Stolen Life ✔️

By Sarahxox_16

2.2K 85 21

At any time of the day, any place in the world, anybody in sight, a life could be stolen. Jamie Summers was... More

Chapter one: Phase one: Stalking.
Chapter two: Targeted.
Chapter three: Phase two: Taken.
Chapter four: The Next Victim.
Chapter five: The Discovery.
Chapter six: Phase three: Death.
Chapter seven: Memories.
Chapter eight: Mistakes.
Chapter nine: What If?
Chapter ten: Fifteen Years Too Late
Chapter eleven: She's Back
Chapter twelve: Dear Diary.
Chapter thirteen: Making A New Friend.
Chapter fourteen: New Love.
Chapter fifteen: Outside These Walls.
Chapter sixteen: Freedom.
Chapter eighteen: Seeing Her Again.
Chapter nineteen: Reunited.
Chapter twenty: Emotions.
Chapter twenty one: The Past.
Chapater twenty two: Flashbacks.
Chapter twenty three: They Are Coming For Us.
Chapter twenty four: It's Happening Again.
Chapter twenty five: Making Life Changing Choices.
Chapter twenty six: Confessions.
Chapter twenty seven: The Truth Comes Out.
Chapter twenty eight: It's A Bloody Day.
Chapter twenty nine: Nearing The End.
Chapter thirty: Love Can Be A Dangerous Thing Sometimes.
Chapter thirty one: The Trigger.
Chapter thirty two: Safe And Sound.
Chapter thirty three: Epilogue - Her Happy Ending.

Chapter seventeen: Goodbye.

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By Sarahxox_16

Chapter seventeen: Goodbye.

Many years had past and we had found ourselves in California. I had got most my memory back, I was kidnapped by someone. I knew I had a boyfriend and I knew he was the last person I saw before I got kidnapped.

I was here in my home town and I saw the amazing streets and the city. Jack thought it was amazing. But, it looked like no one recognised me or remembered who I was. I guess it had been fifteen years and everyone had moved on.

We left the city and went to the place where I knew all my friends, my high school.

I looked at the building with Jack and I remembered when Lucas walked with me from home and we would depart to our friends. He was a really good brother from what I could remember and Jacob too. He was so tiny and cute, I wondered what he looked like now since it had been fifteen years. He would be twenty seven.

Wow, I was getting old. This really stuffed up my whole life. I always wondered what I would be like if that never happened. Married Sam? Had his kids? Be the perfect family? I missed him.

Now I knew why the name Sam sounded familiar. Completely forgetting about Jack, he nudged me to go. I held his hand and we reached the road to cross to get to the bus station to get to my street. We stepped onto the road, I was in front of him and all I heard was a bang. Jack was no longer holding my hand.

I started panicking and I got dizzy as I looked around for Jack. "Jack!" I screamed and people started staring at me and then I saw their faces. And the shock scared me as I turned around and saw Jack lying on the road, face first and I ran to him. "Call an ambulance!" I yelled to someone who was close by and this nice, older lady grabbed out her cellphone and dialled 911.

I shook Jack to wake him up but he was not moving. I looked around and saw a car upside down that landed by the school.All the students started gathering outside the school with horror on their faces and I was screaming, waiting for Jack to wake up.

I heard the ambulance and the paramedics dragged me off while they worked on him. There was hope somewhere. It had been a few minutes and they looked at Jack and shook their heads.

He was gone.

One of the men came over to me and they started talking but I zoned out and started crying. "I'm so sorry m'am, would you like us to escort you anywhere?" I shook my head no and they left me as they covered the body and took him away.


It had been a few days since Jack's passing and I read the lasted newspaper:

The acciednet that kills a middle aged man

"Jack Yard was a 32 year old man, he was killed a few days ago because of a car acciednt by the local High school sometime in the afternoon. The driver, Turner Hayes was pronounced dead beacause he fell through the window while the car was tipped upside down. Jack appeared to escape from one of the metal hospitals in Texas with a girl named Jamie, they don't have her full name. Reports will soon be made on how the acciendent occoured. Witnesses say the couple walked accross the road, holding hands while the car came speeding towards them and Jack was hit and instantly died on the scene because of internal bleeding to his brain. The FBI haven't been able to keep in contact with Jamie but they will soon find out who she is.

I finished reading and I saw a picture on the side of the crushed car and then I dropped the paper and left. And here I was.

I think it was time to revist my past.

Sam's POV

I was stunned by the story Jamie had to tell and how far she had to come to get here. "I-I can't beileve that you're here. Thirty one years old and sitting on my couch."

"I know." She smiled.

"How is everyone?" She asked with excitement.

My smile faded as I think of Haylee and Jamie's mom. "They're okay." I replied.

I told her how I've been doing but left out minor details, she was not ready to know yet. I changed the subject. "But I think there are some people you need to meet." I said and she nodded with a smile.

Before I got to say anything else, my wife fame home.

"Sam, sweetie. I got a little surprise for you!" She yelled. She stopped in her tracks and saw us. "Um, who is this?"

"This is Jamie." I stood up and walked towards her.

"You mean the Jamie who disappeared fifteen years ago?" She asked, confused and shocked.

"Yeah. Wow, this is a little awkward." I said.

"Who's this? She looks familiar." Jamie asked with an innocent look on her face.

"I'm Jessica May, the high school slut back in school," she cuts in and smiled, "oh and also Sam's wife of two children." She said and then walked off towards the kitchen.

"Wow. You got married? Good for you." She smiled but, I couldn't tell if she was lying or not. "How'd that happen? Did you bump into her after highschool?"

I sat back down and tried to tell her the story of how I slept with her while Jamie was missing. "Um. Well, no," I paused, "I really missed you and it broke my heart that you went missing unexpectedly. I was so depressed by the months passed that you were gone and heaps of things had happened." I sighed heavily as I tried to continue. "I met up with Jess at her house for study since she insisted and then we had sex and she got pregnant. I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking at the time. After that, we had our first girl named Juliet and after that she changed. Your parents, brothers, Hillary were both mad at me and didn't speak to me for months. Jess changed from a bitch to a caring mother so we got married after graduation and then a few years later we had a boy named George."

I tried to see what she was thinking but I couldn't read her anymore. "I never forgot about you, I still loved you even till this day. I never forgot you Jamie. You were always in the back of my mind and somehow, I wished that we would grow old together but you never came home." I finished and she looked like she was about to cry.

"I'm sorry I left. Someone was watching me that day and after you dropped me off from our movie date, he took me and I never saw anyone again until now," she stopped to think a minute, "why haven't you mentioned Haylee?" She asked.

I looked down to my feet. "Just going to pick up the kids." Jessica said and I nodded, waving goodbye as she left.

"Well?" Jamies asked again.

"She passed away a few months of your disappearance." She broke down crying as soon as I said that. I hugged her and I missed her hugs, I started tearing up too because this was unbelievable.

"How is everyone else. My parents?" she sniffled.

"Your mom passed away, she couldn't handle it but your dad is doing okay and your brothers too." I rubbed her back, feeling sorry for her.

But, she just cried even more.

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