Stronger Then I've Ever Been

By Bella___XD__

230K 6.3K 1.7K

Street fighting is something Layla Fischer has been doing half of her life time to pay bills and provide for... More

Chapter 1- The New Kid
Chapter 2- That Dream
Chapter 3- Ms. Grumpy
Chapter 4- I'd Rather Make-Out With A Hairless Cat
Chapter 5- I'm Smokin' Hot
Chapter 6- Fight Gone Deadly
Chapter 7- Party Fighting
Chapter 8- Life Goes On
Chapter 9- Late Night Run
Chapter 10- 20 Questions
Chapter 11- Shoot Out
Chapter 12- Movie Time
Chapter 13- He's Lying
Chapter 14- Kind of the Truth
Chapter 15- Liar
Chapter 16- Pipsqueak
Chapter 17- Fighting Agian
Chapter 18- Family Talk
Chapter 19- Babysitting
Chapter 20- I'm Broken
Chapter 21- Bigger and More Viscuos
Chapter 22- Wolfy
Chapter 23- Welcome to your First High Speed Chase
Chapter 24- Tipsy
Chapter 25- Figments of my Memory
Chapter 26- Rivalry
Chapter 27- Warehouse
Chapter 28- Through a Bathroom Window
Chapter 29- Punishment
Chapter 30- The Cliff
Chapter 31- Caramel Frappuccino and Two Donuts
Chapter 32- The Phone Call
Chapter 33- Cliché
Chapter 34- Weird Looking Fruit Bowl Like Thing
Chapter 35- Ellie
Chapter 36- First Kiss
Chapter 37- Breakfast for Dinner
Chatpter 38- Shipped away
Chapter 39- Bug
Chapter 40- Cooking
Chapter 41- Ice Cream Parlor
Chapter 42- Calm
Chapter 43- Friends
Chapter 44- Sweetie Pie
Chapter 45- Why are you here?
Chapter 46- Halloween
Chapter 47- Beer Pong
Chapter 49- Detention
Chapter 50- Diego & Lizzie
Chapter 51- Up and Down
Chapter 52- A Little Drunk
Chapter 53- Making Amends
**Quick Authors Note**
Chapter 54- Pizza
Chapter 55- Lunch Room
Chapter 56- Broken Liquor
Chapter 57- Again
Chapter 58- Night
Chapter 59- Scars and Wounds
Chapter 60- Take Me Back
Chapter 61- Groceries
Chapter 62- Just my Luck
Chapter 63- The Club
Chapter 64- Leaving
Chapter 65- Reliving
Chapter 66- Doctors Office
Chapter 67
Chapter 68

Chapter 48- Tipsy

2K 63 29
By Bella___XD__

I pretend to think about my answer already knowing I'm going to just down another cup but when I glance at Bo something in his eyes tells me to risk it. I fight the urge to saying yes but the memories and scars on my body flood my mind. Without answering, I grab my cup filled with distasteful beer and down the whole thing in a few seconds.

"Come on Layla you have nothing to be ashamed of," Bo comments.

"It's not that."

"Then what is it?" He asks concerned.

"Something I'm not currently comfortable sharing." I reply.

He nods his head as if understanding what I'm saying but I can only imagine what is running through his head. A lot of people's thoughts at first is usually I cut and I don't want to show my scars. Sadly it's not that. It honestly would make thing so much less complicating.

I grab another ping pong ball and of course completely miss. Bo and I continue to play and we do some stupid stuff like being dared to act absolutely high in front of some random person. It was actually pretty funny. I also got to know a little bit more about Bo and I'll admit maybe a little to much.

Finally, Bo has three cups left with only two dares and I have two cups with one dare left. Bo is currently drenched in beer after the last dare and keeps on complaining about being stick and soggy. While I'm doing almost perfectly fine besides the fact that I have sharpie on my face. I can only imagine what Bo drew on my face but I couldn't care less right now as I'm to drunk.

It is also Bo's turn again and of course he makes it easily into the cup with my last dare. I pick up the dare and read out loud to him.

"Give your partner a lap dance," I slur a little bit but as soon as it registers in my mind I start to laugh.

Bo must of found a chair that was near by, while I was laughing, because once I could control myself he was sitting in one of those uncomfortable fold up metal chairs. Without thinking I pretend to act as seductively as I can and walk over to him. Then I start to grind myself on him while touching my hair and glancing at him once in awhile.

I'm the middle of my dance someone clears their throat so I look up. I blush at the realization that someone caught me giving Bo a lap dance. The face in front of me doesn't register, since I'm to tipsy.

"I'm guessing you're enjoying the party then," the person laughs but it seems to come out bit bitter.

From my hazy sight I see Bo clench his jaw and moves me to stand, "Fuck off."

"I would gladly fuck your girlfriend," the person laughs again.

I feel my face get even redder as I act like I'm not listening to their conversation.

"Why such the mad look?" The person jokes.

"I would be willing to slit your throat right now if I didn't have any consequences," Bo says through gritted teeth.

The guy goes serious for a second, "Go fucking ahead."

Bo tenses for a second but gets up then walks away leaving me behind with this person that I'm having a hard time recognizing. I try squinting my eyes to figure out who he is but it just makes my vision worse.

"What are you looking at pipsqueak?" the guy snaps at me.

I recognize that nickname... but who says that. I stand there thinking my face blank while I try my hardest to remember who calls me pipsqueak. I end up just making a headache come out of nowhere so I hold my head in hopes that it will help. Of course though it doesn't subside the pain.

"Are you okay?" the guy slurs a little.

I just now realize whoever Bo was talking to is probably just as or more drunk then me. I nod my head not wanting to say anything in fear it will make the headache worse.

The guy starts to talk again but all I hear is a white noise. My vision slowly turns dark as I feel my body fall to the ground but I don't feel myself hit the ground since I pass out.


I wake up gasping again and I feel some tears left over on my face after another one of my horrid nightmares. It takes me awhile to realize that I'm not in my house. I look around the room and it's a very basic black and white modern bedroom with a walk-in closet and a attached bathroom. I'm still wearing my costume from yesterday and it's so uncomfortable I have no clue how I even was able to sleep in it. I move the covers off of me and as soon as I sit up my head starts to ache. I lay back down and take a few deep breaths.

Once the pain subsides I attempt to get up again but the pain just comes back. I try my best to ignore the pain but I look at the bedside table and see some water with aspirin.

I silently thank the person who set this here and take it. Also, my phone is sitting on the table so I pick it up to see if I have any messages. Right away I notice a bunch of missed calls and texts from Bo. I don't respond to him because I don't even know where I am and I don't want to worry him though he probably is already worried.

I get up once the medicine has kicked in a little bit and make my way to the bedroom door. I open the door and peel out the door just to see a empty hallway.

I don't know what I expected when I looked out there.

Carefully I walk out of the room and into the hallway. Then, I make my way to some stairs at the end of the hallway. Once I'm downstairs I recognize the place instantly. It's Masons house.

I don't remember how I got here but I here some noise. I cautiously walk towards the noise and I peep around the corner to see his kitchen. Of course standing right by the oven may I add shirtless is Mason himself. He is sporting all of his tattoos and I can't help but check him out a little bit.

Wait... what am I doing. I have a boyfriend and Mason is a dick. What has gotten into me lately?

I start to turn around to go back upstairs and tell Bo where I am but to my luck I run into a table that I hadn't seen. Something falls and breaks on the floor while I go down with the table.

"Shit," I get up and feel something wet dripping from my forehead.

I touch it and wince a little when I touch it then look at my fingers to reveal blood, "Layla?!"

Mason runs up to me and inspects the cut on my head carefully. He gets up and goes somewhere and I don't think much of it. So, I start to get up carefully, so I don't cut myself again, and make my way back up to the room I was in.

"Layla what the fuck are you doing?" Mason yells at me as he runs towards me to stop me from continuing my ascend of the stairs.

Mason literally picks me up off the stairs and sits me down on a chair in the kitchen where he has a medical kit there already. He takes out the antiseptic and some bandages. He starts to clean up the cut while I sit there awkwardly.

I wince when he cleans the wound with the antiseptic, "Why do you continuously get hurt?"

I shrug my shoulders.

We sit in silence for a few more seconds, "So your not gonna thank me when your boyfriend ditched you when you were black out drunk?"


Mason sighs and finally finished bandaging the cut on my head. He gets up and walks away to put the medical kit away but when he returns he ignores me and goes back to cooking. I walk out of the kitchen and I see the mess I made. I have a mental debate if I should leave it there or clean it up. Finally I groan and make my way back into the kitchen to ask Mason where the clean up supplies is. At some point he had already taken out the supplies and had finished the breakfast with two plates set on the counter. I grab a trash bag and go and pick up the mess of glass on the floor carefully. Luckily, it doesn't take long to pick up and I'm finished it just a few minutes.

I put the trash bag back in the kitchen since I don't know where the garbage is. Then, I go and fix the table that knocked over. Luckily it didn't get any damage or dents in it. Finally, I make my way back up to the bedroom I was staying in so I could grab my phone then leave. I make my way back down stairs while Mason has one of the plates of food in his lap while he eats on the sofa.

"Your food is in the kitchen and when you finish eating I can drop you off to your place," he tells me without looking up from his plate of food.

I don't answer him but make my way to the kitchen to eat my food in there. The food is so delicious and in a way replenishing. I quickly eat my food and about at the same time mason finished so we make our way to his gigantic garage to pick out a car to drive me home in.

It's so absolutely bizarre how many cars one person can own. Also, to think how many different type of cars there actually is in the world is insane and your lucky if you find somebody with the same car as you since it's something that happens once in a blood moon.

Once Mason chooses what car he wants to drive we leave to my house. The ride is completely silent but I decide to break it.

"Thanks for the food by the way it was surprisingly delicious," I praise him slightly.

"Mhm," is all he replies which I roll my eyes to.

Mason doesn't attempt to continue a conversation so I just sit there silently. I check out the car a little bit with it's huge screen on the front console. It has so many different buttons you'd think we are in a spaceship. It even has internet so you could search stuff if you wanted to. I didn't even know that was a thing mainly because you'd think they wouldn't want you exploring the internet while driving. Then again this car can drive it's self too.

Luckily, the silent car ride doesn't take to long and we make it to my house in no time. I again thank Mason but for the ride in which he just responds with a whatever then drives away. So, I quickly get inside my house and prepare myself to call Bo.


First off... you guys can throw me out of a window for not updating. I'm incredibly sorry for not updating it's just the end of the school year is in about a month and I'm trying to catch up on school work. Also, my AP Chem test thing was last week and I have been stressing over that. So my schedule is pretty busy but I'm trying my best.

Secondly, I am baffled... I hit... 50k+ reads...! (Actually it's 57k+ but still...)

Oh... my... cheesy crisp!!!!

I'm so happy that I could cry right now but I'm not going to because I was currently in class while writing this and that would be weird. Seriously though guys I am so speechless and appreciative of all you guys right now. When I started writing this story I only dreamed about getting at most 100 reads but I'm half way to 100k... which is unbelievable. I've never thought very much that I'm a good writer but you guys have changed my perspective a little bit and I'm forever grateful for that. Seriously thank you thank you THANK YOU!

Now for 100k reads... how long will it take?

I'm just joking. 50k is plenty and if I do hit 100k I'm going to have a cry party. I'll let some of y'all join if you want.

Anyway I hope you're still enjoying my mediocre book. I'll try to get back to updating consistently as soon as possible but I do have finals and other test plus my AP test that I'm still trying to process so... no promises.

I'll hopefully see y'all in the next chapter! Bye byeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


(*Quick Side Note* Should I do a face reveal or wait until possibly 100k... let me know)

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