The chatroom strikes back {BN...

By TaurusDoodles

84.6K 2.8K 6.1K

A sequel to "Teacher chatroom"! I HIGHLY suggest reading that and "Student chatroom" before reading this one... More

A sequel worth fighting for
Krusty the Jocose Wisecracker
The algorithm
It's time to spring clean your act up, bitch
Easter Bunny of lies
I have a YT playlist full of wierd and funny vids
Birb person
Fite me m8
They idolize me??
Oh, hello crippling anxiety. Nice to see you again.
A meme a day keeps the depression at bay
Spiderman is god confirmed
Deepest fears and cracker squares
Sprinkles is just dull glitter
Drunk elephant
Make me a princess
Endeavor for anger management 2k19
The misadventures of Jack and Present Mic
Down with Elsa
The incenerator scene from Toy Story 3
Humpy Dumpty sat on a wall
Bring in Jerry Springer

Humpty Dumpty was told to get the fuck off because thats dangerous y'all

2K 82 54
By TaurusDoodles

Aizawa- The original
Present Mic- DJ
Hitoshi- The remix
Monoma- Gay&Blond
Nezu- Skinner
All Might- Dying
Ms. Joke- Funni
Midnight- Mama
13- Im only 13
Recovery Girl- Granny
Power Loader- Backhoe
Vlad King- Bloody Mary
Tensei Iida- Zoom zoom nyoom
Grand Torino- Grandpa
Naomasa- Nancy Drew
Mt. Lady- Antman
Kamui Woods-Woody
Cementoss- Rocky Hulk
Ectoplasm- Lied2
Endeavor- Big tit
Hawks- Hawkeye
Best Jeanist- Gay
Fatgum- EatMe
Miruko- Trix
Fuyumi- Mom is better


Bloody Mary: Kendo is crying and I need help

Mama: Uuuuh why????

Bloody Mary: Idk but I think it has to do with the fact that she hasn't slept in a few days because she's been studying

Bloody Mary: Shes been holding study groups with the other girls and a few boys and Monoma for the general finals tomorrow

Mama: Tell her to sleep man. If she doesn't she's gonna fail.

No leg: Oh you've got a crying child over there too?

Bloody Mary: "too"????

No leg: Ah yeah it's Tenya and Hatsume. They're cramming for their English test and they misspelled their own names

Mama: Aw poor Tenten D:

No leg: Oh scratch that Midoriya is crying too

Dying: I am here

Dying: Who hurt him!?

No leg: Uuuuh hold up

Mama: Aren't you in the kitchen cooking for Tortilla and Eri rn???? Get off and watch the stove! Don't you DARE burn my fucking kitchen down!!

Dying: And aren't you in the bathtub bathing??

Mama: Nah I'm chilling in the tub with Neptune and watching Netflix

Dying: Dont you have a bed?

Mama: Tortilla fell asleep in it and i don't have the heart to wake him up...

Dying: Omg

No leg: Turns out he's crying because he's on Skype with Cementoss trying to go over some lit. questions he has but he keeps getting them wrong

No leg: Uraraka was in there too but Tossie says she hid in the closet 10 mins ago to have a mental break down

Dying: Remember when we had to study for our 3rd year gen. finals?

Mama: Oh yeah

Mama: It was hell but it wasn't as bad as the heroics finals. Damn Tortilla and his hard ass lessons....

Dying: The beach camp out was fun after it though

Mama: Haha yeah it was!! Ah so much underage drinking....

No leg: It was so much fun lmao

Bloody Mary: Wait there was a beach camp out??? I was never told of this!

Mama: Oh yeah that's because it was just me, Tosh, Shota, Zashi, and Tensei. We wen t out by the small shore by my place and camped out there to celebrate our upcoming graduation is all.

Bloody Mary: Oooh okay

Bloody Mary: Hey we should d o something like that for the students

No leg: Hey your right! It could destress them before graduation too! Also I need something for Aoyama to look forward to because rn he's trying to jump out of the window in the middle of Yaomomo's study group session

Mama: If my parents approve you can camp out in the place we did. It's just a big fishing week for my mom and aunt tho so things might be busy and crowed at the docks so there wouldn't necessarily be enough room there

Mama: Omg Neptune just slithered into my hoodie flap

Mama: I am a proud snake mommy :'D

No leg: @Skinner could we take the students camping after exams?

Skinner: I don't see why not!

Skinner: The general studies, business, and support kids can all go tomorrow night and the heroics kids can wait Thursday night after their heroics exam

No leg: I can rent out a campsite for the gen business and support kids since from what i remember the shore totally wouldn't be big enough for all them kids

Mama: I'd suggest my family camp site buuuuut yeah we got the family tree there with my bro's little remembrance thing and i don't want that ruined

Skinner: Thats fine Kayama! I have to go now so I will talk later :)

Mama: Dads gone

Mama: Let's get wild

Dying: I added extra chocolate t Eri's waffle. She'll be wild on my behalf.

Mama: Excellent

No leg: Shota and Zashi are gonna kill you guys

Dying: I hope so because I crave it

Mama: Tosh please you worry me

Dying: I am slowly dying anyway. Get used to it.

Mama: Okay

Antman: I like how you just accept it instantly

Mama: Heeeeeeeeeyyyyy Yuu!~~~

Antman: No

Antman: I'm not telling you

Antman: That is something personal between me and Mui

Mama: Boooo

No leg: I'm confused

Mama: Talking about nasty things

Antman: No. No we aren't.

Antman: Me and Mui finally caved in and joined Ryukyu's D&D thing and and Nemuri wants to know our characters so she can draw them.

Mama: Not JUST draw them

Mama: /make them lewd for no reason/

No leg: *she means she's just gonna draw a bad dick doodle on their forehead or or something

Mama: Dont call me out you fuck!!

Dying: Zashi is back and he's pissed

No leg: Why????

Dying: Someone insulted the glittery nail polish Eri and Hitoshi gave him

Mama: He's not as pissed as Tosh says he is. He's basically just pouting is all.

Dying: Aka he's pissed


Eat Me: I feel like death

The original: Same

Eat Me: We patroled so late last night thst I hadn't even eaten dinner or gotten up for a midnight snack

The original: I was s tired when I got home that I apparently fell asleep in the tub and almost drowned. It was just my luck when Nemuri walked in and saved me. Shoulda let me fucking drown.

Eat Me: Weird question but she walked into the bathroom to you bathing. So she saw your corndog. Gross.

The original: Because we only have one bathroom I bathe in my swim trunks. Don't gross.

Eat Me: I'm just saying man

The original: But yes she has in fact seen me in all my pale depressed glory

Eat Me: Disgusting

The original: I think you just gave me body issues. Thank you.

Trix: I wanna chop my fucking legs off why did I try to do so much shitty parkour last night fuuuuuuuck

Nancy Drew: You guys can take the night off to rest you know. I mean Aizawa you gotta monitor your class's test today don't you?

The original: Tosh is stepping in for me for a few hours to let me sleep but yeah. I do have the hero course finals the day after tomorrow so I'm definitely not patrolling tonightor tomorrow night.

Eat Me: I might take it off too to go back home and visit my family. It's like a quick 1 hr drive there so I can be back for tomorrow night for another search.

Trix: I might just go to Aizawa's place and claim Eri as my daughter. She says I'm pretty and super strong. She's my daughter now.

The original: Yeah no she's not

Trix: I am her mother now

The original: No I am her mother

The original: Wait shit



DJ: Wow good morning Detective

The original: I hate you all

DJ: Also

DJ kicked The original from chat

DJ: I totally top like 90% of the time lmao

Trix: You are brave Mic

DJ: Oh fuck he's just watching me with an empty expression that means he's beyond pissed

Trix: I call dibs on your neck stereo after he kills you

Eat Me: Dibs on the jacket

Trix: For skinny Gummy or chubby gummy?

Eat Me: Skinny gummy obviously

Nancy Drew: Dibs on the husband

Eat Me: O MY GOD


Dying: What the hell did I just walk in on???? Is Tsukauchi trying to break up a marriage???

Nancy Drew: Sure

Dying: No stop it

Nancy Drew: No

DJ added The original to chat

DJ: We might be late to work this morning....


Trix: ;))

The original: I tripped with Zashi's trimming scissors in hand outside and I mightve popped a tire...

Dying: Dont you have Nemuri's car?

DJ: We're banned from her car remember

Trix: Uuuuh why???

The original: Wrong car and drunk decisions

Trix: Still confused but okay

Trix: Wait

Trix: Oh gross

Trix: She gave me a ride to the store in that thing

Trix: Do I need to burn all the clothes I was wearing that day now?

DJ: I mean we didn't get too far so idk its your choice lol

Eat Me: Stop I'm single and your rubbing your wonderful love in my face its making me cry I want someone other than the guy at the convenience store to love me

DJ: Shhh it's okay big guy you find someone

Trix: If you don't find someone I'll hook you up with the KFC guy. I know the newest actor for him.

Eat Me: I know your joking but please do it so I can make Hawks piss himself lmao

Trix: YES


Skinner: Why isn't your classroom phone working @The original

The original: I unplugged it

Skinner: I

Skinner: Nevermind

Skinner: Tell Todoroki his sister, brother and Hawks are here for when school ends please. Also plug your phone back in.

The original: 1) okay 2) No

Skinner: I want to fire you

The original: Do it you coward

The original: Actually don't. I have a daughter to feed, a son to give a graduation gift to and then immediately kick out, and then a husband to make sure doesn't die from his own stupid existence. I need money.

Skinner: Just tell the child please.

The original: Wait a second

The original: @Hawkeye why are you downstairs?????

Hawkeye: Endeavor gave me permission to check Prince out because uh...... He got car sick... Yeah....

Hawkeye: Turns out Popper can't drive very well because he swervs a lot so yeah

Mom is better: He gets car sick easily is all

Mom is better: Also yeah Natsuo is really bad at driving but i forgot my licence

Hey have these

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