Black-and-white (Translation)


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A decision by James Potter changes Harry's life. Snarry I was allowed to publish it from FanFiktion here sec... More

1. Always the same dream
❤️2. Letters - Despair - New hate
❤️3. Different thoughts And again in the infirmary
❤4. Explain that to Black!
✔5. Canossa and a new beginning
✔6. The beginning of a friendship
✔7. Luna
✔8. I'm scared, part 1
✔9. I'm scared, part 2
✔10. Finally out
✔11. Better acquaintance
12. Solution
13. Departure
14. Fury
15. Military Council
16. Little history lesson
17. Persuasiveness
18. Preparations
19. Wedding
20. conversion
21. Fudge
22. Cat mood
23. Crap problems and other catastrhopes
24. Arrival in Diagon Alley
25. Diagon Alley Shopping Spree
26. Shopping Spree 2 and what the hangover tastes
27 Reactions
28. Lesson for the teacher
29. From the love of the house elves
30. From the love of the house elves 2
31. The Dursleys 1
32. The Dursleys 2
33. Field research
34. Interlude
35. Wolf taming
36. How big is the world?
37. The last holidays
38. At the Dursleys
39. Back at Hogwarts
40. A new year begins
41. The party
42. The first day of school 1
43. The first day of school 2
44. Umbridge
45. Firenze
46. Mephisticuffs
47. How to make people and other beings happy
48. Surprises
49. Further research
50. Small interlude at the lunch
51. Defense? Classes?
52. The emergence of the DA
53. DA meeting, part 1
54. DA meeting, part 2
55.The calm before the storm
56. Preparations for the war
57. Firing
58. Remus and audience
59. Lucius Malfoy and a teacher conference
60. Visit
61. Transformation, the second
62. Vampire tomcat or cat vampire?
63. The charm of the vampire cater
64. A mission for the HA
65. Surprising transformation
66. It was murder
67. Revenge for Laura
68. In the middle of the war
69. Time together
70. A Malfoy at the crossroads
71. Christmas with the HA
72. Christmas with the Dursleys
73. St. Mungo
74. The festival, as it should be
75. Salazar Slytherin
76. Chaos, more presents and a letter
77. Gifts, animals and cuddles
78. cleaning
79. We are wizards, not gunslingers
80. Birthday with surprises
81.More birthday surprises
82. Free at last
83. Sirius the teacher
84.Weapontraining and the rest of the school year
86. Dates
87. Family secrets
88. Family reunion part 1
89. The family reunion part 2
90. Another family secret and invitations
91.To meet
92. Roland's birthday part 1
93. Roland's birthday part 2
94. New arrival and sad songs
95. A double birthday
96. Finally complete
97. Serena
98. A huge slip-up.
99. The punishment does not wait
100. Beginning of school with consequences
101. Ice Cold Revenge Part 1
102. Ice Cold Revenge Part 2
103. Minister, Black?
104. Nicolas Flamel
105. A new addition
106. Dementors are distributed
107. Fighter for .... Malfoy
108. Three angels for, ... Malfoy
109. Spy, only something for professionals
110. Tasks of a minister
111. Family Malfoy
112. Preparations for Snake Explanation Part 1
113. Preparations for Snake Explanation Part 2
114. Hot nights Part 1
115. Hot nights Part 2
116. Mission snake part 1
117. Mission snake part 2
118. Christmas in bed
119. Erotic hospital in the house of Snape
120. Draco pushes to it
121. New forest dwellers
122. The herd
123. Snake in love
124. Before crashing
125. On vacation with a ruckus
126. Stubborn, stubborn, the Snapes
127. Grown up for the second time
128. Abominable betrayal
129. Hell begins
130. In twos in hell
131. Lucius' promise
132. Preparation and conversion
133. An act of selflessness
134. Attack
135. Kidnapping with consequences
136. A wild escape
137. Attack of the ancients
138. Again among the living
139. The anger of a school director
140. Epilogue

85. Rose-Manor

2.4K 81 5

After Harry accompanied his friends to the station, he immediately jumped on the back of one of the Thestrals and rode back to the castle.
"Wings, please take me to our apartment quickly."
The animal immediately took off and flew with his rider towards the forest. from there it continued on the ground. As a result, the vampire counsel also learned how his four-legged friends always came to the castle.
In the forest he jumped from the back of his mount.
"Thank you my dear."
He gave the animal another kiss on the muzzle, then he turned around.
immediately it went on into the apartment.

The Potions Master came out of the common bedroom at the loud cry.
"Hey, Kitten, why are you screaming like that?"
Harry was able to brake just in time before stumbling into his man.
"Before I took the others to the station, Malfoy came to us."
"I assume you mean Draco?"
"Yes, and he had some very disturbing news for us."
"In other words, they are good for him."
Harry stamped his foot.
"Would you please stop saying the obvious, that's annoying."
Severus looked at his little one with wide eyes.
He squirmed under the look.
"I'm sorry, but the meeting was really not nice."
"Alright, what did he say?"
"He will join the Death Eaters during the holidays."
severus relaxed again.
"That can not be done, Riddle only accepts full-year wizards."
"I told him that too. But Sev, he does not lie, I could smell it very clearly. The bastard is incredibly looking forward to being branded like cattle. and that is not even the worst. "
Now the Potions master was really worried.
"What is worse than having this toad with the Death Eaters?"
"He said he will eliminate his father. well, that's not what he said, but I realize it will come down to that. "
The jailer sat down and pulled his baby next to him.
"Can you explain that more exactly?"
"It's best you look at it."
Harry pointed to his temple, which astonished Severus.
"For sure?"
the little one nodded.
Severus drew his wand.
Immediately the teacher saw the whole conversation at the lake. When he retired, he could see directly into his little boy's scared eyes.
"Kitten, please do not worry too much. Of course, the git says now, but I do not think it will be that bad. Especially because he just blurted out everything. "
"And what about the family secrets? Do the Malfoys really have that many? "
"Most old families have those. Mine is no exception. "
"Great, then he really has to hurt his father."
"He likes to do that, but who says that Lucius will dedicate Draco to the secrets?"
"Does not he have to do that?"
Severus stroked his husband's ears.
"No, kid, he does not have to. besides, Narcissa can still get pregnant, then Draco sees through the tube. "
"So far she has not."
"But that can still be. And one thing Draco forgot. Even if he is privy to the secrets of his family, he is far from getting his money. You have explained that to me yourself. "
Harry shook his head.
"He does not come to the dungeons of the family, but everything he deserves now is freely accessible to him."
"That's right, I completely forgot that."
Harry got up and nervously tiptoeed about the room.
Severus looked worried as his man turned around.
"If you are so worried then I will write a letter to Lucius and warn him."
Immediately he had the Vampire's full attention again.
"And how are you going to send him the letter without Riddle and Co.what do you notice? "
The Potions Master cocked his head.
"I thought I was asking Fawkes to deliver him."
"Fawkes will say no."
"Why should he do that? So far he has never refused. "

Now, Harry smiled.
He reached for Severus' hand and led him to the bird's pole where Hedwig was sitting.
"My Beauty, may I show Severus your secret?"
The owl looked from one to the other then nodded. Harry led his husband's hand and let him feel the abdomen of the owl.
"Can you feel that?"
that's what the man did.
"She's carrying an egg." He said, surprised.
"Exactly, and as you can see from Fawke's gaze, he is the father. And thus he will deliver no letters in the near future. At least not until his chick has not hatched. "
"Of course I can understand that. then I will ask Dobby. Maybe he can deliver the letter. "
Harry nodded enthusiastically.

"Say kitten, have you packed everything yet?"
"Yeah, most of the time Winky brought it to Manor yesterday. All I really need is my school supplies and the animals. "
"Good, I'm about to go as well. I just have to fill two more potions then we can go. "
"Should I help you?"
"With pleasure."
The potions were on the one hand Veritaserum. Harry was right with his assumption at the time. Many wanted a new trial of their case, as a reason they gave Sirius Black. So far, however, no further mistakes were known. Nevertheless, there were still several convicts who had to be interviewed.
the second potion was the one that could remove and preserve the magic from a sorcerer. He would be used by Peter Pettigrew and the other Death Eaters.
After everything was plugged, Severus called for a house elf to bring all the potions to Dumbledore.
"Good, then we can finally go."
Severus shouted for the two house elves and they immediately took them straight to the Manor. Above all, right in front of it. Severus wanted Harry to be able to admire the property from the outside as well.

When Harry got his stomach back to its original position, he looked around.
"That is unbelievable. And does that really belong to you? "
Severus chuckled. He hugged his man from behind and gave him a kiss on one of his ears.
"It's ours," he whispered.
Harry started purring. He looked around wide-eyed.
They were standing in front of an iron gate, which, however, did not look chunky or pretentious, rather delicate and noble.
The building behind it was big and white. It had playful towers and big windows. but what caught the eye the most was the garden.
"Can we go in?"
Severus laughed.
"That's what it was meant to be." Both made their way towards the property. All around her, roses were blooming, as with the name of the family. but there were not only the "normal" colors. The flowers also bloomed in blue, green or orange. Also black was there.
"Are they real?"
Severus grinned again.
"They are all real. And there are no special breeds. The colors are natural. "
"But how? back there, I even see which ones are silver. "
"This is one of the family secrets of the Rose dynasty."
"Oh I am sorry. I did not want to..."
"That is allright. There are families there are even the spouses the secrets withheld but our family is not one of them. I'll show it to you in the next few days.
Look, your animals seem to like it very much. "

That was an understatement, though.
Hedgehog had gone straight to one of the beds. And there he had already dug up a nudibranch, which he ate with relish.
Zähnchen had climbed on one of the peach trees and inspected the fruits.
"We're in England, right?"
"But there are usually no peach trees here. And if they do, then they have no fruits. Certainly not now. "
"Another family secret."
Harry nodded. obviously, the Rose family knew very well about plants. Neville would go crazy for joy.
Frosch shuffled straight from rose bush to rose bush, using his tongue like a liana.
"A miracle that he does not hurt himself."
Harry shrugged.
"The, Knuddelmuffs are very robust. Unlike her pink relatives. "
'Pink' the boy did not want to say since Umbridge.
Yuki jumped excitedly after a butterfly and then chased her own tail out of sheer arrogance.
Hedwig and Fawkes had flown behind the house.
"Looks like our feathered Bald parents have retreated to the conservatory."
At the questioning look from Harry, Severus smiled.
"This is similar to our housing forest. And certainly ideal for Hedwig. Let's see what the nest looks like. "
Harry chuckled.
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They walked for some time. Harry also discovered a forest that belonged to the property.
"I wonder what all there is for animals in there."
Severus shook his head, smiling.
"I have a guess that you'll find out soon.
What do you think if we go in now? Surely you want to see everything inside? "
Enthusiastically, Harry agreed. Except for Yuki but all animals remained outside. The young vampire could understand her, all this was just amazing.

Inside, it was just as bright as outside. Winky and Dobby were already waiting in the lobby.
"We have already cleared away all the luggage. Do you two want to eat something? "
Both shook their heads.
"No, thank you Winky, tell me, where is singer?" Harry looked around searching.
The little elf chuckled and pointed to the conservatory. The gray bird sat contentedly on one of the surprisingly large trees and watched Fawkes and Hedwig nesting.
Severus turned to Dobby.
"Can you bring a letter to your former master later?"
The elf snapped his ears and nodded.
"That's no problem, I can find Mr. Malfoy everywhere."
"Fine, but no one except Narcissa can remember anything about the letter."
Again the elf nodded.
Harry had continued to look around in the meantime. Everywhere on the walls hung either paintings or the walls themselves had been painted. Of course, again with beautiful rose motifs. But other pictures were there.
"That's really beautiful."
Severus went to his husband.
"Do you want to see the rest of the house?"
Another nod.
And so they went on their way.
The rooms were all bright and friendly but without being cheesy. There was a large dining room for guests, a salon, but also a smaller dining room and a living room.
There were enough guest rooms to accommodate the whole order. There was an armory and dueling room. Of course, a large laboratory with storage room.
But the best part was their private rooms. The rooms were all spacious and comfortable. The bedroom was twice the size of Hogwarts. This one looked at Harry a bit skeptical.
"That's the way to go."
Severus pulled Harry back to himself.
"Do not worry, I'll take care that you're not lost."
The bathroom was also overwhelming. With a large shower and a huge bathtub.
"I'm really looking forward to that."
"Do you want to seduce me kitten?"
Harry looked up at his husband innocently.
"A little bit maybe."
"I hope it will be more than a little bit."
With that, he pulled his little one in to kiss him.
When they parted again, Harry looked at him with a glazed look.
"Wonder who is seducing whom?"
"I would like to attack you now. But I think we should save that. Do you want to see the library instead? "
"I thought I would have to beg."
severus smiled slightly wickedly.
"You should only beg on a particular occasion."
The man just laughed again and then pulled his husband into the said room.
Or rather, in one of the two rooms.

"We have two libraries, the other is next to the salon. but since it is also intended for guests, it is not so big. In this one are also the books about our family. Even those in whom the wedding bellies stand. "
Harry looked around with wide eyes. He turned excitedly in a circle. And Yuki, his little fur daughter, followed suit.
"That's bigger than the one in Hogwarts."
"Of course, at school there are only books that are important for learning. And just the forbidden ones. Here you will find everything my family has accumulated in the last few centuries.
Go on, run already. In the meantime I am writing the letter to Lucius. "
And already the boy plunged into pleasure. He did not know where to start.
He grabbed a book about family history. Then he sat down on one of the sofas and lifted Yuki on his lap.
"Then let's see in which family I got married there." The boy said good-naturedly.
Severus smiled and grabbed his stationery. To be honest, he also wanted to warn his friend. The man had really done enough lately. he did not need another son to get him out of the way.
After he finished writing, he called Dobby.
He also appeared good with a PLOPP.
"You called?"
"Yes, here is the letter to Lucius. Please wait until he has written you an answer. "
The elf nodded and disappeared.
severus went to his little one.
"Well, what interesting found?"
"Yes, your family history. The Rose really do not have their name from anywhere. "
"That's true of most families. Do we want to eat something? "
The boy nodded and stood up.

Winky had been waiting for the starting signal. already all sorts of goodies piled on the table in the dining room.
"Winky, who is going to eat that?"
"Well, you Harry, Poppy said you'd like to add a few pounds."
"The woman wants to fatten me clearly. and for Christmas I'll come to the gift table. "
Severus laughed out loud.
"But we would all starve to death."
"I'm not that dry now. Besides, white vampires are petite, that's what the book says. "
"Yes, but you are not petite but fragile. poppy is right, a few pounds will not hurt. "
"That's just because of the stress we've had in the last few months. Everyone has lost weight. I'm sure Mrs. Weasley had her hands over her head when she saw her children. "
Even Severus could only agree. thanks to the intensive training and the many learning tumbled the weight of many students. But it had to be, Fudge had not really taken the exams. And there was still war.
"Now you can relax."
Harry looked at his husband confused.
"What do you mean by relax? I have to do homework, then there's the sword training. Not to mention that I still have to learn many spells. And we have neglected the map of the world in recent months. It's good that I do not have to do the household anymore. "
Severus' eyes had grown bigger and bigger. That meant his little boy but not serious?
"Kitten, do not worry so much. You have every right to rest. Look in the mirror, you already have dark circles under your eyes. Like all of your and the seventh year. As for the card, Mrs. Longbottom said she'll take care of it. she said the idea is brilliant, but it should not get stuck with you. The woman has already divided some Order members. So you can just think about yourself. And now, please eat. Your poor fish, that already borders on the desecration of the dead. "
Harry looked at his plate, he had completely dissected his fish during the conversation.
"Oh, I did not notice that. And we really have all the rings under our eyes? "
Severus nodded somberly. That was something that all teachers noticed. also, that many students had learned late into the night. Even Severus had caught his husband several times in the middle of the night in the living room above the books. Something that he resented the Minister very much.
But that was over now. Harry should enjoy the holidays. even if there was still war going on outside.

Later, when they were both back in the library, Dobby appeared.
Harry jumped up immediately.
"Dobby, are you alright?"
The house elf grinned and handed Severus a letter.
"Mr. Malfoy is fine, his wife is fine too. "
"Thanks, that was nice of you. You can go now, Winky is already waiting for you. "
The elf smiled at the Potions Master and disappeared.
Severus quickly scanned the letter and then looked up in relief.
"Lucius writes that everything is alright and he is happy about our concern. He wants to invite us to dinner in the next few days. Of course not in the manor. Then he wants to explain everything to us. "
"Sounds exciting. Will his wife be there? "
Severus looked at the letter again.
"Yeah, it looks like it."

The rest of the first day spent the two relaxed reading. Then they showered together and Harry called in his animals. They all made themselves comfortable in the winter garden. They had even brought Nestmatherial for Hedwig and Fawkes from the garden.
Harry snuggled up to his husband in the huge bed.
"I am glad that we are here. This will be the best vacation I have ever had. "
"I'll take care of that. Now sleep my little one. Tomorrow I'll show you the forest. "
Satisfied, the boy cuddled even closer to his husband.
He was looking forward to the holidays.

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