Wings of Fire Tribes

By 0neLuckyPenny

9.8K 166 220

These are 7 tribes of a whole other continent. Like Pyrrhia and Pantala, this island has its own tribes. Welc... More

ForestWing Names
GhostWing Names
PastelWing Names
FireWing Names
StoneWing Names
BreezeWing Names
SwampWing Names


1.3K 20 33
By 0neLuckyPenny

Name: ForestWing

Diet: Omnivorous; berries, pinecones, small forest critters (foxes, mice, birds, etc.), can even eat the bark of trees

Average lifespan: can live up to 200 years

Scale color(s): Shades of leaves in autumn/summer (scarlet, golden, orange, brown, green); also have fur that can vary in those colors as well

Eye color(S): Usually dark green

Horns/spikes/claws: Always dark gray; swirling horns like a ram's that jut out from top of head, but curve down to the sides of their faces; fur/ruff that streaks down from top of head to tail-tip (like SandWings); extremely sharp claws (as sharp as the stingers of bees)

Body shape: Long, narrow bodies used for weaving around trees, skinny ears (like IceWings), are actually very small (the size of a Kodiak bear) compared to other tribes

Other appearance details: Fur behind jawbone, armpits, occasionally around ankles, lining wing bone, and on tail-tip (like a lion's)

Abilities: Can contort their bodies to form the shape of a log (if they have the right scale colors); easily blend into trees; sharp hearing, strong night-vision

Special abilities: -

Strengths: know the forest better than any other tribe; many traps scattered around the forest that they set and only they know where the traps are, can be very strong despite their smaller sizes, immune to poisonous berries/plants

Weaknesses: cannot swim/breathe fire, usually are better at fleeing than fighting (which is why they set traps to do their work)

Kingdom's name: Kingdom of the Forest

Kingdom's location: in a massive forest that takes up at least 1/5 of Kasai

Palace(s): Redwood Palace - a palace made out of redwood; an unknown location inside the territory (only ForestWings know); heavily guarded

Other buildings: dens often dug in the ground below trees (like rabbit holes); holes in the sides of trees (like owl holes)

Ranks/Occupations: Soldier/Guard, wood collector, hunter, trap-setter, librarian, teacher, king (only one), queen (only one)

Tribe relationships: life-long relationships, usually have 1-4 dragonets, social with each other

Relationships towards other tribes: distant, aloof; they usually prefer to spend time with their own tribe rather than mingle with other tribes; are often always in the forest so they rarely speak with the other tribes

Attitude towards dragons with special abilities: they have no dragons with special abilities, so they technically don't care

Attitude towards hybrids: considered as a betrayal; hybrids are often banished from the tribe immediately

Eggs: there tend to be 1-4 eggs, 1 egg at a time, always shades of dusty brown (color of old mulch), kept with families, usually take around 9 months before hatching

Dragonets: tend to go to school at the age of 1, can also be homeschooled, usually enjoy socializing and playing with one another

Other culture details: can speak their own language (they call it Language of the Forest); sometimes keep wolves/owls as pets

History: ForestWings were the mysterious tribe of Kasai (like NightWings) until the GhostWings showed up. They are one of the original tribes of Kasai and used to be greatly respected. Unfortunately, as the years went on, they developed a tendency to become more aloof and stopped branching out to meet the other tribes. Now, they are usually forgotten about.

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