Royal Romances × Multistoried...

By BriFlare

74.3K 2K 38

A Royal Romance Book where several royal stories are placed. Enjoy. Started: July 23, 2017 More

Table of Contents
The Rebel Royal | British Royal Family FF
The Rebel Royal | Gallery
01. Pleasure vs Duty
02. Meddling Family
03. Norway Pressure
04. Pure Madness
05. Eugenie's Wedding
06. Media Speculation
07. First Appearance
08. The Bling Site
09. Perfect Duo
010. Stylish Princess
011. Celebratory Shower
012. Birth of a Prince
013. Spotlight
014. Oslo Cathedral
015. Public Collapse
016. Wikipedia
Jennifer ↡ British Royal Family Fanfiction
Jennifer, Duchess of Buckingham
Jennifer ↡ Cast
01. Aunt Jennie
02. A Mother's Love
03. Siblings Rivalry
04. I Know, Charles
O5. The Art of Proposal
06. The Royal Family
07. Beautiful Soul
08. Time Skip
09. Surprise!
EverLasting | British Royal Family FF
Everlasting | Gallery
Everlasting | Chapter One
Everlasting | Chapter Two
Everlasting | Chapter Three
Everlasting | Chapter Four
Everlasting » Chapter Five
Love Lies ↡ Prince Harry Fanfiction
Love Lies 🔹Prologue
[1] Picking Up The Pieces
[2] England
[4] First Date
[5] New Feeling
[6] Days Like This
Royal Hearts ➳ Lady Kitty Spencer
House of Spencer
Merania History
1.Engagement Announcement
2.Engagement Interview
3.Wedding Planning
04. Days ahead
Second Act | British & Bhutanese Royal Families FF
Second Act | Gallery
Second Act | Synopsis
Second Act ↡ Prologue
Limitless ↡ Dutch Royal Family Fanfiction
Limitless ↡ Gallery
Limitless ↡ Synopsis
Limitless ↡ Epigraph
Young King and His Wife
Young King and His Wife 🔹Gallery
Young King and His Wife 🔹Prologue
Young King and His Wife 🔹Chapter One
Young King and His Wife 🔹Chapter Two
Ruin My Life ↡ British Royal Family
Ruin My Life ↡ Prologue
Ruin My Life ↡ Chapter One
Ruin My Life ↡ Chapter Two
The Royals | British & Liechtenstein RF
Background Information
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Heres To Us | Princess Beatrice & Prince Carl Philip
Heres To Us | Chapter One
Heres To Us | Chapter Two
Heres To Us | Chapter Three
Heres To Us | Chapter Four
Heres To Us | Chapter Five
Heres To Us | Chapter Six
Heres To Us | Chapter Seven
La Reina | British Royal Family
La Reina | British Royal Family
La Reina | British Royal Family
La Reina | British Royal Family
La Reina | British Royal Family
Reflection | Prologue
Reflection | Chapter One : Let Me Go
Reflection | Chapter Two : The Return
Reflection | Chapter Three : Year of 2019
Reflection | Chapter Five : Your Queen
Duchess Of York | Prince Andrew Fanfiction
Duchess Of York | Chapter One
Duchess of York | Gallery
Duchess of York | Chapter Two
🚨The Duke and Duchess of Sussex : Update🚨
Royal Romances × Multistoried Book 2
chapter one twenty-first birthday

Reflection | Chapter Four : It's Out

534 20 1
By BriFlare

Chapter Four : It's Out

You don't give up just because things are hard.

February 12 2019

Princess Lucia Visits the Netherlands on Her First Solo Tour

The princess sports a sophisticated, yellow suit for her day of events.

Today, fresh off November's World Mental Health Day appearance, and a week after her return from Canada, the Princess ventured to the Netherlands. She was greeted this morning by King Willem-Alexander at Villa Eikenhorst (his residence, located near the Hague). Lucia will reportedly spend the day in the Hague and Rotterdam, visiting an art exhibit and also taking part in a round-table discussion (about topics ranging from "addiction to mental health," per the Daily Mail).

Lucia opted, for the one-day trip, for a "yellow" Catherine Walker suit. She wore her hair dowm, and altogether was seemingly going for more of a Formal Business Lucia effect. She also accessorized with silver long earrings, she would see the Girl with a Pearl Earring painting at the royal gallery later in the day. That Lucia, she knows one of the integral rules for any trip—whether solo or not, royal-related or not—is dressing for the occasion.

February 18 2019


"I'm so sorry, Lucia." Beatrice and Eugenie said at the same time as I stepped into the drawing room in Buckingham Palace.

"Sorry about what?" I asked, confused.

"Lucia!" Granny exclaimed as the room became deadly quiet.

"Yes, Granny." I said.

"Is there something you want to tell us?" She asked.

"No." I answered as I looked around the room to notice who was there.

Nearly the whole immediate family was here and some looked scared and others looked disappointed.

"Well, it has been brought to my attention that you're with child." Granny said as my eyes went wide at what she just said. I looked towards Eugenie and Beatrice.

"We're so sorry. We were talking when aunt Anne came in and we didn't notice. Lucia, please forgive us." Eugenie said.

"It's okay. I forgive you both." I said.

"How far along are you, Lucia?" Grandpa Philip asked.

"I'm thirteen weeks as of yesterday." I answered.

"Is it possible to have an abortion at this stage of her pregnancy?" Father asked as Harry gasped.

"Lucia will do no such thing!" Harry shouted.

"Harry, calm down." Meghan said, rubbing his arm.

"Yes, pa thank you for making such decision about my body for me. I will keep my babies." I said.

Harry was about to say something but William interrupts him.

"Harry, stay out of this." William said.

"Lucia, this cannot happen. Do you know what this will do to our family and the crown?" Father asked.

"I do not care. This is my choice and my babies will be born and there's nothing any of you can do about it." I answered.

"Did you say babies? You're having twins." Camilla said.

"Yes, I'm having twins." I said.

"Lucia, who is the father of your unborn children?" William asked.

"If you all want to disown me then you can." I said, ignoring William's question.

"Lucia, he asked you a question." Harry said.

"Tell us who is the father of your unborn children?" Father asked.

The door opened nearly slamming into the nearby wall as Nicholas walked in.

His gaze fell immediately to my midsection and floor then he started to walk towards. Even when he headed towards me, powerful, angry, and determined, I couldn't seem to make myself run.

"I am." Nicholas answered.

I gulped.

"You got my baby sister pregnant!" William exclaimed as Harry and he tried to rush Nicholas but the guards rushed in at my grandmother's shout, holding the two back from attacking Nicholas.

"Lucia." Nicholas said as he tried to touch me.

"What part of leave me alone do you not get?" I asked as I moved away from him and headed for the door.

"Lucia, stop this madness." Nicholas answered.

"Nicholas, Lucia, we have much to talk about." Granny said.

I rolled my eyes as I took off my heels and grabbed them before taking off running down the long hallway away from my family and Nicholas.

"Lucia!" Everyone shouted after me but I did not stop running until I got downstairs and into my waiting car.

"Please, Lucas, drive." I said nearly in tears as Lucas, my protection officer put the car in drive and we went straight of the palace driveway.

I put my head on the window as the car moved into the busy street, watching as people who spotted me try and take pictures of me or wave at me.

"Princess, get down!" Lucas shouted.

"What? Why?" I asked.


"Your Majesty, We have to go now. Princess Lucia was in a car accident." The Queen's secretary said, entering the room.

Oh fuck. Not my Lucia.

"Is Lucia okay?" Charles asked.

I do not wait for a respond, I just runs to the car with my secretary, William following me.

"William, I need to know she's okay. What the hell did the Queen's secretary say caused the accident? Tell me, now before I go fucking crazy." I said as try to calm myself down but my love might be hurt and I can't think of my life without her and our unborn babies.

"Nicholas, I left as soon as you did. I am still trying to get information on what happen. I have more security in route to the location of Lucia's car." William said, as the driver the location of Lucia's car accident.

Please let Lucia be okay.

I pray over and over again that it's just a fender bender but that hope is quickly squashed when we pull up to a horrific scene.

Both sides of the car carrying Lucia is smashed in. It looks like the other car that smashed into the passenger side of the vehicle pushed the driver side into a light pole. There are at least 20 police officer and 3 ambulances.

Before the driver can even put the car in park I jump out of the car and sprint towards Lucia's car. Before I get to close I'm stopped by a police officer, it takes everything in me not to deck the bastard but William, Lucia's brother gets my attention.

The rest of Lucia's family arrived. Harry screams as he takes in the state of the scene.

"Where is she?" William asked.

"Your Royal Highnesses, when we arrived on scene there was only 2 victim and that was the princess' protection officer and the man that caused the crash. We have at least 10 witness that have made statements. The crash was caused by a Mr. Harold Jolie running a red light but our report states that he never once tried to stop and witnesses also say it seemed he aimed for the car." The Police officer said as the Queen and Prince of Wales joined us.

"I hope he is your main suspect." The Queen said.

"Yes, He is, Your Majesty." He answered.

"I want to know about my sister. I want to see my sister before they place her in the ambulance." William said as I nodded my head.

I need to see her. I need to know she will be okay. When I look at the officer I know something more happened.

"WHERE IS LUCIA?" I asked, shouting.

"Your Majesty, when we arrived on scene Her Royal Highness was gone. Witness state that as soon as the crash happened a black van pulled up and several young men jumped out. They first tried to get Her Royal Highness out but her security tried hard to keep her safe. The other guy knocked him out with a baseball bat and dragged him out the car before the others pick up Her Royal Highness and put her in the van. The witness says that Her Royal Highness needs immediate medical attention from how she looked. We are trying to find anyone that might have seen them get away." The police officer answered.

"No one helped her?" Harry asked.

It was like their mother's accident all over again.

"Why didn't anyone help. These people witness a car accident and then another group of men drives up and kidnaps the Princess and these people stand around doing nothing. What the bloody hell." William said.

"See if we can track her phone." I told my secretary, William, who nods.

"Check the street cameras and take all of the witnesses phones." Charles, Prince of Wales said as tears fall from his eyes.


"Welcome back everyone to Entertainment Tonight! I'm your co-host, Kevin Frazier!"

"And I'm Nancy O'Dell! To kick things off tonight we've got a Royal kidnapping for you all!"

Kevin says, "Yes, well, social media has been buzzing about Princess Lucia, who was involved in a car accident which lead to her being kidnapped by a group of men."

Nancy says, "And the world has gone into frenzy trying to find the missing princess."

Kevin says, "The events of March 20, 1974, remain the closest anyone has got, in modern times, to abducting one of the British royal family. Princess Anne was nearly kidnapped when an armed man attacked her car on The Mall outside Buckingham Palace on this day in 1974. The Queen's only daughter and her then-husband, Captain Mark Phillips, were en route to the Palace when a car swerved in front of their chauffeur-driven limousine."

"In "Charles, Prince of Wales" by Anthony Holden, the author reveals that Prince Charles heard of the shocking incident during a tour of New Zealand and insisted to Anne that he returned home.

The Princess, then 23, had just attended a charity event in Pall Mall when Ian Ball, 26, brought them to a halt with his Ford Escort."

Nancy says, "As royal police protection officer James Beaton and driver Alex Callender got out of the limousine, Ball began to shoot.

Beaton's own weapon jammed and he was shot three times by the assailant.

Callender was also shot while trying to disarm Ball, as was passing tabloid journalist Brian McConnell, who also tried to intervene.

Ball then got into the limousine and told Princess Anne to get out."

Speaking about the ordeal on Parkinson, Princess Anne said: "He opened the door, and we had a sort of discussion, hah, about where or where not we were going to go," Anne recalled.

"He said I had to go with him, can't remember why."

"I said I didn't think I wanted to go. I was scrupulously polite because I thought it's silly to be too rude or that sort of thing."

"We had a fairly low-key discussion about the fact that I wasn't going to go anywhere and wouldn't it be much better if he moved away and we'd all forget about it?"

Nancy says, "In documented evidence released later under the Thirty Years Rule, the Princess stated that her response to this request was: "Not bloody likely!"

She did eventually accede to Ball's request but, as he followed her out of the car, he was struck by former boxer Ron Russell, who also happened to be passing.

As Russell led Anne away from the scene, another policeman, PC Michael Hills, tried to intervene. He too was shot by Ball, though not before calling for back-up."

Kevin says, "luckily Princess Anne was able to escape an attempted kidnap attempt in which four people were seriously wounded. But Princess Lucia's kidnapping has blinded the royal family and the world and we are praying for the Princess safe return home."

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