Stay With Me - A Clato Hunger...

By RedWritingHood

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A backstory on the infamous career tributes of District 2. How did they really get into the Games? What is it... More

Stay With Me - A Clato Hunger Games FanFic
Chapter 2~ The Date
Chapter 3 ~ Finally
Chapter 4~ Perfect
Chapter 5~ Daddy
Chapter 6 ~ Ria
Chapter 7~ Nightmares
Chapter 8~ Who Did It?
Chapter 9~ Aftermath
Chapter 10~ Reaping
Chapter 11~ Forgiven
Chapter 12~ The Capitol
Chapter 13~ The Parade
Chapter 14~ Establishing Intimidation
Private Session
Telling Them
Let's Do This
New Guy
Stay With Me, Please
Epilogue- Cato's POV
Avenging Her


4.2K 108 5
By RedWritingHood

Chapter 15~

The following day of training continued in much the same way as the first. I act friendly towards Marvel, and barely tolerate Glimmer. She continues to flirt with Cato, obviously ignoring my warning from yesterday. I try my hardest to be polite when it’s necessary, after all, we are going to be in an alliance with them. Although I put up with them, I certainly don’t go out of my way to be nice. I mostly ignore them and just throw knives. Every time the blade leaves my hand, whizzing towards a dummy, I picture Glimmer. I cannot wait to enter the arena and be rid of her. At the end of the day, I practically run to the elevator.

When Cato and I enter our suite, we find we are alone. Hmm, I wonder where everyone is. Cato takes advantage of the opportunity and pulls me towards him. He gets one kiss, before I shove him away playfully. “Hey! What was that for?” he asks, I guess I shocked him. “You don’t get any kisses when you smell, and your shirt is soaked with sweat. Maybe later,” I say, turning and walking towards my room, ready for a long shower. “Oh, no you don’t,” I hear, before I’m completely surrounded in a sweat-drenched hug. “Ugghh! Gross!” I exclaim, but I don’t think he hears me. He is laughing maniacally, and it’s causing my whole body to shake. I struggle to free myself, and he finally relinquishes his hold on me. I look down at myself, and I’m just as sweaty as him. Granted, most of it isn’t mine, but that just makes it all the more disgusting. I make a sound of fake agitation. “Ha ha, you got me,” I say. “Aww, don’t be like that, you know you loved it,” he grins. “Fine, I loved it, can I go now?” I whine. “Nope, not yet.” I give him a confused look, before he crushes my body to his. Apparently he was determined to get that kiss, his arms are twined around my body so tightly, I couldn’t get away if I wanted to. Not that I want to, quite honestly, I would have given him a kiss anyway, I just like teasing him. Then I realize my feet are dangling in the air. I never realized the immense height difference, I guess, since he usually leans down to me. After what seems like an eternity, we break apart, but we don’t separate. We just stand there, wrapped in each other’s arms. Cato props his forehead against mine, and I stare into his eyes, focusing on how perfect they are. They are a clear, crystal blue, and I feel like they can see right through me, like they can see into my very soul. I am quite content to hang there in silence forever, but then he speaks, breaking the quiet, “You know we’re going to be fine, right? I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise. We are both getting out of this, and we’ll go home to Two. We’ll get married, and live in the Victor’s Village together. I love you, and I will do everything in my power to protect you.” He releases one of his hands from around my back, and reaches up to brush away the tears that I didn’t realize were there. “I know,” is all I can manage. He finally sets me down, and turns to go to his room.

I spend an unnaturally long time in the shower, thinking. I thought about tomorrow’s performance for the Gamemkers. I am still torn about what to do for them. I know I’ll be showing off my knife skills, but what else? Should I throw some acrobatic movements into my throws? That would definitely get their attention. Decided on my plan, I exit the shower and throw on some clothes.

When I make my way into the living room, I see everyone sitting at the dining table. I go over and flop down in the chair next to Cato. Everyone looks up at me. “What’s going on?” I ask tentatively. “We were just discussing the plans for tomorrow,” Arennia says as I help myself to dinner. “Oh? And what have you decided?” I ask. “Cato is going to behead a few dummies, and throw some spears from lengthy distances. Have you thought about what you’ll do?” “Yeah, I just figure I’ll throw some knives, and when I’m winding up, I’ll do a few flips and cartwheels.” She nods, “Excellent, then we’re settled. They’ll come during lunch and take you from the training center. One will go first, and you will go after. Be sure to get lots of rest tonight, and I will see you all in the morning.” She stands and makes her exit, leaving us sitting there. Lolatrix jumps in, “She does that a lot, she’s a very intense woman. You’ll have to excuse her behavior, she’s seen and done a lot in her time,” she smiles, but it’s clear that it’s only for our benefit. I remember what she mumbled the day of the Reaping, and I gather she doesn’t like Arennia very much.

I zone out and focus on my food, planning my strategy for tomorrow. I am only vaguely aware of Lolatrix still talking. When I feel I have sat there long enough, I excuse myself. I am exhausted, and I fall into bed without a second thought.

The next morning, I am awoken bright and early by Lolatrix. She rushes me out of bed and into the bathroom. I can hear her tapping her foot impatiently outside the door. I quickly get ready and then she ushers me into the dining room for a hurried breakfast. Then Cato joins us and we make our way down to the training center. We train hard and fast all morning, ignoring everyone but Marvel and Glimmer. We even take some time to go to the berry station, and the knot station. We want all of our bases covered, since this is our last training day. At lunch, Cato and I sit with Glimmer and Marvel, as usual. Even though we all act normal, there is still a distinct air of jitters. I can tell we’re all getting anxious about our private sessions. I just want to get this over with. When Marvel is called, everyone jumps. We wish him good luck, and off he goes. Ten minutes later Glimmer is called, and after that, Cato. I so desperately want to give him a good luck kiss, but under the circumstances, I refrain, sticking with a simple smile.

When I hear my name, my hands immediately start sweating. I panic, thinking I can’t grip the knives like this. I start giving myself an arrogant pep talk, telling myself how great I am, how easy this is.  I can do this. I stroll down the hallway and into the room with my head held high.

~A/N~Just realized how close Watty Awards are! I've entered the special awards for Best Jawdrop Scene! Everyone go to the feedback page, then Special Awards nominees, and nominate the scene where she finds out Cato is the killer. The scene that I left you guys all hanging! Okay, VOTE VOTE VOTE! ~Jordy

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