Ravenwolf's Rose

By imaginflowers

505K 25.5K 981

Hazel Rose is a talented painter making her way into the art world. But one fated encounter leads her to beco... More

A Fated Encounter
An Artist
3 Weeks
The Funeral
His Challenge
To Be The Best
Time Crunch
All Nighter
His Body Against Mine
Up Close And Personal
Dress To Impress
A Centimetre Away From You
Unexpected Reunion
Where There's Smoke There's Fire
If Anger Had A Metre...
The Rich Women's Yoga Club
In His Arms Again...
The Secrets We Hold
Unintentional Contact...
Bringing Us Together...
Taking A Chance, Making A Change
Danger Ahead
If I Could Protect You...
Where It Hurts Us The Most
You Are A Light In Our Darkness
By Her Side
Here For You
Honesty, The Heart's Best Medicine
Resting, Impossible
Naked & Exposed
Warmth Of His Body
Close To This...
Reaching Out To You
Not Together, But Together?
A Wild Ride
His Change Of Pace
Because of You
Thinking Of You
Shopping Date
Sweet Connection...
Shattered Roses
His Broken Heart
The Consequences of Getting Close To You
Like Cinderella
Charity Ball
A Rival Appears?!
Shall We Dance?
When It Was Less Complicated?
A Slap To The Face
It Can Happen To Anyone Of Us
Love Like A Merry Go-Round
A Warm Embrace
Sizzling Chemistry
Will This End Well Too?
Tension On Set
Hazel Rose: Model?
This Feeling In My Heart...
'Perfect Match'
Halloween Nightmare
I Don't Want You To Get Hurt...
When Will There Be Answers?
Your Body, My Body
Close To You
I Want To See You Again- Kai's POV
Dangerously Obsessive Love
This Is Love- Kai's POV
Fighting For Her Life
Unlikely Knight In Shining Armor
Far Far Away On A Tropical Island...
Kai and I... Alone Together In The Bahamas?!
This Lingering Hot Kiss
Falling In Love
Falling Down The Rabbit Hole
The Best Present In The World
Overnight At The Hot Springs...
The Fire In Your Gaze...
A Secret Revealed... Just Who Are You Really?
You Are Loved
Another Accident...
Courage To Love
A Tender Heart
The Truth Hurts
Luca's Confession & Kai's Apology...
Only Time Will Tell
Rendezvous to Where?!
I Love You
When Two Hearts Finally Meet
Fear Of Change
Bitter/Sweet Memories
Hazel's Past Revealed...
Facing The Future, Together
Where Do We Go Next?
Heightened Emotions
Always There For You
For The Sake Of Your Smile
A Small Cloud In My Heart
Loving You...
A Promise To Love
Ravenwolf's Rose
EXTRA: Ravenwolf's Rose Age Chart + Q&A

Our Tension

4.2K 216 3
By imaginflowers

When I got home later in the afternoon I told Mackenzie that we would have this dinner tomorrow night around 7pm. When I had got confirmation from Nathan that Kai would be home by 6pm, I knew it could work itself out.

James and Charlie would be home too... it seemed like it would work out perfectly... I didn't intend to exclude Cassandra and Gerald, but I hardly spoke with them, and Mackenzie said she wanted to spend more time with her cousins...

So on the day of she was eager to help me and Edna with all the arrangements. Setting the table, helping us cook in the kitchen, doing some dusting and cleaning together... Charlie came downstairs a little earlier to help out a little as well. James told me he was almost home. It was about 6:30pm now...

I was getting a little worried about Kai.

"Edna... do you think he might be busy again?" she shook her head. I then looked at my phone and saw that there was a message from Nathan. He said that Kai was still doing work in his office. He wasn't leaving his spot... I didn't know why...

So I decided to take charge and head out to the office to meet him. When the driver took me to Ravenwolf Co., I stepped out into the familiar grounds in front of the large building and walked towards the front entrance....

When I walked from the elevator and towards Kai's office, I couldn't help but feel a little anxious. When I got to the door, I paused. My hand on the doorknob, hesitating. I then turned it, only to find him glued to some documents at his desk. He didn't notice my presence immediately...

When I got closer to his desk he looked up a little unsure as to why I was there, and then looked down at his laptop.

"Nathan told me that you were busy working..." he nodded as I approached him...

"Why are you here?" he asked while slowly lifting up his head again.

"I just wanted to get your family together for one dinner... can't you be flexible for just this once?" that seemed to anger him. He stood up. He placed his hands on his desk. I saw his jacket tense and sink into his toned arms.

"Miss. Rose... you... do not have the right to decide my schedule."

"I wasn't intending on... it's just dinner..." that seemed to upset him more. He stood up and faced me. Before I knew it, my body had gravitated to the side of his chair. I stepped back once he turned towards me.

"It's not your place to decide when my family gets together."

"Why are you being like this? Mackenzie just wants to get to know you guys a little better and you-"

"Perhaps, but this is too sudden."

"Sudden? She's almost 13 years old... how much longer will she have to wait?" his eyes seared into mine. I couldn't look away.

"We don't have to time to play house."

"What are you talking about? This isn't a game. This was just something for you to spend time with--"

"Enough..." he turned away from me preparing to sit back down again. But I hadn't had enough. This was ridiculous.

"If I wasn't arranging this... how would you get together? Besides, if there was more sincerity behind your reasoning for being busy then maybe I would have backed off. But you just don't want to make the time. People who want to spend time with their loved ones make time for them because they care about them."

"I just said that I had enough, and now you're over-stepping."

"What did I do that was so wrong? Why are you getting this angry at me? This obviously isn't about--"

"Enough Miss. Rose, I'm going to have to ask you to leave or I'll have security escort you off the premises..."

I couldn't believe this guy. He was mostly hard to read and sometimes even when I thought I saw a glimpse of his humanity he darkened it immediately. I didn't want to like him, but there was a part of me that wanted to tear down his walls so that he could see that I didn't want to hurt him. That I didn't want to destroy Ravenwolf or his family.

When I felt like I had sincerely gained some strides with this guy, he pushed me back... I turned away from him without speaking and walked out of his office. I couldn't bare turning around to see his expression.

When I got to the elevator I held my hand to my chest. My cheeks were flushed. It was embarrassing, but more than that, it hurt...

When I stepped inside the elevator and pressed the button to go back downstairs, a hand reached into the closing doors and when I looked up I was surprised to see...

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