"Ok ok fine.  I went out last night to find Calamity since we had a small... altercation minutes beforehand.  I found her by the river right next to the village town on the southeast end of the island.  From there we talked over what happened, and... well... I ended up confessing," (Y/N) preached

"My heart already loves it," Cuddles then took out a small notepad and began jotting down our story, only pausing to look up, "Go on then,"

"Well then we decided to head back, but not before Calamity right here confessed as well.  We shared a nice moment together and then went back to the house," He continued

"Did anything else happen, like, I don't know, a kiss?" She interrogated, even though she already knew the answer

"Well... we..." (Y/N) hesitated

"Yes, we did," I interrupt

"THAT'S PERFECT!" Cuddles squealed again, slowly turning us deaf by the minute

"Why are you feeding into her antics?" (Y/N) questioned

"Not sure, just like to see how she reacts I guess," I reply

Cuddles finishes scribbling our story on her notepad, placing it back into her pocket.  A question still burning in our minds.

"Hey Cuddles, why did you write our story down anyway?" I asked, curiousity flooding my mind

She stops, trying to formulate an answer

"W- Well, I uh... just... wanted to make a... small project with it you know?  Just something to do in my free time to keep me occupied," She stuttered, only bringing more questions to the table

"And that project is?" I pursue

"Oh wow would you look at the time!  It seems that I have to uh... deliver something for Flapjackie, yeah!  I'd love to stay but I really have to go now bye!" She scurried away without hesitation, leaving us in a pool of confusion.

"You want to know something?  She really worries me sometimes," (Y/N) injects

I nod my head in agreement, but Rex's chuckling catches our attention.

"What's so funny?" (Y/N) wonders

"I know EXACTLY what she's doing," He mutters, failing to suppress his laughter

"Well, what is it then?"

Rex finally collects himself and turns to us, a humorous expression on his face

"She's going to make a fanfic about you guys,"

The room falls quiet, all except the laughter from Rex reverberating off the walls

"E- Excuse me, she's doing what?" I stutter

"She does that occasionally.  She made one for Drift and Brite, another for Snorkle and Maverick, and now wants to do one for you two,"

"Come on Rex we have to go!" Cuddles shouts from the back door

"Have fun you two, but keep it classy ok?" He advocates as he turned away, meeting up with Cuddles outside.

"Well there goes any dignity we had," (Y/N) states

"Eh, we'll be fine.  Who would want to read a story about us anyway?  It's random more than anything so it'll be lost in the search tabs within days," I reassure

"You're probably right,"

"I know I am," I joke back

(Y/N) holds me close as we sit on the mattress together, Drift still looming around for Flapjackie to check up on him.  He seemed deep in thought, and almost troubled at the same time.

"Hey, are you ok?" I ask.  He turns his head, a cold stare piercing through us.

"Does it look like I'm ok?" He snaps

"I didn't mean to sound insensitive, but is there something you'd like to talk about.  Maybe about yesterday with Da-" I start

"I don't want to talk about it," He interrupted, a tinge of pain in his voice

"We'll get her back, don't wor-"

"I said I DON'T want to TALK about it,"

He looked away, seemingly to hide his pain-ridden face from view, but his stance showed his sorrow.  I sigh, accepting his request with hesitation.  Before I could try to ease the situation, loud knocking from the front door could be heard.  (Y/N), Drift, and I turn our heads towards the noise.

"Who could that be?" (Y/N) asks

Through the windows in the door I could make out three figures, but their features were vague.  One bore a yellow ski mask, another yielded crimson hair, and the other one had a baseball cap underneath a grey hoodie.  Their appearance didn't ring a bell since there were still many people I had yet to meet on this island.

Drift's expression told a different story.  His eyes grew wide, his stance more alert, his pain replaced with fear.

"They found us," He mutters


Ah shit here we go

Subtle 4th wall break there

So 16 is fun... I guess

Hope y'all have a good day/afternoon/night

And remember, "If you do drugs, you'll go to hell before you die" - Mario

Thanks as always for reading :>


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