Love Gap | pentagon kino ✔

By minjuuu_

25.7K 710 110

[Hingest Ranking #12 in Cube] "Yumi, I'm so so so so sorry," "Sorry for being an idol? " "Sorry for lying. So... More

Prolouge [IMPORTANT]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 [ENDING]
Epilogue [IMPORTANT]
Sorry again 😄
Tempting You

Chapter 15

723 20 4
By minjuuu_

Kino entered the dance practice room. Pentagon members surprised with Kino entering the room.

"Kino, why are you here? " Yuto asked him.

"Why? I can't come here? " Kino asked him back. He's puzzled after looking at the members' face. They looked stress. Hui walked approaching him. He tapped Kino's shoulder.

"CEO wants to meet you, " he said.

"What? Me? Really? " Kino looked at the members. They nodded.

At CEO's room.

"Kang Hyunggu. Where have you been these days? " the CEO asked Kino seriously. Kino closed his eyes, bowing.

"Is this you? " the CEO showed Kino the computer screen. There was a picture a guy in black outfit hugging a girl student. The fan could know that is Kang Kino even he wore the mask.

"What did you do? What should I say to the media about this rumor? " he raised his voice.

Kino kept looking at his shoes. He speechless. He admitted that he's wrong.

"From now on, all eyes on you. You can't go anywhere without the members and your manager. Just practice for the upcoming promotion. I'll take care of your scandal. I don't ask you to explain what happened. It just burdensome, " the CEO said in a lower voice. He tried so hard not to fight with Kino.

Kino stood up, getting ready to get out from the room.

"Wait. Please inform the members that they have to go to the salon tonight, " said the CEO.

Kino then left the room. He swallowed, he could feel the warm tears rolled on his cheeks.

I'll miss you, Kang Yumi.


Yumi, Minju and Minho laughed happily entering the class. The whole class started cheering.

"The couple is coming! " they shouted.

Yumi just smiled and take her seat with Minju. Hyeri approached them.

"What happened to you, Yumi? You look happy, " said Hyeri. Yumi and Minju smiled to  each other.

"Wait, are you really dating..Minho?" Hyeri asked again, frowning. Minju and Yumi burst out laughing. Hyeri still in confusion, not knowing what really happened between these two weird girls.


Yumi came to the place again to meet Kino. She came a bit late from usual but Kino's not there. She waited for Kino until dusk.

"Where is him? " she asked herself. She kept looking around and wandering around the area.

Did he sick again? Did he fainted anywhere?

Yumi started being nervous. She scared that something bad would happen to Hyunggu.

"What are you doing here at this hour? " someone asked her from behind.

Yumi turned her body and saw Minho standing with both hands in his pockets. Minho looked at her weirdly.

"Ah, Minho. I just... " Yumi hesitantly answered him.

"Are you waiting for that guy from yesterday? " Minho guessed.

Yumi shrugged then bowed. She sat beside the river and stared at it. Minho also sat beside her.

"Who's that guy? " he asked.

"My friend, "

"Just friend? "

"Friend that made me fall in love with him in only several times meeting, "

Minho sighed after hearing Yumi's confession. He stood up.

"I met your dad just now and he asked me to search for you," he said.

"Really? " Yumi snorted. "Okay, let's go, " she stood up.

They both walked home without saying anywords. Minho looked at Yumi's face and realized that's the most frustrating face Yumi ever made.


At the salon.

Kino walked passing by Wooseok who's trying a shirt at a mirror.

"Wow, that blonde hair suit you well, " Wooseok said.

"Yours much better, " Kino said then laughed loudly. It was so funny seeing Wooseok's hair. He shaved his hair then coloured it with green.

"Are you mocking my hair? " Wooseok clenched his teeth, watching Kino through the mirror.

"No, no.. I'm not, " Kino tried to breath after the bawling laugh.

"Your hair remind me to a tennis ball, " Hongseok suddenly appeared at the door. Kino continuously laughed.

"Hyung.. So mean! " Wooseok whined.

Kino laughed to death. He went outside the room after calmed himself down. Outside the room, he met Shinwon.

"Ah, Kino. Why are you here? " Shinwon asked him, blocking his way.

"I'm from that room," he pointed to the room he entered just now.

"Who's in there? "

"Wooseok, Hongseok-hyung and Jinho-hyung. Why? "

"Tell them that tomorrow we have a meeting for our music video concept with the director," Shinwon explained.

"Music video? Wow, " Kino's eyes almost popped out hearing it. He quickly ran to the room and told the members about it. He was so excited.


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