Left || Hannie

By heathheathheathheath

37.4K 721 290

*In Which A Girl Gets Left By The Boy She Loves* Annie has been in a group home since she was five. Nobody ev... More

↳ z e r o
↳ o n e
↳ t w o
↳ t h r e e
↳ f o u r
↳ f i v e
↳ s i x
↳ s e v e n
↳ e i g h t
↳ n i n e
↳ t e n
↳ e l e v e n
↳ t w e l v e
↳ t h i r t e e n
↳ f o u r t e e n
↳ f i f t e e n
↳ s i x t e e n
↳ s e v e n t e e n
↳ e i g h t e e n
↳ n i n e t e e n
↳ t w e n t y
↳ t w e n t y - o n e
↳ t w e n t y - t w o
↳ t w e n t y - f o u r
↳ t w e n t y - f i v e
↳ t w e n t y - s i x
The End

↳ t w e n t y - t h r e e

1.1K 20 11
By heathheathheathheath

The One With The Music Lesson From Hell


Annie's POV

I drifted into school,, Hayden beside me.
"What lesson do you have first period?" He asked.
"Music." I said. For some reason I was in a bad mood. I didn't know why because my morning had been no less than great,, I was just pissed off. "With asher angel." I finished. Hayden sighed. Ever since I went on that date with asher Hayden has hated him. I have no idea why he was jealous of someone like a year and a half younger than him,, when he knew that I would never go for asher because I loved Hayden.
"Nothing's gonna happen." I said. "I'll stay away from him,, Hay." We stopped outside my classroom just as the bell rang. I looked through the door to see some people already in there.
"This is your stop." Hayden said.
"I love you." I said,, kissing him. He put his arms around me. "I've gotta go." I pulled away and waved,, walking into my classroom. I hung my bag and my coat on a hook and walking into the actual classroom part. Before you got to the classroom there was a kind of hallway thing,, and there were four doors leading off that room. Three out of those four doors led to tiny little rooms where small groups were chosen to work for the lesson,, and the fourth door led to a room that was the mirror image of the classroom without the chairs and tables,, which housed a small studio and one lone piano.

I sat on my chair,, waiting for the other students to materialise. After a few minutes,, the classroom was full and the only space left was next to me. Asher waltzed in late,, and because there were no other seats he had to sit next to me.
"Hey." He nodded.
"Hi." I replied. Neither of us wanted to sit next to each other,, me because it could lead to me jeopardising my relationship with Hayden,, and him I'm guessing because I turned him down.
"Good morning class." My teacher,, Ms Teirney,, greeted us,, walking into the room with her handbag.
"Today you will be working with the person who is sitting next to you. You will find a duet,, and by the end of the lesson you will have learned it. According to my schedule,, this class has music again after your lunch period,, so you will perform it then. Do you understand?" Everyone nodded but on the inside I was dying. I couldn't work with asher.
"The people in the studio today will be Annie LeBlanc and Asher Angel." She continued. I nearly punched the table. I would be alone with him in a room for an hour. I was dreading it.

I stood up shakily and walked into the studio,, shutting the door behind me and waiting for asher to arrive. He soon did,, and sat next to me in front of the Apple Mac that was on the desk in there.
"What song should we do?" He asked.
"What about Let Me Down Slowly by Alec Benjamin?" I said. "It's my favourite song."
"No way,, it's mine as well!" He exclaimed.
"Well then I guess neither of us need to learn the words. We can practise a few times,, but that's not gonna take an hour." I said. He moved himself from the chair next to me to the one in the corner,, as far away from me as he could.
"What's wrong?" I said,, confused about this sudden movement. He shook his head and I shrugged. "Do you wanna practise?"
"Sure." He said,, coming back over to me. I found the song and we sang through it a couple of times.
"You're actually a good singer." He said.
"Thanks?" I smiled. "Wait was that a compliment or not?" He smiled softly.
"Yeah it was." He said.
"I don't know where I did but I heard you were a good singer,, I just never really believed it up until now." I said.
"Thanks?" He said. "Wait was that a compliment or not?" He said,, mocking me.
"Oh shut up." I said,, throwing myself on one of the softer chairs that were in the studio and throwing my legs up over the back of it. Ashers eyes widened slightly and I was confused.
"What's wrong?" I said. He had been acting kind of weird the whole time we were in the room.
"I'm sorry. I can't do this." He said,, standing up and leaving the music classroom altogether. I stood up quickly and followed him to what I'm guessing was his locker.
"What can't you do?" I said softly. Suddenly he pulled me into the janitors closet. "What's going on?" I said,, kind of worried.
"I still like you. You're so goddamn beautiful that it hurts." He said. "And I know you're dating that Hayden dude but every time I see you two together I want to punch him." He leaned against the wall next to me and closed his eyes.
Then,, in a spur of the moment decision I switched the light off and kissed him.

Hello. I took a few days break but now I'm back. Don't worry,, it's not turning into an ashannie fic,, I know where this is going.
Also about the OC book,, I'm gonna finish this one before I start because if I try to write them both at the same time they'll both be shitty.

QOTU- favourite animal?
AOTU- panther or a cheetah

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