(COMPLETED)The Storm is Here...

MicMalHamilton द्वारा

262K 3.4K 1.4K

(Y/N) of House (L/N) is one of the most powerful beings in the world. However, after the death of Ned, (Y/N)... अधिक

Bio & Harem.
Prolouge: part one
Prolouge: part two.
Chapter one: Snow and Sweat
Chapter Two: A Heartfelt Reunion
Chapter Three: Wildfire
Chapter Four: Seeing the Queen
Chapter Five: Dragonglass (short)
Chapter Six: White Walkers
Chapter Seven: King's Landing
Chapter Nine: Knighted
Chapter Ten: The Night King
Chapter Eleven: A Proper Farewell
Chapter Twelve: Burn them all
Chapter Thirteen: Throne of gold

Chapter Eight: Back at Winterfell

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MicMalHamilton द्वारा

The hooves of the horse clicked onto the Winterfell ground. The northerners looked at me in a respectuful manner. They nodded their heads or even bowed to me. I wasn't surprised. They trusted me with their lives.

Feeling eyes on the side of my head i turned to meet them. My mysterious (E/C) eye saw the calculating warm brown ones. The womans eye widened in recognition prompting me to think about this woman as well. Where have i seen her before ?

Then it hit me. This was Arya Stark. She was grown now with a sword and everything. Beautiful as well.

A horrible screech entered my ears and i turned to Daenerys. Her saucy smirk gave me all the answers. Drogon and Rhagel flew by causing the towns folk of Winterfell to run in a frenzy. I smiled in excitement and humor. Of course the fear of the people wasn't funny. However, i still couldn't hold the light amusement i had erupting from my stomach. An idea crossed my mind and i swun off my horse. Confusing Daeny and everyone else around us.

"I'll be back," i said grinning. I called Stormbreaker to me and lifted off into the air. My flying causing the bystanders to gape in amazement. Good. I admit i can be a bit of a showoff but it was fun.

I flew after the dragons laughing all the way. Circling Daeny's children as if they were my own. Laughing and cheering all the same. I looked down and noticed people looking at me as if i were a mad man. Their eyes showed immense wonder and curiosity as to my abilities. To be honest i never knew the extent to them. Maybe i should ask Colin ?

As i flew, i passed by Sansa. A real beauty. My little flower. She was gorgeous. Her srunning icy blue eyes calculating into my own. Howeber her eyes widened for a bit confusing me. It was then i realized....she didn't know i lost my eye.

Suddenly, a wave of grief washed over me. Would me losing my eye change things that drastically in our relationship ?

As i continued to fly i noticed campsites a little outside of Winterfell. Noticing the Asgardian sigil, i had a proud smile crossover my face. The Night King has trouble for him now. Of course, it was going to be me delivering the final blow.

I drifted down onto the ground with a a smack. Dirt rising and falling from the impact. I looked around realizing i landed in the courtyard. Bran, Sansa, Lady Mormont and others were lined up toward facing the entrance. Colin and Blacksmith stood there as well.

Colin had a worried look on his face. I couldn't see the Blacksmith's reaction since a black thick helmet covered his features. Turning my eye from them i turned to meet Bran's expressionless face. He sat there staring into my soul giving me an unwavering look. It was as if he knew everything and anything about me. His brown pools swirled with knowledge and power.

"Hello Bran," i said to him. I towered over him as he still gave me that unblinking stare.

"Hello Your grace," Bran said. Confusing me. Your grace ? Nobody calls me that. Not even my asgardian people. I tell them not too since i didn't like that but only Asgardian people refrenced me as that since i was THEIR king. Why would Bran call me that ? I'm not his king. Nodding my head in a stunned motion i turned towards Colin, and couldn't help but snark about a certain Littlefinger.

"You're missing a Littlefinger," i snarked.

"And you're missing an eye," he replied.

I glared at him before smiling. Mirth growing out of these dark times. A smile slowly planted itself across his face as well. We laughed together and i grabbed him into a bear hug. Practically squeezing this man to death.

"How are you my friend ?," i asked.

"Decent," he replied.

My brows furrowed in speculation before turning to the blacksmith. I nodded at him and he nodded in return. He didn't like hugs and i understood that.

"The Armies are here as you commanded," he said.

"Thank you."

I turned to meet Brans eyes once more but turned to Sansa's after a short bit. Daenerys was in front of them speaking to Sansa but it quickly turned into a bitter affair. Sansa's cold gaze melted right through Daenerys attempts to ease into her heart.

"We don't have time for all this," Bran suddenly interrupts, "The Night King has your dragon. He's one of them. The wall has fallen. The dead march south." While Bran said this he gave Daenerys an unblinking emotionless stare.

I looked toward Sansa who gave me a glowing look back. Putting my love for her aside i gave her a questioning look about Bran.

His words rang in my head like church bells. The wall has fallen. The dead march south. It was obvious the Night King has gotten stronger.

This was not going to be an easy task.


I sat in the great hall. Right next to Sansa, while Daenerys had Jon in between me and her. She gave me a longing look.

Lord Umber, a small boy no older than 12 namedays, was told to bring his men to Winterfell immediately. However an argument sparked after he left.

"We need to send ravens to the nights watch as well. There's no sense in manning the castles anymore," Jon said.

"At once your grace."

"Your grace ?," Lady Mormont said mockingly.


Jon looked at her questioningly before the young lady stood up and continued her speech.

"But your not are you ?," she asked. "You left Winterfell a King and came back...im not sure what you are now. A lord ? Nothing at all."

I noticed Jon look down in an almost embarrassed manner. Tyrion loomed down in frustration or annoyance. But also in thought on how to convince the North. I was thinking the same thing.

"It doesn't matter," Jon murmured.

"Doesn't matter ? We named you KING IN THE NORTH," Lyanna said. The men cheered and nodded in agreement to what she stated.

"You did my lady, it was the honor of my life. I'll be forever grateful," Jon said. He stood up his chair creaking under him.

"When i left Winterfell,i told you we need allies or we would die. And i brought those allies home, to fight alongside us. I had a choice. To keep my crown or protect the north. I chose the north." He speeched.

The Lords and Ladies in the room grumbled. I couldn't help but let the irritated nature grow upon my soul. These northern folk would really get themselves killed because of their pride. I couldn't take this. I stood up causing the murmuring to cease into nothing but silence.

"People of the north...i need to say this. Are you all so stubborn and arrogant to refuse help in this fight ? Against an undead army ? In which you had no weapons, not enough numbers and no time left. Queen Daenerys and i brought armies. Weapons of destruction. Yet, you all still sit here with your head far up your arses to even care about the fate of the world."

The Lords and Ladies all were as silent as a mouse. Good. They needed to listen. However, i wasn't finished with my speech.

"I ask you now....why ? Why would i bring my armies to fight for the North when me and Daeny can just bring our armies back to our homes and ensure OUR safety....all i can do is call upon the bifrost and take my armies back home....so either be grateful that your KING Jon Snow gathered these allies...or prepare your death by tommorow night."

I strode out of the council meeting with everyone's eyes on my back. My words reeling in everyones head like a folkstale. That's when everyone realised that unity mattered in this obstacle. Unity must be their triumph. Or the dead will capture them all.


I was with the Blacksmith and a yound bastard named Gendry. We were all making weapons for the ones who needed it. Gendry and his team helped with making the dragonglass into impeccable weapons. Of course, us Asgardians were making Asgardian Steel weapons infused with Dragon glass. Just incase the Asgardian steel had no effect.

I slammed a freshly made sword in the cool water. Causing steam to escape from the liquid. The hit mist spread across my bidy and beads of sweat had rolled down my figure. I stepped up to the blacksmith and presented him my sword.

Blacksmith grabbed the sword and clashed it against metal. The sword ringed but overall stood where it was. Intact but not perfect.

"Aye this one shall do," Blacksmith boomed "Could be better though."

I rolled my eyes. Not even using my energy to respond. However, as i turned around i almost ran into the body of Arya Stark. The young girl nearly scared me with her sudden presence. I breathed a little bit while staring at this girl intensely. She gave me the same haunted look as mine and i couldn't help but grin. 

"Your a fighter...im proud," i said.

"And your a king," Arya reponded icily.

"It's good to see you Arya," i said. I landed my hand on her shoulder before she swatted it away. Walking toward Gendry and the Hound. Though, she couldn't supress the smile that crossed her face.

"Stark women i swear," i muttered with a vigor.

"(Y/N)," i heard someone say. I turned around and saw no one. I looked down to see the smartest man in Westeros, Tyrion Lannister.

"The Queen asks for your presence."

I land with a powerful boom shaking the earth beneath me. Rocks landed onto the ground and broke into small fragments of what they used to be.

I stood up straight to see Daenerys looking at me with her two dragons following suit.

"Why good evening my queen," i mock bowed. She rolled her eyes and stepped up to me. Her arms slowly rested around me once she reached me. She looked up at me, biting her lip with a smile on her face. Her face flushed from the cold wind grazing her pale white skin. Her long platinum blonde hair braided for the northern cause. Despite everything that was going on this was the moment where she looked absolutely over the moon.

I couldn't resist leaning in and resting my lips upon her warm ones. Our eyes closed almost at once from the sensational feeling and i pulled her body closer to mine. The hot kiss was parried by the snow and cool breeze through the skies.

I turned my head a bit and my eyes landed on a cave. The cave was formed with the hill ontop. It looked to be about secret. Daenerys noticed the attention away from her and turned. The Dragong Queen noticed the cave there, i couldn't tell if she knew that it was there or had a genuine surprised look.

"It is freezing out...why don't we warm up...just a bit," Daenerys muttured huskily. Her hands slowly caressed my body until the belt was a prime subject. I grabbed her hand, which was protected from the cold by a red glove. We walked to the cave in a strange lustful silence.


I knocked on the wooden door. The noise echoing down the hall. The door slowly swung open to reveal Sansa Stark. I smiled at her and she gave a small smile back. I know shes been through alot so i dont expect her to be filled with joy from the past.

"Can i come in ?," i asked.

"Do you even have to question ?," she responded. A chuckle escaped from my throat before she stepped aside and let me into her cozy room. Of course, it had to be the best room here.

I sat on her bed as she closed the door and turned toward me. Of course, there were other things at hand then doing this. Nevertheless, i missed Sansa and i loved her alot with all my heart.

"Sansa i-"

"I know you are with the Queen as well (Y/N)," she said. I paused. I didn't know what to say. How was i supposed to explain why i was with her and Daeny. To explain that i went into the afterlife and all of her family members told me what to do.

"How ?," i asked.

"You called her Daeny in the middle of your speech. While everyone else calls her My Queen or Your grace. If shes not looking at her people she's looking at you...with...the same look i give you," Sansa explained coldly.

"Sansa i can explain," i started, however the lady interrupted me.

"Explain what ? You betrayed me."

"No i didn't"

"Then what would you call it ?"

"Doing what i have to do"


With that i explained everything to her. From what i saw in the coma to the people I'm supposed to be with, saving Margaery and putting her in Asgard. Where Melisandre rests as well.

After the discussion, Sansa stood and walked to the door. I thought she was going to kick me out but instead she decided to lock it. Oddly, she turned around with a very weird look in her eye.

"So if your supposed to have all these wives....including my sister...i need to teach you something," Sansa said.

"What's that ?," i asked surprised. She was taking this extremely well.

"Why i'm the best," Sansa said. She started disrobing while not losing eye contact with me. I couldn't help but wonder what's going on in her head.

___________Sansa's Mind____________

Truth was, i already knew (Y/N) was supposed to marry multiple girls. When i reunited with Bran,he told me what happened and what he was supposed to do. I already dealt with this while he was away. I was angry, sad, and envious that i wouldn't be the only one. However, i realized that out of all the girls, i am the smartest one. Maybe I'm not the most powerful and maybe I'm not the one with assassin skills but i did take Winterfell. I did outsmart Littlefinger. So i realized i have my own qualities that (Y/N) loves me for. Then a thought came to me.

(A small lemon warning)

(Y/N)'s pov

I held my dick in my hand, ready to slowly enter it into her warm walls as she lied naked under me. Rasping for air. Her face flushed and her hair a wet mess.

"I love you," she moaned.

"W-What ?," i stammered.

"I said i love you...i know i don't say it alot but i want you to know i can't dream of living without you...i love you...i want to bare your child...so fuck me...let the wolf howl into the night. "

Her fingers grazed my strapless eyepatch and slowly pulled it off to reveal my scarred eye. I wad hesitant to even continue with what we were doing. Before she continued to look into the hideous reminder of the Night King.

"I want to look into your eyes tonight. I don't care what happened to your eye. All of you is perfect to me."

I grinned. Happiness overwhelming me about what she just revealed. I intended to give her a...long night indeed.



It was morning in Winterfell. The people bustled about making weapons or making sure our food were well stocked. Their defenses were good and well. Their people began training with Knights and the like. Making sure they weren't complwtely defenseless when holding a weapon. Nevertheless, the asgardians were just resting. The sat around fires and told stories or drank ale in these dark times. A select few still trained though the Winterfell soldiers nor the unsullied proved a match for them. The Dothraki tribe for some odd reason didn't choose to train with the Asgardians. Something about against Khalessi's judgement.

Now, as i stood outside on the balcony i couldn't help but think of the war to come. Winter is here. I wasn't going to let the Night King escape the long night without my Stormbreaker giving him punishment.

My mind drifted towards my dragon Daenerys. Of course, now that Sansa knew i had to tell Daenerys. Although, something in my gut told me she wouldn't take this lightly. I don't even think now is the time to tell her.

As my eyes landed on the entrance in my daydream state, i noticed a figure in a black cloak slowly hop off of his stead. After he pulled the hood back, i couldn't hold the groan of annoyance that escaped. It had to be him.

Jaime Fucking Lannister.

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