𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 [𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩...

By -peterpcrker

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Madison Stark is the daughter of a billionaire. That billionaire being Tony Stark. She is the carbon copy of... More

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫
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𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲

4.4K 109 13
By -peterpcrker

"I cannot believe that you used me as an excuse!" Madison yelled as she playfully shoved Peter away from her.

Tony was laughing his head off while Peter tried to defend himself, "It wasn't my brightest moment, okay?"

"He also tried to tell me that we 'let him take on Captain America'," Tony said through his laughter.

Madison gave Peter a death glare, and in that one look she knew that Peter knew that he messed up. However, she also knew that he didn't know that she was only joking with him and didn't mean it in the slightest.

"Wait, wait," Madison said, holding up a hand, "You mean to tell me that Peter, my boyfriend and your intern, said that we let him take on Steve."

"Crazy right? The kid isn't the brightest when it comes to that," Tony replied, shooting Peter a wink.

Peter then crossed his arms, "Okay, it wasn't the best thing I should've said. I just wanted to prove myself."

"And yet when you did, you turned me down," Tony countered, still laughing at the whole entire situation.

"Which I'm glad he did," Madison cut in, "Because I don't want him signing the Accords."

"And why not?" Peter questioned, tilting his head to the side.

The girl gave her boyfriend another look before responding, "Because I think having one teenagers name on it is enough."

"The world doesn't even know your Venus though," Peter argued.

"Doesn't matter. The government does," Tony stated, "And she's right. I don't need to have two kids putting their life on the line. I barely let Madison do it."

Madison then rolled her eyes, "Number one, I help save the world. Been an Avenger since I was eleven and officially came out as one when I was fourteen. Number two you can't say you don't want two kids having their names on the Accords when you asked Peter a couple of months ago to become an Avenger."

"Okay Princess," Tony huffed, "Enough with the sass, and besides, you're suspended from being an Avenger. Remember?"

"I got my suit back. Thank you very much," Madison shot back while she gave her father a big smile.

Peter then put two hands up as if he was trying to stop a fight, "Children please. I don't feel like having a fight. Because I won't be able to talk about it."

"Why?" Tony asked, now confused by what Peter had said.

"Because, what happens in Fight Club..." Peter started.

"Stays in Fight Club," Madison finished, giving another smile and high fiving Peter.

Madison's father then shook his head as he rolled his eyes in annoyance. Then both of the teenagers started laughing. Madison knew that her dad hated it when they made references to movies or shows. Over the past for months that they had been dating, Peter and Madison had watched many movies together, and now they just constantly quoted them. At first Tony thought it was funny, but now he would get annoyed. But deep down Madison knew her father loved it.

"Oh why the long face, Dad," Madison giggled, "I know for a fact you've seen Fight Club."

Tony let out a long sigh, "I'm just disappointed in myself that I didn't see that coming. Again."

Just then a phone started to ring. All three of the people sitting in the living room looked at one another to find out who's phone it was. And sure enough, it was Peter's. He took his phone out of his pocket and looked at who was calling him.

"It's May," Peter stated as he answered the call and put the phone to his ear, "Hello?"

Madison could hear muffled talking on the other end of the phone, but she couldn't make out what May was saying. A few seconds went by and then Peter responding with, "Okay, I'm on my way."

He then hung up the phone and gave a look to Madison and Tony, "I gotta get home, May wants me to help her with some new recipe."

"Okay then, I'll walk you out," Madison replied, standing up and looking at Peter as he copied her motions.

Tony let out a small laugh, "Try not to burn down the house, Mr. Parker."

"Of course. By Mr. Stark," Peter said as he walked out of the room, following Madison.

Madison grabbed Peter's hand as they made their way through the Avengers Facility. It was a long walk, but then again, the place was huge. However, the walk wasn't long enough, because soon they were standing at the front door.

Once the door was open, Madison leaned against to doorframe as she watch Peter step outside. He walked down a few steps and then stopped; he turned around and gave Madison a smile.

"I almost forgot," Peter stated as he jogged back up the steps. And then in a second he was standing in front of Madison.

Peter leaned in and gave Madison a quick but sweet kiss. When he pulled away Madison gave a smile, "Don't die on me while you're gone."

"I would never," Peter laughed as he walked back down the steps and to the black car waiting for him.

Once he was in the car he rolled down the window and yelled, "I'll call you later, Sunshine."

"You better, or I'll have to light a fire under you," Madison replied, "Literally."

"Hmm, You could do that just with your looks," Peter grinned, proud of himself for slipping in the complement.

Madison crossed her arms, and with one of her hands she started to use the wind to mess with Peter's hair. It took a few seconds, but then he caught onto what she was doing.

Peter began to laugh and shake his head, "Maddie, one of these days you are going to scare me to death by doing that when I'm not looking at that beautiful face of yours."

"Get out," Madison scoffed, "May needs you home, so tell the driver to do his job and drive."

"Okay, okay. But I will call you later," Peter replied, sending Madison another smile.

The girl leaned her head against the doorframe, "Okay, Babe. Just don't forget about me."

"I would never," Peter repeated, rolling up the window.

The car then began to drive off and Madison watched as it drove away until she could no longer see it anymore. After a few minutes, the girl then turned around to walk back inside.

But then her brain felt as if it was on fire.

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