How love found me (Niall Hora...

By AlyssaPaige1

804K 12.1K 1.5K

Carsons moving to London for a year to travel and have fun. After her new roommate shows Carson the famous bo... More

love picked me (niall horan)
chapter 2: unexpected new friends
chapter 3:break down
chapter 4: unexpected tragity
chapter 5: finding a new home
chapter 6: starting over
Chapter 7: fan girls and embarrising momments
Chapter 8: little bird
Chapter 9:start of something new
chapter 10:An almost movie perfect night
Chapter 11: Busy mornings
Chapter 12: Friends Secrects
Chapter 13: Movie Nights
Chapter 14: Rude awakining
Chapter 15: summer love
Chapter 16: Love and Hate
Chapter 17- sleepless nights
Chapter 18: past returns
Chapter 19: Painfull reminders
Chapter 20: Just another day of Drama
Chapter 21: He never leaves
Chapter 22: Confession.
Chapter 23: Mobs and Media
Chapter 24:A night with Charlie
Chapter 25: Me a model? No way!
Chapter 26: A photoshoot, the past and Love?
Chapter 27: a baby surprise
Chapter 28: Ride home
chapter 29: this is embarrising
chapter 30: A father?
Chapter 31: who is this man?
Chapter 32: going home
Chapter33:He kissed her?!
Hes getting married?!
Chapter 35: not going to happen.
chapter 36 moments
Chapter 37:surpise surpise
chapter 38 romantic get away
Chapter 39: Isolated get away
chapter 40: life with him
chapter 41: drama as always
chapter 43: a day inside
Chapter 44: Back home
chapter 45:i love him
chapter 46:pratice
Chapter 47: fair day and a new girlfriend?
chapter 48: big performance
chapter 50: i wouldn't do that!
chapter 51:birthday surprise
chapter 52: more than just a surpise party
chapter 53: double package
chapter 54: big fight
chapter 55: always here
Chapter 56:Birthday surprise
chapter 57:kiss me im irish
Chapter 58:Be with me forever
chapter 59: the crash that ended lives
chapter 60: still sleeping
chapter 61: Awakening
chapter 62: out of the hospital
chapter 63: the end
chapter 64:meet Alex
alternate ending

Chapter 42: Movie Night

10.4K 136 3
By AlyssaPaige1

"time does the show start?" I asked.

"At 7:30." Niall told me as he stood in his boxers and I stood in the shower in my towel with the door only crack a tiny bit so Niall couldn't see me.

"What are we going to see?" I took my towel off and started putting on clothes.

"Not telling." He laughed. I had just putt on my bra and underwear when I felt arms slide around me.

"Niall!" I yelled jumping back, but him catching me.

"Hey Love. I like your outfit." He smiled down at me.

"You perv." I hit his arm.

"But I really do like it. The pink looks good on you. They match really well." He joked. I play hit him again.

"Your nasty. Now out so I can change."

"But I need to use the lou." He pointed.

"Fine." I grabbed shirt and pants and pulled them on fast.

"Thank you." Niall smiled to me.

"You welcome. Better hurray were going to be late." I told him as I left closing the door.

I went to Nialls room and grabbed my phone sent a mass text to Louis,Zayn, Harry,Liam, Charlie, my brother and my mom saying, "Having a good time in Ireland. Going to the movies tonight with Niall. Love and miss you all!" I hit send.

I looked through my other texts. I had about a billion texts from Louis. A few from Charlie demanding pictures of Niall and I and asking me how I was.

I missed my best friend. Me being with Niall more and more and her working being the famous model shes become. I was happy for her. She was still asking for me to come with her. I did make a lot of money from that one photoshoot but I wasn't sure if I enjoyed it. I did but i don't know if its what I wanted to do. I had so many job oppertunities and I couldn't pick. I had to turn down the magaizne column after Nialls mamagment and manager found out. I have decided that i want to go after my dream of singing. The boys are helping me with that. After the concert if I don't have any offers I'm going to try out for a singing show like the boys or find another way. I'm going to put work into this. The boys aren't going to do it for me just because their famous. I need to work hard to make my dream come true. And I will.

"Ready to go?" Niall asked me walking in the room.

"I need like ten minutes." I told him heading to fix my hair and make up.

"Okay. I'm going to be downstairs." He told me turning.

I lied when I told him ten minutes. I took a little longer than ten minutes. I got downstairs at 7:00. We still had a half hour until whatever show he was taking me to see started.

"I'm ready." I told Niall finding him on the couch in the living room watching TV.

He stood and turned toward me. "You look beauitful." He kissed me cheek taking my hand while he grabbed the remote to turn the TV off.

"Thanks. So what are you taking me to see?" I looked at him.

"Still a surprise. Now lets go before were late." He lead me outside to the car. He went to the passnger side and opened the door for me.

"Why thank you sir." I curtosied to him and then got in the car and he laughed and nodded to me. Then closing the door once I was inside. He walked to his side and hopped in.

"Now. Are you ready?" He smiled starting the car.

"No. Actually." I joked, and he stopped.

"Really? Did you forget something?"

"No Niall! I was playing." I laughed as he rolled his eyes and started moving that car again.

"Very funny."


We were soon outside of the movie theature.

"Will you please tell me now?" I begged pulling on his arm.

"Two more minutes." He laughed walking up to the lady selling tickets.

"Two for Finding Nemo 3-D, please." He told the woman.

"Niall! Finding Nemo? I love that movie!" I told him as the woman looked at me oddly.

"I know. Thats why I wanted to take you." He squeezed my hand.

"Here you go Niall." The woman handed him the tickets.

"Do I know you?" He asked her.

"No. You were two grades ahead of me. I know you from school and from One Direction." She looks at him.

"Whats your name?" He askes her.

"Morgan." She replied.

"Well Morgan. I'm glad we met. Do you want an autograph?" He asked trying to be nice.

"Uh, I guess if you have time." She looked down.

"I do." He told her. Grabbing a pen and signing a ticket and handing it back to her.

"Thank you. I really think you guys are cute together." She smiled at me.

"Thanks." I told her.

We told her our goodbyes and went inside.We got our popcorn and drinks then went to find our seats. We went to a few open seats at the very top. There were tons of people here, mostly kids and their parents.

"Theres tons of people here." I said sitting down. I noticed a man sitting to my left a few seats down. He was in a long brown coat and glasses watching Niall and I. I quickly turned away from his stare.

"Yeah I know." Niall took a slurp of his pop.

I turned my head slightly and saw the man still starring at me. I didn't notice at first but he was alone. He didn't have family, or children with him. He was just alone. I tried to ignore him because he finally turned his head and then the lights started to dim down and the show was starting.

"Your lucky I love you." Niall whispered to me.

"Why?" I laughed.

"Because the little kid next to me keeps poking my side." He whispered really low and moved his eyes to his right.

I laughed again as the child poked his arm.

"Tyler! Stop it!" His mother scolded him making us laugh again.

The open scene of the movie started and everyone got silent. I cuddled as close as I could to Niall. We sat and watched the movie cuddling and eating popcorn. I kept turning and feeling that mans gaze on us.

Just at the part where Nemo was swimming away from his father toward the boat, I whispered to Niall, "That man over there keeps starring at us." He lifted up and looked around me.

"Want me to say somthing?" He asked a little to loud.

"No. Can we just move?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He stood and helped me carry the food and pop. He grabbed my hand and lead me to a diffrent spot. We sat down in the middle of a crowd of people.

"Okay now?" He asked me.

"Much." I smiled to him getting comfortable again.

We watched the rest of the movie in peace. It was really good. I could watch this movie all night long. The lights came back on when the credits roll people started yawning and streching. I stood with Niall and grabagge and headed toward the door. I took a glace at the top where Niall and I were sitting. The man was still starring at Niall and I. I got goosbumps on my arm and my heart race quickened.

I glanced back down and quickly hurried out.

"Ready to go?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I sped up.

We made our way through the crowd and to the car. We tralked about the movie the whole way. When we got to the car I was standing in the cold waiting for Niall to unlock the doors. I climbed in and he turned the heat up.

"Thats so much better." I cooed feeling the heat.

Niall laughed. "So that guy. He was creppy right?"

"Yeah. He was scarring me, and when we were leaving he was starring at us again."

"That really makes me mad." He shook his head and headed toward the other cars that were pulliing out.

"Me too." I looked out of the window.


I woke up finding myself in Nialls arms. "Hello Love." He smiled down at me.

"Hi." I snuggled into him closer and closed my eyes falling back to sleep.


Hey guys

So im sorry that its all messed up and short its because i had it all good and typed out then it decides to delete half of it and im like as;jhg;sfhgs

So i got mad and not the ends crap. Sorry.

So the reason i hadnt updated is short version I had a game to go to friday then dance then a birthday party then stuff sunday.

So love you all sorry for the mix up!


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