Hawaii 5-0 x Reader

By morganzor-el

94.4K 1.4K 53

These will be one-shots. Enjoy! More

Danny x Special Agent! Reader
Jealous! Chin x Reader
Steve x Reader
Ohanna x Reader Part 1
Ohanna x Reader part 2
Outfit you were wearing when you first met
Your dog
Your car that he is impressed with
What they say when Steve is driving
Chin x Navy Reader
Danny Gif
Steve Gif
Danny x youtuber reader
You see them cry
They see you cry
Danny x Reader
Jealous! Chin x Reader Part 2
Hawaii 5-0/Supernatural Crossover Part 1
Requested from AzaleaLennox
Request from AzaleaLennox
Requested from AzaleaLennox
Request from AzaleaLennox Part 2
Request for amctalkingdead2018
Spiderman: Far from Home

Danny x Reader: Part 1

2.3K 41 1
By morganzor-el

    Tomorrow is nationals for surfing. It's being held at Honolulu Hawaii, my home. I am finally able to go home to my boyfriend and his daughter. I have been traveling the US to promote nationals that are taking place. I looked out the window of the jet to see Hawaii below. A smile slowly etched its way onto my face as I realized that I was home to my ohana. As soon as the jet landed, I grabbed my bags and ran towards the private entrance of the airport to my family. "Y/n/n!" Grace yelled, her arms in the air running towards me. I squatted down and pulled her close. We ended up falling over onto the pavement! I sat up with Grace still clinging to me for dear life. "Y/n!" I heard Danny yell. I got up and ran with her to her dad. My boyfriend.
    He picked us up and spun us around. "Finally my family is all together!" He said smiling. He put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a kiss. "EWWWW Dannoooo, Y/n doesn't need your cuties!" She squealed covering her eyes. I threw my head back and laughed as Danny started to pout. "I don't have cuties" He grumbled grabbing my luggage and walking to his Camaro. I gave Grace a fist bump and headed to the car.

~Time Skip to tomorrow~

Grace POV
    The sun was shining in through my window onto my face and I started to grumble. Can't I sleep in for once? I groaned again and rolled over. I soon started to smell the sweet smell of...... PANCAKES!!! I jumped out of bed and tripped over my blanket. "Stupid blanket," I whispered trying to get untangled. I heard footsteps heading my way so I pretended to be asleep on the floor. The door slowly opened and I was attacked by the tickle monster! "What are you doing on the floor monkey!" He said spinning me around as I giggled. He sat me on his hip and took me out to the kitchen. "Do you want to go get y/n/n?" He asked putting the yummy food on the table. I nodded my head quickly and ran to her and Dannos room. I slowly opened the door to see her still sleeping. I ran and jumped onto the bed waking her up. "Come on y/n/n, Danno made pancakes!" I said pulling her arm to get her up. "Hold on G, I have to get dressed for the day first." She laughed and headed to her closet. A few minutes later she came out in her surfing outfit with her hair all pretty. I always thought y/n was the prettiest when she had no makeup on and was doing what she loved. She grabbed my hand and we headed to the kitchen to see Danno still making food.

    After breakfast, we all head to the Camaro and shot off towards the beach so I wouldn't be late. As we were speeding down the highway I saw Danny tighten his grip on the wheel. I placed my hand on his thigh and looked at him with concern. I knew Grace was asleep she won't get scared. "What's wrong Danny?" I asked turning towards him. He let out a deep sigh, "I...I don't have a good feeling about today. Something terrible is going to happen to you, I can feel it." "Danny, everything will be ok. I have had hundreds of surf meets and nothing has happened. I will be ok, I promise." I replied, kissing his cheek. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed as we pulled up to the beach. I climbed out and started to untie my surfboard from the top of the car. "Can I help y/n/n?" I heard Grace ask. "Ya sweetie, can you grab my surf bag with all the special things in it?" I asked holding onto the board. She nodded her head eagerly and climbed back into the car to get it. I checked in and headed off to my teams' tent while Danny and Grace went to find a spot to sit and watch.

    "Next up, number 648 Y/n L/n!" the announcer said over the comm. Everyone started to clap as I climbed into the water. I sat waiting for the right wave knowing I didn't have a lot of time till my turn was up. A few seconds later I saw my wave. Soon I was on the wave completeing easy tricks like a cutback and multiple snaps. I turned and did a foam climb. I knew I didn't have much time left so I decided on doing a trick I have not mastered yet, the Flynnstone Flip. Everything went by so quickly. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears, I could feel the water flying off my body. Soon I landed back on the wave and was riding out. I threw my hands up in the air. I was still somewhat on the wave when I heard a gunshot and then another. The second one went right into my leg. I started to wobble and then I soon fell off my board into the ocean below.

Danny POV
    I saw y/n doing her last trick. She has done amazing so far. As soon as she landed she started to cheer and everyone around us was clapping and cheering. All of a sudden a gunshot rang out. I immediately grabbed Grace and laid on the sand as flat as I could while protecting her. There was another gunshot, I looked to see y/n grasp her leg and then fall off the board. "NOOO!" I screamed, grabbing Grace and running to the coast guard team. "Watch her, I am going to get my girlfriend out of the water!" I said showing them my badge. I took my shirt off and took a jet ski out. The waves were coming in quicker, and the jet ski kept catching air. I finally found a trail of blood, but y/n wasn't above water. I dove into the ocean to see a shark on y/ns leg. I swam towards her frantically. I took my knife out of my pocket and dug it into the shark's eye. It released y/n and started to thrash back deep into the ocean. I grabbed y/n and swam to the jet ski above. Y/n kept gasping for breath and was trying not to cry. I pulled myself onto the jet skit and grabbed y/n and placed her in my lap so she wouldn't fall off. We got back to shore and ambulance teams were swarming us. They placed y/n on a gurney and raced off towards the hospital while Grace and I followed in the car. I could hear Grace crying in the backseat. A few tears escaped my eyes realizing I could have lost the love of my life. I grabbed Grace's hand and held her hand the entire way there. Please make it y/n, I can't live without you.

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