eve and the servamp (editing...

By bloomingnymph

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KUROxREADER walking down the street lead her to cross paths with a black cat, who is also a vampire. trouble... More

1. Kuro the Cat (story in the process of being edited!)
2. the contract
3. the wanted servamp
4. your lead
5. unexpected meeting
6. productive day
7. greed pair
8. closure
9. the outfit
10. meeting time
11. the spark
12. returning past
13. choice
14. kuro's choice
15. mikuni's way
17. it's time
18. emotions

16. HER way

786 29 3
By bloomingnymph

Mikuni's visit really threw you off the following day. You sat back in your couch and picked up your phone. You had the number the blonde gave you yesterday in your hands waiting to find the right words to tell him. You wondered if Misono sent his older brother to find a way to convince you to let go of the contract you had with Kuro.
Who can I trust?

Your eyes wandered as they met the sleeping black cat next to you. You thought to yourself if Kuro had any intentions to break the contract but it didn't seem like it.
Is he that lazy that he doesn't even want to go through the process of it all or is it genuine?

Kuro was the only person you trusted completely so far. And it's not because you wanted to be distrustful towards everyone else, but you couldn't understand why on a deeper level, you didn't want to break the contract with him knowing the risks of not doing so.

You pressed the buttons on your phone and called Mikuni, he answered quite quickly.
"Ahh f/n did you finally decide to accept my help?! I knew you would call-"

"Sorry Mikuni i will not!" You interrupted him mid-sentence before wasting more of his breath.
"I'm not so sure if I can trust you" you firmly added

As you expected from him, he went on and on about the consequences if you didn't accept his help. You were curious about how much he knew about you but you were still distrusting.
At the end, you just accepted the choice you made and hung up.

About 5 minutes later, you made your way to your room to get ready for the day. You were some steps near your door but the sound of breaking glass had you running back to your living room.
You were greeted by a mean-looking lady with purple hair. On the side of her hip, she was carrying none other than Mikuni.
"Hi" he waved with a sweat drop coming down his forehead.

"Uhm I have a door and a doorbell!" You yelled pointing at the entrance to your apartment. Was it necessary to make such an entrance and break your slide door of the balcony made of glass?
"Who are you?" You questioned the purple-hair lady.

"I am the mother, Freyja, also known as the Servamp of Wrath. And I came here to talk to you since this idiot here did a poor job." She let him go and he fell on the ground.
"Owwwie" he faked cry.

Normally at this point, you would be annoyed of people coming to disturb your peace to try and convince you once again. However, this lady was giving you a complete different vibe. You felt intrigued to her and curiosity arose.
Kuro, Freyja, Mikuni and you sat at your kitchen table. You offered everyone a cup of coffee and sat down to have this talk.

"You see f/n, Mikuni here is a recovering sociopath, he isn't quite there yet though so you're gonna have to excuse him for now."

"Hey thats mean!!" He added which resulted of a fearsome look in her face for interrupting her.
You nervously chuckled. At the same time it was a bit funny to you that yesterday Mikuni was taking to you in an intimidating manner but that was absent now.

"Unfiltered as ever, sis." Kuro added letting out a big yawn. His morning nap was interrupted quite rudely.

"Anyway, dont interrupt me. I'm only saying this once so open your god damn ears."
She was feisty.

"Not too long ago I was imprisoned in the faculty known as C3. They were getting ready to start some experiments on me. I managed to befriend a worker and I escaped because of him. However, in my time there I manage to pick up the gossip circling around and learn quite a few things." She made a pause to take a sip of her coffee. A nerve wrecking feeling was building up in your gut, you felt you needed to get ready for what you were about to hear.

"F/n, Kuro. You two were NOT suppose to meet. Whatsoever."
You both were left confused
"Kuro c3 experimented on you, well tried to, at the same time they experimented on f/n."

"On me!??" You couldn't believe what you were hearing, how were you not aware of this?
But now you start to realize that you don't remember much about your childhood. Actually nothing at all; it was a whole black out. You followed a typical student routine and only vivid memories you have of your parents are when they distance themselves from you. You were beginning to think hard; think of those times as I child that led to that moment. It was all blank and you were never aware of it until now.
"No interrupting!" Freyja exclaimed, ironically interrupting your thoughts

"You have no memories before a certain point in your life huh?" She added fueling the panic in your mind.
You begin to question your whole life, what was a lie and what was the truth.

"How??" You asked, practically begging for answers to calm your head.

"Every bit of you was being controlled by c3, when you're vulnerable is when they kick in harshly. They paid your parents to distance themselves and sent them money to maintain you from afar." She looked at you, and you were left in disbelief.

"Sad isn't? None of you had a choice. C3 is not only very manipulative but controlling." She added setting her cup down.

"But why me? What were they doing to me??"

"Simple. You're a human. That's all they needed; a innocent human little girl." She replied.
"I'm not sure exactly what they did to you but they would give or inject all sorts of chemicals into your body, which unfortunately one did stay in your bloodstream.
Whatever shit you have in your body, it's deadly to vampires... Which so they thought."
She took another pause, it was beyond nerve wrecking at this point. It all sounded like crazy-talk!

"What do you mean "Which so they thought"?" Kuro asked.

"Are you dead?" She answered with another question.

"No." He bluntly added.

"Their first attempt was a whole failure. They want to get rid of vampires completely so they created a man-made chemical that reacted against a vampire. But it wasn't a Servamp. Kuro why do you think c3 has you on their "most wanted' list?" Mother asked firmly.

"I'm assuming it all failed because instead of killing me, it made me stronger. I feel it, just too lazy to give it much thought." Kuro didn't seem to really care about where he plays a part. But deep down, he was bothered over what you went through.
"I remember them trying to experiment on me but nothing ever worked. It was bothersome so I left."

"You're damn right."

"So what about with me? Am I just a walking garlic clove??! What about the red vision, the vivid flashbacks of my past... how do I fight against something I have no control??" You were desperate. Your whole life just seemed like a lie at this point.

"Honey, thats were you're wrong. You CAN take control back and that is why we are here." Freyja responded with a smirk and proceeded to slapping the palm of her hands on your table.
"We are gonna kick c3's ass! Instead of breaking the contract, we are gonna make you both unstoppable!"

Thank you for your time and patience of updating this story!! I'm struggling but I'm trying! Sending y'all much love ❤️ thank you for reading and commenting and faving :3

(Hi just a reminder again that I'm doing my own thing with Freyja and Mikuni so I'm apologizing again if they seem OOC)

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