PACK LIFE - Ride Or Die - Com...

By Heva29

36.6K 1K 169

She's been told she's cold. Heartless. Without a conscience. With certain people that's true. But that isn'... More

Authors Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 - Epilogue

Chapter 1 - Loxley

2.1K 47 2
By Heva29

I stand in a dark corner of the warehouse where tonights fights are happening.

I can hear people making bets, heckling the fighters in the cage, or just going about their business.

You might wonder why I'm standing in a dark corner instead of joining the fray? Well that's easy. The smell!

You see I'm a werewolf! No one from the gang knows this. They're all human.

My sense of smell is very strong, but I don't only smell normal scents, I can smell peoples feelings too.

But only the really strong feelings, such as fear, lust and greed.

Maybe I could smell the better emotions too but I haven't come across any yet so can't be sure.

I'm 18 tomorrow! Finally old enough to get the fuck out of this town and this gang.

Being part of the Celts has been amazing. I mean I love it, I'm a damn good soldier, but since Peter died 4 months ago, the gangs been going to shit!

Our new leader Marcus, has shit for brains. All he cares about is his own power and wealth. And trying to fuck every woman he can get his hands on.

He's been trying to fuck me since Peter died, but I've been able to stay out of his clutches so far. I think the only reason he hasn't pushed harder is because he's scared of me somewhat.

As he should be. I can tear him apart without blinking. I really should just kill him but the majority of the Celts voted him as leader, and I don't want to kill them all.

As I'm standing in my corner I hear the announcer call out my name. My turn to fight. Good. Thinking of Marcus has pissed me off.

I walk soundlessly out of the shadows and see a few people gasp or jerk in surprise.

Some people are so blind to their surroundings.

I've got my blank expression on my face as I walk towards the cage. I don't ever show my emotions. I know my blank face throws off my opponents.

Peter taught me from a young age to never show others what you're thinking or feeling.

Man I missed him. He was the closest thing to a parent that I remember ever having.

Peter found me in the woods while he was hunting. I was 6 years old.

I had been with a group of wolves when we got separated. I wasn't too upset by it. I knew they were bad wolves. Rogues. Packless. But with no idea from where I came from, or where to go, I hadn't tried to escape.

Wolves start training as soon as they can walk. I have hazy memories of people from when I  was younger, but they're not clear.

The rogues were very thorough with my training. At 6 years of age I was already quite deadly.

Wolves are stronger than humans. We're faster and have better reflexes too. It might seem unfair to fight with those odds but lifes unfair so I really don't give a shit.

Nobody knows I'm a wolf. Not even Peter ever knew. I was able to hide for my first shift which is the hardest and I've been able to get away every full moon since.

I shifted for the first time at the age of 12. That first shift was the only time that I wished I was back with the rogues.

I made it to the cage and walked in to cheers, boos and laughter.

The laughter was from the guy standing across me. My opponent. Marcus himself. I almost grinned.

But I didn't. I kept my expression disinterested. I stared at him blank faced. Not commenting. I saw him swallow nervously.

"I can't fight her! She's one of my people!" says Marcus.

I hear a bunch of boo's coming from the crowd. I stay still. Just watching him. I can smell his fear. Good.

The refs are arguing with Marcus about the fight when a big guy from a rival gang stands up and strips off his top. His name is Ian!

Mmmm, yummy! But still I show no reaction.

"Let the coward sit this fight out, I'll take on the doll!" shouts Ian.

He leers at me, practically eye fucking me where I stood. I wasn't fussed. I'm fucking hot.

Peter always said when I smiled I looked like an angel. I'm dark haired and blue eyed, with a fit and tan body.

Too bad for these guys I don't smile at just anyone. I didn't react to Ians taunt. I just turned and faced Marcus to see his reaction to the insult.

He was red in the face and I could see his fists clenched tightly, but I knew he would sit this fight out.

"I'm not scared of fighting her, I just don't want to hurt one of my people. But I hope she breaks a few of your bones. We owe you one for Peter!" sneers Marcus.

Ian didn't kill Peter, but he could have aided him but chose not to. I would hurt him for that. Greatly.

I nod to Marcus in understanding. He smirks at Ian before walking out of the cage.

Ian bounces in, showboating to the crowd. I haven't moved from my spot since I got here. There's no need. I don't care what these people think of me.

The bell goes for the match to start. Ian faces me. He has a pretty good stance. But he's expending too much energy on unnecessary movements.

"Come on doll, too scared to move. You look frozen in fear there!" taunts Ian.

I raise a single brow at him, I let my eyes run over his body, checking him out. He is a fine specimen, I'll give him that, but he's cocky and vain.

Once I'm done I can see the heat in his eyes, he enjoyed me checking him out. I look back into his eyes and let him see my indifference.

He didn't like that. He moves towards me and tries to punch me.

I'm already moved and behind him as his fist swings through the air where I had just been standing.

As he's thrown off balance I kick the back of his knee and his leg collapses taking him down.

He rolls away from me immediately, swearing. I don't comment.

I notice the warehouse has gone quiet. Everyone shocked at how fast I moved. If only they knew that I was barely trying.

Ian comes at me again, and again I duck away. He's getting faster but sloppy. I'm just tiring him out now.

The crowd too is getting frustrated, either heckling Ian about not being able to land a hit on a girl, or heckling me about not even trying to hit Ian.

"Finish this already Lox!" Marcus shouts.

I don't want to listen to him but until I leave I have to make it seem like I'm loyal to him.

When Ian comes for a right hook, instead of dodging away I dodge under his swing and punch him in his ribs.

The sound of his ribs cracking is so loud that the crowd quiets. I think I might have taken out his whole right side.

Ian freezes for a second, then his eyes roll back and he faints, falling back with a thud.

"Hell yeah! That's my girl right there!" Marcus fist pumps.

Say what now?!? No fucking way!

I just give him the dead eye but don't comment. He grins at me like he's the one who knocked Ian out. This fucker is delusional!

Ians being moved out of the cage as I watch. When he's out, I move to collect my money. Once I have I turn and see Marcus coming towards me.

"Babe, you were badass up there!"

Babe? Uuhhhh NO!

Marcus pulls me into his arms and hugs me. I'm not a hugger in general, but I have NEVER hugged Marcus.

I keep my arms to my sides refusing to hug him back. He puts a hand on the back of my head and kisses me.

Now, I know I can kill him easily, it'll be even easier to push him away, but we have a crowd watching and I want to keep a low profile so it'll be easy to disappear.

I let him mash his lips on mine for a second. Refusing to kiss back or to open my mouth.

When he pulled on my hair roughly, I had enough. Making it look like I was getting freaky with him, I placed my hand on his crotch.

The dumbass moaned in pleasure, that is until I started squeezing harder. He tried to move away but I quite literally had him by the balls. Calmly I explained the situation to him,

"I am not your girl Marcus. You may not hug me. You may not kiss me. If you ever look at me with a lustful thought again, I will cut your balls out and serve them to you for dinner. Literally. Do we understand each other!"

Marcus was in so much pain he wasn't able to speak. I had kept my cool and my blank face during the whole conversation. No-one was aware of anything amiss.

I nod at him and let him go. He moves away from me so fast he almost trips over a couple that were walking behind us.

I keep my eyes on Marcus as he regains his composure. He's watching me like I'm a cobra, ready to strike.

"We all good here Marcus?!"

I see his face redden. He walks closer to me, but just out of reach. At least for a human. I could reach him if I wanted to.

"You're not fucking normal Lox. You're dead inside. I don't trust you. You're 18 tomorrow. No longer our responsibility. I want you out of the Celts! Got it!?" he hisses at me.

Really!?! He was giving me my out! YES! Now my mates in the gang won't feel like I betrayed them.

I let a small frown show on my face, just for a second, then wiped my expression clear again. I knew Marcus would see it though. He was watching me like a hawk after his declaration. He needed to think I was upset by what he decreed.

"Sure Marcus! Whatever. I'll be gone before lunch."

He nods with a smug look on his stupid face.

I leave him in the warehouse with some of our other members and head back to the gang house.

Once I get there I go straight for a shower. After I'm done, I dress and  finish packing my things.

I want to be gone before Marcus comes to his senses and tells me to stay.

I don't have a huge amount. We move houses often to stay off the cops radar. It's easier to travel light.

Then I write some notes to key players in the gang and let them know what happened tonight.

Why not cause Marcus some grief before I go. Most of the other members are going to be pissed that he kicked me out.

I finish delivering my notes and head to the garage and hop on my bike. It's my pride and joy.

Other than my essential needs, I don't spend much money. I have quite the nest egg saved. But I splurged big on my bike.

The moment I saw it, I fell in love with it. A Suzuki Hayabusa.

The sound of her motor roaring to life can get me more turned on than most men. I named her Suzy.

Yes. I named my bike and labeled it as female. Get over it.

I strapped my things down, get Suzy roaring and left the Celts gang house and everyone from that world behind.

I'm not claiming to go straight. I don't have the temperament to pretend to be good.

Not that I'm a bad person. I love animals. I have a major soft spot for them. And I'm compassionate.

Sometimes. Lol.

See, I can be funny. I just don't like stupid people. And 99% of people I come across are shit for brains stupid!

I have no real destination in mind. I'm just following my gut, and my gut is saying to get as far as possible from Marcus before I do something that'll out me as not human. 

As the wind picks up the faster I go, I can finally feel myself relaxing for the first time in years.

It's hard hiding who you are all the time. Maybe I'll find some wolves wherever I end up.

The thought excites me and causes trepidation. After all, I am technically a rogue.

Oh well, what's going to happen will happen. No use stressing.

And with that calming thought I grinned widely behind my helmet and continued on my way.

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