By AvengersJournalist

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Thank you for nearly 150K reads! She is the fate of HYDRA and the Avengers, but what is their fate? I own the... More



4.7K 156 4
By AvengersJournalist

"I think she's HYDRA." He looks to the twins, we all do, and they look very guilty looking. Barton questions his soulmate "Pietro? Do you know her?" "What are you going to do to her?" "Nothing, she's our soulmate." Fury speaks "She's HYDRA." "So were they, but they've changed. So was Bucky, but he now lives at the tower with us. Nick, she saved our lives, whoever she is, I want her to be a part of my life and not through a cell door." "She'd be completely your responsibility. If she turns against you that's up to you and if you can't handle her, I won't hesitate to kill her."

This can't be the woman from Sokovia, can it? That would be impossible, she's Barton's soulmate.

I interject "Hold up a second! Pietro, Wanda, how do you know of her?" Wanda responds "She's our friend, her name is Fate." "Was she with you at the HYDRA base, did she fight us?" They nod and I pale "Oh God…" Sam touches my arm "What is it?" "Look at her face, really look at it. Does it not seem familiar to you? I need to call Buck." Stark puts out a hand "What's going on? Earth to Cap?" "Can you call him so he can see us?" "Sure…" He takes my phone from me and a moment later I hear my best friend's voice "Steve?" "It's Tony, get your thumb off the camera, Oldie!" "Sorry. Better?" "Yeah." He hands it to me and Buck looks at me expectantly "I'm gonna show you someone, tell me if you know who they are." I stand up and walk over to the screen, holding the phone up at the screen "I can't see anything." Stark laughs "Flip the camera!" Nat gets up and helps me "Maybe… I don't know, I'm getting some memories back, but you know that's not easy." "Would a name help?" "Yeah." I turn to the twins "What was her name again?" Wanda replies "Fate." "Fate, Buck." He swears "Why are you showing me a photograph of her?" I turn the screen back to me "We think she's HYDRA." "Course she is, she's my kid. She's the one you fought on the helicarrier."

It is her. But how does this work then?

I look to Sam, who has his mouth open slightly "She's our soulmate!?" An argument breaks out between Sam, Pietro, Wanda and Barton. After a few minutes, Thor, Stark and I manage to break them apart. I explain "In 2014 Sam and I came across a HYDRA Agent, who was trying to stop us from replacing the tracking chips. I felt it, she was our soulmate." Sam nods "I felt it too and you can't say it was someone else, because when I first fought her, we were the only two in that part of the helicarrier." Everyone's silent for a moment, then Fury speaks "This is a very personal question, but it looks like it's necessary. Cap, Barton, Maximoff, Wilson, we need to see your soulmarks." I go first and remove the top half of my suit, revealing a brown wing and a red HYDRA symbol, Sam goes next, revealing a white star and a red HYDRA symbol. Pietro and Barton look at each other, at the same time they remove their shirts, Pietro has a black arrow and Barton has a set of white footprints, but they both have a red HYDRA symbol.

How can all four of us have the same soulmate, but not be soulmates with each other?

Thor breaks the silence "I have that symbol too." "Me too." "Me as well." "I also have it." The only people who in this room don't have the HYDRA symbol, are Fury, Rhodes, Wanda and Vision, the rest of us do. Buck, who I forgot to end the call with, yells "YOU'RE ALL SOULMATES WITH MY DAUGHTER!?" Stark awkwardly laughs "Well, 8 of us are." I put my phone on the table. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice someone move, I look to the side to see the see-through door, but no person.

Was someone listening in?

As everyone discusses and vow to protect her from everyone at all costs, I sneak out of the room. I see a figure hurry around the corner at the end of the corridor, so I jog that way. At the end of the corridor, I peer round the corner to see an Agent walking into the infirmary, I silently follow him. When I get to the doorway, I slip into the large room, the Agent grabs a Nurse around the neck and squeezes until she passed out. I don't move, not wanting to give away my position just yet. The only people in the room are this Agent, myself, the unconscious Nurse, Fate or whoever she, is laying on a bed and a Doctor leaning over her. I'm just out of the distance to possibly feel a connection. The Agent attacks the Doctor and knocks him unconscious, he then approaches the woman "We need to get out of here now." "Why? What's going on?" "They know who you are, your cover is blown." "Forget the cover, I don't care anymore." "What?" "What I did out there, it wasn't because I was ordered to, it was because… I couldn't just let my soulmates die." "You've gone soft." "I've started remembering things, things from before Sokovia. I know who I am and I don't wanna be her anymore." I smile.

I couldn't ask for a better response.

"You're coming with me. Now." "I'm not. I'm done, Goodall. Get lost." He pulls out a gun and I run full speed at him, I tackle him to the ground and hold him down "Don't you dare aim a gun at my soulmate!" I click my earpiece "Nick, Barton, Sam, infirmary. Right now." I get an immediate response "We're all coming if it's regarding Rebecca, I mean Fate, I'm mean- Whoever she is!" "No. We'll discuss this after." When the door to the infirmary opens, they rush over, Barton goes straight to the woman, Sam and Nick come straight to me "What happened?" "This man knows HYDRA and was about to shoot her for not returning with him, for siding with us." Nick arrests the Agent. Sam and I look at the woman Barton is lent over her "You okay?" "Yeah, thanks to the Captain." Barton nods for me to come over, I step into her view "Thank you. I know Goodall, he wouldn't have hesitated to pull that trigger, you saved my life." "You're welcome, Ma'am. We haven't formally introduced ourselves, I'm Steve Rogers and this-" I put a hand in Sam's shoulder "-Is my soulmate, Sam." "I sort of remember you."

Sort of?

Barton speaks "What do you mean, babe?" "In Sokovia, they did something to my mind, I couldn't remember anything before arriving there. But I've started remembering things the past few days, little bits at a time." I smile "Don't worry, with time you'll remember everything, Buck's in the same situation, he's recovering his memory." "Buck? Who's that?" "Your father." Her eyes widen "Uh, I don't remember that far back." "Oh. Well, it'll come back." We leave her to rest and head back to the others, we explain what just happened. Nick decides she will stay with S.H.I.E.L.D until she's recovered from her injuries, then she'll come to our new facility. There's a lot of arguing, but he doesn't give us a choice.

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