Quotes And Poems

By charms_of_ink

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Evil People

208 45 100
By charms_of_ink

Assalamu alaikum,

When you go through pain,
You get to see people's true face..

They aren't the same as I assumed them to be..


Humans are great at acting.
Some make us believe that they are who they show them to be, But is it true?

They will be good with us as long as they can benefit from us and once they know we have expired, meaning we can't help them anymore, they will throw us in the bin because we no longer will bring them any benefit and slowly their real face will be shown to the world..
True, isn't It??

But remember they will come back to us when we grow once again and when they feel they need our help.
We need to help them because we cant be selfish But think did they help us when we was in need?
No, so be in your limits and help them.

18 things evil people do.
1) They enjoy watching other people in pain.

2) They need to control everything.

3) They hide their true selves( but remember lies never go unnoticed).

4) They leave you with a weird feeling whenever you are around (remember, don't ignore your gut instincts about people. You are usually right).

5) They manipulate everyone and everything.

6) They show no remorse.

7) They are mean to others.

8) They don't take responsibility for their action.

9) They come with a reputation.

10) They only come around when they need something (anyone, who has faced this?).

11) They laugh at the misfortune of others.

12) You get a strange vibe from them (Sometimes, you'll feel that you don't want to be around someone without really knowing why?).

13) They are mean to animals.

14) They think it's funny when they insult you (Note: most people do this, this could hurt someone even though it is funny for you so never do that)

15) Evil people lie a lot.

16) They make people feel stupid.

17) They don't know what guilt is.

18) Evil people will never understand other's feelings.

But there are ways to deal with them as well..

How to deal with them.
Source: Internet.

1) Set limits.

2) Don't die in a fight (meaning: When you are arguing with them don't get emotional, stay calm and collected and realize that they are evil and not you)

3) Rise above and don't get sucked in (meaning: When their behaviour has no logical reason to It, why do you get yourself sucked into It? Get away from them emotionally, you don't need to respond).

4) Stay aware of your emotions.

5) Don't let anyone limit your joy ( Be happy and enjoy your life. Don't let someone who is irrational and evil ruin your day).

6) Focus on solutions, not problems.

In the End, Stay away from Evil people and enjoy your life peacefully because they don't deserve your tears, so why waste It?
Smile ☺

Think positive and be with the ones who loves you truly.

If you have done something wrong throw away your ego and Apologise.

Keep shining always

Assalamu alaikum,
What do you think of this long essay and the quotes??

Did I go out of the topic or was it good and worth reading??

Keep smiling...

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