The Vampiress Debutante

By allurasrs

2.7K 143 13

Everwood is a regal kingdom, renown for its gorgeous and talented aristocracy. The royal family embodying gra... More

Before the Beginning
A Ball You Say? ~ 1
The Winter Woods ~ 2
The Court ~ 3
The Prince ~ 4
The Ball ~ 5
The Announcement ~ 7
Combat Week ~ 8
The Chase ~ Chapter 9
A Night To Remember ~ Chapter 10
The Trial ~ 11
The Duel ~ 12
Hostage ~ 13

The Opening Exam ~ 6

167 9 0
By allurasrs

It's finally here. : )


I discard my wet towel, and look towards my bed. Finally, I could wear my green dress! I walk towards where I had placed the faerie-made dress, and let out a gasp. That is not my dress.

Placed on my bed is a low cut dress with a v-neck. Madisón! I pick up the dress and see the same flowers and vines wrapped around the bodice. It was the same dress, just more scandalous.

Screw it.


My hair curls around my finger as I wait for Madisón and Charlotte. The oak, grandfather clock in the corner of my bedroom chimes. 18:00.

As if she planned it all along, a loud knock resonates through my room. I grab my now 7 inch green pumps, with a scarlet bottom and slip them on.

"Hurry up, Cinderella! We don't have all day." Madisón's voice cuts through the door.

I walk to the door, and pull on the brass handle. Oh. My. God.

Madisón's dress barely reached her thighs, it's red and black lace constantly shifting upwards. Charlotte's light blue dress covers everything, even her neck. She would look like a nun if it weren't for the 7-inch blue pumps she wore. Now that I think about it, even Madisón is wearing 7 inch pumps.

Charlotte gasps.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry Ebony! I didn't mean for the dress to be that short!"

I raise my eyebrows. She's the one that did this to my dress?

"Don't worry. At least it's not as short as Madisón's."

Madisón rolls her eyes, and grabs both our arms.

"Enough silent judgement from you, we have a ball to crash."

"Actually we're not crashing the ball, we were invited-

"Did I ask Charlotte?"


"Now presenting-"

"We don't need you to call our names junior-"

"All eyes will be on us soon enough," I finish.

Madisón lets out a hearty laugh.

"If you keep doing that, people will start thinking you're the heartless one."

The great oak doors wrapped in iron open, releasing perfumed air into the hallway. I look around the ballroom, and see court ladies and men dressed in overly, erm, embellished dresses and tailcoats.

I look towards the chocolate fountain and see the three blond bimbos sipping champagne from crystal flutes.

"Targets found. Locked on," I hear Madisón say. She's looking towards the chocolate fountain, glaring at the three blond bimbos.

We make our way down the never-ending stairs. Madisón's eyes bear into the kings, and she smiles flirtatiously. The king licks his lips before being pinched by the queen, who's looking at Madisón with disdain.

I feel a pair of eyes on me and look up. Damien. His sapphire eyes gleam with something like lust. I tear my eyes away, and hurry down the rest of the stairs. He couldn't have been looking at me, right?

We make it to the chocolate table, and Charlotte goes ahead to grab a cup of water. I turn around and see Madisón looking at the king... again.

"His name is King Blanć."

Madisón raises her eyebrows.

"King Blanć... so he's white?"

I open my mouth to answer, but am cut off by a scream. That sounds a lot like Charlotte. We run to over to the other side of the chocolate table and see Charlotte's hands over her mouth. The leader of the three, blond bimbos, Hazél, is bent over.

"How dare you, you-you bitch!"

Charlotte stutters,"I'm so s-sorry! I didn't mean to s-step on your foot!"

Hazél splashes her champagne onto Charlotte's light blue dress.


I clamp my hand over Madisón's mouth.

"Hush. Be silent and watch."

Charlotte's face turns down into a frown as she regards her now wet dress.

"I'm so s-sorry. I didn't mean to s-spill my drink on you!" Hazél mimics Charlotte's earlier apology, and walks away.

Charlotte mutters a few words, and a light flashes from her spot next to the table. The light clears away, and Madisón gasps.

Instead of a light blue dress, Charlotte now wore a black dress, its end reaching her ankle instead of the ground. The dress has lace sleeves and a lace collar, making her look like a goth.

I laugh.

"Now we look like an emo Yuletide family."

Madisón comments.

"Black? Seriously? We're vampires, not witches."

"Heeeey, I was going to say that. Bitch."

Madisón adds. Before I'm able to respond, the king clears his voice.

"Good evening, ladies and lords. It is time for the Opening Ceremony to commence. Ladies, please make a line in front of the royal dais."

Madisón runs towards the king and curtsies.

"Your Majesty, might I say how dashing you look tonight," she whispers, her voice husky. My ears pick up the kings accelerated heartbeat, so low only I could hear. Well, Madisón is in a deep pile of shit now.

"Hello, darling. Would you please set up?"

Madisón rises up, and saunters away. Shooting me a wink. My ears perk up as I hear the queen whine.

"I dislike her Blanć dear, she's a- a whore!"

The king chuckles.

"She seems very entertaining. I'm sure she's very useful-"

"At least the other girls have a sense of style, especially that Charlotte girl, very modest."

Madisón clears her throat, and gestures to a wide array of toads. She had asked me for them when we were making our way to the ball earlier, and I immediately summoned some. What was she going to do?

"For my demonstration, I am going to provide some quality music for what I hope is a very long night," she finishes, looking at the king.

Psst, you should play the song now. 

A steady beat begins to play, and Madisón begins to dance. The music seems to be coming from the frogs, a low female voice streaming through one with pink lipstick.

The lights begin to dim, and people start to fill the wooden dance floor.

Charlotte runs towards Madisón, looking shocked. She probably has no idea what to do. Madisón takes her arm and begins to dance with her.

I wait on the sidelines, as much as I want to dance, I don't wish to be labeled just yet.

The song seems to go on forever, before a low, masculine voice whispers in my ear.

"Aren't you going to dance?"

I turn around to see Prince Damien with his arms crossed across his chest. His black tux sticking to his muscled torso.


Damien chuckles, "Your loss."

He makes his way to Madisón and Charlotte and grinds on them. That bastard.

I bunch my hand into a fist and start to walk towards him when an arm wraps around my waist.

"Guess who."


Hiya guys. I hope you all like this extremely late chapter, I'm currently studying for finals and will be updating soon. I wonder who's crashed the ball, any guesses?

I'll write you guys later, see ya!

-MagicallyMental ;)

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